Prey Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, Jul 21, 2022, 03:59:26 PM

What did you think of Prey?

Loved it. (5/5)
84 (42.4%)
Good, it was enjoyable. (4/5)
67 (33.8%)
It was okay. (3/5)
22 (11.1%)
Could have been better. (2/5)
8 (4%)
Didn't like it. (1/5)
10 (5.1%)
Hated it! (0/5)
7 (3.5%)

Total Members Voted: 196

Prey Fan Reviews (Read 162,594 times)



And the other name for it is Puma.



Wow, so thankful this came out, especially to wash the massive embarrassing disappointment taste of Shane Black's 2018's The Predator out of my mouth.

This is how a Predator installment should be.  More original and in spirit with the first two than 2010's Predators, and not a shameless try too hard remake / reboot like that film.

And not a campy, tongue in cheek, juvenile and stupid attempt like Shane Black.

Loved how quick and efficient the movie was, how brutal it was, the protagonist was engaging and interesting, the first one since Harrigan in Predator 2 as a protagonist I could actively root for ...

And the Feral Predator was absolutely bad ass. I even enjoyed the slight tweak and redesign to the face, to remove the comfortability we have with the creature over so many films.

5 out of 5

Can't wait to see a sequel installment.  Predator in Feudal Japan vs Samurai or in Afghanistan during the war on terror etc.

Franchise Film Ranking

1) Predator
2 a) Predator 2
2 b) Prey
3) Predators
4) AvP:R (Wolf was boss)
5) AvP
6) The Predator

Predator Ranking

1) Jungle Hunter
2) Feral
3) City Hunter
4) Wolf
5) Beserker

This was very cinematic and it's an absolute shame it wasn't released in any theaters to be seen on the big screen.  2022 has been a fantastic year in cinema, and three of my favorite childhood properties were done absolutely perfectly this year.

The Batman
Top Gun Maverick

Honorable Mention to Black Mask.  What a year.



First off actually getting a competent movie with people who talk and are like real people is a relief after that trash fire shane black made prior to this.
Naru and her brother are fine and the suit the story they're going for.
The music is good and the shots of the landscapes are nice, it's a pretty movie.
From what others were saying I expected the CGI to be much worse than it actually is, although I've seen so much awful CGI that this overall serviceable effort was fine to me.

The actual biggest flaw that was apparent to me more and more as the movie went on is that this Predator is stupid, you have to accept he is stupid in order to believe he lost.
He cuts off his own arm with his shield blocking his spear Naru is thrusting at him which he then DEACTIVATES right after meaning he could have stopped her using it at all.

Most people are focusing on the spear gun foolery but that self arm chop was even more dumb to me, his spear gun at least has the excuse of having enough initial momentum that he could have been guessing it would go far enough to kill her. Still pretty dumb to not notice his own mask right beside him.

Gear stupidity aside, his character is so much more boring compared to the original Predator, when you take away the intelligence you're just left with a giant butcher killing everything for...? The only human trophy he appears to take is from the French leader Naru chops the leg off of.

I could have bought that this Predator is some kind of very sadistic nutcase among the Preds since he has so much gear that seems designed to maim but he doesn't use any of it intelligently or to toy with his prey so it's just not as interesting.



Quote from: Nightlord on Aug 11, 2022, 02:30:59 PMFirst off actually getting a competent movie with people who talk and are like real people is a relief after that trash fire shane black made prior to this.
Naru and her brother are fine and the suit the story they're going for.
The music is good and the shots of the landscapes are nice, it's a pretty movie.
From what others were saying I expected the CGI to be much worse than it actually is, although I've seen so much awful CGI that this overall serviceable effort was fine to me.

The actual biggest flaw that was apparent to me more and more as the movie went on is that this Predator is stupid, you have to accept he is stupid in order to believe he lost.
He cuts off his own arm with his shield blocking his spear Naru is thrusting at him which he then DEACTIVATES right after meaning he could have stopped her using it at all.

