Alien Covenant Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, May 09, 2017, 05:39:30 PM

What did you think of Alien Covenant?

Loved it. (5/5)
100 (21.8%)
Good, it was enjoyable. (4/5)
147 (32%)
It was okay. (3/5)
89 (19.4%)
Could have been better. (2/5)
61 (13.3%)
Didn't like it. (1/5)
32 (7%)
Hated it! (0/5)
30 (6.5%)

Total Members Voted: 457

Alien Covenant Fan Reviews (Read 290,243 times)



A few thoughts regarding the aliens intelligence and fast growth rate in Covenant - These are the very first ones, growing at about the same rate as the neomorphs. As they move on to a subsequent generation and further away from the neomorphs, their growth rate will stabilize to allow a little more time for their brains to fully mature while they are still small enough to hide more efficiently.



Quote from: Predaker on May 25, 2017, 12:20:16 PM
A few thoughts regarding the aliens intelligence and fast growth rate in Covenant - These are the very first ones, growing at about the same rate as the neomorphs. As they move on to a subsequent generation and further away from the neomorphs, their growth rate will stabilize to allow a little more time for their brains to fully mature while they are still small enough to hide more efficiently.

The growth rate wasnt off imo. When Oram was about to be chestbursted, David was throwing stones at him, implying that he sat there for a long ass time and he wanted Oram to wake the f*ck up. I believe several scenes prior to this were cut from the theatrical version to speed things up a bit.

Also, when Lope or (whatever his name was) was being chestbursted on the covenant, Daniels even had time to fry some eggs and take a nap.

Besides, the alien in Alien also matured very quickly. Remember when Brett picked the xeno skin from the ground and it was about half his size? Next scene he's looking at the BC...



Quote from: Snake on May 25, 2017, 12:52:29 PMAlso, when Lope or (whatever his name was) was being chestbursted on the covenant, Daniels even had time to fry some eggs and take a nap.

The problem with Lope isn't how quickly it bursts out of him, but how quickly it got in there in the first place.

Kane was out with a Facehugger on him for the best part of a day. If it could've done it instantaneously like in Covenant, why would it keep him under for so long?



Quote from: HuDaFuK on May 25, 2017, 01:17:33 PM
Quote from: Snake on May 25, 2017, 12:52:29 PMAlso, when Lope or (whatever his name was) was being chestbursted on the covenant, Daniels even had time to fry some eggs and take a nap.

The problem with Lope isn't how quickly it bursts out of him, but how quickly it got in there in the first place.

Kane was out with a Facehugger on him for the best part of a day. If it could've done it instantaneously like in Covenant, why would it keep him under for so long?

Hi Hudaf**k,

I appologise for being so rude to you the other day, I really am sorry.

As for your remarks, I'd like to think of it this way: the facehugger can now infect people very quickly. It can put it's victim into a coma( like Oram) but only for pure sake of convience as in: it wouldn't be damaged by the struggling of the guy. It can do what it's meant to do under pressure and when it's instinct tell it it won't be able to finish, resulting in a more efficient creature.



Quote from: Snake on May 25, 2017, 12:52:29 PM
Quote from: Predaker on May 25, 2017, 12:20:16 PM
A few thoughts regarding the aliens intelligence and fast growth rate in Covenant - These are the very first ones, growing at about the same rate as the neomorphs. As they move on to a subsequent generation and further away from the neomorphs, their growth rate will stabilize to allow a little more time for their brains to fully mature while they are still small enough to hide more efficiently.

The growth rate wasnt off imo. When Oram was about to be chestbursted, David was throwing stones at him, implying that he sat there for a long ass time and he wanted Oram to wake the f*ck up. I believe several scenes prior to this were cut from the theatrical version to speed things up a bit.

Also, when Lope or (whatever his name was) was being chestbursted on the covenant, Daniels even had time to fry some eggs and take a nap.

Besides, the alien in Alien also matured very quickly. Remember when Brett picked the xeno skin from the ground and it was about half his size? Next scene he's looking at the BC...

Some people complained that the aliens grew into an adult too fast after birth and weren't as intelligent as they should be.



