A group effort AvP Campaign book.

Started by Celtic-predator, Feb 12, 2009, 07:10:01 AM

A group effort AvP Campaign book. (Read 2,751 times)



Would anyone like to contribute to making an AvP campaign book? Basically a book detailing the campaign of human and Predator forces on an alien-infested planet, with very specific information of the forces involved, while trying to tell a good story. Essentially, it would outline the invasion of mercenaries to a hostile Alien planet. A team of Predators are drawn to hunt both forces and then withdraw. My main goal for such a book is for it to be realistic. The mercenaries won't be invading for revenge or anything stupid that would require the mobilization of entire armies just for an ideal of mankind's domination of the universe or anything.
I was thinking along the lines of: 'money'. The planet's underground would be filled with a valuable substance which is too much of an opportunity to pass up. Other forces are already converging upon the site, so the goal of the forces are to establish a stronghold upon the richest mining area and then hold it. Of course they would not be aware of the Aliens, but once they are, they wage war upon each other. Eventually, Alien forces from all over the planet are drawn to the humans, so they retreat, having gained from their mining endeavor.

The idea of valuable mining resources that other forces would literally kill for, gives the mining group to incentive to go armed and with armored support. The incentive of gigantic amounts of money would be reasonable, and the fact that other forces are converging on the area would be an explanation for the mercenaries dropping to the surface of the planet without prior knowledge or taking time to survey the surface for a bit.

I was thinking along something along the lines of: A title page with Alien and Predator artwork. A table of contents, a specific description of the planet, including gravity and rotation speed. A background of the planet and history of the mercenaries and how the Aliens came to come to the planet. Figures of the forces involved, the campaign itself over a period of roughly two months? Descriptions of Alien creatures and human forces involved, detailing each unit individually, with a large picture of the unit. A labeled diagram of a Prerdator, and the numbers would link to very detailed descriptions of the Predator and his technology, I suspect that technology hasn't been covered in detail, so stuff might have to be made up. The back would hold additional artwork produced, or could just be the ending. It could be done with Microsoft word and then changed into a pdf document.

Nothing has been set in concrete, but I think it would be preferable for the campaign to be relatively short, as a protracted war wouldn't fit the Predator 'style' of skirmishes,  and dragging the campaign would make the Aliens seem incompetent when they should be completely overwhelming. To achieve this, I suggest smaller human forces, a massive Alien force and a team of around 3-5 Predators. Having more than 1 Predator allows us to kill a couple off, so the Aliens or humans don't seem completely incompetent when fighting against the Predators, (like in AvPR, Wolf massacred the Aliens.) Marines could substitute mercenaries, but that would waste the opportunity to think of  really good background, as well as requiring extensive research. With a completely new force, we can just make it up and not contradict what someone else has said.

Originally, I was planning to do this myself, but I'm hopeless with photoshop, and having a group of people working on a small project would get things done much faster. If a team is put together, the story could be set up, and then divided and sections would be given to certain writers. Eventually, when everything is completed, the work would be sent to some guy, who combines it all into one document.

This thread was to see the general interest for a group effort, and to generate ideas.

Burn the Floor

Hmmm... sound interesting. Were you thinking of something along the lines of World War Z (http://www.amazon.com/World-War-Z-History-Zombie/dp/0307346617/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1236708683&sr=1-1)? In terms of story, not cover art.


Quote from: Revengers on Mar 10, 2009, 06:12:37 PM
Hmmm... sound interesting. Were you thinking of something along the lines of World War Z (http://www.amazon.com/World-War-Z-History-Zombie/dp/0307346617/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1236708683&sr=1-1)? In terms of story, not cover art.

I wasn't thinking of individual accounts, rather a very detailed summary of the action of the campaign from a third person perspective of the forces involved and what they did. Kind of like an 'official history' thing, so the processes would be described, but you wouldn't go into the minds of the troopers or see the story from their perspective. You'd get the story itself, a 'factsheet' for the planet, a diagram of the exact regiments involved in the campaign, and maybe a few datasheets on different types of Aliens.

