Poll: AvP vs AvPR

Started by xenomorph36, Dec 26, 2007, 04:38:16 PM

Which AvP movie do you like better?

Poll: AvP vs AvPR (Read 691,326 times)



I go with avp the second screw up big time



Ok as much as the AvP movies are not good movies the first one just doesn't feel right. It is like some abomination of the Steve Perry book story-wise. Very thing is brightly lit. The predators look bad. The face huggers didn't move or attach properly. The creature blood for aliens and predators looked incorrect. The second movie while also bad at least got the look and feel of the creatures better! The alien cocoon and webbing looked correct, the predator acted like a predator. There wasn't some hand-holding anti-violent undertone like there was in the original AvP. There wasn't some stupid predator human collaboration with alien head shield and tail spear!!! Ughh at least it seemed like the Strausse brothers actually saw Aliens and Predator. Granted they mess up the life cycle but comparing the sins of both movies the second AvP is better!



It got the look and feel of the creatures right? When did the Aliens grow overinfalted necks and forget how to fight?



Quote from: DoomRulz on Jun 03, 2012, 12:32:02 PM
It got the look and feel of the creatures right? When did the Aliens grow overinfalted necks and forget how to fight?

Since they fought Wolf i suppose?

Ok i go with AVP:R. Why? I just prefer how they made the Yautja a force to be reckoned with, not the 3 idiots in armour.

Although AVP had a stronger story and character Development. Sorry Xeno's :(



Quote from: TheUltimateHunter on Jun 11, 2012, 02:25:24 AM
Ok i go with AVP:R. Why? I just prefer how they made the Yautja a force to be reckoned with, not the 3 idiots in armour.

I beg to differ, while the Predators in AVP did do some very ridiculous, out of character ( teaming up with a human) things, the predators used what they had to try to kill the Xenos. While Wolf just mindlessly hacked, smashed and shot his way through a mindless horde of Xenos.



Quote from: Basher917 on Jun 11, 2012, 03:03:09 AM
Quote from: TheUltimateHunter on Jun 11, 2012, 02:25:24 AM
Ok i go with AVP:R. Why? I just prefer how they made the Yautja a force to be reckoned with, not the 3 idiots in armour.

I beg to differ, while the Predators in AVP did do some very ridiculous, out of character ( teaming up with a human) things, the predators used what they had to try to kill the Xenos. While Wolf just mindlessly hacked, smashed and shot his way through a mindless horde of Xenos.

This where i like to point out that they went to be blooded? then why allow some human take a share of the spoils? at least Wolf did not try and save the humans, if anything they just got in the way.



Quote from: TheUltimateHunter on Jun 11, 2012, 03:16:49 AM
Quote from: Basher917 on Jun 11, 2012, 03:03:09 AM
Quote from: TheUltimateHunter on Jun 11, 2012, 02:25:24 AM
Ok i go with AVP:R. Why? I just prefer how they made the Yautja a force to be reckoned with, not the 3 idiots in armour.

I beg to differ, while the Predators in AVP did do some very ridiculous, out of character ( teaming up with a human) things, the predators used what they had to try to kill the Xenos. While Wolf just mindlessly hacked, smashed and shot his way through a mindless horde of Xenos.

This where i like to point out that they went to be blooded? then why allow some human take a share of the spoils? at least Wolf did not try and save the humans, if anything they just got in the way.

Again, they did out of character things. That doesn't excuse Wolf's god-mode.



Quote from: Basher917 on Jun 11, 2012, 03:36:23 AM
Quote from: TheUltimateHunter on Jun 11, 2012, 03:16:49 AM
Quote from: Basher917 on Jun 11, 2012, 03:03:09 AM
Quote from: TheUltimateHunter on Jun 11, 2012, 02:25:24 AM
Ok i go with AVP:R. Why? I just prefer how they made the Yautja a force to be reckoned with, not the 3 idiots in armour.

I beg to differ, while the Predators in AVP did do some very ridiculous, out of character ( teaming up with a human) things, the predators used what they had to try to kill the Xenos. While Wolf just mindlessly hacked, smashed and shot his way through a mindless horde of Xenos.

This where i like to point out that they went to be blooded? then why allow some human take a share of the spoils? at least Wolf did not try and save the humans, if anything they just got in the way.

Again, they did out of character things. That doesn't excuse Wolf's god-mode.

Indeed it doesn't. I agree.



Quote from: PredatorsInstinct on Jun 11, 2012, 02:25:24 AM
Quote from: DoomRulz on Jun 03, 2012, 12:32:02 PM
It got the look and feel of the creatures right? When did the Aliens grow overinfalted necks and forget how to fight?

Since they fought Wolf i suppose?

What does that have to do with awful costume design?



Quote from: DoomRulz on Jun 12, 2012, 01:23:23 PM
Quote from: PredatorsInstinct on Jun 11, 2012, 02:25:24 AM
Quote from: DoomRulz on Jun 03, 2012, 12:32:02 PM
It got the look and feel of the creatures right? When did the Aliens grow overinfalted necks and forget how to fight?