Quote from: Snake on May 25, 2017, 01:23:29 PM
Quote from: HuDaFuK on May 25, 2017, 01:17:33 PM
Quote from: Snake on May 25, 2017, 12:52:29 PMAlso, when Lope or (whatever his name was) was being chestbursted on the covenant, Daniels even had time to fry some eggs and take a nap.

The problem with Lope isn't how quickly it bursts out of him, but how quickly it got in there in the first place.

Kane was out with a Facehugger on him for the best part of a day. If it could've done it instantaneously like in Covenant, why would it keep him under for so long?

Hi Hudaf**k,

I appologise for being so rude to you the other day, I really am sorry.

As for your remarks, I'd like to think of it this way: the facehugger can now infect people very quickly. It can put it's victim into a coma( like Oram) but only for pure sake of convience as in: it wouldn't be damaged by the struggling of the guy. It can do what it's meant to do under pressure and when it's instinct tell it it won't be able to finish, resulting in a more efficient creature.

Do we actually know how long it took to infect Kane? I mean Kane may have been infected instantly and the facehugger remains on his face just to protect the embryo while it grows etc, just a thought though.



Quote from: Jonesy1974 on May 25, 2017, 01:28:17 PM
Quote from: Snake on May 25, 2017, 01:23:29 PM
Quote from: HuDaFuK on May 25, 2017, 01:17:33 PM
Quote from: Snake on May 25, 2017, 12:52:29 PMAlso, when Lope or (whatever his name was) was being chestbursted on the covenant, Daniels even had time to fry some eggs and take a nap.

The problem with Lope isn't how quickly it bursts out of him, but how quickly it got in there in the first place.

Kane was out with a Facehugger on him for the best part of a day. If it could've done it instantaneously like in Covenant, why would it keep him under for so long?

Hi Hudaf**k,

I appologise for being so rude to you the other day, I really am sorry.

As for your remarks, I'd like to think of it this way: the facehugger can now infect people very quickly. It can put it's victim into a coma( like Oram) but only for pure sake of convience as in: it wouldn't be damaged by the struggling of the guy. It can do what it's meant to do under pressure and when it's instinct tell it it won't be able to finish, resulting in a more efficient creature.

Do we actually know how long it took to infect Kane? I mean Kane may have been infected instantly and the facehugger remains on his face just to protect the embryo while it grows etc, just a thought though.


Mr. Clemens

Mr. Clemens

Quote from: Jonesy1974 on May 25, 2017, 01:28:17 PM
Quote from: Snake on May 25, 2017, 01:23:29 PM
Quote from: HuDaFuK on May 25, 2017, 01:17:33 PM
Quote from: Snake on May 25, 2017, 12:52:29 PMAlso, when Lope or (whatever his name was) was being chestbursted on the covenant, Daniels even had time to fry some eggs and take a nap.

The problem with Lope isn't how quickly it bursts out of him, but how quickly it got in there in the first place.

Kane was out with a Facehugger on him for the best part of a day. If it could've done it instantaneously like in Covenant, why would it keep him under for so long?

Hi Hudaf**k,

I appologise for being so rude to you the other day, I really am sorry.

As for your remarks, I'd like to think of it this way: the facehugger can now infect people very quickly. It can put it's victim into a coma( like Oram) but only for pure sake of convience as in: it wouldn't be damaged by the struggling of the guy. It can do what it's meant to do under pressure and when it's instinct tell it it won't be able to finish, resulting in a more efficient creature.

Do we actually know how long it took to infect Kane? I mean Kane may have been infected instantly and the facehugger remains on his face just to protect the embryo while it grows etc, just a thought though.

That's a fair point, actually. Maybe the facehugger just sits on its victim like a bird sits on its eggs. But if it can't do that for some reason, it's 'so long Junior, and best of luck!'  :D



Sorry, I was a bit wasted yesterday...

Bughunter S. Thomson

Bughunter S. Thomson

So I left this forum in the run up to Covenant as all of Prometheus' marketing material really spoiled a film I already didn't enjoy and I think that marred some of the experience for me.

I watched A:C at the cinema and gave myself a week to mull over it. I haven't read the average review here or even voted in this thread's poll to see what popular opinion is, but here is my review for Alien Covenant.