Most people are focusing on the spear gun foolery but that self arm chop was even more dumb to me, his spear gun at least has the excuse of having enough initial momentum that he could have been guessing it would go far enough to kill her. Still pretty dumb to not notice his own mask right beside him.

Gear stupidity aside, his character is so much more boring compared to the original Predator, when you take away the intelligence you're just left with a giant butcher killing everything for...? The only human trophy he appears to take is from the French leader Naru chops the leg off of.

I could have bought that this Predator is some kind of very sadistic nutcase among the Preds since he has so much gear that seems designed to maim but he doesn't use any of it intelligently or to toy with his prey so it's just not as interesting.

Well.. moments before these incidents Feral was been shot in the head leaving only half his brain left when Naru stole his mask. 🧠 So I don't know if not thinking straight combined with very bad eyesight "predator 1987 jungle Hunter could only see red without his mask" so the symptoms of this might be not thinking straight?



Quote from: olapaulakoski on Aug 11, 2022, 05:04:52 PM
Quote from: Nightlord on Aug 11, 2022, 02:30:59 PMFirst off actually getting a competent movie with people who talk and are like real people is a relief after that trash fire shane black made prior to this.
Naru and her brother are fine and the suit the story they're going for.
The music is good and the shots of the landscapes are nice, it's a pretty movie.
From what others were saying I expected the CGI to be much worse than it actually is, although I've seen so much awful CGI that this overall serviceable effort was fine to me.

The actual biggest flaw that was apparent to me more and more as the movie went on is that this Predator is stupid, you have to accept he is stupid in order to believe he lost.
He cuts off his own arm with his shield blocking his spear Naru is thrusting at him which he then DEACTIVATES right after meaning he could have stopped her using it at all.

Most people are focusing on the spear gun foolery but that self arm chop was even more dumb to me, his spear gun at least has the excuse of having enough initial momentum that he could have been guessing it would go far enough to kill her. Still pretty dumb to not notice his own mask right beside him.

Gear stupidity aside, his character is so much more boring compared to the original Predator, when you take away the intelligence you're just left with a giant butcher killing everything for...? The only human trophy he appears to take is from the French leader Naru chops the leg off of.

I could have bought that this Predator is some kind of very sadistic nutcase among the Preds since he has so much gear that seems designed to maim but he doesn't use any of it intelligently or to toy with his prey so it's just not as interesting.

Well.. moments before these incidents Feral was been shot in the head leaving only half his brain left when Naru stole his mask. 🧠 So I don't know if not thinking straight combined with very bad eyesight "predator 1987 jungle Hunter could only see red without his mask" so the symptoms of this might be not thinking straight?
I don't buy the musket ball ruining his brain, preds have thick heads and presumably bones not to mention by the time he reaches the trap there doesn't seem to be any blood coming out of the back of his head.

Furthermore, while they've always been shown to have poor vision without their mask this guy tracked her the whole way to the swamp and spotted the foot she'd put down as a lure from about 2-3 metres away causing him to pause and look around. Given how bad their vision seems to be based off 2 or 3 he'd have needed to get his face right by the foot to make it out and we're never given any pred POV shot to show that he now has worse vision, so he seems to have better natural vision than any previous pred. Course he's got a fairly different physiology too.

Mike’s Monsters

Mike’s Monsters

Any head trauma would cause confusion in a human. Feral takes a ton. I even forgot about the mandible rip and then stab. That adds to the list. He's had his shit rocked.

The more times I've watched it, the more I've noticed. Like his spear cutting Naru's hair when he kills the baited trapper. There's a lot in the choreography that shows Feral is confused and getting more and more frustrated as it goes. I don't know about you all, but when I am incredibly frustrated, I make mistakes much easier than I usually would. I know if I were shot in the head, and had my body physically rocked like Feral gets, I wouldn't have a clear thought it my mind, it would all be rage.

