New Production Stills & Audio Puzzle

Started by ikarop, May 02, 2012, 01:04:03 PM

New Production Stills & Audio Puzzle (Read 54,766 times)


Quote from: ucdom on May 03, 2012, 01:45:54 PM
Quote from: EGM1966 on May 03, 2012, 01:43:36 PM
Quote from: ucdom on May 03, 2012, 01:31:06 PM
Quote from: EGM1966 on May 03, 2012, 01:13:14 PM
Quote from: Qwertify on May 03, 2012, 12:44:01 PM
Quote from: EGM1966 on May 03, 2012, 12:11:48 PM
Nasty.  From what's been released I'm going with Milburn get's his arm broken, then Fifield get's his suit sprayed with some acid (curious how this mutates him though - unless he gets something else on him) and while he's occupied with that the worm thing really goes to town on poor Milburn.  The others come running of course and find dead Milburn (with a little surprise in his mouth) plus a wounded Fifield.

What makes it worse is the slow but steady progress of chaos.  From the characters bantering a bit about the thing, then growing worry that it won't let go to the sounds of bones breaking.

Also, unless very carefully cut to reveal little, there is no way that's anything but an R is US going by the duration and intensity of the scene.

One thing though, how does Holloway get infected and how is it low key enough for Shaw to sleep with him afterwards?  Some stuff shows him with bubbling skin and looking pretty altered right away as they help him hobble back to the ship while other shots imply a very slow process that's not apparent - the shot of his eye with the little worm thing - which implies a period of time when he might know he's not quite right but no one else knows.

While the trailers, etc. seem to reveal a bit there's clearly a lot unknown about the sequence of events once they land and explore.

But those sounds!  Very nasty sequence.  Probably only intended as an initial taster too - showing how dangerous even a smaller creature in this environment is.

Most likely Shaw sleeps with an infected Holloway, and that is how she is infected herself. We do not know that for sure however.
Also - Holloway could have potentially infected himself - in pursuit of becoming a God, or an Engineer. Marshall-Green describes his character as someone who leaps before he looks, and takes things to the extreme. In his dialogue with David, he asks him what he would be willing to do to get what he came looking for (described by the writers as someone who wants to stand next to his creators). He replies, "Anything and everything." Taking this all into consideration - he could infect himself with David's help.

Other than that - yeah Milburn and Fifield sure get messed up in this encounter. I am curious to know at exactly which point in the movie this happens. It appears that the go to the ship at least two or three time. If they realize how hostile the aliens are - what makes them stick around? My best guess, if this were true, would be that they bring back a bunch of things from the ship, and never plan to return, save for analytical purposes. The figure if they don't go back - they are safe in a sense, from whatever attack Fifield and Milburn.

Yeah I'm now wondering something similar.  I'm thinking there is a trip where nothing happens and they bring back the Jocky Head and an Urn.  I say this as there seem to be scenes implying most scientists around at that point.  I think Holloway get's infected around here - that little blob David balances on his fingertip and their scene together...

Then they go back and delve deeper into the ruins and Milburn and Fifield discovery the room with the broken urns and stuff running loose and get trashed.  I'm thinking that during that visit Holloway's infection erupts or is somehow accelerated hence the shots of him in his suit with his skin bubbling.  After that scene he's brought back and we know then he looks changed and Vickers doesn't want him on the ship.

Spot on. I think there may be three trips out. There are certainly two returns to the Prometheus - one in which there is a storm chasing them, and another where there is evidently no storm in the background and they are greeted by Vickers with a flame-thrower. In both of those trips Shaw returns to the Prometheus, and yet we see a time when she is trying to escape the launch of the juggernaut, so she must have gone out a third time.

My opinion is that trip 1 is pretty innocuous. They explore parts of the temple, bring back the Jockey head and an urn. You then see them study these items aboard the ship. Holloway may have become infected without realising it, but sees a weird thing in his eye after this first outing. This is the trip where a storm chases them on the way back.
Trip 2 is where things get messy - they go back after the storm and encounter some nasties, Milburn gets eaten from the inside out and Fifield is horribly acid burned.  The team returns in a shambles to the Prometheus but Vickers tries to keep them out.
In the possible 3rd trip they find and enter the juggernaut. David finds the map room and the jockey holograms, and they begin to learn what's happened. But this maybe triggers the thing to launch.

