Idea's of a Perfect Alien vs Predator film

Started by Predwars24, Feb 16, 2019, 09:23:49 PM

Idea's of a Perfect Alien vs Predator film (Read 8,803 times)


I've always wanted to know what people think would make an Aliens vs Predator film perfect. It seems everyone has almost nothing positive to say about either AVP film, so I've just wanted to know what anyone would want in their perfect AVP film.


Aliens, Predators, Marines in the future in space.

Not guaranteed perfect; just guaranteed better.


1. Character depth
2. Slow building horror
3. Off world setting
4. Keep the creatures equal, and don't overuse them.
5. Decent lighting

Local Trouble

You forgot egg-barfing.


Quote from: Local Trouble on Feb 16, 2019, 09:36:59 PM
You forgot egg-barfing.

Okay, but only because you want it.



I don't dislike the take that the preds have known about the Aliens for eons, but I think it might have been better if the Predator and Alien's first on screen feature had them being completely unfamiliar with each other.

So my setup would've been a small crew out in the boondocks encountering the Alien, the Alien starts killing people, the people send out a distress beacon intercepted by a Predator, the Predator is lured by the conflict onto the vessel.

From there the characters are picked off by either creature until they get the bright idea to lead them into a confrontation with each other so they can escape.

My other take would be a more familiar AvP2 (game) situation.  Research station on planet come into contact with Aliens, Marines move to interdict, conflict draws Predator.  I loved the world building of that game where LV 1201 was a harsh planet by earth standards with high salts in its waters, less air and severe storms but still supported a foodchain and had the mystery of what the space jockeys, predators, and aliens were all doing on the planet.  I often think when I do replay the game every couple of years that a story built on the backstory of that game might be even better.  Where WY struggled to establish a foothold on LV1201 and encountered a few major setbacks.  Just drop the Marines in favor of the mercs and corporate security, and throw the predators in early.

Voodoo Magic


Quote from: Kimarhi on Feb 16, 2019, 10:13:32 PM
My other take would be a more familiar AvP2 (game) situation.  Research station on planet come into contact with Aliens, Marines move to interdict, conflict draws Predator.  I loved the world building of that game where LV 1201 was a harsh planet by earth standards with high salts in its waters, less air and severe storms but still supported a foodchain and had the mystery of what the space jockeys, predators, and aliens were all doing on the planet.  I often think when I do replay the game every couple of years that a story built on the backstory of that game might be even better.  Where WY struggled to establish a foothold on LV1201 and encountered a few major setbacks.  Just drop the Marines in favor of the mercs and corporate security, and through the predators in early.

THIS! Currently replaying AVP2. It is the ALIEN/PREDATOR equivalent of the AVP concept IMHO.


I wanted to see more Colonial Marines, I thought it was idiotic to involve the Aliens in our history instead of the future, only the Predator should hail back that long.

If it was my call the film would of opened with two full sections of Colonial Marines assisting WY mercs in cleaning up a colony that was overrun by xenos, and then taking xenos on ice/stasis whatever up to the Marine ship for transport. The WY mercs indifferent to it all while the Marines uncomfortable to say the least. All the while a Predator has been watching the clean up and considers this lot worthy of hunting, thus follows them up to their Marine ship and proceeds to systematically take them out.

The Marines catch on quick, try to lock it down in areas of the ship and use sentry guns and other weapons etc, it would lead to a freak ambush as the predator, realising his being closed in, attempts to force his way through a squad causing heaps of damage leading to some xenos getting loose. Since the Xenos are fewer in number they behave more like the original film, just picking their moments and only attacking in numbers if they had to.

I would have this sub plot of a Marine sharp-shooter/sniper trying to kill the Predator, game of cat and mouse on the walkways and overhead stuff/air ducts while trying to avoid the aliens, (that is due to my memories playing as a Marine sniper on the Verloc map in AVP2 against a friend who was a predator lol). The WY mercs and Marines try to work together, WY guys want to try catch the xenos, so different approaches/tactics.

No idea how it would wrap up though, would avoid the typical blow the ship event and instead have another ship of Marines arrive to see the aftermath and secure the ship at the end of the film. I would of been happy with something like that, just straight up action, tense moments, jump scares and the plot existing only to keep all that together, not trying to establish more lore or other rubbish,

Oasis Nadrama


NO Space Marines, for a start. Marines are used in like half of the extended universe, and that's an uniquely bad idea - even in the Cameron where they were slaughtered relatively quickly, their training and efficient weapons were diminishing the pressure. They should have stayed in AlienS.

I'd re-use the classical 90s comic book and screenplay ideas that the Predator want to harvest eggs and plant them on various planets for good sports, but I'd twist it: rather than a current practice, it would be an IMPOSSIBLE PROJECT for them. The main idea of the Alien series is that the Alien threat cannot be contained; therefore Predators would be unable to contain it. The menace should be rare, too...