I don't think this would work out though, due to lack of interest.

Burn the Floor

I think a book of "just the facts" wouldn't hold any real entertainment value. If we grouped mission data into one area of the book (an appendix, or something of that nature) and combined that with personal accounts of the troopers, we'd get a pretty kickass book, in my opinion.


Quote from: Revengers on Mar 11, 2009, 02:37:41 PM
I think a book of "just the facts" wouldn't hold any real entertainment value. If we grouped mission data into one area of the book (an appendix, or something of that nature) and combined that with personal accounts of the troopers, we'd get a pretty kickass book, in my opinion.

You mean a linking together of the two? Personal accounts would be presented after the official infomation provided by the USM and other sources. I could see that would work really well.

I wanted to show what I mean by 'just the facts' so I typed out an example of an early stage of an imaginary campaign, if you want to take such a direction.

An example beginnings of a campaign: In the year **** contact was lost with *****, it was not uncommon for communication to be lost between worlds, as the vast distances of space made communication difficult between newly-settled worlds and the older, more established worlds which were linked together with a complex system of communication satellites that routinely rotated around, ensuring contact was both frequent and reliable between the core worlds.
**** was a newly settled world on the far reaches of *****, that was colonized due to the vast influx of ****, a valuable material that produced an enormous output of energy when burned, making it effectively the most valauble fuel in the system. Some bureaucratic error within the united systems had ensured that the loss of the world was never discovered, despite its importance to the local governing body. Slowly it was discovered that an error had been made, and an entire colony had not paid taxes for around **** years.

The only option would be to send a dispatch force to discover what had happened to the colony, due to the vast value of the material on the planet. It was decided that the loss of ***** could not go unopposed, through the colony had been relatively small, a mere 10, 000 miners, the material was simply too valuable to give up. An example had to be made, before the governing council of the USM discovered the error of Governor *****, who's reputation would be on the line.
If the planet had gone rogue, or a rebellion had occurred, the problem had to be dealt with quickly, before more valuable ***** was lost. The 8th regiment from the 54th battalion of the USM were sent to investigate the problem. This regiment had been assigned to this system for many years, and had earned a solid reputation amongst the colonies.

It was decided that a military takeover had occurred, as the world would surely have contacted them years before. ***** was a barren world, filled only with rock formations and utterly worthless save for the valauble ***** beneath its surface, to have survived this long from the core USM worlds in the local system, it must have either been completely obliterated or have found a nearby supply world. The crime for avoiding taxes for so long would be harsh, and the Governor was eager to exact retribution and restore his prestige with the ***** on the planet he would seize and use to maintain his reputation.

A frontal infantry assault was decided on as air strikes would run the risk of destroying the mining facilities and supplies of *****, with drop ships sending the 1st company, the 2nd company, the 6th company and the 8th company of the 8th regiment, to a wide plain 1 km from the city, who would then proceed on foot, waiting the signal for ships flying in low-orbit to direct fire upon the city walls with powerful explosives, leaving it open to an infantry assault. The potential risk to the mining buildings prevented a bomber run from obliterating the city, the lives of a few infantrymen were nothing in the grand scheme of things.

It was like that the heaviest anti-infantry and anti-armor weapons would be stationed on the walls, leaving the infantry relatively safe immediately after the strike on the walls, such weapons would not be situated behind walls where they did not have line of sight to potential enemies, or so tactical command thought. The infantry would bring their superior technology to bear, armed with the most high-tech handheld assault weapons, as well as support squads armed with portable heavy anti-infantry and anti-tank weapons.

The USM infantry would be pouring fire into the breech while they advanced and would then take control of the mining colony after breaking the resistance, in the unlikely event that the enemy had armored support, the USM would be landing armored support (I need to research USM military vehicles. I don't know any names or anything.) for their infantry approximately around the same time, but due to rough terrain, it was unlikely that the tanks would be able to reach the battle. In effect, the tanks were the backup in case an unknown factor tipped the battle in favor of the renegades. The tanks had supply vehicles to accompany them for a protracted campaign, as well as trenching equipment if the need arose to create a static defense line.

