AVP3 Ideas

Started by Originalsin, Jun 06, 2007, 08:25:09 PM

AVP3 Ideas (Read 363,477 times)



Quote from: SiL on Jul 11, 2009, 07:37:51 AM

The original comic did it decently, but it's been cherry-picked by the movies so much it would seem tired now;

I agree. NOW it would be pointless. two movies executed the idea of the two species fighting together and its a tired and hated concept now. Plus, Anderson borrowed few elements from it,thats why I said AVP movie not AVP3 movie. Such a shame nobody wanted to actully adapt the comic - the story that was so good and so successfull that it was such a well received hit at the time and spawned the joint franchise



They did want to, and started on it, but it became too expensive/Alien producers didn't want to do it/the stars refused to align/whatever other dozen reasons you can find around that came together to make it a nonentity.

Then when Davis had the chance ... he decided that setting it on Earth would be the best idea.

Because the man recognises good ideas about as well as people recognise someone farting on another continent.






Hm, maybe the AvP franchise is dead after all. I realize it would be for the best, but I'd still like to see a third film.



err lets say the future, different planet, marines, guns, explosions, smart aliens, smart predators not a bunch of newbs of their blood hunt, plenty of carnage, full action shot instead of little flash clips and possibly have John woo as the director.



A full Cg AVP film would be great. It's not a problem with Aliens moving or Predators, but it's getting them to fight in a way that dosen't look idiotic. It could be done, but that'd cost time and money.

The Demon

The Demon

What about this concept.

A space station shuttle some how contains Alien eggs. Over time, neglecting details, the station is infested and due to the infestation the station crash lands on the nearest planet with a military base.. that being a jungle planet being dominated by a group of Predators?.. maybe?

Maybe have a link between surviving characters in the station and surviving characters on the planet and some how end the final battle in the middle of space where both creatures came from... in a way.



just go with my idea a couple of pages back to close out the franchies. or at least make it so they can do individual avp movies after it.



I sent my idea to joel silver.



How about this...

The government takes up the queen still frozen and believed to be dead, they heat her up to study her and she awakes.
She makes a hive at the lab and have all the people in it face hugged.
The government sees this but can't nuke the place because of it's location, a nuke would destroy the ozone layer or have the world flooded so they decide to send a team, the team gets killed quickly.
Another queen is born and driven from the hive, she sneaks on the ship that dropped the team of soldiers of.
The mission was a falior and the captain is ordered to return to base, when the ship reaches the base at the main land it's a ghost ship, the whole crew is missing, the engine room on the ship has become a new hive and now the aliens have a whole continent with potential prey...

a jump forward, the Predators watching this planet from space is given the "go" for hunting season, it's conflict, it's warm, when they look closer they see the war is between humans and Aliens, they decide to hunt the Aliens.
Once they arrive, a group of 15-20 Predators, they start hunting the weakest first, they find a large human group who has done well against the aliens and they start with them, killing humans first aliens second.

They work their way into the human base located in a big mountain but it leaves the base open for the horde of aliens on the outside, once inside the base they meet resistance from the human fraction, the Predators get separated and deeper inside the base two predators will come across a group of humans talking about a potential way out.
The humans are found in a large room, looking at maps, talking about a taking the mines, going inside the large caves and make their way out on top of the mountain, but it's so high and they wouldn't be able to get off the mountain without a helicopter, the Predators make their move and they corner the humans but out of the shadows we'll see a shiny object being thrown by a female, it kills one of the two Predators but the other Predator is quickly on to her, he grabs her by her throat and lifts her up against the wall, the Predator raises his hand, the wristblades come out as he's about to throw the killing blow, the woman turns her head away as a reflex, the Predator stops, he looks at her then on the Predator she killed, it has a spear in it, a spear belonging to them, he looks at the woman, she's marked on the cheek...
She's one of them...still she ain't, he releases his grip and she falls to the ground, the predator walks toward his fallen clan member...

...Another Predator(2) comes in, he sees his clan member standing over a Predator corpse with a Predator spear in it, not far away theres a woman on the floor, still alive, along with her there's some other people hiding in the corners, shaking, the Predator(2) howl's as he thinks the other Predator killed one of them, with the wristblades out he attacks the other Predator, they fight and the attacking predator(2) loses, the woman approaches the winning Predator saying "the enemy of my enemy used to be my friend, what are you..." The Predator doesn't reply.
Then suddenly, a group of Aliens attacks them. The Predator and woman fights the aliens and the Predator saves some humans by killing some Aliens, but the predator gets very wounded doing so.
The battle is over and one human, a man, picks up a rifle, he is about to shoot the wounded Predator as the Predator says "friend"...
Lex stops the man from shooting the Predator, saying they have "use" for him, if they are to survive.
She and the other humans helps the Predator and they flee deeper inside the mountain, into the mines and caves...