And this is before the 3rd act I reckon!!
Sounds reasonable, although I'm wondering if your description of the third trip wouldn't take place during the second?  I get the feelling from the shots of the hologram that you'll have David, Shaw, etc. explore the control room initially but be drawn away when Milburn and Fifield get into trouble.  The shot of him entering the control room with the others seems too relaxed to be that late in the film and after some deaths.

Yes, good point.

I do think that Shaw, who returns to the Prometheus from two trips out then has to go back so that she's in position over the juggernaut when it launches.

I am assuming that she goes out there to stop the engineers, because she is on to what they are up to (kill earthlings one way or another). Prometheus goes up to go home, so Shaw takes the lifeboat down to the surface. Then as she tries to get to the alien structure, the alien bay doors open up below and she has to run around them. The ship rises and a debate arises as to what to do. Vickers says:"Take us home!"
Then Shaw, outside the ship radios in "If you don't stop it, there won't be any home to go back to!"
Captain Janek decides to do the right thing and kamikaze the ship into the Juggernaut. Vickers frantically runs to the escape pods. Both her and Shaw are on the surface when the Juggernaut falls to the ground. They run for their lives.

What happens next?

Let the ridiculously long quote text boxes begin!!

Winkie Bear

lol - wish I could figure out how to do selective quotes... oh well.

There are two other events we need to account for - Shaw's "surgery" and her encounter with one of the alien beings (I'm not going anywhere near the mutated crewmember idea).

I see the surgery occurring after the second trip. Later she takes RTO1 (scene in trailers where she agressively reverses) and heads out again. But the ground opens up to allow the juggernaut to take off and she gets out. Prometheus takes off, Vickers escapes and the ships collide.
Now, the encounter with the alien being either occurs before the Prometheus takes off (why has this creature come aboard?) or it occurs in the wrecked lifeboat after the juggernaut crash - he comes after the folks who pranged his shiny spaceship.
I don't know either way. I think we need to have a climactic third act on the planet involving Shaw and Vickers and a possible survivor of the juggernaut crash, none of which has been seen in the trailers.


Quote from: ucdom on May 03, 2012, 02:21:11 PM
lol - wish I could figure out how to do selective quotes... oh well.

You manually edit the text as you're responding. You can also click "insert quote" when you're posting a reply. :)

Quote from: ucdom on May 03, 2012, 02:21:11 PM
I don't know either way. I think we need to have a climactic third act on the planet involving Shaw and Vickers and a possible survivor of the juggernaut crash, none of which has been seen in the trailers.

We do know that the last bunch of minutes of the film were not given to the editors of the trailers. So the climax is completely unspoiled.


Quote from: OpenMaw on May 03, 2012, 02:25:53 PM

We do know that the last bunch of minutes of the film were not given to the editors of the trailers. So the climax is completely unspoiled.


What I would give to see those last few minutes.   :'( It hurst sometimes not knowing.



Quote from: Qwertify on May 03, 2012, 02:40:28 PM
Quote from: OpenMaw on May 03, 2012, 02:25:53 PM

We do know that the last bunch of minutes of the film were not given to the editors of the trailers. So the climax is completely unspoiled.


What I would give to see those last few minutes.   :'( It hurst sometimes not knowing.

you love it to be spoiled?  ???

after hearing this audiopost i guess, this movie belongs maybe to the horror-genre.


Yes, good point.

I do think that Shaw, who returns to the Prometheus from two trips out then has to go back so that she's in position over the juggernaut when it launches.

I am assuming that she goes out there to stop the engineers, because she is on to what they are up to (kill earthlings one way or another). Prometheus goes up to go home, so Shaw takes the lifeboat down to the surface. Then as she tries to get to the alien structure, the alien bay doors open up below and she has to run around them. The ship rises and a debate arises as to what to do. Vickers says:"Take us home!"
Then Shaw, outside the ship radios in "If you don't stop it, there won't be any home to go back to!"
Captain Janek decides to do the right thing and kamikaze the ship into the Juggernaut. Vickers frantically runs to the escape pods. Both her and Shaw are on the surface when the Juggernaut falls to the ground. They run for their lives.

What happens next?

Let the ridiculously long quote text boxes begin!!
That sounds like a good flow.  Seems to me there are two escapes from the Prometheus - the shuttle craft seen in trailers plus the smaller pod Vickers ejects in - looks like close to last minute possible before collision.  Or am I mixing the two up?

