Please Help Kradan Survive Through The War

Started by Kradan, Mar 18, 2022, 02:32:16 PM

Please Help Kradan Survive Through The War (Read 2,766 times)


I hope that helps.



"What Russia should do with Ukraine" by Timophey Sergeyczev, the 3rd of April (rough translation)

Back in April of last year we wrote about inevitability of Ukraine's denazification. Nazi, Bandera's Ukraine enemy of Russia and West's tool in destruction of Russia is of no worth to us. Today the question of denazification went into practical field

Denazification is necessary when the significant number of people, most probably - majority of them, are used to and involved by Nazi's regime into its policy. Therefore, there's no place for "good people - bad government" hypothesis. Acknowledging this fact is a basis of denazification policy, of all its components and the fact itself is its subject/

Ukraine's situation is exactly that. The fact that Ukrainian elector voted for "Poroshenko's peace" and "Zelenskiy's peace" shouldn't fool you - Ukrainians are pretty OK with the shortest way to peace through blitzkrieg, as was clearly implied by both Ukrainian presidents' during their respective election campaigns. That way of "pacification" of internal anti-fascists, through total terror, was used in Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Mariupol and other Russian cities/ And it was completely acceptable for any Ukrainian everyday man. Denazification is a complex of measures towards nazified population which technically can't be directly punished as war criminals

Nazis that took weapons in their hands should be efficiently eliminated on battlefield. One should not make a difference between Ukanian Armed Forces and so called national battalions and territorial defense forces that joined these formations. They're all equally to blame for over the top cruelty towards peaceful population, for genocide of Russian people, for not following war laws and customs. War criminals' and active Nazis' punishment should make for a great example. The total lustration should be performed. Any organisations connecting themselves with Nazis should be eliminated and forbidden. Apart from these in power, a significant number of population is also to blame which should be considered passive Nazis and Nazis' collaborators. They supported and flattered Nazi government. Appropriate punishment of this part of population is possible only in form of bearing the inevitable burden of justified war which should be conducted carefully towards civilians when possible. Denazification of this part of population should include re-education through ideological repressions towards Nazi organisations and strict censorship, not only in political, but in cultural and educational fields as well. Exactly through culture and education deep massive nazification of population was performed solidified by promises of better life from the victory of Nazi regime against Russia, Nazi propaganda, internal violence and terror and 8 years long war against people of Donbass who rised against Ukranian Nazis.

Denazification should be performed only by the victorious side which implies 1. absolute control over denazification process and 2. power which ensures such control. From which we conclude that denazified country cannot be sovereign. Denazifiing state, Russia cannot be guided by any liberal approach when it comes to the matter of denazification. Ideology of denazifiing state cannot be argued by guilty side which is being denazified. Russia's acknowledgment of necessity of Ukraine's denazification means impossibility of Crimea's scenario for Ukraine as a whole. However, such scenario was impossible back in 2014 and in rebellious Donbass. Only 8 year long resistance to Nazi violence and terror led to internal unification and conscious refusal of keeping any unity and connections with Ukraine which defined itself as Nazi population

Terms of denazification cannot be any less than one generation which should be born, raised and reach maturity in conditions of denazification. Nazification of Ukraine was going on for more that 30 years - starting at least since 1989 when Ukrainian nationalism gained legal and legitimate forms of political self-expression and stood at the top of "independence" movement which led to Nazism.

Uniqueness of modern nazified Ukraine in amorphity and ambivalence which helps to disguise Nazism as desire of "independence" and "European" (western, pro-American) way of "development" (in actuality - degradation), to claim that on Ukraine "there is no Nazism only singular cases of excess"/ There's no main Nazi party, no fuhrer, no full-on racism laws (only their restricted version in a form of repressions towards Russian language)/ As a result - no opposition and resistance to regime

However, all of the listed above does not make Ukrainian Nazism "light-version" of German Nazism of first half of XX century. On contrary, seeing as Ukrainian Nazism is free of such "genre" (political-technological) borders and restrictions, it's free to develop as a fundamental basis of any Nazism - European as well as its most developed form, American racism. So denazification cannot be compromised, cannot be performed on the basis of "NATO - no, EU - yes". West as a collective whole by itself is a designer, source and sponsor of Ukrainian Nazism while western-Ukrainian Bandera's cadres are only one amongst the tools of Ukraine's nazification. Ukronazism poses not smaller but bigger threat to world and Russia than German Nazism of Hitler's era

Name "Ukraine" seemingly cannot be saved as a title of any denazified state formation on freed from Nazis' regime territory. Re-created on free from Nazism space people's republics shall and will grow on a basis of economical self-management, social support, re-building and modernisation of all population's life-support systems

Their political direction cannot be neutral - the redemption of guilt towards Russia for its consideration as an enemy can be realised only through relying on Russia in the process of re-building, re-birth and development. No "Marshall's plans" for these territories should be allowed. No "neutrality" in ideological and practical senses, complimentary with denazification, is not possible. Cadres and organisations, which are tools of denazification in new denazified republics, can only rely on Russia's force and organisational support.