Feral was overconfident, like his cousins, and got hit for it.



Feral defninitely was the predator that took the most damage in a movie.

The Derelict

The Derelict

So after seeing all these surprising 90 per cent approval ratings on critic aggregator's I felt obliged to weigh in with my own 2 cents.

To begin I should state I watched this movie in two halves, the first 46 mins and then the outstanding 54 mins.

My rating: 6.9 out of 10.

When this movie was first announced I had my doubts, largely because the original concept for the film had nothing to do with Predator. In its very first concept this movie was purely a story revolving around a female Comanche warrior proving her worth amongst her male peers. The addition of a Predator was added slightly later. Though these changes occurred very early in pre production, watching the first 46 minutes it seemed as though these changes were much later with many of the Predator's scene's simply being inserted to accompany the narrative. Yes we do have moments where the Comanche's discover hints of the creature's activity which culminate in the bear scene (this happened to be the climax point of my first half viewing) but for the first half of this film, it is a story purely about Naru and her relationship with the Comanche tribe she belongs to.

My second doubts, I must admit, came with the confirmation of Dan Tractenburg as director. Having watched 10 Cloverfield Lane, I felt it was rather disappointing. Particularly given the hype train built up revolving around 10CL being contained within the Cloverfield franchise. Perhaps much like Prey, 10 Cloverfield Lane was not initially designed as a Cloverfield film. This led me to have doubts on how authentic Tractenburg could bring the Predator into a narrative he had initially constructed separately. Happily though, I felt Tractenburg, by and large, did an alright job with the film. At least he knew the best weapon to fight a predator was to not use a weapon so as to not gain its attention as good game.

So onto the film itself as a whole.

The Story:
As a Predator film this was pretty standard. A group of people get hunted by a Predator. Saying that, simplicity often works wonders and fortunately, Prey was not the awful joke of a film that Shane Black's The Predator ended up being. Naru had an interesting narrative that felt quite natural unlike many modern female led action movies and her relationships with her family and community came across realistically. The attention to authenticity with the indigenous casting is great and adds to the portrayal of the period as you would expect. The story however, much like Rodriguez's Predators follows most of the beats of the original movie only instead of having the action spin that John McTiernan's original had, Prey is fairly tame, with very little actually happening, something that harms it later on. The film also seems to consider itself an origin type prequel which adds further issues to the narrative and its place within the lore. The opening dialogue for the film has Naru actress Amber Midthunder recount a brief story about a monster that visited their tribe years previously and terrorised the community. The Predator of Prey however is depicted killing and observing different species of Earth's animal as though it is trying to determine what the apex of the planet or the region is. This is something that flies in the face of the established history between Yautja and humans which first interacted during the earliest civilisations of human history. Within the context of the Predator universe, Yautja taught the early humans how to construct pyramids, buildings that are already considered ancient by the 1700's.

The discrepancy doesn't end there however, as I'm sure you may be expecting, the flintlock pistol, makes no sense within the confines of the story. The name Raphael Adolini is first established at the end of Predator 2 when the Elder Predator gifts it as a trophy to Lieutenant Mike Harrigan after he successfully kills a Yautja hunting in late 1990's LA. The pistol with its unique inscription informs both Harrigan and viewers that Pred's have been going around hunting humans for a considerable time. This story was then fleshed out in a Dark Horse comic where Raphael Adolini is revealed to be a Spanish pirate captain who encounters a Predator along with his mutinous crew in 1718 (a year before the events of Prey). At the end of the story Adolini gifts the Predator (later revealed as the Elder Predator) his flintlock pistol as a mark of thanks as he dies. Now I've seen some reviews try to explain that away due to it being a comic (which is a valid format for storytelling and highly important within the continuity of the Alien and Predator franchises), but it doesn't really work. In addition to this, the Predator in Prey dies at the end of the movie and Naru retains the pistol which allows no link between the two films either making it a considerable goof on the part of the filmmakers. A further detail is Adolini is a name of Italian origin, but the man who appears to own the pistol is French. Whilst the comic can just about get away with this given the linkage between the Spanish and Italian languages and their interactions, unfortunately for the modern era, the 1700's was not a period where such names are as widespread as they are now. Although America was a colony that mixed many cultures, the likelihood of finding a Frenchmen with an Italian name is like finding a part of the sea made out of diamond. Even today Adolini is not a surname you will find in France.

