Prometheus Teaser Trailer Analysis

Started by Darkness, Dec 23, 2011, 06:01:26 PM

Prometheus Teaser Trailer Analysis (Read 60,026 times)


Quote from: deuterium on Dec 24, 2011, 06:07:59 AMKol, I am not saying you are wrong, given the ignorance, ineptitude and stupidity within Hollywood...and please don't take this the wrong way...but you can shove the "Nazca Lines", "Nebra Sky Disc", "Easter Island monuments" and all other Von Daniken BULLSHIT right back up his ARSE!

I'm with you on the hating of Daniken and his minions, but there are aspects of these stories that do remain mysterious and because of that make for good speculative fiction, as long as said fiction doesn't rewrite what we know. We know that the Nebra Sky Disc is a decorative piece of Bronze Age bric-a-brac, and that the Easter Island statues are depictions of ancestors and chiefs carved by the Polynesians. But we don't know how life began or exactly how human evolution has tracked, and we don't know whether extraterrestrials exist or not. You can put these things together and make a good story.



Quote from: ThisBethesdaSea on Dec 24, 2011, 04:51:17 PM
Okay...where is the last picture from? It doesn't seem remotely familiar to me.

I believe that image is from the very good Batman Arkham City game, its Mr Freeze without his armour.



Who says the Spacejockies all look the same?
Maybe the Spacejockey we see in the imagetrailer has to evolve even further....maybe....


Quote from: 343 on Dec 25, 2011, 10:01:48 PM
Who says the Spacejockies all look the same?
Maybe the Spacejockey we see in the imagetrailer has to evolve even further....maybe....
Oh great, if that is true that could mean that a space jockey was abandoned on earth as punishment for stealing something to give to the monkeys he made... he then had sex with them giving birth to humans.



its interesting how everyone including me are analyzing and almost trying
to figured out the plot. but this movie has just entered its phase of
post production and with only a teaser, they manage to show some beautiful
finished cgi shots, especially the derelict ship. now they have i think until
early may to finish all the cgi shots. i think Ridley deliberated rush this
shots to turn our attention so, how many important shots are we missed? are
we have enough images to figured out something concrete?


Quote from: Bayo on Dec 25, 2011, 11:31:20 PM
its interesting how everyone including me are analyzing and almost trying
to figured out the plot. but this movie has just entered its phase of
post production and with only a teaser, they manage to show some beautiful
finished cgi shots, especially the derelict ship. now they have i think until
early may to finish all the cgi shots. i think Ridley deliberated rush this
shots to turn our attention so, how many important shots are we missed? are
we have enough images to figured out something concrete?
It's Christmas! What else do you expect us to do? Sit around the dinner table listening to boring ass stories?



A couple years ago someone I know began sclupting a 2 foot long Queens head. Being a bigger fan than they and knowing more about the films I was asked about my theories about the origins of the aliens and the derelict....


I read the original Dark Horse AvP graphic novel. Seemed to me that the Predators were aware of or at war or once had been at war with the Space Jockeys and captured some of thier tech & creatures for warfare or hunting/rite of passage rituals. The derelict on LV-426 appeared to be a bomber-of-sorts, perhaps a gene-seeding terraforming craft, but the uses for warfare are obvious. It was possibly crippled or shot down by Predators who themselves were unaware, unable or unwilling to salvage the derelict, given that Prometheus artwork suggests a Jockey with a now famous Predator shoulder cannon. Considering the original Jockey appeared to be more than just a biomechanical suit and more a complete being I'm hoping this will be about the derelct from Alien and that it will be on LV-426 and how it got there. I also find it noteworthy that there appears to be a form of language written on the 'sarcaphogus' which immediately reminds me of the Predators/Yautja language.
Anyway, all this speculation is fun. I was 10 when Alien came out and boy this is gonna be epic!

Face Jockey

Quote from: Bayo on Dec 25, 2011, 11:31:20 PM
its interesting how everyone including me are analyzing and almost trying
to figured out the plot. but this movie has just entered its phase of
post production and with only a teaser, they manage to show some beautiful
finished cgi shots, especially the derelict ship. now they have i think until
early may to finish all the cgi shots. i think Ridley deliberated rush this
shots to turn our attention so, how many important shots are we missed? are
we have enough images to figured out something concrete?

