Predator: Hunting Grounds Catch-All Thread

Started by Corporal Hicks, Oct 07, 2019, 09:39:48 AM

Predator: Hunting Grounds Catch-All Thread (Read 118,055 times)


Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Dec 29, 2021, 02:14:43 AM
Quote from: Mr.Turok on Dec 28, 2021, 08:42:01 PM
I need verification of something. Was it true that Illfonic intentionally made the game to be balanced in favor of Fireteam since the beginning of the game's production? Like I remember this detail was brought up in a podcast interview that if Fireteam worked together, they would always win against the Predator but I am not sure. I recalled this due to their latest Predator Twitch streaming that when it comes to balancing and gameplay changes, they purposely mostly look at making gameplay fun for Fireteam players rather than Predator players and I recall in that moment that something similar was said in one of the interviews here by AVPGalaxy.

Yep. We had actually discussed it before.

Illfonic's CEO Charles Brungardt and CCO Jared Gerritzen said on our very own AvPGalaxy podcast that they wanted to flip the tables where the Hunter becomes the Hunted, where this Elite Fireteam can be a stronger force than the Predator if they work together. Where a Predator is not a God. That it bleeds. Where it can be stressful to be a Predator. A game where the Predator has to be tactical to accomplish goals.

Got ya!

Yeah, the reason I ask about the conformation is because its just been a recent discussion in the Predator Hunting Grounds "Official" (The closest thing we have to one oddly) Discord about the upcoming year's worth of content will actually be worth anything substantial. Its like sure, we got new maps, new DLC, AI bots, and some game bug fixes, but there hasn't been any real shift in gameplay changes that will really make things interesting to stay around longer for. And for what you confirmed already, this is the reason why it is falling apart. On paper this doesn't sound that bad....

Quotethey wanted to flip the tables where the Hunter becomes the Hunted, where this Elite Fireteam can be a stronger force than the Predator if they work together. Where a Predator is not a God. That it bleeds. Where it can be stressful to be a Predator. A game where the Predator has to be tactical to accomplish goals.

This issue right here is why so many are currently dissatisfied with the game. There has been a lack of making Predator gameplay much more enjoyable or refreshing to play if Fireteam is the main focus of the game. It's like why even play a game that is clearly one sided for? Something that the devs admitted they clearly will support one side than the other, when its the main star attraction of the game itself? Where is the fun in that? Why keep playing a game, for the average Predator player, who has been playing the game for 2 years now,  who knows enough by new that in matches they will either play against players who are easy to take down cause they have no idea of how to even understand the basic fundamentals of the game, or against people who not only know how to play but dominates 9/10 times due to the sheer fact that the current gameplay balance makes it so that Fireteam always takes the wins. I mean it took nearly half a year for Predators to have their own specializations after Fireteam had them and that's only because people have no-stop been begging for it just to have some form of equal footing and somehow this didn't occur to the devs to also add this alongside Predator players as well? And I can't even be marked as just a sour Predator player who "doesn't know how to play" because....

Additionally, as Fireteam MAIN, it doesn't feel fun anymore to always beat every single Predator that comes my way, knowing full well that the balance is stacked against them, so its no longer thrilling? I should have certain feelings whenever I face different classes of Predator, like fearing the idea of letting Berserker getting close to me otherwise I will get dominated but they always go down the same way, using the knife to block everything while their stamina pool tanks and my Fireteam takes down the Berserker from behind. Idk about why the player skill is like this but I know at least due to the lack of gameplay changes that incentives new creative ways to push the Predator players in becoming a deadlier force and in turn make it a more exciting challenge to fight against, the meta has been stale for at least two years. Its saddening really, and I want to see this game continue to be successful. Whats the old saying when it comes to storytelling that can also be applied to this situation "Each story is only as good as its villain. Since the heroes and the gimmicks tend to repeat from [story] to [story], only a great villain can transform a good try into a triumph." And with the current meta, its not looking too good for the Predator, which in turn makes it not fun for Fireteam.