Now concerning the Predator's intelligence in the movie. I've seen many of your reviews analysing this, and a general consensus suggests that a lot of you see the Predator as dumb because of choices it makes. This isn't necessarily wholly the case as I see it. Given that the story tries very hard to make it appear as if the Predator in Prey is only just discovering humanity, it stands to reason that it wouldn't be as well adjusted as later hunters such as the Jungle Hunter in Guatemala or the City Hunter in LA are to hunting humans. Now, for me, this again falls into the issues surrounding Prey's faithfulness to the Predator franchises established lore. We know that Predators have interacted with humans long before the events of Prey. In fact, Prey even states this in its opening line. Unfortunately this seems to have been changed around in development because, the primal approach to the Predator, which I thought was really interesting, doesn't allow it to act as though there's been any previous encounters. If we look at the scenes where the Predator hunts the snake and wolf, we see quite clearly it is observing them, unsure what will happen. It's puzzling out which prey is the strongest in each of those scenarios. Then, once one animal is victorious, it strikes, seeing the victor as the more worthy game.

This is again thrown up in the air when we are led to believe that the Predator's discovery of Naru is its first interaction with a human, only to later discover that it's already been hunting French fur trappers. The issue with this story is that, despite its good qualities, it can't seem to make up its mind over what it would like to be. You could explain some of this away by saying well, maybe that Predator hasn't interacted with humans before and is unsure, but this also doesn't hold up. Predators and humans have interacted for eons within the established lore, even if this Predator were of a different tribe to the classic Predators we've seen or the bad blood Predators in Rodriguez's film it would still have an understanding of humans, it would still know what humans are, how they act, how they fight. Now I know I've said that I don't fully see it that this Predator as completely dumb in the same way that many of you have said, this apparent unawareness is probably the biggest flaw in this Predator's intelligence. It just doesn't work. The story crafting around it doesn't add up. The Predator in Prey simply cannot be unaware of humans but the story treats this as an origin encounter between Predators and humans. That's where it is massively flawed.

The Characters:
As I've already said I greatly enjoyed the character of Naru, she, to me, feels like a protagonist within the same vein as Ellen Ripley or Sarah Connor and her story is pretty fleshed out in that it forms the basis for the entire film. I also think that her brother is crafted decently and is presented as a nice counterweight to Naru. I even think that her interactions with her mother are well done, but aside from that, very few of the characters are fleshed out or given a good amount of depth. In the original we had Dutch, Dillon, Blaine, Mac, Poncho, Billy, Hawkins, Anna, each of them felt unique and, although not all of them were fleshed out, you did feel there was depth amongst the supporting characters. It's Dutch's story but the friendship of Mac and Blaine form a beating heart for the narrative at times and Dillon's past as a friend of Dutch who has since been twisted and morphed by his CIA bosses, even though we don't see it, add a lot of meat to the pie. In Prey however, outside of Naru and her brother, there's no one really given any depth at all, except maybe Naru's dog. As such, you don't really care when people start dying because you have no connection to them.

