Started by War Wager, Jan 05, 2008, 03:44:40 AM

A V P D (Read 1,910 times)

War Wager

War Wager

I'm hoping to get a short comic up called Alien vs. Predator: AVPE (Evolution). Theres gonna be no narritive writing so I thought I'd give you the prologe of it:

It's 2008 and a young Predator is preparing for his manhood ritual. After the ancient ritual pyramid being destroyed four years earlier, the rituals had to be carried out elsewhere. But these rituals had to be different as the temorary tests would still be taking place on Earth, in the populated areas. A mothership would send down one Alien egg into a city, allow the creature to grow and then the young blood can have his hunt. The Aliens in these tests needed to be altered slghting: having their ability to molt taken away. Having those genes taken meant that the creature couldn't change into a Queen or morph victims into eggs. The Elder's didn't want a repeat of the Colorado inccident the year before. Yet again an egg is sent down to Earth and just so happens to land in Scotland, in the basement of a nursery school.

Edit: Comic ain't gonna work, I'll write it instead. Made big changes too, ignore title and all of the moting/morphing stuff ^. The 'D' will make sense by the end.  ;)

Major Alan Schaefer

Major Alan Schaefer

Wow, Sound brillant i like it

War Wager

War Wager

                                A               V               P               D


Deep space. Stars twinkle in their thousends. Planets stand out majestically against the blackness. All silent. Peaceful. Suddenly there is a soft whir as a strange ship flys by, almost silently. Inside the ship, a young, cocky Predator is preparing himself. He beaths heavily as he attches armour to his legs and arms. Over his chest he places a strong, glisining plate, adored with strange feathers and skulls. On his feet he fits large bladed boots which clank of the cold steel floor as he walks over to a case. Out of the case, he pulls out a spear, attaching it to his backpack. A net-gun which he places ontop. A sword which he clips onto his bandolier. And finally a new, smooth mask. The Predators evil eyes reflect off the masks. With ease, the mask is clammed onto his face. The Predator stands motionless for a few seconds, thinking about what horrors would lie ahead. But whatever it was, Blade would face it. His young, athletic appearence housed a cold, black heart. No matter what, he would complete his task. Nothing and no-one would stand in his way. 

Emerging from the room, Blade charges up a dark hallway with readiness. His bladed boots smack off the floor, echoing through the hall. He is blinded by light as he enters a enormous room. Beautiful arcitecture lines is corners and run down his massive pillars and columns. The room is filled with many Predators, all in lines awaiting Blade. As Vain continues in, they click amonst themselves almost exitedly. Blade spots his father atop a platform, the large, battle-scared Elder, Vain. Blade slowly approches his father as he glares up at him with wide eyes. His father towers over him as he kneels before him placing his hand on his heart. The Elder noods his head in some sort of agreement and orders the young blood to rise. He places his right scaley hand on Blades right shoulder and Blade does the same. The two beasts bellow loudly and the whole room comes alive with noise. The lined Predators below beat their hands off their chests and slam the ground with their boots. The noise echoes through the entire ship, through it's dark corridors and passageways. Out of a massive altar window, the ship can be seen heading to it's destination... Earth.

Unlucky Mrs Johnno

"Come on kids settle down." A young teacher stands in front of a mob of chatty youngsters, her hands move up and down as if she is praying to the little devils. "Come on now, shhhh..." She places a finger up to her mouth and the kids to the same. All of a sudden the bright room is silent, the beasts deafeated. "Derek come on put that down!" A short, blonde haired boy is playing with two plastic figures. He hisses to himself as he makes one jump at the other. He roars as the other figure braces the impact. The teacher stands with her hands at her hips in disgust and the other kids giggle to each other. The little boy lets out a pathetic screetch as one of the figures is thrown into a pencil holder. The pencils spill over the floor and the holder hits off the teacher shoe. "Thats it, give me those things" she orders. Grabbing them off the kid, she accidently pushes a button at the back of ones large head and a plastic piece pops out it's maw. She cringes her face. "What are these things supposed to be?" "Monsters miss" the boy answers in a proud vioce. "Horrible things, you'll get these back at hometime." The boy's face angers and he slumps in his chair, arms folded. Placing the two figures in drawer, the teacher announces to the other kids "Ok, I'm going to get some books I won't be long. I want you all to sit like that till' I come back ok..." "Yes Mrs Johnno" the kids reply in a broad, bored tone.