Burn the Floor

Pretty good. Doesn't sound like mission records, though, more like a history text (not that that's a bad thing). I think it could definitely work out. So, how should we hand writing this? Should one of us do the facts, and the other takes care of the personal accounts?


Quote from: Revengers on Mar 12, 2009, 03:48:36 PM
Pretty good. Doesn't sound like mission records, though, more like a history text (not that that's a bad thing). I think it could definitely work out. So, how should we hand writing this? Should one of us do the facts, and the other takes care of the personal accounts?

Wow you'e agreeing to do this? I thought this thread was going to die a dusty death in the archive pages. How about: I'll send you a potential events outline, we modify it, then we decide what we want to do.

I can manipulate pictures to an extent using photoscape for the creature datafiles and the main page, the eventual plan would be a pdf document to result from this project, hopefully.


Quote from: Celtic-predator on Mar 13, 2009, 10:14:04 AM
Quote from: Revengers on Mar 12, 2009, 03:48:36 PM
Pretty good. Doesn't sound like mission records, though, more like a history text (not that that's a bad thing). I think it could definitely work out. So, how should we hand writing this? Should one of us do the facts, and the other takes care of the personal accounts?

Wow you'e agreeing to do this? I thought this thread was going to die a dusty death in the archive pages. How about: I'll send you a potential events outline, we modify it, then we decide what we want to do.

I can manipulate pictures to an extent using photoscape for the creature datafiles and the main page, the eventual plan would be a pdf document to result from this project, hopefully.

Could you PM it to me aswell Celtic? I don't wanna say I'm gonna commit to it 100% right now, as I don't really have much writing experience, but I'd be willing to give it a shot as it sounds like it could be alot of fun!  ;D

Burn the Floor

I think the technical specs should be their own chapters, grouped like "Mission Timeline", "History", "Biological Report", etc. Go ahead and send me the outline, I'll see what I can do  ;)

Burn the Floor

Planetary information sheet:

The Praxus campaign

PX-9277, Praxus Binary System

PX-9277 is the fifth planet in the Praxus System. A small planet, relatively speaking compared to the other worlds it shares the System with (approx. 20,000 KM in circumference -- Largest planet is PX-9367; approx. 50,500 KM). USM was originaly drawn to PX-9277 because of it's large quantities of K-98, or Krilium (originally discovered on Krilus, fourth planet in the Talus System) a high-density mineral similar to diamonds, but far more maleable, making it ideal for impregnation of body suits, tank armour, etc. K-98 is a fairly rare element, with only four tons of ore mined originally from Krilus. However, surveys discovered that PX-9277 in fact was made up of a nearly 75% concentration of K-98 ore. A colony was set up immediately upon this discovery, with terraforming a secondary priority to mining operations. Thus the planet was only slightly modified from its original state before the incident.

PX-9277 is naturally made up of barren, granite-based plateaus, with windspeeds reaching up to 200 KM per hour. However, due to terraforming, conditions have been partially improved around the equator, forming an effective halo of jungle terrain around the planet. Conditions around the equator can range from temperatures of 30 to 50 degrees Celcius, with a humidity of 60%. Precipitation is common, but it is mostly acid rain due to unmodified upper-atmospheric conditions. This can be dangerous and even poisonous, however this can be rectified through proper body armour (see Appendix C for armour details). Colonies and mining outposts had been originally established in this jungle area, as it is much more hospitible than the harsher conditions outside of this relative "haven". Post-campaign surveys show that the main xenomorph concentration was, in fact, also contained to the jungle halo, with only small hives existing on the outside. Despite bombing and glassing procedures carried out post-campaign by air forces, the halo remains, for the most part, intact. Possible colonial re-establishment is currently being considered (for more information please contact your local Colonial Service Agent and inquire about current colonial establishment plans. Level 2 clearance may be required for specific information).