I recall that you tried to connect with the PHG Forums folks to share your own thoughts of the game, but it was way too toxic to even try and I don't blame you, its way too chaotic and nasty in there. If you would like to engage in a much more friendlier area with folks that can share thier experiences and thoughts about the game that isn't the toxic Official Forums, I would kindly recommend the PHG "Official" Discord to hang around in. We got Samhain in there and even Ridgetop hangs around to give some thoughts here and there and feed the datamine info we find in there into here like the recent Tracker Mask and the past Isabelle DLC. Ghost around, just to get a strong understanding of why people are upset with the dev's vision about the game and see its not just people being salty for petty reasons. Always room for one more in the memeful bunch in there, especially for a AVPGalaxy top tier member  ;D



Quote from: Mr.Turok on Dec 28, 2021, 08:42:01 PM
I need verification of something. Was it true that Illfonic intentionally made the game to be balanced in favor of Fireteam since the beginning of the game's production?

Yes. They are probably know that in public matchmaking you can get braindead teammates that don't do anything, so they balanced it around that possibility, by giving the means for only few fireteams to outpower the Predator. But then you have matches vs 4 premade teams that are good at the game...

Quote from: Mr.Turok on Dec 28, 2021, 08:42:01 PM
Like I remember this detail was brought up in a podcast interview that if Fireteam worked together, they would always win against the Predator but I am not sure. I recalled this due to their latest Predator Twitch streaming that when it comes to balancing and gameplay changes, they purposely mostly look at making gameplay fun for Fireteam players rather than Predator players and I recall in that moment that something similar was said in one of the interviews here by AVPGalaxy.

Yeah, I heard about that on their last stream and talked about people in contact with Illfonic devs and yeah they are very fireteam sided, fun for the fireteam f**k the Predator, thats the Illfonic way. They don't ever play as Predator and the ones that play as fireteam are really bad at fps. And they take in consideration their matches with other to balance the game, which explain a lot. You have people that don't ever bother or care about playing as Predator and that have bad aim playing this game so... they increased the ft dmg to insane amount so even if you hit just a few bullets you can still outdamage the Predator.

Me and others have been inviting people to play as Predator vs us on the main discord so they can see how unbalanced it is, its different when you are facing a squad that is hitting most of their shots with meta weapons. Everyone is just 1 match away from seeing how weak the Predator is on this game.

Corporal Hicks



Quote from: Samhain13 on Dec 29, 2021, 01:05:02 PM
Yeah, I heard about that on their last stream and talked about people in contact with Illfonic devs and yeah they are very fireteam sided, fun for the fireteam f**k the Predator, thats the Illfonic way. They don't ever play as Predator and the ones that play as fireteam are really bad at fps. And they take in consideration their matches with other to balance the game, which explain a lot. You have people that don't ever bother or care about playing as Predator and that have bad aim playing this game so... they increased the ft dmg to insane amount so even if you hit just a few bullets you can still outdamage the Predator.

That's what I find so off putting that they never even give Predator a chance to be shown off in their livestreams. Its always Fireteam, its almost like they have shame for the Predator character. I feel like the community should get together and ask the dev team to stream a Predator gameplay livestream the next time around, as it has been two years, soon to be three, of only Fireteam gameplay.

And before they say, oh how will OldKingHamlet or the other two devs have a shot of playing the game too in the matches.....just take turns then  :D

I would additionally add to my original statement; its not the idea of having Fireteam having the possibility to overpower the Predator that bothers me, its the balance of how that issue is executed. If the gameplay is tuned that one Fireteam can single handily take down a Predator on their own, which Illfonic admitted they wanted the game to be 1v1, then a full team will always take the top, because the power of one you give will multiply drastically with the additional 3, making the scale of the battle to heavy on one side. The second statement Voodoo posted of having the Predator being stressed out is true but "has to be tactical to accomplish goals" will never be if there is a lack of gameplay balance and utility that gives the Predator player the chance to turn things around.

If the power of one can overwhelm a Predator, the power of four will always triumph over the Predator, no matter the circumstance. At that point, its not a fun cat and mouse game but a glorified turkey hunt, and I didn't sign up for that. I don't feel threatened as Fireteam, and its either too easy or impossible as Predator.

Quote from: Samhain13 on Dec 29, 2021, 01:05:02 PM
Me and others have been inviting people to play as Predator vs us on the main discord so they can see how unbalanced it is, its different when you are facing a squad that is hitting most of their shots with meta weapons. Everyone is just 1 match away from seeing how weak the Predator is on this game.

