AvP Behind-The-Scenes Book

Started by Darkness, Jul 27, 2004, 12:04:30 AM

AvP Behind-The-Scenes Book (Read 17,367 times)



Wow, the Elder looks really great, with all those piercings. Thats just a great idea... it makes him look even more original and gives him more charisma(sp?).  I, for one, really like the small front teeth that the Scar has... again, it makes him stand apart from the other Predators. ( originality is a good thing here! )  What about that Queen? She looks so damaged... that so awesome! ( Must have been one hell of a fight to get that Queen there. )  Concerning Cookies' comments: Seriously... why do you even bother coming here? It really looks like you already hate the movie without even having seen it... which is completely stupid. In every comment that you make, you find a reason to bash the movie... with little things like:  "pred look like fags now."  What the hell is that? All the fags you saw in your life had long hair like the preds? Maybe if you brought some good arguments or at least something to think about once in a while, you wouldn't look like you're utterly stupid...  Darkness, why don't you just ban that guy? He's simply pointlessly whining about stuff like a 10 years old... he never brings anything more to the discussion than "this and that looks gay, it's dumb, it looks fake, it's boring, etc."  You're clearly a waste of space... Also, you call yourself a true AvP fan? What a load of crap... I've never seen someone as far as what I would call a 'fan' than you. You keep bashing Paul's version of AvP... even though you know there isn't a chance in hell you could do any better. Everyone knows that a movie simply CAN'T be loved by EVERYONE... it doesn't make sense. I simply have no patience for kids like you that talk against things, when they couldn't even do 1/2 of the work.



huhhh man im sorry but thats jusr f--ked up its pg-13,im really trying to go with the flow with this pg-13 thing,i really am trying to make the efforts but man guys look at the past history ALIEN: rate R ALIENS: rated R ALIEN 3: rated R ALIEN RESURECTION: very much RATED R FAR from pg-13 PREDATOR: very much rated R PREDATOR 2: VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH A blodd bath gore fest,in other words RATED R. AVP: RATED pg-13.....................comeon guys whats wrong with this picture                     I will give fox credit and PAUL a chance but know this people the only way this movie is going to be good is if the really pushes the pg-13 limit,if they psuh it ti the last string then maybe we wont beable to tell if its pg-13 or  R rated film,some movies have gotten me with that,some movies iv watched thinking that it was a R rated movie but at the end of the film i find out that its rated pg-13 so if they push it then we might still have our gore fest and blood that we wanted,but remember that if would have nevery been the same if the pushed the limits with a r rating,so lets just pray,there is still hope that this movie will be the greatest alien and predator movie out   ;D   lets just pray guys.



I cant do better?  Well directing noo. but speical effects and character design  HELL YA.  Stan winston is the only guy who has great imagination and deisgn.  And theres no way in HELL any of you watched pred 1 more times them me from beginning to end.  I watched all the pred and alien films since i was a kid and loved them instaly.  Im a artiest and love creative stuff like creature design.  Personally i love the design of the alien in aliens becuase the head goes so well with the rest of the creature, while the dome just looks so odd.   Sorry but i take poeples tast opinions and such really sirusly becuase thats their job and frakly they suck at it.  They do stuff that just doesnt seem realistic and pointless.  U cant do things just for looks when realisticly its pointless and stupid.   Not hear to make enemies. sorry for that.  See to me star wars was great thier changes they make are really good and have meaning.  Boba fett is such a nice designed charater.  sure the new ones stunk but the design was there.



Okay Cookie i will leave you alone. I apologize for jumping down your neck, but i hope you realize what i'm saying. Yeah, alot of things don't really fit, like the teenage preds being bigger then the warriors in pred 1 and 2, there's alot of stuff still yet to be explained, but take it all in stride. So far, this movie looks pretty good and i for one am damn proud to have been a fan for so long.   So what do you say, cookies. In the words of Full Metal Jacket, "Why don't you jump on the home team and come in for the big victory?" Well it was something like that. What I'm saying is there is alot of people on this board who sahre ur concerns but are positive about it!  Sentinel, I know you are really trying, bro, you've been posting the same comment on all the pages..LOL J/K I know how you feel...if you need some reassurance go watch I, ROBOT. that movie was PG-13 and definitely pushed the envelope...There was alot of tense action, cussing, brief nudity(Will Smith's ass...eww!)...what i'm saying is that movie coulda been rated r but i think it was better pg-13.



Sure the Preds are insanely big, but the skin patterns, armor details and revamped equipment do look pretty good. As for why the "teenage" warriors are bigger than the preds in the first two movies,  I think PA already gave an explanation on the Howard Stern show...something about the first movie's Pred as being a lower-level hunter who would never be allowed to engage in the Alien hunts, and that these younger Preds are very "elite" in terms of the position in the hunter clan, which may explain their difference in size: bigger creatures tend to be more important in the "food chain".  I think that PA gave a description similar to that...don't know for sure tho...