The teachers high-heels clip and clank off the corridor floor as she heads for a large cupboard at the end of the hall. She whistles to herself as she tries to enjoy the few minutes of peace before she has to return to hell. Opening the cupboard door she heads straight for a stack of Early Learning books. She takes a bundle a counts to herself. Then a strange noise begins. A mix of a computer starting and chains clanking. "What the..." The young woman continues into the large storeroom, grasping the book in her folded hands. "Rick is that you?" Lights flicker above her and a heater moans. Passing another book cabainet she spots a large leather pod, slime dripping from it like a waterfall. She covers her mouth with her left hand dropping the books. "My god..." She slowly backs up as the pod suddenly comes alive with movement. It violently shakes and squirms as the teacher starts to run for the door. It suddenly opens and a critter emrges from it. It screetches as it goes after the woman, scuttering across the soft carpet lke spider. The teacher turns at the wrong time as the beast leaps at her, a long tube aiming for her open mouth.

Brother Wolf

The young Predator gazes out on the blackness, mazed by is enormatey. What else is out there? Is there intelligent beings other than themselves? Is there a species more advanced than them? More powerful? More intelligent? More lethal? These thoughts blind Blade's mind as he tried not to think of what test he had to face. He had heard of The Serpents. Vile, visious beasts that live to breed and kill. They were fast, agile and aggresive and the only creatures in the galaxy that Predators fear. But it's the fear that makes them worthy prey. Deafeting these beings meant progression in the Predator ranks, something that all young bloods strive for. Die for. Blade is no different. He is part of a proud and famous clan, The White Shadows. Every member of this clan had succesfully killed many Aliens and more and had progressed to the highest ranks. Vain even becoming an Elder of his own ship. The next in line to him was an old, savage Elite named Wolf. His expertese with weapons and bruality with the Alien species had ultamitley cost his life. The year before he had traveled to Earth on a clean-up mission, his last. The Aliens were no match for him expect, a vicous hybrid Queen, which put his skills to the test. Ultamitely it was mankind which ended his life along with his ultimate trophy. The was the Predator that Blade had known and loved. The anger of his brothers death had pierced his heart and Blade was as bloodthirsty and lethal than ever. He had trained hard to get to this moment, the meet one of these bastards face-to-face. His time was now. He is confident and ready, too confident mabye...

Don't Play With The Alien

A teacher enters Mrs Johnno's classroom as the agitated kids laugh they play. "Be quiet!" she roars as the kids sprint to their seats, putting their finger to their mouths. "Wheres Mrs Johnno?" she asks in a suprising calm voice. "She's been away for a long, long time Miss." a girl sqeaks. "How long?" The girl points at the clock above the white board. "Since the big hand was at the number 11". The teacher looks in confusion at the clock as it reads 2 o'clock. "The said she was gonna get some books" another voice sqeaks. The teacher rushes down the hallway with anger. "If she's drinking again..." she mutters to herself. Noticing the storeroom door open a little, the sways it all the way. "Amanda?" She enters the dark room. Looking back at the door, she see's a spot of blood stanied over the front. She gasps and exits the room, slamming the door behind. "You there!" she yells to a young boy walking down the hall. "I want you to go to the Headteachers office and tell her to phone an ambulence, come on hurry now." The boy holds his tiolet pass in his hand as he sprints down the hall as if he was in an olympic race. The teacher takes a deep and once again enters the room. "Amanda?" she says in a tearful voice. "Honey are you ok?" As she goes in more, she hears a horrible slicing sound. "Amanda what are you doing!" She rushes in the direction of the noise and suddenly halts in her tracks. A black beast if feasting on her bloody corpse, ripping out inners like they were present wrappings. The Alien slowly rises it's head and faces her, blood drpping from it's sharp, silver teeth. The teacher lets out a deafning scream and runs for the door as the Alien swings it's tail at her legs. The bladed points is speared through her left knee and she falls screaming. "Oh God, please don't kill me!" she utters. The Alien glides towards her, blood still dripping. "Please no..." With a horrific hiss, the Alien's inner jaw is sent flying through her head, as the ground beneath her turns red and her brain spalshes on the wet floor.

At the heads office the boy knocks on the door. He looks in the door's window but there is no-one there. He knocks louder and peers in. No-one. He turns and runs back the storeroom hallway to tell. Turning the corner he see's the door wide open, pitch blackness inside. He approches it with caution as he had watched Spider-Man the night before. The fear hadn't gone yet. "Hello?" he whispers. "Theres no-one there, what will I do?" There is no answer and the boy sticks his head right inside. "He..." he voice is cut short as a glump of goo lands in his wavey hair. "Eww!" he screetches as he grabs it with his hands. A hand reaches out from the darkness and plucks the boy into the darkness. All is silent again. "Help! Mommy! I want my mommy!" The Alien hisses in the darkness. "Ow! That hurts!" There is an unholy scream. "Mommy!" Ripping and gounging is heard as the room is silent once more.

