Alien vs. Predator: alternate version of the movie.

Started by Aliendrone, Jan 06, 2007, 04:05:37 PM

Alien vs. Predator: alternate version of the movie. (Read 17,933 times)



 Back in June of '06, I worked on an alternate version of AVP. Even though I like the film, I still think it could have gone better. The only similarities between my script version and the actual movie is a few of the characters. Other than that it is original material. I hope you enjoy my version of AVP: Alien vs. Predator.


Alien vs. Predator

Screenplay by Ryan Huelsman
(fan script only)

Based on the Alien characters created by Ronald Shusett and Dan O' Bannon,
And the Predator characters created by Jim Thomas and John Thomas.

Based on the Dark Horse comic book series.

The Alien and Predator characters belong to 20th Century Fox. All rights reserved.


Fade from black...

Ext. – Space – Predator home world.

Stars dazzle beautifully in the distance. In the middle of the screen a greenish planet appears. No one knows it yet but it is the home world of the Predators. It is the first time we have seen the planet, ever. Cut to...

Ext. – Predator world – Queen housing facility – Day.

A golden building appears in the center. Red, green and blue lights flash on and off all over the building. Cut to...

Int. – Queen housing facility – Control room – Day.

An unmasked Predator moves close to a control panel. Right above the panel is a large window that looks into a very large room. In the middle of that room is a large platform with a strange looking machine right above it. Two more Predators appear right next to the first; these two new Preds are masked. The first one presses a silver button on the panel. The button glows white. The three Predators look into the main room just as...

Int. – Queen housing facility – Alien Queen's room – Day.

The top of platform opens up, as if there is something inside it. The machine turns on and the chains that hanged down from the machine, connecting to whatever is inside the platform, began rising up into the machine. After a moment mist rises out of the platform (which is a raised platform, by the way) and a black shape rises out of the platform. It is a familiar shape. It is the beautiful Alien Queen rising up out of the platform. She is attached to her large egg sack, which is held up by a large, metal sling. The Queen's main body is held up by a complex system of tubes and wires. She is frozen. Now the clamp locks into the machine at the top of the room. Cut to...

Int. – Queen housing facility – Control room – Day.

The first Predator makes the familiar clicking sound in his throat as he pushes a greenish, brown button. This button too glows white. Cut to...

Int. – Queen housing facility – Alien Queen's room – Day.

Lightning like sparks come down from the machine. They touch the Queen and spread all over her body. After a moment the ice on her large hands falls off and the hands slowly ball up then open up again. The ice on her large crown like head falls off and her huge head slowly comes to life. Her mouth slowly comes out of her large crown like head and screeches in a loud pitch like we have never heard her before. Fade to Title screen...


Alien vs. Predator

Ext. – Queen's housing facility – Night.

It is the outside of the building, at night. We hear the Queen screeching loudly.

Int. – Queen's facility – Queen's room – Night.

The Queen is thrashing around, always screeching as the lightning continues to spread all over her body. We move toward her egg sack were we see her egg depositor. The Queen screeches as the first slime covered egg is laid on an automatic conveyer belt right underneath the egg depositor. The conveyer belt moves around the Queen's body at a 90-degree angle and then it goes out of the room. The Alien Queen lays a second and third egg. Now she is finally able to see her eggs. She stops screeching as the first egg comes into her view. She watches it carefully as it moves away from her. She sees it's heading out of the room and begins to thrash around to try and break free. But she can't and continues to screech as a fresh wave of lightning spreads all over her body. Cut to...

Int. – Queen's facility – Control room and hallway – Night.

One of the masked Predators makes the clicking sound and moves out of the room. He walks quickly down a long hall. Several more Preds appear out of the door at the end of the hall and walk past the first. We hear the faint cry of the Queen penetrating through the walls. The Predator reaches the door and presses a silver button next to the door. It opens. Cut to...

Int. – Queen's facility – Queen's room – Night.

The massive Queen continues to thrash around as she lays more eggs. We go back to her egg depositor and see her laying the eighth egg so far.

Int. – Queen's facility – Egg Transport Room – Night.

We now see the room that all the eggs have ended up going to. About a dozen Preds are in here. In the middle of the room is a 2-seat sized couch size vehicle that is opened up and inside it are special carrying bowls that can hold ten eggs. We see that as the eggs come towards the end of the belt, a Predator carries it to the transport and places it on one of the bowls. One of the Predators gives out a loud cry into an intercom like system.

Int. – Queen's facility – Control room – Night.

The first Predator hears the sound and presses a red button on the control panel. We see the Queen continue to screech as the lightning sparks disappear. A white powder, being fired at her by jets super fast, covers the Queen. A white cloud envelops her for a second. When it disappears, the mighty Alien Queen is frozen again and she is descended once again into her holding room. She has served her purpose for now. Cut to...

Ext. – Space – Earth.

We see our beautiful home planet Earth. Green land, blue seas. Beautiful. Cut to...

Ext. – Weyland Astronomy Center – Day – 2007 A.D.