I was surprised at how good the CGI looks six months before the film is coming out. I suspect there will be a lot more crazy stuff that the teaser doesn't even hint at.



Quote from: Tough little S.O.B. on Dec 24, 2011, 12:27:13 PM
Quote from: deuterium on Dec 24, 2011, 06:07:59 AM
Quote from: Kol on Dec 24, 2011, 04:36:12 AM








terraforming w/ morality-system:

a vase (

[close] :



of course...

the shape of the escapepod-entrances...


Kol, I am not saying you are wrong, given the ignorance, ineptitude and stupidity within Hollywood...and please don't take this the wrong way...but you can shove the "Nazca Lines", "Nebra Sky Disc", "Easter Island monuments" and all other Von Daniken BULLSHIT right back up his ARSE!  And if you believe any of that shit, save some room in your canal as well, with all due respect.

And pre-emptively, I formally apologize for the vitriol in this last post, which was NOT directed at Kol, per se, but as a Scientist , I am sick of this Pseudo-Science BULLSHIT !!

In the interest of Full Disclosure, I am a devout Catholic...but I have no conflict with my religious/spiritual Faith and my acceptance of Physics/Mathematics, Evolutionary Theory, etc.  Von Daniken and his fradulent Bullshit have no place either in spirtual Belief/Faith, or in real Science.

Von Daniken and all his ilk are the equivelent of 20th/21st Century "Snake Oil" salesmen.  It is truly SAD TIMES when formely legitimate networks such as "The History Channel" give time and voice to fringe/pseudo-science nonsense such as "ancient aliens", and "monster hunters", just to name a few of their fringe programming.  Don't get me wrong, the History Channel still has some decent documentaries, that are based upon real PEER-REVIEWED research...but they dilute their legitimacy by airing BULLSHIT programs that target the ignorance of uncritical, and uneducated minds.  Examples of which are entire programs dedicated to "dowsing rods", "Homeopathy cures", "Ancient Aliens", "The Bermuda Triangle", "Monsterquest", "UFO Hunters", the Paranormal, etc., etc.

I agree that all this nazca, egyptian-ufo-aliens  etc pseudo science thing its lame and boring. I dont want anything of this in this or any other movie again. Anyway, Mr Deuterium, I have to say that criticise this and then claim that you are catholic...well..ehem ehem...You say your faith and catholicism does not conflict with your scientific side, well. If it does not conflict is because either you dont really believe one or another, or because you just pick the parts of each one that are more convenient to you. For me, when u have a scientific brain, you can not be catholic or believe in any other religion. (you can have faith maybe). For me, all religions are the pure negation of science, ration, comon sense , logic and freedom. But Each one is free to believe whatever they want. At least Ovnis and alien shit dont tell you what to do. (well, scientologist madness do I thing...)...

Just my opinion, not triying to anoy anyone.

Quote from: ChrisPachi on Dec 25, 2011, 05:56:25 AM
I'm with you on the hating of Daniken and his minions, but there are aspects of these stories that do remain mysterious and because of that make for good speculative fiction, as long as said fiction doesn't rewrite what we know. We know that the Nebra Sky Disc is a decorative piece of Bronze Age bric-a-brac, and that the Easter Island statues are depictions of ancestors and chiefs carved by the Polynesians. But we don't know how life began or exactly how human evolution has tracked, and we don't know whether extraterrestrials exist or not. You can put these things together and make a good story.



i think you three never considered that god could be even a woman?

ps: i don't care that you are "hating" erich von däniken & his theorie's. but you should be more tolerant, cos this movie will be so full of it...
and that's all what my post with the resembled pictures was about. and not: do i, or do i not believe this shit.


Quote from: Kol on Dec 26, 2011, 03:37:57 AM
Quote from: Tough little S.O.B. on Dec 24, 2011, 12:27:13 PM
Quote from: deuterium on Dec 24, 2011, 06:07:59 AM
Quote from: Kol on Dec 24, 2011, 04:36:12 AM








terraforming w/ morality-system:

a vase (

[close] :



of course...

the shape of the escapepod-entrances...