The other Predators have noticed that the Aliens have found their way inside the mountains and there's a full scale war going on, Predators killing humans and Aliens, Aliens killing both Predators and humans...
The battle makes the entrance to the mountain fall in and they are locked inside the big mountain, with a large amount of aliens that where able to get in as the defenses didn't work.
The Predators come across the two slain Predators and witness by watching their masks that one was killed by a Predator spear being thrown at it and the other being killed by their team member found standing over the corpse of the first Predator, the team member has become a "bad blood" he's no longer a hunter but prey who should be killed on sight...

They start tracking the wounded Predator as some aliens are seen tracking them...deeper inside the caves.

Will the humans and the wounded predator be able to reach the top?
Will they have the Predator call for his ship to pick them up and take them to some other place believed to be safe?
Or will they all become victims of the Aliens and Predators chasing them in the mines, in the caves...



Opening from "Prey"
A Predator spacecraft enters orbit around a desolate world and the Predators begin to gather their weapons.
The planet is home to a colony of humans, whose job it is to manage a fuel/parts depot for Weyland-Yutani shipping on long-distance flights.
As well as this, the planet is covered with a labyrinth of caverns and tunnels.
The colony is introduced as a distant light from the Outsider's house.
The Outsider has no contact with the other colonists, and runs a one-man survey station that checks geological stability.
He drives into the town, and everyone either ignores or insults him.
A group of kids slash his tyres, and he chases them, dropping his groceries, and he is beaten up by a group of teenaged colonists.
A survey team heads down into one of the caverns to continue the mapping process, but are being watched by security devices, that link the footage back to the Predator ship.
The pilot presses a series of buttons.
Deeper in the caverns, an ancient machine lets out several frozen eggs, and they begin thawing.
The Outsider returns to his survey station, and is told by another survey team that they are going down to see why they lost contact with the first team.
Out of nowhere, one of the second team bursts into his station and frantically screams of "eggs" and "spiders"
None of the colonists believes him, but the Outsider volunteers to go down with a camera and check the area.
The Outsider goes down with the man, and reveals a huge cache of illegal weapons in the station.
The head down, and see the first team heading back up, but they all promptly are chestbursted.
The Outsider shoots some of them, discovering their acid blood, but they decide to go back and get more men.
The posse from before confiscate his weapons and go down themselves, and find the second team tied to the walls and already dead.
At that point, several Aliens attack and kill/capture them all.
Six Predators salute their pilot, and go down to the planet surface.

The Man takes control of the survivors and they start barricading the colony off.
He follows Outsider, who is heading back to the station, thinking he is deserting them.
He gets inside, and sees that the Outsider is actually moving an even larger weapons cache into his truck and is going to move them to the colony.
As they drive, you see the Predator drop pods embedded in the ground.
The Predators enter the caverns and follow tracks they see through their helmets.
They soon break up in different directions, and start fighting Aliens.
One of them finds the Queens egg chamber, and steps in a pile of greenish jelly.
He is promptly eviscerated by a Praetorian.
The other Predators keep fighting, and another one sees the Praetorian coming up, and he tries to fight it, but is bashed into a group of Aliens and is dragged away.
Nameless sees this and tries to shoot it, but causes a tunnel collapse, and they are forced to find another way out.
The surviving Aliens return to the Queen, and she detaches from the ovipositor and they leave.
The Praetorian grabs multiple eggs and attaches them to its back.
The colonists are setting up more barricades, using decisions from the Man, but Man is actually taking advice from the Outsider.
After a discussion, the Outsider decides to reveal who he is.
On Earth, he was a mafia enforcer, considered one of the most dangerous men on Earth.
One day, he discovered that the Mafia, as well as practically every criminal organisation in the United States, was controlled by the Weyland-Yutani Corporation.
He tried to break his gang away, but they were attacked by corporates, and all were killed except for Outsider, who was taken to a hospital.
At the hospital, company doctors tried to kill him, but he escaped and fled to the outer rim, eventually settling on the colony.
One of the trucks being moved as a barricade is attacked by an Alien, and it crashes into the colony wall.
Several more Aliens attack, and start capturing/killing colonists.
The colony officers escape in the only accessible ship, but discover the Queen is nesting in it, and they are pinned down.
The few colonists who can escape to the control centre, and realise about 200 people are missing or dead.
The Predators finally reach the Surface and see the Aliens taking over the colony, and satisfied that they will have prey soon, they sit down and wait.