Working with this idea, I'd split Predators into three factions:
1 - The Keepers of tradition. The tradition being to eliminate any possible Alien organism and to nuke every work possibly containing an Alien organism. The Predator species met the Alien before, it is the stuff of legend, and now the tradition is to play "better safe than sorry". By the time the story happens, they haven't met an Alien in millenia, but they still take precautionary measures.
2 - The Young and Reckless. An illegal faction in Predator culture, they want to harvest the Alien and to put it on various worlds for good sport. They hide their opinion and work in secret.
3 - The Recursive Rebellion. An even more secret faction inside the Y&R, they realize how dangerous the Alien is and want to sabotage the Y&R.

I'd also add Engineers as a dead species and Perols [random name for random extraterrestrial culture) as another dead species.

And finally I'd decide the Predators are not a culture focused on hunting. This is to me an uniquely stupid idea of the extended universe and late sequels to make them a species of hunters. Just because the guys we met in Predator 2 loved to hunt doesn't mean every Predator does. This is some Planet of Hats nonsense. If the Predator have to be a culture developed around a particular thing (I do not define it in the following notes), let it be at least another thing, so it enriches the setting instead of impoverishing it.
I'd also make the Predators a very arrogant species - to them they're the only "Real People", other species are just animals, sometimes "sentient animals", but animals. They see humans, Perols and even Engineers the way we see ravens, dolphins or monkeys: funny, possibly interesting, but not people.

With that in mind, let's start.


When the story starts, the Predator learn humanity has made contact with Aliens (at a point in time still to be determined - we'd have to choose which Alien movies are considered canon in the proposed continuity first). Therefore, following the Keeper philosophy, they decide to exterminate the human species and to nuke human worlds.

While the Predator military prepares a plan of action (including a simultaneous surprise bombing of Earth and all of the main human colonies), the Predator politicians fight over the decision ; the Hunting Guild, particularly, is defending the humans on the grounds of human beings being very stimulating game.

- It's hard to find sentient species which developed space travel, argues Big Tusk, leader of the Hunting Guilds. The only other ones we met were the Perols, and it finished exactly like this, they stumbled over Aliens and you chose to exterminate the whole species. It was like 15 000 years ago. And the Engineers disappeared millions of years ago, before we the Real People even came to exist. Pity, though. They'd have been good game.
- What's your point, Big Tusk?
- If we get rid of the humans, how long before we find another game of this caliber? Not to mention there may be no other one, ever.
- Oh, come on.
- I know non-hunters will be indifferent to this, but I'll tell you how it was some millenias ago. Before we met the human game. Amongst we hunters, not a day was passing without some people missing the long-gone Perols. Everyone sang songs of Perol hunts! Sometimes hunters cried at night, knowing they'll never get the chance to go for such a kill.
- Now you're just writing me a holocomedy.
- When we discovered humans, our life changed. Finally hunt was making sense once again! It was a honour to hunt them of course, we had to carefully select the chosen ones to go to their homeworld, and we had unique experiences. Some of the game even survived the hunt, do you realize? And you want to deprive us of this, of this unique, magnificent challenge? Over my dead body!
- Okay, Big Tusk, your arguments have been heard. This lodge will now deliberate.
But before the next debates, Big Tusk already knew he had lost. He would never manage to convince enough people; the traditional Keeper philosophy was too strongly implemented. He would have to contact the Y&R.

(to be continued)


Quote from: Huggs on Feb 16, 2019, 09:31:48 PM
1. Character depth
2. Slow building horror
3. Off world setting
4. Keep the creatures equal, and don't overuse them.
5. Decent lighting

Well that last one is obviously a good bash out on the lighting in AVPR which was really bad.

Quote from: Oasis Nadrama on Feb 17, 2019, 10:24:23 AM

NO Space Marines, for a start. Marines are used in like half of the extended universe, and that's an uniquely bad idea - even in the Cameron where they were slaughtered relatively quickly, their training and efficient weapons were diminishing the pressure. They should have stayed in AlienS.

You're probably the first person I know to not want Marines as the characters. Also I've always kind of felt that's what made the Predators a unique creature was their hunt culture. I've always felt it was a system of honor and if broken a predator would be outcasted hence why we have different tribes. Which I guess kind of leads into your idea that not every predator hunts, and for all we know there might even be a rebellious predator clan that feels that because of unfair advantages there is no honor in their hunts (Unsure if that's already a thing).


Marines are still immensely popular, as are the AvP games - all of which have marines.  Having them in a future film is the simplest way to get bums on seats.


Quote from: SM on Feb 18, 2019, 07:24:20 PM
Marines are still immensely popular, as are the AvP games - all of which have marines.  Having them in a future film is the simplest way to get bums on seats.

Pretty much my thoughts. Also I'm not sure what kind of group would be in this situation anyway besides the normal colonists that just wouldn't survive for that long as shown to us in Aliens. Maybe Weyland mercs?


I'd prefer an offworld colony. Well armed marines turn it into an action movie. I'd rather see what reasonably armed civilians with good ingenuity can do first. Adds more horror, I say.


Aliens and Predator are both arguably the most popular of the series and both are, by and large, action movies.

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