I find BFBC2 unplayable

Started by 9th_Stew, Jul 14, 2011, 04:35:40 PM

I find BFBC2 unplayable (Read 4,547 times)

Crazy Rich

Crazy Rich

Quote from: Xenodog on Jul 14, 2011, 06:15:29 PM
irritating constant sniper kills,

Fagatron is everywhere not just Battlefield...



Dont get me wrong i do get kills and help the team out but i feel its very team based. Some games i do well but on the whole im picked off from great distances and sk all over the place. I've completed all my Recon class n have all the guns but the whole bullet drop f**ks my head up - i'm either aiming too high or too low but if i miss the 1st shot im dead. With the machine guns i use the basic classes since i havent racked up high. I admit its a different beast to master its just annoying its such a struggle to kill people. Another issue i have is the click to aim function - im used to holding the button down but i can overcome that.

I been playing fps games for...god knows since avp2, im guess im too used to COD i expect the same set up. I'll keep working on it n see how it goes but atm i play like a total noob (i dunno the map layout lol)..

On another note no need to bitchslap ppl please lets keep spirits high :D



Seems like you're too used to CoD. Don't worry, it can be cured. :D
Nah, just kidding. I enjoy both franchises the same.

Space Sweeper

Space Sweeper

Quote from: Xenodog on Jul 14, 2011, 05:29:43 PM
Same, it's an over-rated pile of crap for people who want to play CoD but don't want to admit to playing CoD to look less mainstream.
Well I agree with that much. Same reason Battlefield 3 is getting so much attention that one would believe it was the second coming of Christ. Disgruntled COD fans who have played it for so long that frustration and hatred for the very product that has trampled their lives to shit setting in, so of course this new savior of MILITARY SHOOTERS is going to flip the tide. And they'll be vengeful about that down to the ammo clip.

No, no, I'm f**king serious, have you seen the comparison pictures?



Quote from: Nightmare Asylum on Jul 14, 2011, 09:39:21 PM
Quote from: Huol on Jul 14, 2011, 07:48:48 PM
Doesn't sound like the rank up shit suits you.
Sounds like you'd prefer the kind of fps with weapons scattered around the map and such.

Nothing wrong with that by the way.

That's exactly how I am. That's what I love Halo. Though I don't hate COD, at all, I just can't get into it. Some people can, and that's great for them. Halo Reach, I tihnk, had a great blend between loadouts (making the same exact things available to everyone) and scattered weapons.

The only loadout that should be allowed is sprint, the rest should be pickups.

Quote from: Space Sweeper on Jul 15, 2011, 07:41:10 AM
Quote from: Xenodog on Jul 14, 2011, 05:29:43 PM
Same, it's an over-rated pile of crap for people who want to play CoD but don't want to admit to playing CoD to look less mainstream.
Well I agree with that much. Same reason Battlefield 3 is getting so much attention that one would believe it was the second coming of Christ. Disgruntled COD fans who have played it for so long that frustration and hatred for the very product that has trampled their lives to shit setting in, so of course this new savior of MILITARY SHOOTERS is going to flip the tide. And they'll be vengeful about that down to the ammo clip.

No, no, I'm f**king serious, have you seen the comparison pictures?

They're different enough games. Battlefield games are more for the big team battle mayhem kind of gamer whereas COD games are for people who lack any form of cognitive thought or skill at an FPS.

Space Sweeper

Space Sweeper

Cos' it's all about skill. f**k the fun. Nothing sadder than people that get flustered over competition IN A GAME. MLG is practically a parody of itself.

Believe me, CoDders have their own idea of competitive play. It's pretty much become this f**ked system to the point where anybody coming into the franchise would normally think THE f**k IS THIS SHIT.

People don't care about the gameplay differences that will be there between Battlefield 3 and MW3, they just want to ditch Call of Duty as fast as they can because they're either too bored of it, or as Xenodawwwg said, they're too embaressed to admit that they're part of such a large group of people playing the same game for hours on end, every day of the week. TOO MAINSTREAM.

I don't have a problem with people wanting to find refuge and *ahem* heh, 'rehabilitation' in the hands of Battlefield and ditching CoD, no problem at all; the Battlefield games are great! Have a f**king, I don't know, a field day playing BF3 and using the game as a device to tell your friends how stupid Modern Warfare and the rest of the CoDs after it were. Even though the same people saying this are the ones who played it twenty-four seven. No, none of that is the problem I have with it, the problem I have is that these people COULD HAVE BEEN DOING THIS FOR THE PAST FOUR f**kING YEARS. That's right, in that time, two quality games called Battlefield: Bad Company and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 were release and ignored by the same people (sorry can't be bothered, TRYING TO RAKE IN DAT EXP TO PRESTIGE) who's penises currently reek of Easy-Off BAM! for Battlefield 3.

