AVP3 Ideas

Started by Originalsin, Jun 06, 2007, 08:25:09 PM

AVP3 Ideas (Read 364,340 times)



It was cool! I would however, like to see a strong male lead in the next movie.



Quote from: CanadianHero67 on Jan 06, 2009, 10:32:51 PM
Between the events of Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection there is a space/earth setting. WAR will come to earth and in the space around earth. Because the humans have got their hands on Predator tech they adapt it then thrive in exploration and science more than ever before in history. They go years later to Antarctica to search for DNA of the aliens but found more than the bargained for... the queen still alive but frozen the humans keep it a secret for research. Later the queen breaks free! She starts her own hive and is no longer a secret. The humans are forced to leave earth and seek salvation on earths moon and other planets such as mars. Filled with thoughts of revenge the humans build a military designed to eliminate the alien existence. Five years later Colonial Marine cruisers as far as the eye can see bombard earth for three weeks. After three weeks tens of thousands of Colonial Marines get their chance to take earth back and to take revenge on the aliens for what they have done. Meanwhile with the large presence of aliens on earth and the large rise in war industry on surrounding planets a predator clan takes the opportunity to have the hunt of their lives.

This is all just my imagination speaking but what do you think?

Wouldn't the humans be content with living on other planets? Why would they try to take over a planet that would have lost almost all non-Alien life, when they have a perfectly fine existence on other planets? If they go back all that's left is probably a big lifeless rock. Aliens do have to eat, and if they infested the Earth to the extent that they could force the humans away with sheer force of numbers, than Earth would have been reduced to nothing. They would gain nothing from the revenge, and would only lose millions of dollars of value in resources, not to mention the lives of many of the Colonialm Marines. Revenge could be a motive, but considering the time it would take to build such a military, that hatred would have died down. They could get satisfaction, but they pay for it in blood and precious materials. In return they gain a big rock they have no need of because they have developed civilization in areas rich with resources, (It'd have to be, where else are they getting the material for the bombs, pulse rifles, etc.).

Predator clans indulge in hunting. In such a large infestation, it would literally be war, there wouldn't be elaborate skirmishes or individual combats, the aliens would come in a giant swarm, flooding the ground, and the Predators would be forced to use sheer firepower or be surrounded and cut down. There would be no stalking or tracking because the foe comes in a great visible mass, in other words it would be just a giant brawl. Wouldn't the Predators prefer the glory of the hunt rather than open warfare?

Quote from: CanadianHero67 on Jan 06, 2009, 10:32:51 PM

I was also thinking that this should have two main characters. A male Colonial Marine and a female human warrior who was converted into a predator clan (not Lex  ::) ).

I like the idea of the worthy human inducted into Predator society.

I like Lex.  ;D  people should give her a break.



But earth is the humans main home, humanities national symbol. If someone invaded your country would just let them take it?



Quote from: CanadianHero67 on Jan 10, 2009, 04:38:12 AM
But earth is the humans main home, humanities national symbol. If someone invaded your country would just let them take it?

I would but that's a completely different situation.

If someone invaded your country, reduced it to nothing but sand and ash, and those invaders were deadly beasts with acidic blood, would you go back to your former home, now a wasteland and and fight over nothing and lose a lot men in the process, not to mention you might lose and get facehugged, creating more Aliens.

"Hooray. I won back my land, it's just now sorely lacking in life and covered in acidic corpses. Now we only have to reclaim our buildings which could have Aliens lurking in any corner, and fight them in a war where they have all the advantages. Then I can settle back and live off Aid from other countries, because our country is now nothing but sand."



I find your lack of faith in humanity... disturbing.

How do you know it would be a wasteland by the time the humans come back? No one knows how long it took for LV-426 to become a wasteland or if it was even the aliens that made it like that.

Quote from: Celtic-predator on Jan 10, 2009, 04:51:23 AM
Quote from: CanadianHero67 on Jan 10, 2009, 04:38:12 AM
But earth is the humans main home, humanities national symbol. If someone invaded your country would just let them take it?

I would but that's a completely different situation.

How? In Starship Troopers why would they fight on some dry wasteland planet infested with bugs? In DUNE why people fight each other over a dust ball with huge ass worms?
Quote from: Celtic-predator on Jan 10, 2009, 04:51:23 AM
If someone invaded your country, reduced it to nothing but sand and ash, and those invaders were deadly beasts with acidic blood
If it bleeds we can kill it.