Kol, I am not saying you are wrong, given the ignorance, ineptitude and stupidity within Hollywood...and please don't take this the wrong way...but you can shove the "Nazca Lines", "Nebra Sky Disc", "Easter Island monuments" and all other Von Daniken BULLSHIT right back up his ARSE!  And if you believe any of that shit, save some room in your canal as well, with all due respect.

And pre-emptively, I formally apologize for the vitriol in this last post, which was NOT directed at Kol, per se, but as a Scientist , I am sick of this Pseudo-Science BULLSHIT !!

In the interest of Full Disclosure, I am a devout Catholic...but I have no conflict with my religious/spiritual Faith and my acceptance of Physics/Mathematics, Evolutionary Theory, etc.  Von Daniken and his fradulent Bullshit have no place either in spirtual Belief/Faith, or in real Science.

Von Daniken and all his ilk are the equivelent of 20th/21st Century "Snake Oil" salesmen.  It is truly SAD TIMES when formely legitimate networks such as "The History Channel" give time and voice to fringe/pseudo-science nonsense such as "ancient aliens", and "monster hunters", just to name a few of their fringe programming.  Don't get me wrong, the History Channel still has some decent documentaries, that are based upon real PEER-REVIEWED research...but they dilute their legitimacy by airing BULLSHIT programs that target the ignorance of uncritical, and uneducated minds.  Examples of which are entire programs dedicated to "dowsing rods", "Homeopathy cures", "Ancient Aliens", "The Bermuda Triangle", "Monsterquest", "UFO Hunters", the Paranormal, etc., etc.

I agree that all this nazca, egyptian-ufo-aliens  etc pseudo science thing its lame and boring. I dont want anything of this in this or any other movie again. Anyway, Mr Deuterium, I have to say that criticise this and then claim that you are catholic...well..ehem ehem...You say your faith and catholicism does not conflict with your scientific side, well. If it does not conflict is because either you dont really believe one or another, or because you just pick the parts of each one that are more convenient to you. For me, when u have a scientific brain, you can not be catholic or believe in any other religion. (you can have faith maybe). For me, all religions are the pure negation of science, ration, comon sense , logic and freedom. But Each one is free to believe whatever they want. At least Ovnis and alien shit dont tell you what to do. (well, scientologist madness do I thing...)...

Just my opinion, not triying to anoy anyone.

Quote from: ChrisPachi on Dec 25, 2011, 05:56:25 AM
I'm with you on the hating of Daniken and his minions, but there are aspects of these stories that do remain mysterious and because of that make for good speculative fiction, as long as said fiction doesn't rewrite what we know. We know that the Nebra Sky Disc is a decorative piece of Bronze Age bric-a-brac, and that the Easter Island statues are depictions of ancestors and chiefs carved by the Polynesians. But we don't know how life began or exactly how human evolution has tracked, and we don't know whether extraterrestrials exist or not. You can put these things together and make a good story.



i think you three never considered that god could be even a woman?

ps: i don't care that you are "hating" erich von däniken & his theorie's. but you should be more tolerant, cos this movie will be so full of it...
and that's all what my post with the resembled pictures was about. and not: do i, or do i not believe this shit.

Yeah, these are the same people that believe Jesus died for their sins. Jeezus people.  :D



Quote from: Kol on Dec 26, 2011, 03:37:57 AM

i think you three never considered that god could be even a woman?

ps: i don't care that you are "hating" erich von däniken & his theorie's. but you should be more tolerant, cos this movie will be so full of it...
and that's all what my post with the resembled pictures was about. and not: do i, or do i not believe this shit.

Kol, first of let me offer an apology for a post that I made under the influence of more then a few Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPAs.  While I do not back off the comments I made regarding Von Daniken and his ilk, I should have never have brought up religion/faith in my post, and specifically my personal spirtual beliefs.  That has no place here, and I do not intend on, nor will I get into a discussion as to how I can reconcile my Faith with my Scientific worldview, without inconsistency or internal contradiction.