We now see what appears to be some sort of satellite dish array, probably somewhere in the Northern part of America, in Nebraska. We lower the view so we can see the main white building in the center of the dish array. We zoom in closer and see that it has a large, golden W on the side of it. The array belongs to the Weyland Corporation. Cut to...

Int. – Weyland Astronomy Center – Telescope array office.

We see about a dozen scientists and astronomers in this room of the facility. They are all working on their computers at their desks. One of them, TOM WOODRUFF Jr., gets out of his seat and starts walking to the coffee machine on a desk next to the wall. He grabs a cup and rips open a coffee bean bag. He pours it in the machine and starts it up. We cut to see another astronomer get out of his desk and walk over to TOM.

Nothing for five weeks. I have gotten so board that I have thought of just taking my son's telescope and stare at the moon.

TOM: (with a smile on his face)
Yeah, that'll work. Hey, how are Ripley and your son doing?

Ripley, she's great and our son, Hicks, he's turning 2 next month.

Really, already. Going to have everyone over for the party?

Yep. I'll send you an invitation. It's happening on the 7th.

TOM doesn't reply. He is staring at a computer screen on the other wall. The monitor is making a loud beeping sound. The others have also heard it. TOM slowly walks over to the console and presses a red button that says Display. The screen goes white and then a read out is shown. TOM quickly scans it and shock spreads over his face. The ASTRONOMER stares at him.

Tom, Tom what is it? What have the telescopes seen?

Something is heading toward Earth.

Where is it heading?

TOM: (still reading the info on the screen)
I don't know. It's changed course 6 times in the last 2 hours.

ASTRONOMER: (shocked)

Call the Research facility in Nevada. They need to know about this.
Ext. – Weyland Corporation Research Facility - Day

We see the outside of a research facility belonging to the Weyland Corp. It is located in Nevada. It is like a military base, but with white buildings and the famous W on the side of each building. A truck pulls up next to the side of the main building titled "Administration and Access Center". TOM ROLAND gets out of the car and reaches into his pocket as he tries to find his access card.

Damnit, where is it?

After a second of searching he finds it. He walks toward the door. Cut to...

Int. – Access Building – Day.

Inside is an information desk. A young, red haired woman sits at it. On the front of the desk is, again, the W. TOM walks up to her, shows her his card and she nods. To the right of the desk is an elevator. TOM walks to it and pushes the down button. Cut to...

Int. – Weyland's room – Day

CHARLES BISHOP WEYLAND, a man well into his mid fifties, sits in front of his laptop, which is at his desk. He looks over the research reports when MAX STAFFORD, a strong, muscular looking white man, appears in the doorway.

Mr. Weyland, our satellites have detected something heading towards this desert. It is quick moving.

Is it a meteor?

No. It has changed course many times recently and if it continues to move as fast as it is, it will crash 14 kilometers away from this facility at 19:00 hours.

WEYLAND looks at the computer screen, which reads 14:00 hours. MAX leaves the room as WEYLAND presses a button on the desk.

Int. – Lab 2.

ALEXA WOODS works with on her lab report on a lab table when MAX STAFFORD appears next to her. She looks at him just as MAX leans forward to her ear.

Weyland is informing the staff that something is going to crash into this desert tonight.

LEX: (Pause)
Like what exactly?

MAX looks over his shoulder at the other scientists, who are looking at computer screens and long documents.

It may be extraterrestrial in origin. We thought it was a meteor at first, but it is moving in ways we can't understand.

LEX: (turning toward MAX)
Are you sure or are you playing with me?  I've got a lot of work to do and Mr. Weyland is requesting the reports on these specimens on his desk, tonight.

I'm sure; he wants all the scientists up in the conference room in 30 minutes for a briefing. Okay?

LEX nods and begins to pack up her things. MAX exits the room.

Ext. – Egg Carrier – Space.

The egg transporter moves ominously across the screen. It is the same vehicle that the Predators were placing the ten eggs in. We see that it is behind the moon now and at this rate, may even hit the Nevada desert quicker than what WEYLAND thought before. Cut to...

Ext. – Weyland Corporation Research Facility – Night.

We see the entire facility lit up on a beautiful night. We zoom in on the Conference building that is located on the north side of the complex. We hear WEYLAND talking as we zoom in.

A few hours ago, one of our satellites taking pictures of deep space saw that some sort of object was heading towards Earth.

We now see the inside of the conference room. A dozen scientists, electricians and a dozen soldiers, along with LEX and a chemical engineer named GRAHAM MILLER, are inside a big room. WEYLAND is on a raised platform as he speaks.

WEYLAND: (cont'd.)
For a while we thought that it was a meteor, that is, until we saw it take a 90-degree turn. We have also seen it slow down and stop.

A soldier, CONNER WILLIAMS and his brother, GREG, stand next to WEYLAND. CONNER heads for the microphone.

We have reasons to believe that this "thing" may be extraterrestrial in origin. We do not know if this is true or not. If it is, we don't know if it is friendly... or hostile. When this thing crashes, we need soldiers out there in case the entities inside are dangerous.