Denazification will inevitably lead to deukranisation - refusal of started by Soviet government massive artificial growth of ethnical component of self-identification of population of historical Malorossiya (Small-Russia) and Novorossiya (New-Russia) territories. Being communist tool super-power after its fall artificial ethnocentrism didn't just fade into obscurity/ It went under the rule of another super-power (power which is above states) - West's super-power. It should be turned back towards its natural borders and denied of any political functionality

What differentiates Ukraine from, let's say Georgia or Baltic countries, as history has shown, is impossibility of its existence as an national state and any attempts "to build" one inevitably leads to Nazism. Ukrainism - artificial anti-Russian construction which does not have any civilised meaning ruled by an alien civilization. Debanderisation in and of itself will not be enough for denazification - Bandera's component is only a performer and curtain, a disguise for European project of Nazi Ukraine so denazification must inevitably lead towards it de-europesation.

Bandera's elite should be eliminated, its re-education is impossible. Social "swamp" which actively as well as passively supports by action and lack of action of such elite should bear all of the consequences of war and take the experience as a historical lesson and redemption of its guilt. These who did not support Nazi regime, suffered from it and war in Donbass started by it should be united and organized, should become a pillar of new government, horisontally as well as vertically. History shows that tragedies and dramas of war time are useful for people who are tempted and engaged by the role of being a Russia's enemy

Denazification as he goal of special military operation in borders of said operation is understood as victory against Kyev's regime, liberation of territories from armed supporters of nazification, elimination of uncooperative Nazis, imprisonment of war criminals and creation of conditions for rapid denazification of civilian population

The latter should, respectively, start with organisation of local governments, police and defense forces cleared from any Nazi elements, launching on their basis the process of republic statehood foundation, its integration in close interaction with Russian Ministry of Ukrainian denazification (re-created or re-done from, let's say, Rossotrudnichestva (Russian Partnership)) with adoption under Russian control of republican normative base (legislation) of denazification, definition of borders and restrictions of direct usage of Russian laws on freed territories in the field of denazification, creation of tribunal for crimes against humanity on former Ukraine/ In that respect Russian should play as guardian of Nurnberg process.

All of the listed above means that for achieving the goals of denazification population's support and moving on Russia's side after liberation from terror, violence and ideological pressure, informational isolation inflicted by Kyev's regime are required. Of course, some time has to pass for people to recover from the shock of military action, to see in Russia's long-term plans, to see that "they will not be left alone". Impossible to predict in advance, on which territories such number of population will make critically required majority. "Catholic area" (Western Ukraine which consists of 5 regions) is highly doubted to be included in the set of pro-Russian territories. Dividing line will be, although, found by trial and error. It will be allowed to remain as antagonistic towards Russia but forcefully neutalised and demilitarised Ukraine with forbidden formal signs of Nazism. Haters of Russia will go there. The guarantee of keeping that Ukraine in neutral state must be threat of immediate resuming of military operation in case of not following listed demands. It is possible for that purpose constant Russian military presence on that territory will be required. In between the dividing line and Russian borders territory of potential integration into Russian civilisation, antifascist by internal nature will lay

Operation with the goal of Ukraine's denazification which started from military phase will continue in peaceful times following the same steps of military operation. On each step the inevitable changes should be fought for, which will be the result of said step. The initial steps of denazification can be described as:

1. Elimination of armed Nazi formations (these are any armed Ukrainian formations, including Armed Forces of Ukraine) and military, and supporting their activity informational and educational infrastructure

2. Creation of local people's government, police (defense and law enforcement) on freed territories, which are meant to protect population from the terror of underground Nazi groups

3. Integration into Russian informational space

4. Confiscation of any educational materials, prohibition of any educational programs, which contain Nazi ideological instructions

5. Massive prosecution to define personal responsibility for war crimes, crimes against humanity, spread of Nazi ideology and support of Nazi regime

6. Lustration, publication of names of Nazi regime supporters, forcing them to participate in re-building of destroyed infrastructure in order to punish for Nazi activity (for these who will avoid death sentence or imprisonment)