Life would probably start again as far as I know. LV-426 could of already of being uninhabitable to humans. The only way humans would not go back to earth is if it were blown to tiny pieces.



Quote from: CanadianHero67 on Jan 10, 2009, 05:14:18 AM
I find your lack of faith in humanity... disturbing.

Was that a Darth Vader reference? 

Quote from: CanadianHero67 on Jan 10, 2009, 05:14:18 AM

How do you know it would be a wasteland by the time the humans come back? No one knows how long it took for LV-426 to become a wasteland or if it was even the aliens that made it like that.

Well we can assume, given how large the Alien army would have to be to drive off the ENTIRE human population, that'd they have to consume everything just to survive, which creates said wasteland. There's a lot of mouths to feed.

Quote from: CanadianHero67 on Jan 10, 2009, 05:14:18 AM

How? In Starship Troopers why would they fight on some dry wasteland planet infested with bugs? In DUNE why people fight each other over a dust ball with huge ass worms?

That's why, my good fellow, it's fiction.  :P

In all seriousness, the humans would have established comfortable living on the other planets, so they have no need to go back and kick alien arse over a wasteland.

Quote from: CanadianHero67 on Jan 10, 2009, 05:14:18 AM
I find your lack of faith in humanity... disturbing.

How do you know it would be a wasteland by the time the humans come back? No one knows how long it took for LV-426 to become a wasteland or if it was even the aliens that made it like that.

Quote from: CanadianHero67 on Jan 10, 2009, 04:38:12 AM

If it bleeds we can kill it.
Life would probably start again as far as I know. LV-426 could of already of being uninhabitable to humans. The only way humans would not go back to earth is if it were blown to tiny pieces.

Yes we could kill them, but why bother? You'd invariably sustain large numbers of casualties for a completely changed earth, all vegetation would be stripped away, it'd just be another alien planet, except for all the ruined buildings and such. You have an ok home back on Mars, no need to fight the death bugs.



Quote from: Celtic-predator on Jan 10, 2009, 06:52:54 AM
Quote from: CanadianHero67 on Jan 10, 2009, 05:14:18 AM

How? In Starship Troopers why would they fight on some dry wasteland planet infested with bugs? In DUNE why people fight each other over a dust ball with huge ass worms?

That's why, my good fellow, it's fiction.  :P

And this isn't? :P

Quote from: Celtic-predator on Jan 10, 2009, 06:52:54 AM
Quote from: CanadianHero67 on Jan 10, 2009, 05:14:18 AM

If it bleeds we can kill it.
Life would probably start again as far as I know. LV-426 could of already of being uninhabitable to humans. The only way humans would not go back to earth is if it were blown to tiny pieces.

Yes we could kill them, but why bother? You'd invariably sustain large numbers of casualties for a completely changed earth, all vegetation would be stripped away, it'd just be another alien planet, except for all the ruined buildings and such. You have an ok home back on Mars, no need to fight the death bugs.

Why do I get the feeling your one of those aliens. :D

Earth is changed and there are a lack of humans in the future in the Terminator franchise but do those humans stop fighting and let them win? No. Why would would humans go through all the trouble to make LV-426 a colony of earth?

P.S is it LV-426 or am I getting mixed up with the games?



I think a military operation solely for the purpose of exacting revenge on the aliens is a bit silly.

If the aliens have overrun Earth, there's probably not much to win back. The military would be better off nuking Earth from orbit, why on Earth [pun intended]  would the military want to risk the lives of tens of thousands of marines ...

Plus aliens are not sentient, it would be like taking revenge on a lion for eating your friend ... I guess some people would do that but that's not how the military works



 I don't understand why people would just let earth go to hell?

Quote from: happypred on Jan 11, 2009, 05:56:19 AM
why on Earth [pun intended]  would the military want to risk the lives of tens of thousands of marines ...
So you wouldn't feel even a tiny bit of need for revenge one bit if thousands of families including yours were killed. :P

Quote from: happypred on Jan 11, 2009, 05:56:19 AM
but that's not how the military works
Then what was June 6, 1944 all about?