Also - cut out the trail - it was getting long!   :)



Regarding the Fifield/Milburn & Cobra scene....

The only piece of dialogue we've heard from Milburn "errr come in Prometheus" is spoken in Rafe Spall's natural British accent in Featurette 2. We've already heard Sean Harris, whose is the American accent in the audio puzzle? It may just be a mess up from Spall but the character getting the squeeze definitely doesn't like Spall's usual voice.


What bothers me about these creatures is, and I'm hoping this is not what is happening, but, the fact that the makers of this film will have you believe that these snake aliens are running around or hibernating in corpses or whatever for who the hell knows how long? I mean the thing has to eat, right? It is eating the crew members, right?

But, I guess if they were engineered to not to need to consume, food, so to speak. Then that could maybe work, with them only needing to absorb the nutrients out of the air like bacteria or VIRUS, or some stuff like that. Because a virus can sustain its self for long periods of time without a host, correct?

Damn, I just answered my own question.. Lol.


Who says they're a virus? I don't think we know what they are yet aside from as yet to be determined life forms.


Scott has often referred to them as being 'like' a virus, and a recent comment has him referring to the xenos as a 'viral time-bomb'. For whatever that's worth, probably nothing.


If all these creatures have acid for blood then that maybe the answer to the question.  They could operate essentially like large batteries...


I think Holloway gets infected when
he takes his helmet off in the first visit to the temple, pretty sure it is said he lets dripping water fall on his face. Microscopic viral life-forms could be in said water, which may be related to the black soup of the urns at a more distilled level. If that water gets in his eyes, then he gets eye-worms!  ;D

Also bearing in mind for the flow of the film, Shaw has a confrontation with the Engineer and the Big Tendril thing whilst seemingly on the Prometheus, or a possible second ship (Magellan?). If she was fighting the Engineer on the Prometheus, she had to leave and get dirtside somehow to be there when Janek rams the Juggernaut and strands Shaw and Vickers.


Viruses are not alive technicaly speaking...

Quote from: ryanjayhawk on May 04, 2012, 02:17:16 AM
If all these creatures have acid for blood then that maybe the answer to the question.  They could operate essentially like large batteries...
This is essentialy my theory on Alien being alive for very long time.


Quote from: BioMechanical on May 04, 2012, 01:37:34 AM
Because a virus can sustain its self for long periods of time without a host, correct?

A virus doesn't sustain itself at all. It has no metabolism whatsoever. It is just a put of genetic info floating around in a capsule. In colder areas, with not light, where there is very little chemical interaction, viruses can last a very long time.

They are like tiny pieces of machinery that, via their physical nature, are able to gain entry into cells and their genetic material without any energy expenditure. Once there, they can insert themselves into that cell's genetic machinery whereby the cell will be granted new functions; primarily those are to produce additional copies of that virus, (and also, if you are into biological jargon, to reduce class I MHC surface receptors on the cell, receptors that let other cells of the immune system know that it is virally infected, and signal an antiviral state and subsequently apoptosis of that cell, but this has no possible link to Prometheus anways).

Because that snake/worm in Prometheus does move - it has a metabolism, and thus cannot be classified as a virus. Nevertheless, it can have other properties like a virus, in that it uses other living things' machinery to propagate its own offspring, at one cycle or another. In some rare cases, viruses have been known to mind control ants to walk around the tops of leaves, increasing their chances to be eaten by cattle. This is interesting because the virus need cells in the cattle's intestines to multiply. However, they can only last there for so long before being cast out in the cattle's feces. It is from the feces that the ants become infected in the first place. If you want, you can think about it in a way that the snake/worm can be a kind of parasite (all viruses are intracellular parasites anyways) that can lie perfectly dormant without a metabolism until primed by signs of life. This way they can inhabit a ship or whatever for essentially forever - until life comes by.


Quote from: OpenMaw on May 02, 2012, 06:50:46 PM
As Eva pointed out though.

This burn victim features glasses mister glasses.  :)

You also notice his nose and his mouth has pretty much melted away. This thing gets cut gets into his helmet spraying acid and the poor guy gets his face burnt right off.
Someone said they saw a skull reflected in the helmet of another crewmember as a casulty is being handled near the Prometheus ramp. I think its Milburn alright he's not had a good death.

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