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

Dont worry Cookies for once i actualy agree with what your saying, well sorta.I to am a nitpicker due to the fact that i take my art very seriously and try to add as much realism and detail and authentisity to my work untiil it gets to the point were if it dosnt look right i get pissed.But i am really piised how they sold out for this movie to be pg F'n 13 for petes sake , that just blows my mind.And Sentinel great point about the rating trend that stops with this 'superhero' in disguise.What im saying is alone these films were pretty intence and violent and gory, now you put both together and it SHOULD be twise as gory , violent and intence, but i can already say that wont be the case and the pg 13 rating proves it.Now im sure this will be a cool movie but if they didnt sell out to make more money off of the younger no bodies i could care less about ( sorry if theres a bunch of youngins on here, so dont trip out) and made the movie like it should have been made , a no holds barred slaughter fest.And thats to say the least.Now 1 more thing that has me alittle worried is since its pg 13 , were not going to have realistic situations in this film, let me explain, no there may be language in this but nothing that would compare to the way real people would act and say when there face to face with huge alien beasts that want to rip them limb from limb, man they would be throwing th F word around in this for fun if it was rated R, wich would be more realistic.In this its going to be like" holy space aliens batman"   :D   well probably not that cheesy but you catch my drift.Now this book looks uterly fantastic and this is a must have for ant avp fan regarless if the movie dosnt turn out to be that great, wich i hopeit still can with pg 13 floating over its head. I personaly wished they would have incorperated a bad ass looking pred with the sweet ass piercing in its head, damn that sucker looks mean as hell, he should roll with Pin heads crew   ;)  .I wonder what the SLIME is intitled for in the rating?, I hope that not how bad the gore will look in this, like jello guts or something of the sorts.   ???  Oh well im going to have to have an open opinion going into this movie and keep my expectations to a minimum as to not ruin me if it bombs.( crossing fingers)    ???  



Wow, look at how far open the predator mandibles are in that one picture.  Never saw that before.



cetanu, that scene is one of my favorites!  I especially love the part when Hudson's like "5 meters...4, what the hell?" Sounds so realistic and cool. Aliens had the best acting in probly any scifi movie or action movie for that matter...Dang, now i'm goin to have to watch that again tonight...  I am depressed about the rating, but's its no use moping about it any longer...Yeah, we got cheated BIG TIME. But now we gotta suck it up and deal..Let's just see the movie on friday the 13th and then count our losses/gains...  "We're doomed! We're f**ked!" "Are you finished?" "Pull it together, guys, cuz we need all our fans right now!"

Aliens Rule

Aliens Rule

If the acting and suspense is as great as those pics above then we are in for a real treat.  I think the preds are changed for the better.  They look really f***ing cool with a lot of character just by looking at them!  I'm still not real fond of the Alien design, although the Queen looks cool.  Hope this movie lives up to the hype!



God I am so sick of so called `true fan's bitching about how this film is gonna suck coz the dreads on the predators look faggy... PLEASE.  For fecks sake the original alien and sequel had guys in suits and if u saw the publicity shots of those guys dressed up then let me tell u they looked pretty fake - but thank god for lighting and a great director/cinematographer who knows how to shoot a film so this stuff looks as real as anything :|  Nuff said.  Lets all reserve our judgement until we have seen the complete finished article at the cinema's eh?  One thing I have learnt in these Alien films is that great visual FXs alone don't make the movie - its so much more than that!  Personally I can't wait for this film. I aint expecting it to be a world beater coz to topple the original Alien or even Aliens is gonna take something extraordinary but I am confident PA and co will deliver a good fun ride for our beloved Xenomorphs and Predators!



Aliasp:  Here here!   ;D  



in my opinion the aliens are looking awesome.  all the conceptiual (sp?) artwork to the shots in the trailers have all impressed me.  yes they may be simmiliar to res. aliens but i think they are being filmed better and put in the dark where they look the most sinister.  the most impressive alien is the queen.  the artwork in the shot above is fantastic.  even though its pg-13 (which was a downer for me) i think the creatures are looking nice.  im also glad the preds look bigger and more pissed.  it shows a difference in races.  aside from insects i dont know many animals including humans that look exactly the same.  most adolescents are muscular they need brute strength instead of skill to survive.  so i think this movie looks great so far and im very very excited to see it



hey guys just think, even if it turns out that you dont like the movie, this is still reawakening a nearly dead franchise in the public eye. that means much better chances for more movies, games, figures, whatever. try not to worry about it so much. i look forward to the movie, but even more to all the stuff that it will make way for.



Hey COOKIES! if you were a true AVP fan, you would have done these things. or at least head what people say who have done these things.  Read all of the Comics Played all of the games  watched all the movies watched all of the special features  bow down daily to your AVP shrine  (ok, maybe that is overexadurating a bit,)  but here is my point  HAIR CAN f**kING GROW LONG!!!!  do you think that the preds, with their superior technology do not have the ability to cut thier hair!!! it would grow the points back, if you read the comics and look at the preds, they had all different lenghts of hair, its just like humans! you seriously do complain alot, I agree with everyone, that yu should seriously just shut up!!!!

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

Yo grand master Z, who you nailin? Cookies? or me? I dont care but your not clearly pointing out who your tearin on.Do you ahve any of your work on this site? cause i would like to see it, i have some shit on here you can check out if you like, its under all three section i believe and using my name here Bringer of Death.

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