Aliens: Fireteam Elite Catch All

Started by Corporal Hicks, Mar 09, 2021, 03:26:43 PM

Aliens: Fireteam Elite Catch All (Read 102,790 times)

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: RidgeTop on Sep 08, 2021, 10:27:07 PM
Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Sep 08, 2021, 11:12:37 AM
If someone wants more of that "Aliens" movie realistic feel, I personally feel AvP 2010 can deliver it to you at times. No those typical end level "boss fights" will still make your eyes roll but just in the dark club level alone you can die to a few Aliens alone. Thank goodness for stims!  :)

This is the same AvP 2010 where you can block Alien Warrior attacks with your arms and then knock them on their asses right?

I didn't have a problem with that then but people were lobbing the same complaints at that game back in the day. As I said, sometimes video game gonna video game.

Raising the difficulty in this game (There are three hard modes!), just like that one will provide much more of a challenge. You're also on your own in that game in the campaign and pretty much any other Alien shooter killing untold numbers of Xenos. And while in the context of a movie, sure that would seem pretty outlandish, but in the context of a game, and especially a shooter, it was never crazy enough that it took me out of the immersion.

Quote from: PAS Spinelli on Sep 08, 2021, 10:38:36 PM
AvP 2010 makes the Aliens a complete joke imo, you can beat an single Xenomorph Warrior to death with your bare hands, it's completely powerless against you as you can block and stun it with your bare arms and proceed to punch it to death, try doing that with a Drone or Warrior in AFTE and you will die 2 punchs in

Yep, regardless how hard you two fine gentlemen lobby for AFE, the far from perfect AvP 2010 captures a heck more of the atmosphere, fear and vibe of the Aliens 86 film than this fun horde arcade shooter game ever will. So let it be written!

But with that said, I'm still holding out hope for a true Aliens 86 game that captures the spirit of the film! Hopefully one day!  :)



I think AFE is a better game and Aliens experience personally.

AvP2010 had some bits of greatness but needed a lot more time and money thrown at it.  Could have been a classic.

PAS Spinelli

Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Sep 09, 2021, 02:13:34 AM
Yep, regardless how hard you two fine gentlemen lobby for AFE, the far from perfect AvP 2010 captures a heck more of the atmosphere, fear and vibe of the Aliens 86 film than this fun horde arcade shooter game ever will. So let it be written!



I'll have to post my thoughts at this when it is not eleven pm my time.  But I don't feel that there has been a game that has captured more than a cosmetic vibe of the second film. 

And I'm not even saying the games that didn't totally capture the Aliens experience are bad.  AvP2 for instance is one of my most played games of all time, and after a slow start I overall enjoyed FTE, and the last mission showed that there is still potential for FTE to be more than just a fun brainless shooter.  I knew what the outcome would be from playing these kinds of games for too long, but still I was hurrying to try and change the outcome.  The last three levels were my favorite of the game but we are still missing the depth of the Aliens experience I feel. 

I'll have to try and arrange my thoughts on what has been missing sometimes later. 

But for now sleepy time. 



Quote from: PAS Spinelli on Sep 09, 2021, 03:20:21 AM

eh eh eh

Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Sep 09, 2021, 02:13:34 AM
Yep, regardless how hard you two fine gentlemen lobby for AFE, the far from perfect AvP 2010 captures a heck more of the atmosphere, fear and vibe of the Aliens 86 film than this fun horde arcade shooter game ever will. So let it be written!

Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Sep 09, 2021, 02:13:34 AM
But with that said, I'm still holding out hope for a true Aliens 86 game that captures the spirit of the film! Hopefully one day!  :)

You should try that fan game, Alien: Hope for the Future. The demo was pretty much Aliens: Isolation. Speaking of what is going on with that?

Quote from: 426Buddy on Sep 09, 2021, 02:27:31 AM
I think AFE is a better game and Aliens experience personally.

AvP2010 had some bits of greatness but needed a lot more time and money thrown at it.  Could have been a classic.

I love both, and I feel both could've had bigger budgets but that's easy for me to say as a fan and less easy for a publisher taking a financial risk. But taking into account the factors of this being a lower-priced game by a smaller studio, I'm seriously impressed with their contribution to the Alien Universe.