The Predator:
In Prey, I've already addressed how the Predator perhaps suffered from story issues so instead I'll focus as much on the other things. The Primal design was something I really liked. The tribal bone type mask was pretty cool if not aesthetically my most favourite. What I did love was the weaponry. Going in I was aware that the production team had gone to great lengths in crafting the Predator's weaponry for this film and it certainly paid off. Though some were adaptions of previously seen armaments such as the combi stick, net gun and spear gun, they were altered to fit a different style and they were all pretty great. The Predator's ferocity in Prey was also pretty cool, we've seen angry Predator's before but there was a strong physicality in the way the Predator was presented, even if not always shown. We see the Pred punch a bear to the ground whilst cloaked and body slam a wolf. It also brutally attacks one of the Comanche warriors in the field with Naru. So there were good elements to this Pred but, like a few things with the film, they were perhaps poorly executed. The face design I also didn't really care for, not really sure what they were going for with it, wasn't all that Predatory. Also the honour system appears to have been thrown out of the window with Naru's brother being impaled by a cloaked Pred who's clearly feeling the heat of a hand to hand engagement. This I sort of put down to the story issues surrounding the franchise established lore though. Finally, of course, there was the Pred's death. Now this really was dumb. How did it not see the tri dots pointing directly at its head? They are so obvious and given how much its moving as it struggles to get itself out of the mud, how does it not glimpse the shine of them, they're lasers after all, you aren't going to not notice a laser shining in your eye. So yeah, it ended in a very dumb way sadly, ironically killing itself in exactly the same way Sterling K Brown killed himself in The Predator which actually worked far better (Yep that's one point in favour of The Predator over Prey - even I'm shocked).

The Gore (or lack thereof):
When you watch a Predator movie, part of the experience is seeing the Predator kill in different ways. You'll always have the staples of course such as impaling or shooting with some implement but occasionally you get more thought out demises for characters, lets not forget Rebellion having its Pred rip a Colonial Marine's spine out through their stomach in AVP (2010), or Wolf's shurikens in AVP:R. This movie however, seems to me as though it was trying to get a 12 (or PG-13) rating. We don't see most of the kills in the film. In fact the only two that really stick out are Naru's brother being impaled by the cloaked Predator and the French trapper screaming after being stood on and getting impaled. There's a couple of other impalements with the Pred's split in two combi stick though none really done in any great detail with the vast majority either happening off screen, with something in shot blocking our view (tree in front of the trapper decapitated by the shield), or positioned far from the camera so it is either blurred out by depth of field or just too far away to show any detail. Though I do think Tractenburg did manage to maintain the suspense to a degree, the fear of showing the Predator kill anyone really let it down. Maybe that could have come from Disney which if so, is quite a major red flag for future instalments.

The CGI:
Lastly onto the worst element, the CGI. This was absolutely awful. Given that many films and even TV shows incorporate CGI into their work, (Young Luke Skywalker, Young Princess Leia and Rogue One Peter Cushing in Star Wars) and for the most part do it fairly effectively. The CGI of this film is blatantly obvious, from the snake to the cougar to the wolf and bear. Even the blood is terrible. I will say the cloaking device looked good (which is quite straight forward to do), but aside from that, it really was some of the worst CGI I've seen in ages. Even more surprising is that the film is bankrolled by Disney and they couldn't afford a better CGI team than that. Honestly, stick to practicals as much as poss, the Pred outfit being practical looked great, but its unmasked face not so much.

Prey isn't a bad film but its not a great film, it certainly isn't the best Pred film since the original. In fact, I struggle to place this above Predators which had incredibly underdeveloped characters. It's not as bad as The Predator of course, but honestly, I think you'd really have to try hard to be worse than that garbage pile. For me the best Pred sequel remains Predator 2, it added so much to the character and the lore, fleshing out the original more. This, like Predators, copies many of the same beats (even recycling two lines from the original which came across incredibly cheesy and didn't fit Prey's narrative at all) but, like Predators, can't compete with the original it is honouring. So really, it comes out as a pretty average film.