7. Adoption on local level under Russia's control initial normative acts of denazification "from bottom", prohibition of any kind or form of Nazi ideology resurrection

8. Creation of war memorials, monuments to keep the memory of victims of Ukrainian Nazism and heroes who fought against it

9. Inclusion of set of anti-fascist and denazifiing norms in constitutions of new people's republics

10. Creation of permanent bodies of denazification for 25 years

Russia will have no allies in its denazification of Ukraine. Because its specifically Russian matter. And also because elimination awaits for not only Bandera's version of Nazi Ukraine but for western totalitarism, imposed programs of civilisastion's degradation, mechanisms of obedience to super-power of West and America as well

To bring the plan of Ukraine's denazification to life Russia must finally divorce itself from any pro-European and pro-Western illusions, to understand its role as the last guardian and savior historical Europe (Old World) values which West abandoned losing the fight for itself. That fight was going on for entirety of XX century and expressed itself in WWI, Russian Revolution which are inextricably connected to one another

Russia did all in its power to save West in XX century. It realised main western project, alternative to capitalism, which won against national states - socialist, red project. It crushed German Nazism - monstrous abomination of crisis of western civilisation. The last act of Russian altruism was offer of friendship for which Russia got monstrous stroke of 1990s.

All, what Russia did for West, it did at its own expense, sacrificing so much. West eventually deniad all of these sacrifices, devaluing Russia's contribution towards resolution of western crisis, decided to take revenge against Russia for its help which Russia provided not expecting anything in return. Now, Russia will go its own way, not caring about West's fate, relying on another part of own heritage - leadership in global process of decolonisation

Russia has high potential for partnership and alliances with countries which West oppressed for centuries and which are not going to wear its chains again. Without Russia's self-sacrifice and fighting these countries would not have been freed. Denazification of Ukraine is at the same time its decolonisation which Ukraine's population is only going to understand as it frres from the drug, temptation and dependence from so called European choice


I'm from Estonia and we strongly feel the Russian threat here. I am in the Defence League myself but feel I should do more. I have sent you something, hope it helps.


Dear friends,

I have to once again reach out to all of you and to  ask for your help. As of right now, half of my family (including myself, of course) are still stuck in Kherson. There's no work, there's no income, mobile networks are down and many people can't even call their relatives who live in other regions of Ukraine, we may not have active combat going on in our streets but we sure as hell hear it every day, masked men in military uniform are constantly patrolling the streets, there's no law or justice, just brute force and cruelty and situation slowly but confidently gets worse and worse (these of you following "World War III" thread lately would know what I'm talking about)

As of right now, we're looking for a way out. Getting outside the city is getting tougher every day. These brave enough (or reckless enough depending on your POV) to agree to the risk of driving you outside ask for the high prices. We simply don't have that much money atm. Your donations would be very helpful to increase our chances. I'm not pressuring anybody. donate only if you have the ability to, don't do it if you're yourself in need of money

I would like to say THANK YOU to everybody who already showed their generosity. Your money did help to make our lives that much easier during these uneven months. My prayers are with you and your families, I pray to God every day that flames of this war never reach your land

Thank you for everything  ;)


So I take it from your posts elsewhere that you got out?

Immortan Jonesy

I wish I could help you, because you're really important to me. I know this won't be easy, but I also know you've got what it takes to get through it.


Quote from: [cancerblack] on Jun 22, 2022, 10:18:05 PMSo I take it from your posts elsewhere that you got out?

Yes. I'll elaborate on that later



Quote from: Kradan on Jun 23, 2022, 07:54:17 PMI'll elaborate on that later

Here goes the ellaborating:

Yes, about a week ago remaining half of my family, including myself, finally managed to get outside Kherson. We were driven by a bus for 12 hours which by today's standarts is just a blessing. We crossed about 15-20 Russian checkpoints. At first, they didn't check us too much, at many checkpoints (all with Russian and Soviet flags) we would only get a hand gesture meaning we could go. But as we aproached the boarder the "checking" became more determined: they would collect our passports, demanded we go outside and searched our belongings. At the final checkpoint they demanded I take off my shirt and checked for tatoos. I saw a knife hanging on his belt so I tried to be as cooperative as possible. After we crossed so called "grey zone" we finally reached our military checkpoints. These were also men in military uniform with guns but the vibe they were giving was clearly different: you wanted to shake their hands, to give them a hug and most importantly - you were not afraid of them, you were glad to see them

At about 11 PM we reached Zaporizhia. I DID NOT expect such a warm welcome, I would've been happy to not spend a night on the street. We were met, we were fed, we were driven to a local kindergarten where they organised bedrooms for refugees, we were fed again, we took a shower and finally rested after this loooong day. And all of it was for free, everybody wanted to help us, only because we were running away from this war. I've said somewhere earlier that I saw the worst of humanity and the best during these months. Well, I think I can say I saw the very best during these last few days. How have misssed being able to just walk outside, not being constantly on alert, not seeing these f**king Z-trucks. How have I missed going to Ukranian malls and seeing Ukranian goods, not some knock-offs of questionable quality from Crimea or who the f**k knows where.

