book 1 AVP OVERRUN (New Chapters as in right now!) (plz post)

Started by The Ghoul, Dec 16, 2009, 08:58:56 AM

did this teaser make you want to read the rest of the book?

book 1 AVP OVERRUN (New Chapters as in right now!) (plz post) (Read 14,585 times)


I have one question about Reaver's physiology. If his blood it's caustic acid, we could expect that his other body fluids are caustic too. So what about this hot behaviour in chapter 1? It seems to me a bit hazardous. ;)

The Ghoul

Quote from: keylight-di on Dec 17, 2009, 08:32:36 PM
I have one question about Reaver's physiology. If his blood it's caustic acid, we could expect that his other body fluids are caustic too. So what about this hot behaviour in chapter 1? It seems to me a bit hazardous. ;)

well ones siliva is the opposite ph of ones blood so you u really can't know about the other fluids,  but i see your point. :)

The Ghoul

chapter 5 will be done be done tonight for anyone who was wondering. its coming along nicely. long live Suk-Kresh!!! ;D


Quote from: The Dude5000 on Dec 17, 2009, 10:13:03 PM
Quote from: keylight-di on Dec 17, 2009, 08:32:36 PM
I have one question about Reaver's physiology. If his blood it's caustic acid, we could expect that his other body fluids are caustic too. So what about this hot behaviour in chapter 1? It seems to me a bit hazardous. ;)

well ones siliva is the opposite ph of ones blood so you u really can't know about the other fluids,  but i see your point. :)
I understand it. But I'm thinking... The base (pH above 7) and acid (pH below 7) have  have the same corrosive effect. Believe me, I'm biologist.
Aliens have some kind of protection,  Reaver has this same defense mechanism. I'm just thinking about his partner.  ;)
Do you understand? It's only small detail....
Quote from: The Dude5000 on Dec 18, 2009, 07:27:55 AM
chapter 5 will be done be done tonight for anyone who was wondering. its coming along nicely. long live Suk-Kresh!!! ;D
I can't wait! ;D

The Ghoul

ok so everyone should know i have added days so u can keep track of which day it is. now fresh off the presses and my bleeding fingers of typeing. CHAPTER 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 5
In system of planet LV-123
Day 2, 2300 hrs.

   Suk-Kresh scout ship dropped out of hyper space at high speeds. He sped the ship past the system massive star which lit up the cockpit in a bright white light. He sped past the first four planets and continue to the human world. He pulled up the readout on a holo pad of the planet. It was a white world covered in ice and snow. Very little vegetation. It had a high oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere due to a massive atmospheric processor the humans used to make the planet more sustainable of life for them. He slowed his progress to the planet and came in at a lower speed. He switched to manual control to re-enter the atmosphere. He lowered the nose of the ship to dive through the atmosphere. He felt the ship shudder as the atmosphere tried to push the ship away, soon the friction built up and fire streaked across the ship.

   Suk-Kresh watched the fire and made sounds of pleasure seeing the fire. He enjoyed the rides down into a prey infested planet. He powered down the engines and decide to let the ship just fall on through the atmosphere. Eventually the fire stopped and Suk-Kresh could see the surface below. He used the thrusters to level the ship for a landing. He then turned on the cloaking generator of the ship, hiding it from sight and radar. He then turned the engine back on and the auto-pilot and set it to come low to the ground, he felt like jumping out of the ship. He programmed a place to land close by to the human facility and to stay hidden. Suk-Kresh got up from his seat and walked to the air-lock. This ship didn't have pods for it was too small. He waited for the ship to come in at hundred feet and opened the inner hatch and closed it behind him. He then opened the outer hatch and jumped out.