Big difference between regular Battlefield and Bad Company Battlefield? Not that much. Not that I'm complaining about any laziness in the development, of course you have to follow a development tradition (yes, I know what Battlefield Heroes is), but really aside from the campaign's tone, the multiplayer was very similar (ESPECIALLY after the update that allowed for the game to be played in the 'classic' mode), but toned down for consoles and added a cool-as-f**k destruction system via the Frostbite engine. In terms of additions, Battlefield: BC 2 had about the same amount as MW2 or less, but was without a doubt a higher quality game, with the pretty sheen of polish and non-f**ked mechanics; didn't get it ahead though. Honestly, I'd compare Battlefield more to Halo than I would Call of Duty, you don't need 8-foot jumping and plasma weapons not to draw that one.

So while the outcome of how this stupid Call of Duty vs Battlefield crap is going to be hilarious either way, it'll also be incredibly disappointing, and a real display of how gamers can be suddenly seduced by a franchise that has been around for f**king ever because it's a military shooter and has prettier graphics than the other games they've wasted the past four years of their life playing... when they could have just been playing Bad Company or the first two and their many expansions on PC (if they're purists...) instead of the series they've now come to loathe with a hypocritical intensity. These Battlefield 3 pre-launch fancows didn't just come out of nowhere!

I'll see you on both.



Quote from: Space Sweeper on Jul 15, 2011, 11:07:53 AM
Cos' it's all about skill. f**k the fun. Nothing sadder than people that get flustered over competition IN A GAME. MLG is practically a parody of itself.

How can you have fun when something is inherently unfair?

Hive Tyrant

Hive Tyrant

Been playing Battlefield since 1942. Adjusting to the higher pace and smaller scale of Bad Company 2 took me a while but I've adjusted to it. If you want, you can easily play the game like CoD until you get used to the weapon mechanics and such (have you tried Squad Deathmatch? Small maps and only one vehicle).

And trust me, the load-outs aren't the main reason other people kill you faster than you can kill them. Sure, Magnum Ammo helps, but it doesn't make that much of a difference (I regularly play without it and still kill people quickly). That's just experience and -- I guess -- skill.

Space Sweeper

Space Sweeper

Quote from: Aeus on Jul 15, 2011, 11:10:51 AM
Quote from: Space Sweeper on Jul 15, 2011, 11:07:53 AM
Cos' it's all about skill. f**k the fun. Nothing sadder than people that get flustered over competition IN A GAME. MLG is practically a parody of itself.

How can you have fun when something is inherently unfair?
Let's look at something you said for a second:

Quote from: Aeus on Jul 15, 2011, 10:17:51 AM
COD games are for people who lack any form of cognitive thought or skill at an FPS.

To which I responded:

Quote from: Space Sweeper on Jul 15, 2011, 11:07:53 AM
Believe me, CoDders have their own idea of competitive play. It's pretty much become this f**ked system to the point where anybody coming into the franchise would normally think THE f**k IS THIS SHIT.
There is actually a certain fun to be had; and the skill is through exploiting it until it turns into a shitstorm. This shitstorm is called Call of Duty. Like it or not, it'll still be considered competitive play in the end. This shitstorm audibly hit it's peak in Black Ops where I have, and I shit you not, heard somebody throw their controller and presumably their mic (a loud crash and a distant "f**k! ...f**kING THIS f**kING SHIT, I'VE HAD IT WITH f**kING CALL OF f**kING DUTY!") exact words, I haven't forgotten, and other loud bitchings, more than any of the other games, suggest that this WAS the Call of Duty where players had met their end.

That said, while watching Forrest Gump I though Jenny was going to jump from that balcony after doing a shitload of cocaine. So I'll give CoD's rabbid fanbase the benefit of the doubt that they'll make MW3 a huge success like the others, and proceed to throw their controllers, scream obscenities, do a mountain of cocaine and possibly beat their sister and her sleepover friends after getting spawn killed by a massive airplane with guns 4 seconds after respawning.

Here, Battlefield, you take those guys. Really, I don't want em'.

Wait what were we talking about? Oh yeah, skill and competitve play... yeah, Call of Duty pretty much follows it's own tradition of what it sees that as being, and it's become hilariously hallmark with things like camping, spawn killing, and hotspots/death-traps now being essentially tacked on to the franchise's name. And as long as it's Call of Duty, it'll still have camping... at least.



Quote from: Space Sweeper on Jul 15, 2011, 11:31:22 AM
Quote from: Aeus on Jul 15, 2011, 11:10:51 AM
Quote from: Space Sweeper on Jul 15, 2011, 11:07:53 AM
Cos' it's all about skill. f**k the fun. Nothing sadder than people that get flustered over competition IN A GAME. MLG is practically a parody of itself.