Just incase someone says "but aliens are not people". Humans bleed, aliens bleed, end of story. It is as if people don't think humans can fight aliens succesfully when they can if they use their one advantage against the aliens... intelligence. Sure they can sneak around but think about it.
All aliens do is gather host, kill, and sneak around and thats all. The humans made me see that in Alien 3 when they captured the dog alien. Any human with a brain would know that dark room was a trap but did the alien see that, no, the alien was far to concern either making that guy a host or just kill him, too dumb to notice what was really going on. If you want to beat aliens than you have to think like them.

No offence to alien fans. I am a fan of aliens too but when people like me see a point like that aliens are not so tough anymore.



Quote from: CanadianHero67 on Jan 11, 2009, 06:35:00 AM
So you wouldn't feel even a tiny bit of need for revenge one bit if thousands of families including yours were killed. :P

You would, but if the entire operation would be ridiculously expensive in equipment and lives.

It's just not necessary. Revenge is driven by politics in this case. The Government wouldn't be willing to waste billions to take back a useless piece of rock. It's just not done.

Quote from: CanadianHero67 on Jan 11, 2009, 06:35:00 AM
Then what was June 6, 1944 all about?

Completely different situation. The Allies in World war 2 would have been put into oppressive rule had they not fought back, they were almost forced to. In this AvP situation the humans can choose to sit comfortably back and NOT die back on Mars or whatever.

The issue isn't about how hard it is to take back Earth from Aliens, the issue is how much it would cost and what would you gain. As it stands, as I have said: You gain a lifeless rock, and lose lives and money.

Not worth the effort. Revenge isn't everything.



Again, why should earth be different from LV-426 when humans made a colony on the planet? Why go through all the trouble to put a atmosphere processor on that planet? Why go through the trouble of cleaning the atmosphere of that planet?

And how would earth be lifeless? Earth has endured Ice ages, snowball earths (when earth is 100% frozen for thousands of years), huge meteors, you name it and life is still kicking.


Quote from: CanadianHero67 on Jan 11, 2009, 06:35:00 AM
Then what was June 6, 1944 all about?
Sure they can sneak around but think about it.
All aliens do is gather host, kill, and sneak around and thats all. The humans made me see that in Alien 3 when they captured the dog alien. Any human with a brain would know that dark room was a trap but did the alien see that, no, the alien was far to concern either making that guy a host or just kill him, too dumb to notice what was really going on. If you want to beat aliens than you have to think like them.
Also reminds me of a quote.

Hunter Borgia: "In habit lies vulnerability"



well the allies in WWII had something to gain, not being conquered is a pretty good motive

the humans don't really have much to gain in ur hypothetical

they can live on other planets



There is never nothing to gain.

Life is one thing you can gain. Earth being completely 100% frozen for thousands of years and the land formations on LV-426 are not so different. I am confident that no matter what the aliens throw at earth life will always continue until the earth itself is blown to tiny pieces.

There are probably still many mysteries on earth that we probably would be dying to discover, where is the nearest planet similar to earth?
Now that I think about it it is like a more large scale alien version of Independence Day. "We will not go quietly into the night"! It also came to mind, earth is important because it has something in large quantities that the rest of the planets around don't have and that's WATER. Can't live on other planets without that can you.

Also for the invasion itself its not like I am just dropping thousands of marines on earth. There will be days or weeks of bombardments from orbiting ships across the atmosphere and precision air strikes. Then the marines go in and do their job as well as using tactics that defeat their tactics. Especially with the use of flamethrowers. The landing zones would have to be few though. Two or three in each continent so that the human armies would not be spread thin right at the start. Yes the war would be long but we need to retake the earth in baby steps otherwise the humans have already lost. And of course the isn't just shooting and dodging, the primary mission is to infiltrate hives, eliminate queens and eggs, then destroy hives with explosives. Elimination of all other aliens is secondary but not mandatory.

Changes I might make to it such as the timeline. I don't know if I want to get rid of my female human warrior in the predator clan, I like that so much! ;D



yeah well, I said there probably won't be much to gain ... not enough to outweigh the effort and risk

hey, I don't like it but it's your idea ...



Agree to disagree. :)

At least out of this I learned that knowlege can defeat anything even aliens. :) Probably would not make it as a movie but maybe a good novel or game.

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