   Suk-Kresh fell through the freezing air. He know his body could take such a fall for he did this many times before, he crouched down and point his fist downward to insure he'll land on his feet. He then crashed into the snow sending up some snow into the air and he roared in success. His feet were warm but the cold snow numbed them. He ignore the cold and activated his cloak. He was there for another second then he vanished in thin air as it came on. He quickly pulled up his heads up display (HUD) to show the location of the facility, it was behind him. He turned and saw it through his heat vision it emitted a lot of heat making it stand out through the snow. Suk-Kresh walked through the blizzard of snow raining down on him. The snow soon got so thick it came up to his shins and began to feel cold but he shrugged it off and kept on moving. He was at least a good fifty meters away. He could see the complex massive walls in the snowy haze. He would have to scale the walls for his mask showed guards at the gates glowing a yellow and bright blue. He didn't want to get detected until the queen and her brood were freed. Suk-Kresh decided to pick up his speed; he hungry for the killing.

   Suk-Kesh finally reached the massive dark gray wall, he looked up the wall and saw it was at least thirty meters tall. He noticed the wall was smooth and so he couldn't climb it from his position. He might have to sneak by the guards after all. He thought to himself on how to dispatch the guards; he'd have to do it fast and quietly. He activated his duel wrist blades and walked towards the gate.

"Man it's cold tonight man." The first human spoke in the gate way, dressed in white winter garb and a M41A slung on his shoulder.

"Saw that meteor when it came down earlier?" The second human also dressed the same and armed spoke across from the first.

"Yeah I did it looked nice and warm." First human freezing. "How can stay so warm Ryan?"

"Who say's I'm not freezing I just don't bitch about it." Second human spoke.

   They suddenly heard a series of mandible clicks and a light roar which made them face the open snow with their weapons drawn.  "Shit I know what makes that sound." Second human spoke.

"Let's check to make sure." First human spoke. "Its mostly the wind."

"Right." Second human and First human walk out into the open looking high and low for anything odd.

   Suk-Kresh watch as they stayed close together within arms reach of each other. He was very careful not to move for they were in front of him.  He waited for them to be in range then he stabbed his blades forward.

   Ryan vomit blood as he felt something sharp and cold enter his gut and lift him off the ground. He felt agonizing pain as the blades cut up his organs and sapped all of his strength from his body. He could feel more blood flowing up into his throat making him spit more and the blood landed on something clear and distorted. It was like it was floating in the air then something appear a massive armored man; no not a man a monster that he seen in the labs. He looked over at Jeff he was already dead and hanging in the air. He tried to life his weapon one handed but it was too heavy, he looked at the masked alien that looked at him. It was watching him as he was impaled on the alien's blades. He looked at Jeff and the alien ripped the blades out making Jeff making him fall and his intestines come flying out with a shower of blood that drenched the snow. Ryan could feel his body go numb and heavy, he fought to stay alive, the alien lift him up higher off the ground and made silent sounds taking in the site. It enjoyed watching him die. It then shoved its second blade into him. The long serrated blade entered his flesh like a hot knife through butter, cleaving bone and muscle like it was nothing but bread. Ryan let out a long dieing scream that couldn't be heard from the winds of the blizzard. Ryan looked down and stared at the masked alien then shut his eyes and fell into darkness. He no longer felt any pain.

   Suk-Kresh roared and ripped the human in half with his blades to free them. Blood flowed and pooled at his feet, seeping into the snow. Suk-Kresh re-activated his cloak and walk through the open gate to the inside of the outpost. He found killing those two human's rather pleasing to psyche. It still didn't get rid of his hunger for a hunt. He walked through the snow until he found a door leading inside. It had a control panel that opened the door if the right button of combintion of button were pushed. He looked at it and flipped up his wrist computer. He aimed it at the control panel and pushed a button. Bolt of lighting shot outward shorting the control panel out, only thing was the door did not open still. Suk-Kresh roared in anger and stucked his finger between the crack and pried at the door with all of his strength. The door started to spread apart slowly as snow from the top of it and fall onto Suk-Kresh's shoulder shorting out his cloaking with a dance of blue sparks. He could feel the door pushing back but he had a good hold and continued to push the two parts apart. He then felt the mechinsims trying to break the door shatter and the pressure stopped. Suk-Kresh pushed the door all the way open and walked inside. He quickly shook the snow off of him and re-engaged his cloak, then he heard alarms come one. So he stalked down the corridor to ascertained the loction of the Queen.

   Suk-Kresh moved silently like a hunter in the night, not making a sound. He spotted two humans walking his direction with motion trackers out. He could hear the clicking of them. He activated his plasma caster's and the duel targeting laser of his mask.