I feel absolutely nothing for this movie. No hatred for tarnishing the franchise - At this point I've begrudgingly accepted that Ridley's vision is the direction of the Alien franchise whether I like it or not. No joy of seeing the Aliens return and stalk corridors like the original movie, and certainly none of the fear.

This film left me numb. Everything felt bland - The locations, the characters, the situations. Nothing stimulated my senses. The reveal of the crashed Juggernaut is a good example - In the original, it was seen through mist in the distance, and on monitors flickering with feedback. You never quite got a good look at it until after a lot of tension building. In Covenant it was a sudden shot of the ship, it wasn't a slow panned shot as it emerged towering from behind the tress. It was just there. It felt clumsy or like Ridley simply didn't care enough for what should be quite important beat in the plot.

The storyline just happened. It felt like the story was written like 'Gets signal > Goes to planet > Infected > Protomorphs > David' and someone less that competent went in and wrote dialogue over the top. I know this is how most screenplays are written, but this felt unfinished with no polish. It didn't flow for me at all. As I was watching I was processing the information like writing down a mental list "The Captain is dead. Ok, he's the new Captain. He's religious. He's lacking in confidence.' At no point did I feel immersed in the film.

The cast were good enough. No stand out performances. I found James Franco dying immediately took me out the movie before it had even properly started. Thoughts like "Hmmm, maybe it was a favour to be in this movie because he is friends with Danny McBride. That must be it." This person should have been an unknown actor. It was odd and I'm sure it confused some audiences, maybe thinking he wasn't dead and would be returning somehow. Also, the more I saw of Daniels made me feel like her and James Franco would be such an unlikely pairing.
Daniels was good enough. I felt sorry for the actor as Ridley had just chucked her in there as a substitute Ripley and she has huge Powerloader boots to fill, it's an almost impossible feat, but she did well enough. Again, nothing exceptional.
Now I see people praising Danny McBride. I found his appearance distracting too. Knowing him primarily as Kenny Powers meant I could never take him seriously. When they establish contact with the team on the Planet after the storm and he says something like "I can't wait to see my wife again and tell her I love her" in such a clunky way it made me laugh out loud.
Shaw's fate just made me care even less for Prometheus. I couldn't believe they were making the same mistake as Alien 3, killing off key established characters from a previous movie depicting their struggle and triumph to survive horrible adversity.
David did annoy me. He was by far the best part about Prometheus, but in this he has been reduced to an artificial Hannibal Lecter, spouting out pretentious quotes like Bishop's severed torso. I found him quite irritating, his motives a bit blurry and Walter's accent didn't sit right with me at all.

Now comes the lore, which is pretty much most of the movie. I hate all of it since Prometheus. I wish it never happened. And the more that I watch of the prequels, the more it sullies the best sci-fi horror of all time.
When I was 7, we moved into this old house and my bedroom had a boiler room attached to it. That room terrified me, but not the room - It was the door. The door facing directly in my line of sight from my bed. Knowing that behind that door was complete darkness and strange clunking noises stopped me getting to sleep for the first few weeks, and I always kept an eye on the door to check if something was coming through it.
But then after a while I familiarise myself with the room behind the door. It was full of old pipes and a furnace, which explained the noises. The room had no windows, which is why it was so dark. It was nothing but an empty room with some pipes.
After that, I didn't care about the room. In fact, I was kind of embarrassed at myself that I'd ever be so scared of the room in the first place. The room I imagined as a portal to hell swirling with demons was in reality just some boring brick wall and plumbing.
That's this movie and the whole prequel lore. The Space Jockey is an Engineer pilot. The aliens are genetic experiments by an android created on Earth, using the same biotech that created all life on Earth. So really they are not Aliens, but Cousins.The magic trick is explained, I've seen the man behind the curtain, and it's all underwhelming. The film was called 'Alien' and it should remain as it's namesake. From the unknown, too different to comprehend. Now Ridley is helpfully showing us it's just a lab experiment by a crazy robot.

I can understand why people like this film. There is nothing particularly wrong with it. If you're hungry enough, the most average burger can be delicious. But I seem to have lost my appetite for the Alien films since Ridley took over. The fact that I, a huge fan of this franchise, sat through these two hours, saw the genesis of the Alien, the homeworld of the Engineers, and the closest thing we've had to the claustrophobic tunnel chases of Alien and felt absolutely nothing is a testament to just how bland this film is. The whole experience was quite depressing. Didn't hate it enough to slam it, didn't like it enough to give it any praise. And for that, it gets a 5/10. 