Since they fought Wolf i suppose?

What does that have to do with awful costume design?

Since they forgot how to fight? they are fighting against a predator..right?



Yes but what I'm asking is, how does that correlate with the bad costumes? Ferazel said AvP:R got the look of the creatures right. I'm saying that's not possible because the Aliens looked terrible. Now what does that have to with them fighting Wolf?



Oh i was just replying to the ''They forgot how to fight'' part of his post, not the whole thing, i didn't like the alien looks myself, they seemed very...chubby... lol



I just dug up My Copy of AVP and decided to watch it again after so many years and I got to say: I actually like it.

AVP has all the proper pacing of an alien or predator movie. It starts off slow and lets you get to know the characters a bit before they are killed off. Alexa woods was a good character, I don't care what anyone says. We got to know her profession, her strong and determined personality, a little background on her and her father. If that's not a well rounded character what the hell is? I know more about her than I ever did about Ripley. Charles Bishop Weyland was also a great character; His determination to leave his mark on the world was very compelling to me. One Complaint I can't stand from people is the one where people say Charles ruins continuity because he shows up in Alien 3. People who say this are retarded, never in Alien 3 does Bishop II ever say his name, he never said his name was Charles, so obviously he's Charles' descendent. The concept of Predators helping humans build pyramids didn't bother me at all, it's a well known theory that humans built the pyramids with alien help so I don't understand why predator fans are so offended by the idea, since it turns out the only reason they built the pyramids was so they could hunt Aliens. Unlike AVPR, the Aliens threat to the world was felt; you could feel the desperation in Sebastian as he says "They mustn't reach the surface." Paul Anderson knew that the greatest threat was the aliens reaching earth, so he didn't put them on earth; he put them 2000 feet beneath the earth, like a ticking time bomb ready to go off. People say the aliens being on earth ruins continuity, again, I don't know why. The aliens were 2000 feet beneath the arctic ice and then get blown to ashes, no evidence. So I don't get that complaint either. The strause brothers just dumped the aliens in any town U.S.A and guess what happens? NOTHING. The aliens just hang out in sewers and hide in bushes, whatever happened to spreading across the globe? The sets in AVP are really impressive and the whole film looks great, almost every shot in AVP is a money shot, where's the shots in AVPR look like a kid playing with his daddy's camera in the dark.

Now let's get to the biggest reason I like this movie: it lives up to its title: 'Alien vs. Predator'. Unlike 'Aliens Vs Predator: Requiem', which should have been called "Predator Slaughters Aliens: Retarded." I'd hate to turn this thread into another "Which creature got the short end of the stick?" thread. But let's be honest here, this is an Alien vs. Predator film, so logically, both sides are going to have to deal with losses. Both sides are going to fight each other, both sides are going to have their wins and both sides are going to have their losses. In all the years that I've been here I've never seen any Alien fan complain about the alien's treatment in AVP, when they have more of a right to be upset than the predator fans.

Let's look at the score board.

Alien humiliating moments:

1. Alien gets kicked into a pillar.

2. Alien gets his tail cut off.

3. Alien gets smashed into a pillar.

4. Alien gets swung around by his leg and smashed into more pillars and tossed across a room.

5. Alien gets caught in a net and smashes through the floor.

6. Alien gets his head cut off in a second.

7. Flashback of an Alien head on a predator spear.

8. 3 predators take out a dozen aliens.

9. Scar throws an alien into a statue.

10. Alien gets killed with a spear by a human.

11. Alien gets tuned into a shield and spear.

12. Alien gets its brains blown out by a human.

13. Scar kills 3 aliens in the hallway.

Predator humiliating moments:

1. Gill gets killed by an alien and then tossed aside.

2. Celtic gets tackled to the ground.

3. Celtic gets tripped by Grid.

4. Celtic gets killed after a long and brutal fight. (How is that humiliating?)

5. 3 predators get killed by a dozen aliens. (Again, how is that humiliating?)

6. Scar gets tackled by an Alien. (Which he immediately responds by tossing the alien into a statue. I wish the aliens in AVPR had that response time.)

7. Scar gets saved by Lex. (A favor he returns later on.)

And to this day, I still can't wrap my head around the fact that Predator fan boys still think Paul Anderson was a biased alien fan boy. Paul W.S Anderson gave us a fair and balanced movie and anyone who thinks otherwise is a selfish predator fan boy. I could make a list of all the humiliating moments for both creatures in AVPR but I think you all know that it would be completely pointless and one sided. Also, here's an interesting thing to think about: did a predator ever get killed by a human in AVP? No. Did an Alien? Twice. Think about that the next time you want to call Paul Anderson biased. It's just beyond me, why predator fans keep whining like they were delt a horrible injustice. Apparently, if you show any kind of respect to the aliens, you're an alien fan boy. This wasn't Predator 3 so stop acting like the predators needed to be treated better; Aliens need their moments of glory too.