The Predator Drop Pods are similar to AvP Prey
The green jelly is Royal jelly that one of the Drones ate to transform into a Praetorian

The Aliens gain numbers and after a day has passed, launch a fresh assault.
They attack the control centre from every possible angle (vents, ducts, doors, onside, outside) and the colonists form a defence.
Dual sees the defence with a zoom function, and calls the others, Flame, Viking and Nameless over.
They see the courageous defence and decide to attack now, as they think the humans might win.
The cloak and sneak in in style, cutting through about half the Aliens.
The other half stops their attack and piles on the Predators, and Viking is impaled.
The colonists see Vikings corpse, and some go outside.
The Predators decloak, and stare at the humans.
Outsider says, "What the f**k are we dealing with!?" and Dual shows them a holographic presentation on the Alien life cycle.
They promptly enter the colony building to hunt down the survivors.
The colonists decide to help the Predators, and half of them try to keep up.
The Predators butcher their way through multiple Aliens, and enter a massive foundry.
The humans finally catch up and see that there are literally Aliens everywhere.
Man activates a hydraulic press that crushes most of the Aliens, but the Predators are visibly annoyed.
They pull off their helmets and their Plasmacasters, and block the human's firing line, so they can duel the Aliens and redeem their honour.
They are attacked, and force the survivors to retreat, but Dual and Burner are injured, and can't run anymore, so Nameless goes on alone.
He eventually reaches an elevator shaft and looks down, seeing a gigantic swarm of facehuggers with a (believed to be the) Praetorian and several drones.
They all charge at him, and he fires a net down at them, and jumps down the shaft, jumping from wall-to-wall in massive falling fight with the Aliens.
He sees the bottom, and sees numerous Alien corpses and a pool of acid blood, so he swings out into the bottom room, just after the other Aliens who were falling smash onto the ground, dying.
The survivors crawl out and attack him, but he kills them all, before epically duelling and decapitating a (believed to be the) Praetorian.
He turns around and sees a huge shedded skin, and a broken Praetorian crown.
He follows tracks and finds a massive room, with a discarded ovipositor hanging from the ceiling, before being promptly attacked by the Queen.
The colonists find another elevator and start going down.
Nameless and the Queen wrestle, but is soon pinned and about to be head-bited...
...when the colonists arrive and blow the Queens weak spots out.
The Queen charges and brutally kills several Colonists, but Outsider rolls under it and blows her chest out, before shooting her repeatedly in the head.
The Predator gets up, walks to Outsider...
...and kicks him in the chest so hard he flies across the room.
The Colonists point their guns at the Predator, but Outsider orders them to stand down.
The Predator heads back up and meets Dual and Burner.
They both head back up to their drop pods and take off.
They get a communication from the Pilot, showing the ship from before that the officers tried to escape in.
Nameless changes course and attaches his pod to the side of the ship and breaks in.
He fights seven drones (there were seven officers) and kills them all (their acid has no effect as the ship is coated with resin)
He finds the egg chamber (the old cargo bay) and shoots the Queens ovipositor off, before battling the Queen with a combistick.
After a close fight, he stabs the Queen in the throat and decapitates her.
He drags the head into the Pod and detaches, causing the ship to enter the planets atmosphere and burn up.
On the planet surface, they see a "shooting star", and Outsider begins to directly help the community for the first time, ending his self-imposed exile.
Nameless enters the ship and pridefully presents the Queens head.

Nameless is pretty much a rig
Dual has two sets of wristblades
Burner has a flamethrower on his wrist mechanism and a small one "for close encounters"
Viking has bear-like hair on his armour

Note this is not a blooding ritual: these are experienced Predators
Note the humans are using standard guns, so their effectivness on Aliens is significantly reduced, but they still work
The Second Queen is the original Praetorian that moulted after the Queen seperated from the hive mind ("dying").



It sounds like a good story, way better than the stories from the two movies we got.