How can you have fun when something is inherently unfair?
Let's look at something you said for a second:

Quote from: Aeus on Jul 15, 2011, 10:17:51 AM
COD games are for people who lack any form of cognitive thought or skill at an FPS.

To which I responded:

Quote from: Space Sweeper on Jul 15, 2011, 11:07:53 AM
Believe me, CoDders have their own idea of competitive play. It's pretty much become this f**ked system to the point where anybody coming into the franchise would normally think THE f**k IS THIS SHIT.
There is actually a certain fun to be had; and the skill is through exploiting it until it turns into a shitstorm. This shitstorm is called Call of Duty. Like it or not, it'll still be considered competitive play in the end.


Wait what were we talking about? Oh yeah, skill and competitve play... yeah, Call of Duty pretty much follows it's own tradition of what it sees that as being, and it's become hilariously hallmark with things like camping, spawn killing, and hotspots/death-traps now being essentially tacked on to the franchise's name. And as long as it's Call of Duty, it'll still have camping... at least.

I don't get it, are you agreeing with me that it's bad or are you saying that the bad shit makes it good or are you saying it's good fullstop?

What I meant when I said they lacked cognitive thought and skill is that anyone who wastes their time playing a game with inherently imbalanced gameplay and map design hasn't really thought it through, and they lack skill because the game promotes skill deficient gameplay.

and inb4 I'm a hater, I've played the games to 1st prestige and I'm a massive fan of the campaigns.

Space Sweeper

Space Sweeper

Quote from: Aeus on Jul 15, 2011, 11:38:09 AM
the game promotes skill deficient gameplay.
That is all, sweet Prince. That is all.

And that skill deficient gameplay has been exploited beyond the creator's comprehension to the point to where it's the franchise's multiplayer staple. HELL, I play the online because I like playing it differently than everybody else, and I indulge in f**king a couple campers' days. I'm not saying it's neither good nor bad; I'm saying it's Call of Duty. No other game is played like that, because no other game is broken like it is. And the large population considers that fun! :laugh:
I have fun wrecking their wreckage.

Aside from that, and a bit more clarity on what you were trying to say, I think you hit it on the head and certainly are correct. And bro-points for the campaign love.



Quote from: Space Sweeper on Jul 15, 2011, 11:48:18 AM
Quote from: Aeus on Jul 15, 2011, 11:38:09 AM
the game promotes skill deficient gameplay.
That is all, sweet Prince. That is all.

And that skill deficient gameplay has been exploited beyond the creator's comprehension to the point to where it's the franchise's multiplayer staple. HELL, I play the online because I like playing it differently than everybody else, and I indulge in f**king a couple campers' days. I'm not saying it's neither good nor bad; I'm saying it's Call of Duty. No other game is played like that, because no other game is broken like it is. And the large population considers that fun! :laugh:
I have fun wrecking their wreckage.

That's fair enough, I too get a warm fuzzy feeling when I ruin a campers shit. Unfortunately I'm too competitive to have that keep me interested.



The way i see it - COD u can play on your own n kill people n stuff...

Battlefield isnt about kills but about the main goal - u NEED a team solid than a brick wall to win games. I been playing for a week n i've had really great games where the team has stuck together but on the other hand ive had kak games where players steal your jeeps/tanks or drive right into the middle of a airstrike... dumbasses basicly.

I may have a poor skill level in battleifled than in other games but what attracts me is the team element and the size of the maps... though i find some too open to be sniped.



Quote from: 9th_Stew on Jul 15, 2011, 11:58:30 AM
The way i see it - COD u can play on your own n kill people n stuff...

Battlefield isnt about kills but about the main goal - u NEED a team solid than a brick wall to win games. I been playing for a week n i've had really great games where the team has stuck together but on the other hand ive had kak games where players steal your jeeps/tanks or drive right into the middle of a airstrike... dumbasses basicly.

I may have a poor skill level in battleifled than in other games but what attracts me is the team element and the size of the maps... though i find some too open to be sniped.

You got the point.



Quote from: scarhunter92 on Jul 15, 2011, 01:36:09 PM
Quote from: 9th_Stew on Jul 15, 2011, 11:58:30 AM
The way i see it - COD u can play on your own n kill people n stuff...

Battlefield isnt about kills but about the main goal - u NEED a team solid than a brick wall to win games. I been playing for a week n i've had really great games where the team has stuck together but on the other hand ive had kak games where players steal your jeeps/tanks or drive right into the middle of a airstrike... dumbasses basicly.

I may have a poor skill level in battleifled than in other games but what attracts me is the team element and the size of the maps... though i find some too open to be sniped.

You got the point.

Thanks just played today n did really well so i think im starting to get the idea

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