Hunting Zone = Ghost School

Night. All is silent and calm in the cloudy sky. Then a small light appears high above. Blade lies cocconed in the frezzing shuttle pod. It darts past the clouds like a meteor and catches alight. From a small screen in front of him, Blade see's in thermal his destination which is now crawling with humans. They all seem to be carrying weapons, most likley the police force. With any luck, the Alien would still be inside the school, hiding in it's darkest corners waiting to pounce on any cop or medic that strays too close. Almost in an instant, the pod smashes into the hard ground and Blade groans at the impact. He scans the screen again. The school is surrounded with police and ambulance vans. The Alien has already taken over the school. Balde can see body bags and screaming kids being hauled out the ghost school as well as their terrified teachers. They cry just as loud as the youngsters, greiving for their missing work mates and kids. Blade pays no attention to this however, he didn't care for human suffering. It was his test to annilate the beast, recover it's head and bring it back to his mothership. His heart fills with exitment and rage as the shuttle door opens. 

Adaptable Organism

"You two up front" an officer whispers, moving his hand infront. Two other policemen almost tip toe to the edge of a wall and they both pear around the corners. "Nothing" one whipsers. "Ok, we check the kitchen next, keep going." The group head for two large doors and silently push them open. All is dark inside, though everything is illuminated with the police lights outside. "Check the lights." the officer orders. A woman reaches for a switch and presses it, shaking her head as the lights above stay off. "F*cker must have cut the power" the officer whispers to himself. The small squad continue into the kitchen, guns pointed forward. Suddenly a pan falls that startles the police. The colperate puts on a sorry face and continues forward. They reach the end of the large room and hault. "He's not here..." "Alright people stay sharp!" The officer grabs as speaker on his belt and speaks. "Kitchen clear." The group begin to exit the kitchen as one looks oddly around them. "Were's Brain?" he whispers. The other members look around swifly. "B where are you?!" Hearts begin to beat faster. "Sh*t, sh*t" a man panics. Out of the darkness a tail is plunged into an womans chest as she gasps at the impact. "Holy sh*t!" The Alien grabs another with it's skelital hands and digs it's dagger-like claws into her neck. "Die motherf*cker!" A bullet is shot end ends up in a womans head, splattering red over the nearby oven. "Fu..." The Alien sticks it tail through the idiots head as his eyes silde down it's sharp, serated edges. The officer roars as he fires at the beasts head, the school echoing with gun shots. " The Alien opens it's maw and spews forth a revolting batch off acid, which covers the mans gun, arm and speaker. He groans with pain as the acid eats into his arm, hissing like a cobra.

Alien vs Predator

Blade emerges from the forest cloaked. He scans the area and studies his hunting ground. The school is surrounded by trees, and beyond them houses and a huge collage. If the Alien managed to make it into the collage, all hope would be lost. Although this particular creature can't molt, it must be kept away from human eyes. It is Blade's job to keep the Xenomorph race a mystery to the humans. Who knows what what happen if they're existinse is known. The Predators would lose their deadliest throphy's and the fate of the entire could be in the balance. Without thinking, Blade runs at the school. Leaping on top of the roof he watches the commotion below. He has not been spotted. He spots a vent on the roof and carefully moves for it. As he is about to enter, he pauses. Entering the school now would be suicide. This was now the Aliens territory. It had probably search the place and now knew all is shafts and air-vents from the back of it's slimey hands. Blade had to re-arrange the hunting ground a little, make is safer for him. Detachining a batch of laser mines from his belt a circles the school roof, placing them next to all the windows and doors. He is so silent, the pigeon sitting atop can't hear him. If the Alien ever tries to escape, it'd be in for a rather nasty suprise.

After placing the last of his mines, Blade rips open the air-vent cover and throws himself inside. He lands with a deafning thudd on the floor causing it to crack with his weight. Wristblades un-sheathed he begins walking down the dark corridor, his head moving to the slightest sound. He scans the hall like a hawk, waiting to unsupecting prey. Opening a door, Blade see's he's standing in a huge hall, pipes line it's ceiling. Scanning them, Blade spots a small object nestled ontop. Switching back to thremal, he see's that it's a small child. Blade launches himself at the hall wall and gribs it with his hands and boots, going for the frightened child. The kid screams as Blade grabs hold of the pipe and starts to shimmey along. Blade's face suddenly cringes as it is smacked with huge tail. He plummets to the ground and focusses back up to the pipe. The Alien is watching him as it grips the metal bars with deadly claws. Blade summons his shouler cannon which fires at the beast as it dodges. It leaps at the opposite wall and grins. The little girls horrifiying screams fill the hall comencing the epic battle. The Alien throws itself at Blade, inner-jaw extended. Blade ducks and grabs it by it's arms, swinging it at the wall. As the Alien hits it, Blade charges at it which terrifying aggresion, bellowing loudly. Grabbing the Alien by it's dorsal tubes he snaps them in half causes their owner to squell with pain. Throwing them to the ground he wraps a huge arm around it's neck and begins to squeeze tightly. The Aliens screetches begin to fade as the girl above continues to scream. The Alien loses it's grip on the wall and goes like a rag-doll. Releasing his grip, Blade throws it to the ground. He stands above the broken body, panting.