I know Hicks, Voodoo, and Ridgetop play, I'm surprised you also haven't squad them up yet. We have one of the top, if not The Number One player right here in the forums, it would be a great livestream to see all for of you just chill and chat about the game and stuff in a stream one day.



Quote from: Mr.Turok on Dec 29, 2021, 05:55:18 PM
That's what I find so off putting that they never even give Predator a chance to be shown off in their livestreams. Its always Fireteam, its almost like they have shame for the Predator character. I feel like the community should get together and ask the dev team to stream a Predator gameplay livestream the next time around, as it has been two years, soon to be three, of only Fireteam gameplay.

And before they say, oh how will OldKingHamlet or the other two devs have a shot of playing the game too in the matches.....just take turns then  :D

I would additionally add to my original statement; its not the idea of having Fireteam having the possibility to overpower the Predator that bothers me, its the balance of how that issue is executed. If the gameplay is tuned that one Fireteam can single handily take down a Predator on their own, which Illfonic admitted they wanted the game to be 1v1, then a full team will always take the top, because the power of one you give will multiply drastically with the additional 3, making the scale of the battle to heavy on one side. The second statement Voodoo posted of having the Predator being stressed out is true but "has to be tactical to accomplish goals" will never be if there is a lack of gameplay balance and utility that gives the Predator player the chance to turn things around.

If the power of one can overwhelm a Predator, the power of four will always triumph over the Predator, no matter the circumstance. At that point, its not a fun cat and mouse game but a glorified turkey hunt, and I didn't sign up for that. I don't feel threatened as Fireteam, and its either too easy or impossible as Predator.

You kind of need to ambush the fireteam, predator players had adapt due to all the balancing changing and come up with diffferent ways on how to catch the fireteam off guard to get a kill. Most kind of gave up on the game, either stopped playing it completelly or settle down to just play as fireteam instead, since being the Predator became too hard, at least thats how it went on PC.

Easiest way at the moment is with the smart disk but you need a good ping for it, otherwise its all about getting someone trapped or using the lens perk to do surprise charged plasma shots. You can also try the combi/bow combo which is you jump next to ft, throw combi and follow with arrow shot to get him down fast, its risky since you need to get close, requires good aiming, reaction time and missing might make you lose all your hp in 3-5 seconds. I shown more of that in practice on my videos.

In regards to Illfonic streams, I think there were many occasions people that tried to get them to play as Predator and its rare. On the last stream one of them played one match as Predator which he lost vs people I know that don't really try much on this game, I did try to get into there to play but ended up only for the Clash match which was meh. I would be up to do even a 1v2 match with any Illfonic dev as Predator just to show how OP Fireteam can be.

Quote from: Mr.Turok on Dec 29, 2021, 05:55:18 PM
I know Hicks, Voodoo, and Ridgetop play, I'm surprised you also haven't squad them up yet. We have one of the top, if not The Number One player right here in the forums, it would be a great livestream to see all for of you just chill and chat about the game and stuff in a stream one day.

Not sure about my rating there haha. But sure I don't mind playing with others here.



Isabelle concept art by Ivan Dedov recently posted on his Instagram.

Some new bio-mask concept art posted also:


The Jaw !  :D


Another concept art update from Ivan Dedov, of 'Exiled.'


Nice detail with spines on his skirt. Also, I can't be the only one who thought it was a facehugger on his back


More fantastic concept art from Ivan Dedov, of Cleo:

The Shuriken

Give me Persian Empire and Spartan Predator next.

Corporal Hicks

Give me some EU Predators and Fireteam members!

But Ivan's artwork comes to impress! All his concepts have been fantastic.



The European Union had Yautja? When? And what's their the stance on Brexit? *badoomcha

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Feb 21, 2022, 09:57:24 AM
Give me some EU Predators and Fireteam members!

But Ivan's artwork comes to impress! All his concepts have been fantastic.

Corporal Hicks

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Feb 21, 2022, 09:57:24 AM
Give me some EU Predators and Fireteam members!

Yes please! Lost Predators too!

QuoteBut Ivan's artwork comes to impress! All his concepts have been fantastic.

Oh yes! They need to all be available as posters and collected in a physical art book!

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