I hope we one day may see this turn into a movie or even animation.
However, make the aliens more deadly when fighting the Predators,
I'm a Predator fan by heart but I really would like to see the Aliens be so deadly that they live up to the title "ultimate prey".
The Predator is a big game hunter, big game is prey that could hurt or kill the hunter, hunting ducks ain't big game, hunting lions are.
Something labled "ultimate" should be very dangerous to hunt and the odds would be against the hunter.
I'm not saying that this is something left out from your story, I wrote a large one my self and had to take away much, just to make it shorter for the ppl reading.
But a predator should take on the alien from the distance, pick them off one by one when they can, if they swarm him he's in trouble, if they swarm him and he has to defend himself by useing close combat he's dead, no matter how many hunts he's been on before.
One on one in a close combat situation, the Predator would have the odds against him.
The alien most deadly weapons when fighting a predator would be it's tail, head bite and acid blood, in close combat the Predators weapon of use would be the spear, it would lessen the threat from the head bite, it would distance him from acid blood splatter but the tail would still be a threat. The wrist blades may be acid proof but the Predator ain't, splatter may kill him or make him lose important body parts.
The Alien may claw him but I don't think they could scrach a fighting predator to death,
So I don't see the claws as the biggest threat for a Predator fighting an Alien.

However I think it would look cool if the Predator could heat their wristblades, so that they glow in the dark, the cuts would burn the wound and take away much of the blood splatter and useing this feat dureing a fight in a dark area would look awesome.

Useing fire as a weapon is not so good, the predator "sees" by heat, causeing fires would effect his vision, it may even blind him cause the fire in the room would raise the temperature in that area and the flames would need to be crazy high to kill the aliens he's about to hunt.
So I would equip "Burner" with something else more suited for Alien hunting.
And I read that the Predators have individual masks, you could identify the Predators by their masks not their weapons.
Nameless could have a mask that looks like wolfs, without the teeth and runes, make it smooth with a diffrent color, Duel could have a new design, Wiking could have horns, Burner could have the design of flames on his mask, not painted but molded into the mask, the sides on the upper forehead, the crown.

Hope you didn't get offended by this, it's just some stuff that came to mind reading your script.
However, I think it would be a good idea if you could work in a character from the AvP movies in your script, how about Molly O'Brien, Kellys daughter.
AVP-R ended with humans getting new tech, by the time molly is 32, they might be in space, she was 7 years old in AVP-R and much can happen dureing 25 years.
Her expirience might have driven her to studie hard and so that she may get a job at Weyland-Yutani, working in space as a pilot.
Or that they killed Kelly and made it look like sueside then they malipulated Molly to work for them so that they may keep her under close observation and to keep a lid on the information about Aliens and Predators, Molly didn't get killed cause miss Yutani couldn't have any kids on her own, she adopted Molly and became her foster mom...



Thanks for the feedback!  :D

I didn't want to really connect with the AvP movies.
If you have a problem with the Aliens getting killed by the Predators, just extend the action sequences in your head, or picture the Predators as REALLY pissed off.

I really liked the part where Nameless kicks the Outsider!



Quote from: dragonthingy on Aug 02, 2009, 10:25:29 PM
Thanks for the feedback!  :D


QuoteI didn't want to really connect with the AvP movies.

Well, I was thinking that your script has the potential to redeem the AvP movies, so a link to them could turn out good, and if you'll send the script away so it may evolve into a movie I think that the ppl at FOX also would like that idea.I was thinking that the Molly character wouldn't be like a Ripley copycat, she would turn into more of a "Sara Connor" character, with her background with losing her mom who was a soldier, having an Alien kill her dad and being adopted by a cold ruthless person at a young age while she still is trying to cope with the tragedy in her life, she would turn out slightly "mental"...

QuoteIf you have a problem with the Aliens getting killed by the Predators...

No, I got no problem at all with the Aliens being killed by the Predators, as a Predator fan I like to see the Predator win, I like him to outsmart and kill many aliens but if the Aliens are killed without much of an effort it doesn't say that the Predator is an experienced hunter, it only weakens the prey.
We saw that in AVP-R.

I like the scene in P2, in the slaughter house when they are trying to trap him and Pussyface turns the situation around.
I would like to see something like that happen in a AvP movie, a couple of Aliens stalking a Predator making him the prey but the Predator notices them and takes back his role as the hunter, killing them.
Let the Predator do what he does, let him use all his weapons but don't make his opponent lesser for him to be able to do so, like take away the Aliens acid blood so that the Predator can kill them with his wristblades in close combat without being hurt by splatter from the wetwork.

QuoteI really liked the part where Nameless kicks the Outsider!

I like that part too, I liked it alot, a Predator is a hunter, if you steal his prey he will get pissed.

Space Sweeper

Space Sweeper

Get a director that knows the franchise, and what makes it so goddamn good, set it in the future (the Alien universe) put Colonial Marines in it, and make a good f**king movie-- It's not that complicated; just do it well, in a universe were both franchises blend well (one reason why the games are so good, is the choice to set it in the Alien universe).

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