I can go on but some factors make me take a pause here. I'll continue tommorow or maybe some other day. I would like to say THANK YOU to people who shared their money with me and my family. You helped a lot because people who drove us to the Ukranian territory certainly didn't do it for free. As of right now I'm looking for a job and a place to hang my coat so having some financial back-up helps too. So THANK YOU and may God protect you and your families from the flames of this war

Have a good evening (or whatever time of day it is where you are at)


Dude, I'm so glad you're in a better position now!

Crazy Rich

It's good to hear that you're finally out of Kherson, I was even concerned about your safety in the event that Kherson becomes the next battlefield once Ukraine goes on the offensive in earnest.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯

Quote from: Kradan on Jun 25, 2022, 07:02:51 PM
Quote from: Kradan on Jun 23, 2022, 07:54:17 PMI'll elaborate on that later

Here goes the ellaborating:

Yes, about a week ago remaining half of my family, including myself, finally managed to get outside Kherson. We were driven by a bus for 12 hours which by today's standarts is just a blessing. We crossed about 15-20 Russian checkpoints. At first, they didn't check us too much, at many checkpoints (all with Russian and Soviet flags) we would only get a hand gesture meaning we could go. But as we aproached the boarder the "checking" became more determined: they would collect our passports, demanded we go outside and searched our belongings. At the final checkpoint they demanded I take off my shirt and checked for tatoos. I saw a knife hanging on his belt so I tried to be as cooperative as possible. After we crossed so called "grey zone" we finally reached our military checkpoints. These were also men in military uniform with guns but the vibe they were giving was clearly different: you wanted to shake their hands, to give them a hug and most importantly - you were not afraid of them, you were glad to see them

At about 11 PM we reached Zaporizhia. I DID NOT expect such a warm welcome, I would've been happy to not spend a night on the street. We were met, we were fed, we were driven to a local kindergarten where they organised bedrooms for refugees, we were fed again, we took a shower and finally rested after this loooong day. And all of it was for free, everybody wanted to help us, only because we were running away from this war. I've said somewhere earlier that I saw the worst of humanity and the best during these months. Well, I think I can say I saw the very best during these last few days. How have misssed being able to just walk outside, not being constantly on alert, not seeing these f**king Z-trucks. How have I missed going to Ukranian malls and seeing Ukranian goods, not some knock-offs of questionable quality from Crimea or who the f**k knows where.

I can go on but some factors make me take a pause here. I'll continue tommorow or maybe some other day. I would like to say THANK YOU to people who shared their money with me and my family. You helped a lot because people who drove us to the Ukranian territory certainly didn't do it for free. As of right now I'm looking for a job and a place to hang my coat so having some financial back-up helps too. So THANK YOU and may God protect you and your families from the flames of this war

Have a good evening (or whatever time of day it is where you are at)

Glad you and your family got out and back into friendly territory.

I saw some reports that the Ukrainian government were requesting that Kherson residents evacuate the city and head to Crimea. So the counter offensive to retake Kherson city is likely drawing near.

Crimea is of course also Russian occupied territory but it seems that it is very difficult (and expensive) to flee to Ukrainian held territory as you have done.

And yeah, they were looking for military and Nazi tattoos. Swastikas, black sun's, SS runes, Ukrainian armed forces emblems, anything patriotic or anything that may indicate that you have served in the armed forces. Anything like that on you and it would have been the end of the road for you.


I'm so happy I've never given into the tatoo craze so many boys and girls of my generation have

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯

Imagine being asked to take off your shirt and looking like this:  ;D

Ironically, this guy is a captured Russian soldier.


Quote from: Kradan on Jun 26, 2022, 10:23:23 AMI'm so happy I've never given into the tatoo craze so many boys and girls of my generation have

It might have saved your life, I doubt they'd make any distinction between genuine military or fascist symbols and random rock'n'roll stuff at this point. Very glad to hear you've made it to relative safety.

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