I rather feel that those saying that the predator was suffering from brain damage and that's why he behaved like an idiot are making a cop out excuse for poor writing and their theory is not directly supported by the movie itself.  It's a head canon rationalisation for weak characterisation.  Even if you choose to invoke that head canon reasoning and claim that it was the writer's intent, it doesn't address the core issue itself; that being that it's just not particularly interesting to watch a predator acting like a rampaging brute and making dumb tactical decisions.  Whoever wanted the main predator in a Predator movie to be equivalent to the brain damaged pred-dog from The Predator?

Even if you accept the theory that the predator was suffering from brain damage; they didn't have to write him receiving that bullet to the head and the consequences of it.  They could of written the predator as smart and a tactical expert.  They chose not to and that's a problem.  Having the predator be an idiot also undermines Naru's achievement in defeating it.  It simply doesn't make for a compelling main antagonist, not when compared to the predator from the original movie and it feels as though people are performing mental gymnastics to make excuses for a poor creative decision.

Quote from: BigDaddyJohn on Aug 11, 2022, 06:05:22 PMFeral defninitely was the predator that took the most damage in a movie.

Sure, but it made him significantly less threatening and awe inspiring than his counterparts in the previous movies as a result.  Not exactly an ideal way for filmmakers to present their big bad.

"Hey everyone, it's a new Terminator movie but the antagonistic terminator in this acts like a fool and constantly trips on things and falls over, but hey it's okay because fans will claim it's because his circuits are fried." :/

The filmmakers could have written it any way they wanted.  They weren't making a documentary.  They chose to present their big bad as a buffoon.  Why make excuses for that by invoking head canon handwaves?



Feral took the most damage because he let himself take the most damage. When the concept is he doesn't know what he's dealing with, that's just dumb. He has no idea what's coming next and if it can kill him or not, but he just stands there and takes it.

It works as characterising him as inexperienced (I wouldn't say brain damage) but not particularly impressive as a monster.

Feral would've seen Mac pick up the mini gun and roared at him before being turned into a fluoro green mist.



Totally don't get any negativity for Prey.



And I don't get the unwavering praise it's getting.

It's clearly a better-constructed sequel than the last two movies, but it's also pretty boring to me as it lacks the pizazz that made the first movie great and stripped away all the things that make the Predator creature fascinating and cunning. 
It could have been a great Predator sequel/prequel but I think they played things way too safe and in tune with the typical SLASHER flick.



Quote from: PredBabe on Aug 12, 2022, 03:58:15 AMAnd I don't get the unwavering praise it's getting.

It's clearly a better-constructed sequel than the last two movies, but it's also pretty boring to me as it lacks the pizazz that made the first movie great and stripped away all the things that make the Predator creature fascinating and cunning. 
It could have been a great Predator sequel/prequel but I think they played things way too safe and in tune with the typical SLASHER flick.

If Prey gets one thing right, it's that it made the Predator franchise accessible for a new generation of fans. Get ready, once these folks digest the entire franchise on Hulu we're going to have a ton of new fans entering. If they keep making more Prey movies pretty soon the fanbase will be Prey fans and Predator fans lol sort of like what happened with the Jurassic Park franchise, having JP fans and JW fans.  :laugh:

Local Trouble

Local Trouble

Quote from: newagescamartist on Aug 12, 2022, 04:26:31 AMIf Prey gets one thing right, it's that it made the Predator franchise accessible for a new generation of fans. Get ready, once these folks digest the entire franchise on Hulu we're going to have a ton of new fans entering. If they keep making more Prey movies pretty soon the fanbase will be Prey fans and Predator fans lol sort of like what happened with the Jurassic Park franchise, having JP fans and JW fans.  :laugh:

Just wait until they start complaining about Jungle Hunter not looking enough like Feral.



Quote from: Pu$$yFace on Aug 12, 2022, 03:13:38 AMTotally don't get any negativity for Prey.

The main character has tremendous plot armor,the pred is tremendously dumb, and this is long before he got shot in the head. There's no consistency of events. The story is just bad all around.

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