AvP 2010 certainly has a darker horror vibe to it than Aliens FTE, I just disagree with some of the sentiment I'm hearing that this is a shallow and mindless shooter. In my experience the game has more depth and strategy once you venture into the challenges, higher difficulties, and explore more of the stat-affecting perk combinations. But that's my personal experience, and to each their own.

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: PAS Spinelli on Sep 09, 2021, 03:20:21 AM
Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Sep 09, 2021, 02:13:34 AM
Yep, regardless how hard you two fine gentlemen lobby for AFE, the far from perfect AvP 2010 captures a heck more of the atmosphere, fear and vibe of the Aliens 86 film than this fun horde arcade shooter game ever will. So let it be written!


Quote from: Kimarhi on Sep 09, 2021, 04:06:22 AM
I'll have to post my thoughts at this when it is not eleven pm my time. 

It's still early!



This is absolutely not a shallow/mindless shooter. Changing the difficulty alone proves this. I was very surprised on how much the game changes going from standard to intense. And the perk system has so many options and layers to it, people are still finding better options/combinations for their builds. Thats a very good sign imo.

The lack of content though... 1 Horde map....Thats just criminal.



Quote from: Hemi on Sep 09, 2021, 05:57:04 AM
The lack of content though... 1 Horde map....Thats just criminal.

Indeed, but hey Alien: Isolation started with one challenge level right? And got a bunch more with updates. Given the game's launch success, that's likely to happen with FTE as well.

I feel there's quite a lot of potential in Horde Mode.



Shouldn't be that hard to implement either. Most of the "punch button to start" stuff is already in the maps. You only need to isolate that part of the map, add blocking volumes and some extra spawns.

I also want those sentry's from the final campaign. Man those look sweet. Maybe set them up as refillable's in the horde maps. Create that operations feel to it.

And it would be nice not to end up with 8 horde maps and thats it... I would, for once, like to have a wide selection. Like 36 or 48 horde maps. The horde mode was always treated as a by-product in the other Alien games. It needs to be the primary/secundary GameType, not the "haha, oh yeah we got horde too btw, here's 3 maps to play on bye.." GameType. Otherwise this game will repeat it's predecessors mistakes.

Horde = Future

Voodoo Magic

Wait a minute, increasing a game's difficulty makes it more difficult? This is revolutionary!!!   ;) ;D

I was playing Intense & Extreme last night hooked up to a brain monitor and and my brain instead of it's usual 2% function, decreased to 1% brain function. So we have medical proof!

- -

But in all seriousness though, the whole arcade check-your-brain-at-the-door shooter thing is not an insult. I repeat. Not an insult. It's the nature of these horde type games. It's why we've read the word "arcade" used so often to describe Aliens FTE in so many critics reviews.

So I played last night in Intense & Extreme modes and much of the game I stood in place and shot. Let me repeat this, for much of the game the enemies came to me and I stood in place and shot. Sometimes shoulder to shoulder. So this is a no-brainer guys that this aspect can be... a no-brainer!

Now, yes Aliens FTE gets more complicated raising your difficulty because you can't have friendly fire, enemies are tougher, less ammo, less health packs. And your perks require math and fitting rectangular objects into rectangular holes.

But once you set your perks and actually play, it's stay in your lanes, shoot rows of bugs that come in predetermined paths often in straight ant lines, and use your specials as they keep recharging. Oh and run backwards and and call out dem big bulletsponges minibosses!

As I was playing Intense & Extreme last night, while the Extreme gameplay was much harder, it's still just that same hard arcade gameplay at that point, with the same enemy preset lanes and same preset paths and where your character often stands stationary firing where enemies come at you in the pre-determined same ant paths. The arcade behavior doesn't change, just their stats.

The game is great fun but I say ya can't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining! So I'll take ya all on!  ;D

P.S. I do agree with everyone that without randomness and pvp, this game desperately needs a regular feed of content to survive, and it can't be classes, weapons & decals!


Yeah it's far from the Alien game I have waited years for, that being a tactical four player squad shooter with a strong campaign in the vein of a mixture of Halo, GRAW and Battlefield's environment destruction tech.



Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Sep 09, 2021, 12:27:29 PM

P.S. I do agree with everyone that without randomness and pvp, this game desperately needs a regular feed of content to survive, and it can't be classes, weapons & decals!

This. We can have discussions about what makes a good horde game untill the end of time, the simple fact is: The game needs content / more to do.

The basic horde map builds of Gears 5 for example. It's mirrored maps almost all the time. Why? Because it's a time saver making the fckers and folk who play horde eat it anyway. Dress it up, NEXT MAP

ps: A good base for an Alien game is still, and always will be imo : Space Beast Terror Fright on Steam. It's the perfect example of having the massive hordes, the dread/fear of the movies and a great multiplayer. Deep Rock is also great but the dwarfes and mining kinda take the Alien-esc atmosphere away,

judge death

This is just my own experience and what I find lacking in the game now:

The game barely had any story and as I prefer single player experiences with good story and long games, there was no intro and barely any explanation why Im there or finding that doctor on the space station? The end is alsoa  let down, I beat the game but dont get any kind of ending, just back to the hub and thats it? No ending video or story what happened after or why I fought through the levels?
There are a ton of references and small info about the world but there is no story like what one got in aliens colonial marines as minimum, isolation level or avp2 I can forget.

Lack of levels, 4 campaigns with only 3 missions each, took not long to beat the game and the second mission was rather repetive and boring design wise with only caves non stop. 1 and 4 mission has best gameplay and map design but they are short and when I replay it, one play it in same way as before, I know where the xenos will show up and what to do to beat them.
Impressive visuals at places but still campaign lacked a lot and way too short.

After beating the game and picked perks I liked there is nothing to play it again for, I knwo the levels and how the game ends and have all weapons and my gunner marine is on good level. Leveling up and finding decals dont do it for me and have enough credits to buy all weapons, emotes and other stuff I dont care much for either.
Replaying same levels and shoting countless xenos gets too repetive for my taste and is only fun for a short session.

Horde mode? Like in avp 2010 and colonial marines or rouge squadron games, I dont find facing endless amount of enemies fun or exciting, do the same thing over and over until you die isnt fun in my eyes. So horde mode I only played 3 times and got to wave 20, which is well enough for me.
same here, if its for rewards one play it, I find the rewards not exciting to bother with it more.
Just shoting xenos endlessly isnt exciting for me.

I hope we get more campaigns and story and with more variety and something different and new modes and missions and tasks to do and a proper story to play through with intro video and ending and charachters that actually talk. So new campaign content please :P



I dont like AFTE simply because you shoot aliens. Why can't we crouch down and interact and pet them and make slaves of them?
the game is too easy even on Insane. I think Insane is for 5 year olds. So i let me 5 year old play this game. And he won it before even finishing his baby food meals. Prove me wrong.
And there is too few models for charactization. I want to customize my character and make him 3foot 5 and slim build.
and i want a pink shader for all the armour.
and i want audio customizations so that there is no gun fire at all.....or replaced with electronic blimps and beeps because im special .



Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Sep 09, 2021, 12:27:29 PM

Come on, you were asking for that one

Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Sep 09, 2021, 12:27:29 PM
Wait a minute, increasing a game's difficulty makes it more difficult? This is revolutionary!!!   ;) ;D

I was playing Intense & Extreme last night hooked up to a brain monitor and and my brain instead of it's usual 2% function, decreased to 1% brain function. So we have medical proof!


Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Sep 09, 2021, 12:27:29 PM
So I played last night in Intense & Extreme modes and much of the game I stood in place and shot. Let me repeat this, for much of the game the enemies came to me and I stood in place and shot. Sometimes shoulder to shoulder. So this is a no-brainer guys that this aspect can be... a no-brainer!

You mean to tell me you haven't maxed your classes, yet there are no moments on extreme or intense where the Aliens break a defense line and you're forced to become more mobile?

This is some recent Intense difficulty gameplay where the rest of my fireteam had been killed, and I attempted to survive the final waves on my own. If I had stayed put, I really think I would've lasted much shorter than I did. I realize a good portion of this game is holding up and hiding behind cover, as is the case with many horde shooters, but you still need to build a proper defense line and maximize class synergy to strengthen that fortification, if you don't, you'll find yourself in a situation like I'm in here.

Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Sep 09, 2021, 12:27:29 PM
Even once complete, some of my friends are the type of people that have the need to max out every class, every weapon - repeating missions as long as it takes. They need to 100% a game - it's an itch that needs to be scratched. Me, not so much. I just want to win it.

That's definitely Hicks and I, we're both max rank on all classes except for the new Phalanx. A big part of the game's depth comes from unlocking that full perk grid and tweaking the placements for ideal stats. If that's not really your type of game preference then yeah the longevity for this one may be less for you. The depth also comes from all the lore, the implementation of which surprised me, both in the text and the presentation of the Alien Universe. Every weapon in the game has a full text backstory.

As far as the shooting goes, yeah it's a shooter. I could play any almost any third person or first person shooter mindlessly and probably get by, but where's the fun in that? Just like other horde shooters such as Left 4 Dead, Gears of War, or World War Z can have a simple formula, they do it quite well and there's a lot to explore and different ways to play within that formula. They can be played quite casually on the easy and normal difficulties but once you enter higher level play or PvP things start becoming more dynamic.

Hunting Grounds for the most part has its formula, it does its formula quite well, and it has expanded upon it (not nearly enough, but it has). The PvP nature of that game does offer varying challenge depending on opponent skill, same as this game does even though it's PvE. I do hope they add PvP here though.

Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Sep 09, 2021, 12:27:29 PM
It's stay in your lanes, shoot rows of bugs that come in predetermined paths often in straight ant lines, and use your specials as they keep recharging. Oh and run backwards and and call out dem big bulletsponges minibosses!

Sometimes the Xenos do line up a bit too nicely for my weapon, but I also found myself quite impressed with the pathfinding. How the runners can all scurry down columns while not colliding with each other is technically impressive. From what I've seen, they're not locked to a specific path, they may have a general one (get to the player), but how they get there varies from Xeno to Xeno. There are some conga lines where the xenos spawn but it's typically not long before they start diverging, moving to the walls, the ceiling, coming in on the flanks, and especially if they get up close. In any case, the pathfinding systems are definitely something Hicks and I plan on asking the Devs about.

The more tanky classes tie into stat tweaking directly, as what initially took a long time to kill can go down quite satisfyingly fast with a fully kitted out squad synchronizing their abilities.

Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Sep 09, 2021, 12:27:29 PMBut in all seriousness though, the whole arcade check-your-brain-at-the-door shooter thing is not an insult. I repeat. Not an insult. It's the nature of these horde type games. It's why we've read the word "arcade" used so often to describe Aliens FTE in so many critics reviews.

The game is accessible and can be played casually for sure, but the reviews are mixed as well, with critics also offering different experiences:

"Aliens: Fireteam Elite is a surprisingly deep third-person shooter with tight, enjoyable multiplayer action that has enough variety to tease multiple return visits.

With a surprisingly deep progression system, consistently entertaining firefights, and engrossing presentation that keeps the action gripping throughout.

Each of the classes can be altered in similar ways, redefining their active abilities with appropriate pros and cons to give them more depth than their standard archetypes suggest initially. This makes spending time with each individual class rewarding as you start tinkering them to be both fun to play and effective as part of your team."


And this one definitely seems more along the lines of what you've been saying...

"Aliens: Fireteam Elite is a generic survival shooter with old-school arcade DNA. Fireteam Elite feels like an online, updated version of light-gun games like Area 51 or House of the Dead, complete with repetitive environments and sloppy hit boxes. The game is competent, but not dynamic. To put it simply — man, it's just a shooting gallery down there."


Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Sep 09, 2021, 12:27:29 PMP.S. I do agree with everyone that without randomness and pvp, this game desperately needs a regular feed of content to survive, and it can't be classes, weapons & decals!

And here is where I do agree with ya. While I do think more of classes, weapons, and decals will help, the game does really need more meat, in the form of more story-based campaigns, new Horde Mode maps with more than one defense point, and hopefully some kind of PvP.

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