He raises his head in the air and unclipping tipids from his face, he detaches his mask. He unleashes an awesome tribal scream that strikes fear into the little girl above, still gripping for life. He slambs his fists into his chest, beating them like an alpha gorrila. His moment of triumph is suudenly cut short as he feels a viseral pain on his left leg. The Alien, rising to it's feet, continues to spew acid at the hunter. The glop completely covers his leg and it's slowly slips off his body. Blade falls to the ground with a deafted moan. The Alien leaps ontop of him and shoots it's inner jaw out towards his terrified right eye. The beast drools over face blinding him of seeing his enavitable doom. With a last forced effort, Blade shuves his wristblades into the creatures head, cracking the domed surface. The Alien grabs Blades arm with his own and forces the blades out, screaming as they exit. In an instant the Alien leaps towards the hall door and dissapears. Blood streams from Blade wound covering the floor in glowing green blood. He starts to feel cold, the life begining to leave him. Blade quickly detaches a syringe-like object from his belt and shuves it into the wound. He grabs his leg and forces it into it's place, bellowing horribly. His eyes close as he loses consioness as the syringe fluid starts to mold him and his leg together. Hours pass...

Something Big

Blade's eyes open and slowly focus on his surroundings. There is a sharp pain in his left leg, but he dare not look at it. He had never been in so much pain. For the first time he feels completely helpless, alone, unsafe. Lying in his pool of blood, he waits for the Alien to finish him off.  But he had a greater fear, for one of the beasts to rip through his chest. If theres one death that Blade wishes not to suffer, it's that. He thinks of what glory he would have of bringing back the bastards head to his father, the feeling of accomplishment would be unbelievable. He thinks of the rank that he would progress to, the new places where he could hunt. He thinks of his brother Wolf, what he would have thought of his younger brothers victory. He would return home. No matter how bad the pain. He would return home. In an instant he struggles to his feet, wailing at the pain in his leg, which nows looks as good as new. He draws a huge breath of air and slowly exhales. Blade reaches for the weapons on his belt; they aren't there. His spear, net gun and sword have all but gone. His shoulder cannon has vanished. He quickly scans the floor around him, looking for his all important mask. There is nothing there. All exept his blood, acid burns and the mutilated body of the young girl. Blade lowers his head to the ground, his dreadlocks slump over eyes. What would he do now? He then starts to zombie his way out of the hall, like a young baby finding it's feet for the first time. "It will be found. It will die. I will triumph". A million thoughts zoom through his head. "It will die. I will avenge my brother. I will return. It will die".

An hour passes as Blade continues to navigate the pitch black corridors. His skills all seem to be forgotten. He slams on the floor louder than an elephant as he staggers from wall to wall. He can see nothing but the distant blur of the walls and the floor beneath him. He is a lamb to the slaughter. Suddenly he hears a horrifing hiss and his head turns to the sound. He can make out a massive figure standing behind him, made of pipes, wires and metal. Ram-like horns. Spikes. Claws. Death. The thing hisses again and Blade begins to hear it's footfalls. In instict Blade sprints with all his might in the opposite direction. He has no weapons. The footfalls increase. He feels the beasts foul breath. He feels something moving in his chest, alive. The thing behind him grabs him with evil claws, spurting blood from Blade's head. His chest bulges. Thumps. Pain.   

Blade awakens.

War Wager

War Wager

So what do you all think of it? The original title was AVP: Evolution, and had Blade fight the King, die and his father comes down and trys to avenge him. I would have went into detail about how the Alien morphs into the King and what it's main role in a Hive would be. I actually prefer that story, but I thought why not have something different, make it all Blade's nightmare. Almost a premonition. Hense why the actual title is simply AVP: Dream.



well, it was good, but the ending seemed like a big "screw you" to the readers. that end twist is being used too much these days. good story though

Corporal Harrison

Corporal Harrison

lol, AVPD sounds like a police department ;)
the story is looking pretty good, keep it up




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