That's good stuff. You'll have to give me a few days to recover. My computer got wiped and I lost everything on it. I'm getting everything installed and once I do, I can start contributing. 

Burn the Floor

No problem, I feel your pain; I had to recover alot of projects when my laptop got stolen last year.


About the planetray datasheet:I think having post-campaign stuff would be a bit iffy, as it gives a bit of an idea of what would happen, I personally think that kind of stuff should be moved to the back. Whatcoudl possibly replace it could be: tectnoic activity, past history, food supply, society, water supply, or a particular stronghold that acts as the governing center.

In the latter part of the year **** contact was lost with PX-9277. It was not uncommon for communication to be lost between worlds, as the vast distances of space made communication difficult between newly-settled worlds and the older, more established worlds.
The older core worlds were linked together with a complex system of communication satellites that routinely rotated around, ensuring contact was both frequent and reliable between the core worlds.
PX-9277 was a well-established world on the far reaches of Praxus that was colonized due to the vast influx of Krilium, a material known for its durability, malleability and scarcity. Its distance from the governing world PX- 1047 meant that it took some time for the Planetary Government to act.
At last, after months of inactivity, Governor Thybalt decided to act. A meeting was organized but it was clear form the start that it was Thybalt's way to ascertain his hold over the situation. In reality there was no choice.
PX-9277 was as valuable as all the worlds in the Praxus system put together. Its loss could not go unopposed and unpunished.
The colonies on PX-9277 had been designed to be self-sufficient enough to maintain its own communications relays so it was clear from the start that a hostile force had taken over.
Even more disturbing, the fact that communication was lost from all the colonies in the same time period spoke of a rapid, overwhelming strike against all the colonies simultaneously. Yet that seemed unlikely in the extreme.
Surely no hostile military operation, no matter how quick could have been so decisive that no warning could have gotten out? PX-9277 was well established with defenses against bombardments and ground attacks.
That left only one possible cause. Treason. It was not surprising, given the vast amounts of complaints received by PX-1047 in the past from PX-9277.
Low pay and appalling living conditions were famous on PX-9277, indeed, even the administrators lived worse than the average citizens on any other core world.

The idea of treason sent Thybalt into one of his famous rages, as always he was an impulsive and rash man, easily thrown into a rage.
In what would become one of the shortest meetings of PX-1047 Governor Thybalt ordered to his generals to: "Send in the army and kill them all!" The decision had been made. Now a separate council of war was held in private between Thybalt's generals.
It was clear that a planetary strike would not be viable as that could potentially cripple the mining facilities, then it would have to be an assault by infantry and armor. That would probably prove costly in the extreme.
The colonies on PX-9277 were built to be fortresses, armed with both anti-aircraft weaponry and heavy anti-infantry and anti-tank turret mounted weapons. Walls surrounded each settlement and they all had the capacity to create arms and armor.
It was General Halsey that proposed an accurate, fierce bombardment onto the colony walls. Given that the mining facilities were always located at the center of each settlement, the destruction of the walls should pose no threat to mining buildings.
This would allow superior USM infantry and armored support to take the targeted colony by force without being ground down into a protracted siege.

A single colony wold be overwhelmed and if any help was sighted, they would be intercepted and destroyed  easily by rapid aircraft strikes without the protection of masses of anti-aircraft guns.
The colonies would be effectively forced to watch as their allies became eliminated one by one. The strategy was approved by the overall commander, General Tellion, as the most effective strategy available to them.
Tellion would decide which regiments would be sent in and it would be up to the administration to arm and equip his troops. Propaganda would be written to encourage enlistment, painting the war as a righteous crusade to punish the traitors. The first phase of the Praxus Campaign was to begin.

(My idea to continue with this is, there was a mass rebellion, and so the USM engage in some urban warfare. The campaign would detail several regiments simulatenously, which includes one that finds an entire colony massacred by an unknown foe( Aliens). Then the Aliens and Predators properly arrive.)

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