I will say, simply this...of all the wonderful, thought provoking and (in terms of horror) disturbing narrative paths that Ridley could have chosen for Prometheus, I am dissapointed that it appears that the story arc involves a race of ancient aliens (perhaps of humanoid morphology) as the explanatory force behind our human origins.  We end up with an infinite regression that is, to me, very unsatisfactory.  If they created us...who created them...and who created those before them, and so on and so on.  More importantly, I feel this very much diminishes the entire wonder (and mystery) of the orign of Life on Earth, and the subsequent "miracle" of contingent evolutionary processes that have resulted in Homo sapiens becoming self-aware, conscious, technological beings.



infinite regression is the same question you get with any god, creation, religion story!.

not meaning to drag that on deuterium but with your faith + science knowledge you know this well and appear to be contradicting yourself.

as for this story, there could be an explanation, maybe they evolved naturaly in the way we think we did ie from acids etc BUT unlike us, they have figured out exactly how it works and have mastered it enough to create life purposely and also mastered it enough to create whatever they want!.

next theory is they could be like your god, ie "they are the beginning and the end" with no explanation.

last theory is maybe were just meant to be left with more mysteries to question just as we were with the original sj in alien.





Quote from: RICH-ENGLAND on Dec 26, 2011, 05:15:26 AM

infinite regression is the same question you get with any god, creation, religion story!.

not meaning to drag that on deuterium but with your faith + science knowledge you know this well and appear to be contradicting yourself.

as for this story, there could be an explanation, maybe they evolved naturaly in the way we think we did ie from acids etc BUT unlike us, they have figured out exactly how it works and have mastered it enough to create life purposely and also mastered it enough to create whatever they want!.

next theory is they could be like your god, ie "they are the beginning and the end" with no explanation.

last theory is maybe were just meant to be left with more mysteries to question just as we were with the original sj in alien.



No, there is definitely no infinite regression with an ex nihilo God.  In fact, the basis and foundation of standard modern Cosmology asserts that our Universe contains everything that is physical, and nothing that is not physical.  That means that our Universe contains Space and Time, and does NOT exist in space and time.  You, me, our thoughts and consciousness, as well as Space and Time all are physical things, and exist and are contained within the Universe.  God (or the Creator) exists outside of the Universe, and transcends space and time.


Quote from: deuterium on Dec 26, 2011, 05:26:36 AM
Quote from: RICH-ENGLAND on Dec 26, 2011, 05:15:26 AM

infinite regression is the same question you get with any god, creation, religion story!.

not meaning to drag that on deuterium but with your faith + science knowledge you know this well and appear to be contradicting yourself.

as for this story, there could be an explanation, maybe they evolved naturaly in the way we think we did ie from acids etc BUT unlike us, they have figured out exactly how it works and have mastered it enough to create life purposely and also mastered it enough to create whatever they want!.

next theory is they could be like your god, ie "they are the beginning and the end" with no explanation.

last theory is maybe were just meant to be left with more mysteries to question just as we were with the original sj in alien.



No, there is definitely no infinite regression with an ex nihilo God.  In fact, the basis and foundation of standard modern Cosmology asserts that our Universe contains everything that is physical, and nothing that is not physical.  That means that our Universe contains Space and Time, and does NOT exist in space and time.  You, me, our thoughts and consciousness, as well as Space and Time all are physical things, and exist and are contained within the Universe.  God (or the Creator) exists outside of the Universe, and transcends space and time.

sorry but there is no "definitely", as that is your opinion only and is not fact. i disagree totally and personally dont believe in god, BUT as a good skeptic i also cant rule it out BUT if there is a god or gods then i highly doubt its the one portrayed in those nonsense religious books as theyre about as factual as von danikans work.




Quote from: RICH-ENGLAND on Dec 26, 2011, 05:34:54 AM

sorry but there is no "definitely", as that is your opinion only and is not fact. i disagree totally and personally dont believe in god, BUT as a good skeptic i also cant rule it out BUT if there is a god or gods then i highly doubt its the one portrayed in those nonsense religious books as theyre about as factual as von danikans work.



Rich, I think you misunderstood me.  I wasn't trying to argue to you (or anyone) that there "definitely" is a God.  I was specifically limiting my reply to the fact that there is (by definition) no infinite regression involved with an ex nihilo creator.  Wether one choses to believe or not believe in the existence of a God or "creator", is another matter entirely.

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