AVPR is the worst movie in the series; it had absolutely nothing going for it, except, maybe, a nice predator suit.



Quote from: Jigsaw85 on Jun 20, 2012, 08:35:42 AM
I just dug up My Copy of AVP and decided to watch it again after so many years and I got to say: I actually like it.

AVP has all the proper pacing of an alien or predator movie. It starts off slow and lets you get to know the characters a bit before they are killed off. Alexa woods was a good character, I don't care what anyone says. We got to know her profession, her strong and determined personality, a little background on her and her father. If that's not a well rounded character what the hell is? I know more about her than I ever did about Ripley. Charles Bishop Weyland was also a great character; His determination to leave his mark on the world was very compelling to me. One Complaint I can't stand from people is the one where people say Charles ruins continuity because he was shows up in Alien 3. People who say this are retarded, never in Alien 3 does Bishop II ever say his name, he never said his name was Charles, so obviously he's Charles' descendent. The concept of Predators helping humans build pyramids didn't bother me at all, it's a well known theory that humans built the pyramids with alien help so I don't understand why predator fans are so offended by the idea, since it turns out the only reason they built the pyramids was so they could hunt Aliens. Unlike AVPR, the Aliens threat to the world was felt; you could feel the desperation in Sebastian as he says "They mustn't reach the surface." Paul Anderson knew that the greatest threat was the aliens reaching earth, so he didn't put them on earth; he put them 2000 feet beneath the earth, like a ticking time bomb ready to go off. People say the aliens being on earth ruins continuity, again, I don't know why. The aliens were 2000 feet beneath the arctic ice and then get blown to ashes, no evidence. So I don't get that complaint either. The strause brothers just dumped the aliens in any town U.S.A and guess what happens? NOTHING. The aliens just hang out in sewers and hide in bushes, whatever happened to spreading across the globe? The sets in AVP are really impressive and the whole film looks great, almost every shot in AVP is a money shot, where's the shots in AVPR look like a kid playing with his daddy's camera in the dark.

Now let's get to the biggest reason I like this movie: it lives up to its title: 'Alien vs. Predator'. Unlike 'Aliens Vs Predator: Requiem', which should have been called "Predator Slaughters Aliens: Retarded." I'd hate to turn this thread into another "Which creature got the short end of the stick?" thread. But let's be honest here, this is an Alien vs. Predator film, so logically, both sides are going to have to deal with losses. Both sides are going to fight each other, both sides are going to have their wins and both sides are going to have their losses. In all the years that I've been here I've never seen any Alien fan complain about the alien's treatment in AVP, when they have more of a right to be upset than the predator fans.

Let's look at the score board.

Alien humiliating moments:

1. Alien gets kicked into a pillar.

2. Alien gets his tail cut off.

3. Alien gets smashed into a pillar.

4. Alien gets swung around by his leg and smashed into more pillars and tossed across a room.

5. Alien gets caught in a net and smashes through the floor.

6. Alien gets his head cut off in a second.

7. Flashback of an Alien head on a predator spear.

8. 3 predators take out a dozen aliens.

9. Scar throws an alien into a statue.

10. Alien gets killed with a spear by a human.

11. Alien gets tuned into a shield and spear.

12. Alien gets its brains blown out by a human.

13. Scar kills 3 aliens in the hallway.

1. to kill Celtic in the end, eventually
2. see above
3. see above
4. see above; but before that, melts Celtic's armour away.
5. again, see above
7. so?
8. for about 4 seconds before they are finally overrun
9. is that so impossible?
10. I'll give you that
11. the Alien was dead so I'm not seeing the problem
12. it was a clear target, no reason why Lex couldn't shoot it

Anderson's  film was as balanced as we'll get in a major feature film but he is a self-admitted Alien fan boy so yes, I still believe his film had a slight Alien bias.



QuoteAVP has all the proper pacing of an alien or predator movie. It starts off slow and lets you get to know the characters a bit before they are killed off. Alexa woods was a good character, I don't care what anyone says. We got to know her profession, her strong and determined personality, a little background on her and her father. If that's not a well rounded character what the hell is?

Miller and Weyland.

Both way more well rounded than Lex, while still being not much more than cardboard cutouts.  Lex is exactly the same at the end as she is at the start.  ie. One dimensional.

AvP tries to have the proper pacing, but doesn't used the build up to create any tension nor to develop the characters.  As soon as you see Miller's kids you know he's dead.  Sebastian is dull.  Stafford could've been interesting but isn't.  Verheiden is a simple prick.  Ditto Quinn.  Thomas and Rousseau are non-entities.

At least Miller shows he's a weedy dweeb with balls (before dying seconds later) and Weyland shows he's not the one dimensional corporate arsehole everyone expected.

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