Nimród Antal Talks Predators

Started by Darkness, Nov 29, 2009, 08:56:39 PM

Nimród Antal Talks Predators (Read 15,132 times)



The AVP movies bombed because they added the cheesy back story for the preds, started calling the aliens "serpents", had to balance bad-assery between the preds and aliens but ended up making the preds into value meals for the xenos in the first movie (I'm not going to count the crappy plasma caster kills on the preds behalf), and in avpr the Strause Bros. were screwed by fox, so they couldn't do what they wanted with the script as well as the numerous opportunities the aliens could've killed 'Wolf', the "veteran" hunter...



How about a Pred movie that isn't set in present times, how about an AVP that isn't set in present times (although technically P2 and AVP were set in the future)... How about the distant future, like in the alien(s) timeline. AVPR almost had that going for it, but got stuck with another script due to budget issues.



Aliens VS Predator needs to stop period. It's destroying what was good about the originals. Neither where enjoyable to watch. Both seemed rushed and incomplete. There isn't a story that could house the both of them.



I'm sure you're right... The opinions of the film makers will always be biased, no matter what they think is fair...



As we know it, they're doing a new Predator and a new Alien. If they manage to do these two films right, it will bring credibilty back to each respected franchise. Directors like Scott and Cameron seem to get their way in the end which does leave some hope for the Alien prequel. Predators? We'll see.



We need to stop bagging the new Predators movie because 1) okay we all know it will suck, 2) it will suck elephant balls because the script is ridiculous, 3) the director will have his version of it but in the end will get shafted with the studio version, 4) after what happened to the AvP franchise, do you really want to sit thru another heap of shit cinema? and finally number 5) were sick to death of reading about it being crap.  I have said it before and will say it again, I have more faith in the Alien prequel than Predators by far, the evidence of a bloody good director is more than enough to convince me.



Predators has potential if it could execute it's script correctly. As previously stated, Predators success hinges on the story over action element. Hicks, I don't think anyone is really bashing what Predators could be. The fact is, the AVP series ruined what the Alien prequel and Predators could be. Fans have become skeptical and rightly so.


So is Ian Whyte in this or not? He actually met the character's descripted height of 7 feet....



Lol, dont mean to reiterate Hicks's point,but quite simply, let the fans do the scripting or at least have a say far we have been let down by the idiots behind AVP1 and 2, such potential...such a let down :(



Now that the internet is an everyday tool, people can rave or rant about leaked scripts or actual scripts all the time, ergo screenwriters can change them to suit what the people like or dislike.  Sometimes that happens but more often than not it doesnt and as a result we end up with a horrible mess of film.  The script is crazy yes, but what irks me the most is that with the majority of filming done, why dont we have a photo or something? AvP had heaps of hype leading up to its release and here we got nothing.



Maybe because Fox got burned with the turd that was AVP, so they are a little bit more reluctant to disclose photos and other details.

ow noe

ow noe

Rated R as in REAAAAAAALLY bad



Nimrod is awesome- I had a blast working with him and this film will kick your ass!



Does anyone have a problem with Nimrod Antal directing this besides me? I'm not as familiar with him as apparently many of you are.



Well im expecting my arse to be black and blue by the time the movies finished and i hobble out of the cinema or i will firebomb his, RR's house and Troublemaker studios.

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