   Chris didn't know what they were looking for, up stairs just said an introder broke in and so they send them in. He looked over at Jack and smiled, then back at his motion tracker; nothing. "Let's just say we checked it out Jack?" Looking at Jack and saw three red dots on his face then a bright blue light engulfed his face. Blood shot onto Chris's face and he looked down the hall with his rifle aimed and he fired on full-auto. Then he saw a red beam touch his stomach it came from a distortion of the air. He looked down and then watch the plasma fly along the line like its connected to it. It buried into his gut making his torso explode outward sending bone fragments and tissue flying. Chris dropped his weapon and held the hole in his torso, his legs shack and then he spun around like he was dancing and fell onto the floor; dead; blood lightly flowed from his mouth and pooled on the floor.

   Suk-Kresh continued to walk down the hall. He reached an intresection and saw a human run into a lifting room of some type. Suk-Kresh then remember they are called elevators. He made a small sound of pleasure and walked towards it. He knew the lift wasn't here yet so he looked at the control panel; luckily he knows how to work these simple ones. He pushed one that had a down arrow it and it lit up. Now he waited and like always the lift came back and the doors opened. Suk-Kresh quickly ducked moved to side as marines armed up and fired out the open door.  Suk-Kresh pulled out his net gun and fired it into the cramp elevator strapping the two marines in to wall. Suk-Kresh watched as the netting tighten and cut there armor, weapons, lights, and lastly there flesh. They screamed as it diced them together. Blood started to blood on the floor and when Suk-Kresh was sure they were dead, he entered the elvator. Then thought the queen would most likely be held at the bottom that's how they would have to climb to escape. He pushed the biggest negitive number he found and the elevator moved downward. He chuckled to himself as he heard a gurgle of blood behind him. He played a voice back of a marine in hunted for them. "Stick around." In a human voice spoke from Suk-Kresh. The doors opened and Suk-Kresh instantly locked onto two armored guards fire his duel casters blowing there heads to chunky bits. He walked out into the corridor and began his look for the Queen, he could feel that she's here he knows she's here.

   Suk-Kresh walks the corridor looking to gain entry into a room. He then found one door open. There two humans on the ground asleep, dreaming. He walked in and looked at the window and roared chuckled as he saw the queen twenty meters far back into a cave shackled to the rock wall. He saw the queen look at him, then he saw drones come out of other caves to heriness. Suk-Kresh took aim at the shackles that bond her to her prison. He fired at the chains with super heated balls of plasma. The Queen looked at the predator and then the broken glass. Her eggs began to open then a human woke up. Suk-Kresh looked at her in the eyes. He then cloaked and chuckled and ran out of the room and into the elevator. He hit the top floor button and chuckled even louder. "The Hunt begins!!!" He roared.

   Soon in next day the hunting ship carrying a party of elite hunters and Raz'da will arrive. Suk-Kresh yelled. "Long live the hunt and the Shadow Blade Clan!!!!"           

The Ghoul

The Ghoul

Quote from: keylight-di on Dec 18, 2009, 09:18:56 AM
Quote from: The Dude5000 on Dec 17, 2009, 10:13:03 PM
Quote from: keylight-di on Dec 17, 2009, 08:32:36 PM
I have one question about Reaver's physiology. If his blood it's caustic acid, we could expect that his other body fluids are caustic too. So what about this hot behaviour in chapter 1? It seems to me a bit hazardous. ;)

well ones siliva is the opposite ph of ones blood so you u really can't know about the other fluids,  but i see your point. :)
I understand it. But I'm thinking... The base (pH above 7) and acid (pH below 7) have  have the same corrosive effect. Believe me, I'm biologist.
Aliens have some kind of protection,  Reaver has this same defense mechanism. I'm just thinking about his partner.  ;)
Do you understand? It's only small detail....
Quote from: The Dude5000 on Dec 18, 2009, 07:27:55 AM
chapter 5 will be done be done tonight for anyone who was wondering. its coming along nicely. long live Suk-Kresh!!! ;D
I can't wait! ;D

i didn't know bases corrord stuff. hmm ok i'll fix the little problem  ;D oh i can turn this into a major twist that no onexpects to happen at all this is good lol

