AvP Face Off Video Clip

Started by Darkness, Aug 10, 2004, 12:38:55 AM

AvP Face Off Video Clip (Read 28,103 times)



noooooo damn you grid!  damn you to hell!!



Brilliant,    ;D     There is perhaps one   tiny thing I wasn't sure about was when the Predator lept up to its feet, hmmm, a bit dodgy but thats hardily nothing ...   ... BRILLIANT, SIMPLE AS. I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE I'VE JUST SEEN A PRED AND ALIEN EXCHANGE BLOWS   ;D     ;D     ;D     ;D  



Its amazing how strong an alien tail is.  It alien and aliens they did not so their strengthn at all.  Its a pinty the Predators could not have stronger armour even with their advancment in tech side. You would think they would have better armour.



Visually, this movie is going to rival the previous ones -- and that's saying a lot.  Beautiful cinematogtaphy.  Obviously the editing here isn't complete (judging by that quick flash of Seabass in Predator vision), however I've still got a couple complaints about the camerawork.  1. The camera shaking in time with Celtic's steps.  Sure this guy's huge, but he's not Godzilla.  These shots make me dizzy.  2. The zoom-in on Lex, complete with whoosh! sound.  Cheesy.  I don't think these stylized action shots belong in this movie, as some of the strength of the previous films came from the camerawork being almost documentary-like.  As was the case with Alien: Resurrection, this just seems to take you out of the movie and remind you that it's not real.  But I'm nitpicking.  These few gripes have nothing against all the great stuff going on here.  I can't wait for Friday!



OMG!!! Guill dies!!!! that alien have a strong tail man! he lift the pred so easy and by the way u noticed that guill have different claws! not twin claws some sort of two long blades one on each arm! well celtic is cool too he just comes and hit all of them.   :)  



Thats what I wanted to see, bloody Alien and Pred action.  I think this may be the clip to silence most of the bitchy fans and sway over the "I like the movie depending on what news article I read" fans. The Aliens entrance is extremely cool, I just hope Scar has a cool entrance as well.  The Pred's didn't seem very blocky in this clip, so shudup Harry Knowles....lol...        Very nice clip



I do get what Acidglow is sayin, that tail is extremely long...but is was still awesome...Friiday night count on me bein in the theater!



AND gill goes down early



Maybe the Preds limit the armor given to the "younglings" to make a more challenging hunt. This may make the rite into manhood more deserved and could make much better hunters. Just a though tho, like the melting wristblades being a challenge for the Preds to learn tactics and to use hunter techniques to overcome powerful foes.    ;D  



The CGI in the fight scenes is off the roof, DAMN!   ;D       THAT ALIEN TAIL IS IMPRESSIVE, the detail on that thing, man ... THE ALPHA ALIEN HAS SPOKEN, first blood!  ... man!

Fresh Alien Terds

Fresh Alien Terds

Looks like there will be three preds instead of five.  Geeze man, these two preds are going to die in the same scene if it follows the book.  That was kinda quick.  And that alpha Alien is badass.  Just imagine what the queen is gonna ber able to do.



OMG! that was so coool!!!! i cant wait for it to come out on dvd!!!



something else i noticed that guill pred to that roar thing different...in the other clip celtic pred roar like a lion i think each pred have a different roar or whatever they do, thats nice that gives more character too!

Shadow of FUS

Shadow of FUS

dont you mean friday?



Holy motherf**king shit th was f**king awesome. Paul Anderson ain't so bad. The tail was a little long. Damn I can't wait to see the movie

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