By our analysis we have indicated that this "alien object" will crash 14 kilo's away from here in 2 hours.

MAX and another scientist, HARLAN DAVIS, come rushing into the room from the south side door. MAX whispers something to WEYLAND. We see his face turn pale white. He moves aside as MAX moves up the platform.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let's get to the point.

He pauses as he looks over the crowd.

It's entering the atmosphere now.

Excitement grips the group. LEX looks at MAX, who is looking back at her.

Soldier 2:
What, it's here?

Scientist 3:
It's already here.

Soldier 1:
Jesus Christ, how fast can it be moving?

Ext. – Above Nevada desert – Night.

The Egg carrier moves closer and closer toward the Research Facility. The entire time we have seen the carrier, it has had jets on it so it can move. Now we see the jets turn off, as if to let the wind, and gravity, take it to its landing zone.
Bluish lights appear on the side of the carrier, as it is now just a few meters above the ground.

Int. – Egg Carrier – Night.

All ten eggs gently move and hit each other as red lights appear inside the carrier, to illuminate the ten alien eggs.

Ext. – Egg Carrier – Night.

We see the carrier coming in quickly from the right as it swiftly smashes into the desert floor. The blue lights on the side of the egg carrier are still on and as we zoom in on the craft we see that it is surprisingly undamaged.

end of part 1.

If you want to see the whole thing, follow this link....

I hope you like it. :) :)

Another thing, I am working on a sequel to my version, so if anyone has ideas, please tell me.

I would also like to request that if you read it, please review, so I know how good other people think it is. Thanks.


WOW Thats all i can the good way. It was just...Awesome. Cant really see it film but its great..You have a great immagination in fan fiction.I really dont know what to look for in a review; but from a fan..watching..err..i mean reading it it was great. Lots of human,pred,& alien blood. Made me want to keep reading even after the end. Theres alittle stuff here and thier that I dident understand. (around the end, like u just wanted to speed things up and get it over with) but the overal experince was exellent. Great job! Look forward to AVP2!!


Max was originally supposed to have a quick hand-to-hand fight with the Grid alien, but I felt that it would have been cheesy, so I cut it.



Quote from: Aliendrone on Jan 06, 2007, 04:05:37 PM

a good idea would be to go over this again using exaggerating descriptive words, I want to feel like what I'm reading is happening or else it will bore me to death, I didn't read too much so maybe it's only the start that does this?


Any news on the sequel yet?


Quote from: ian36015 on Feb 04, 2007, 04:46:58 PM
Any news on the sequel yet?

The main character is called Nick Ripley and he is the great-great grand father of Ellen Ripley.

The Predalien will come back.

Exclusive only to AVPGalaxy, the opening of the sequel.....v

Fade from black...

Int. Weyland-Yutani office – Day.     July, 2007

We are in a somewhat futuristic office room. There is a large window on one side of that looks out on a city, possibly San Francisco. A man, maybe in his mid 40's, sits behind a metallic desk looking at a computer screen. The name plate on the desk reads: Mr. Hiro Yutani. The office looks like it belongs to a higher up executive.

A young looking woman enter the office. Yutani looks up at her with a smile on his face.

Mr. Yutani, we have learned that Mr. Max Stafford has been found guilty for the murder of Mr. Weyland last month.

You know that he's innocent, right?

Yes. I just thought you should know about what happened.

You know, there is something we can do.

Yutani stands up from behind the desk. He walks around the desk.

Go to where they're keeping him, and tell them to let him go.

I should just tell them to open the doors and let him walk out?

Yutani nods his head.
Woman: (cont'd)
But if we let him out, he could tell the world about the Predators and Xenomorphs.

No one will believe him. After some time of trying, he'll stop.

The Woman nods and walks out of the office room. Yutani walks back to his desk and sits down. He presses a button on the keyboard. The iconic WY logo comes up on the screen and so does a menu. Yutani presses another button. We now see on the computer screen what looks like a security camera picture, a still from a possible piece of film.

It shows three Aliens in a hallway from the Weyland research center. Yutani smiles.

Yutani: (smiling)
The perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility.


lol nice job


Thanks, I'll update on further info as soon as I can, but I will also tell you this.....

It is darker, scarier and bloodier than my AVP........

The story line is a mix of Predator amd Aliens
I so no character any mercy, what so ever. Every moment may be a characters last and just because they are main characters, that doesn't grant them safety from death.


 ;D yay.. so exited!! sounds like a kinda of script that needs to be brought to the screen


Sounds good. You should actually get some ppl together and make it ;D


 I wish. Last summer I wanted to make a small Alien film with a few of my friends, but interest in it dropped. I'm thinking of trying again this summer.


Well keep at it ;D


I just don't know where on the internet I can find a good alien suit, and I suck at making a suit from scratch. I may have to go with action figures or something along those lines.


How bout investing in a CGI program?


Anyway, back to my sequel. I've decided that I will release information on AVP:Alien vs. Predator 2:Outbreak by doing smaller versions of press releases. Expect the first one sometime before monday.

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