The Ghoul

i haven't had time to edit cause i was so happy to get it out here lol


I just finished reading.  I love the description of landing, the hunt. All those poor people whom met Suk-Kresh. They had bad luck. Or good luck, considering the release of the Queen ... ;)

Probably I find some (a little) inconsistency for using present tense and past tense, but I'm not sure. That I totally do not mind. It's good to be a foreigner sometimes . ;)

Good job, keep this way. I love this story. :D

The Ghoul

Quote from: keylight-di on Dec 18, 2009, 10:48:44 AM
I just finished reading.  I love the description of landing, the hunt. All those poor people whom met Suk-Kresh. They had bad luck. Or good luck, considering the release of the Queen ... ;)

Probably I find some (a little) inconsistency for using present tense and past tense, but I'm not sure. That I totally do not mind. It's good to be a foreigner sometimes . ;)

Good job, keep this way. I love this story. :D

thank you now its time to see if Sara lives and who Evac really is? Is she human? who knows? :D


Oh, man... You're so crafty, tricky... Oh... ;)
Great idea about Evac, but  don't break the  suspense. :D

The Ghoul

Quote from: keylight-di on Dec 18, 2009, 11:16:18 AM
Oh, man... You're so crafty, tricky... Oh... ;)
Great idea about Evac, but  don't break the  suspense. :D
i won't break the suspense  ;D

The Ghoul

chapter 6 is almost done baby will be here be the end of tonight at latest  ;D HEEYYYAAAAA


Oh, I started to worry, what happend with your story. ;)
The tension is so hight....
Don't worry, just do it good. Don't hurry up. I can wait a moment longer (or I can't? but I try... :D)

(BTW what's a new, beautiful awatar?  :D)

The Ghoul

Quote from: keylight-di on Dec 19, 2009, 07:49:39 AM
Oh, I started to worry, what happend with your story. ;)
The tension is so hight....
Don't worry, just do it good. Don't hurry up. I can wait a moment longer (or I can't? but I try... :D)

(BTW what's a new, beautiful awatar?  :D)
oh its comming along nicely Sara is having a bad time right now lol.

(ty for the avi this one suits me more, and my friend finally went to sleep so i can type without interuption from them now so its all good.) ;D

The Ghoul

The Ghoul

here is the short action packed chapter six!!!

Chapter 6
Orion Facility
Day 3, 0030 hrs

   Sara awoke and saw the strangest thing. She was looking at a massive armored predator in golden armor. She felt fear and the predator looked at her. It cloaked and chuckled an evil laugh that made her shake. It then ran out of the room. She then heard a crawling sound she looked to her left and saw a swarm of face huggers crawling towards the broken window. She looked over to Steinberg he was still on the floor passed out. She got up and shook him awake and helped him to his feet. "We got to get out of here!" Sara yelled grabbing the drowsy doctor and running out of the room.

"Wait what are we running from?" Steinberg stopped.

"A predator just freed the hive through your office now lets move!" Sara shouted and grabbed Steinberg again but he shoved her off.

"Why would a predator do such a stupid thing?" Chuckles and turns around and then his head flies back with a yellow like spider alien attached to his face.

   Sara saw Stienbergs head fly back and turned and ran. She could hear the nails clicking on the floor of a face hugger crawling after her. She turned right went down the corridor to the elevator she pushed the button to call it. But it was on its way up and then she heard a loud roar from above her. She then turned around and ducked just in time to have the alien spider missed her face. She turned around again and put her hands up to protect her face, she watched the alien. The face hugger pounced again and landed in one hand the tail in the other. She instantly pulled on the tail, pulling the face hugger away from her. The alien tried to shake free but her grip was tight. She spun the alien by its tail and slammed up against the wall over and over again. It made wet squishy sounds at it hit the wall. She kept on slamming the yellow alien until it splatter acid all over the wall from its bones finally breaking. She then heard a hissing in front of her. She looked up and saw a full grown Xenomorph looked at her; it approached her slowly like it was savoring the kill. She looked to her left and saw a open door. She ran and the alien pounced but she made it in and the alien went skidding into the elevator doors. She immediately hit the close switch and the door shut sealed shut blocking out the alien for now. She then noticed the twitching face hugger was still in her hands, she quickly dropped it and looked around the room. She was in the emergency stair case. So she took off up the steps run hard and getting higher. She wanted to hit the top floor. As she reached level six a marine ran into the room but a spear flew into his backs and stabbed him to the wall. He dropped his rifle. She could hear the predator coming throw the door. She dived grabbed the pulse rifle and fired at the cloaked enemy. The Predator roared and backed away behind cover bleeding. Sara took the moment and ran upstairs which was across the door way.

   She made to the stairs be firing another burst through the door way making the predator stay back. She continued to climb the stairs as fast as she could. She finally reached level twelve and opened the hatch to the roof. She found some winter coats and ski pants laying around the stair well for well she didn't really know. She put on the too big snow gear on and climbed onto the roof. She went prone and crawled. As she approched the edge of the building she saw the golden predator de-cloak and walk out into the snow.

   Sara thought to herself all the people that are now dieing due to that monster. She thought could she take him down really? She had a M41A with a grenade launcher on it. She could take him she was sure of it. She thought a bit longer watching the predator just stand there thinking to it self or is it waiting for something to happen? Sara finally found her moment and time seemed to slow as she got up. She pumped the over-under grenade launcher, took her aim and fired.

   Suk-Kresh was engulf in an explosion and fragment torn in his torso. The force of the blast knocked him down to the ground and made his head spin. He had to think of a way to get the prey to come out and reveal it's self. So he chose to play dead.

   Sara cheered and jumped on the roof. "Yeah I got you sonvabitch! I got you-" She slipped and fell off the roof and hit her head on railing; flinging it back and she crashed into the soft snow and darkness blinded everything she saw.

   Suk-Kresh chuckled to see such a foolish human do such an act when a kill was supposly made. He got up and hunched over to the unconscious human. She had long blonde hair and had a gash on her for head. Suk-Kresh drew his wrist blades so he can claim her skull. Then he heard a nails on chalk board scream that made him turn around. A swarm of honor prey broke down a door and charged for him. He charged his plasma casters and opened fire.

   Sara awoke with a spilling headache and an awful smell in her nose. She saw the Predator stood with its back turned to her shooting Xenomorphs. Now it was time for her escape. She crawled in the snow, blood dripping from her face. She finally made it around the corner and saw a vent opening. She bashed in the vent and crawled inside it. Then she tumbled down it as it entered a downward angle and then she landed in empty vent duct. There was a fan spinning above her and she smiled. "This place is perfect to hide for rescue." she spoke to herself.

   Suk-Kresh roared in anger as he gun downed honor prey by honor prey. He's plasma casters are about to over heat. So he pulled out his net gun and net two honor prey together. He then pulled out his discs and tossed them at the honor preys. One honor prey gets its head sliced clean off and another get one stuck in its gut. Suk-Kresh caught the one that came back and then turned on "haywire mood" for the disc stuck in the alien gut. The blades started to vibrate and the disc spun in a counter-clockwise motion. The alien screamed and grabbed at its gut as the blades ripped it open from the inside. Soon the alien's guts were on the floor as the disc cut it right in half and spun back to Suk-Kresh. Suk-Kresh targeted his casteres at the two honor prey caught in the net. He fired and killed them dead. He then turned around and found that his trophy prey as vanished and hid. This made him so angry he punched through the metal wall next to him. He checked his systems for damage as soon as he pulled back his arm. He cloaking generator was destoried by the grenade and his armor needed mantanince. He grumbled to himself and started his walk back to the ship.

   Sara was glad she found a place to hide out from. Soon when it grow quiet she'll get food and hide out here. With her rifle she can killl any Xenomorph who gets in her way easily enough. She was just glad to be alive, not even the horrid screams brought her head down. She just smiled onward sitting in the vent duct waiting for it all to grow quiet. She'll just wait and listen to people die and smile because she's still alive. She laid her head back and whistle a soft tune that could not be heard over the fan.                


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