Quote from: genocyber on May 24, 2017, 02:51:50 AM
I feel like Ridley Scott never understood the appeal of Alien to begin with. He should just call the next movie he makes David, because that's the only character who ever really mattered in these movies.

I totally agree, it's plain obvious he's not interested in anyone else



Quote from: Jonesy1974 on May 24, 2017, 10:53:05 AM
Quote from: Salt The Fries on May 24, 2017, 10:10:49 AM
Quote from: SyntaX on May 24, 2017, 10:05:59 AM
You know ... by listening to the score ... it made me realise the Med-Bay scene wasn't bad. It had the right amount of tension.

Despite a few "WTF" moments though. Because, if you quarantine someone, make sure you don't have that persons blood splattered all over your face  ;D

The moment Feris got Karine's blood on her face was when her composure cracked and everything went to shit. And it was beautifully directed and subtly felt.

I don't really get why people criticize her behavior in this seen. She quite clearly has a complete melt down and isn't acting rationally, something I felt  Seimetz conveyed perfectly. The whole scene from the moment he falls ill is wonderfully constructed.

amazing performance in my opinion. also from the infected character

Darth Vile

Darth Vile

Quote from: HuDaFuK on May 25, 2017, 01:17:33 PM
Quote from: Snake on May 25, 2017, 12:52:29 PMAlso, when Lope or (whatever his name was) was being chestbursted on the covenant, Daniels even had time to fry some eggs and take a nap.

The problem with Lope isn't how quickly it bursts out of him, but how quickly it got in there in the first place.

Kane was out with a Facehugger on him for the best part of a day. If it could've done it instantaneously like in Covenant, why would it keep him under for so long?
Maybe it just liked him? To be honest, it actually makes more sense that a facehugger would implant a host quickly. Perhaps not within 5 seconds, but certainly within an hour. It just isn't efficient to do it so slowly... especially for a "perfect organism".



Quote from: Darth Vile on May 25, 2017, 08:56:40 PM
Quote from: HuDaFuK on May 25, 2017, 01:17:33 PM
Quote from: Snake on May 25, 2017, 12:52:29 PMAlso, when Lope or (whatever his name was) was being chestbursted on the covenant, Daniels even had time to fry some eggs and take a nap.

The problem with Lope isn't how quickly it bursts out of him, but how quickly it got in there in the first place.

Kane was out with a Facehugger on him for the best part of a day. If it could've done it instantaneously like in Covenant, why would it keep him under for so long?
Maybe it just liked him? To be honest, it actually makes more sense that a facehugger would implant a host quickly. Perhaps not within 5 seconds, but certainly within an hour. It just isn't efficient to do it so slowly... especially for a "perfect organism".
Unless the facehugger is also doing other things to aid the gestation...

I've read in books and heard from other sources that the facehugger supplies the host with enzymes or something that soften bone to make it easier for the embryo to erupt through the chest cavity, as well as things that suppress the hosts immune system. I'd imagine the facehugger's success would also benefit from sticking around to make sure the host's body isn't rejecting the implantation somehow, and if so could perhaps alter the doses of immunosuppressants, etc...

Darth Vile

Darth Vile

Quote from: Engineer on May 25, 2017, 09:02:43 PM
Quote from: Darth Vile on May 25, 2017, 08:56:40 PM
Quote from: HuDaFuK on May 25, 2017, 01:17:33 PM
Quote from: Snake on May 25, 2017, 12:52:29 PMAlso, when Lope or (whatever his name was) was being chestbursted on the covenant, Daniels even had time to fry some eggs and take a nap.

The problem with Lope isn't how quickly it bursts out of him, but how quickly it got in there in the first place.

Kane was out with a Facehugger on him for the best part of a day. If it could've done it instantaneously like in Covenant, why would it keep him under for so long?
Maybe it just liked him? To be honest, it actually makes more sense that a facehugger would implant a host quickly. Perhaps not within 5 seconds, but certainly within an hour. It just isn't efficient to do it so slowly... especially for a "perfect organism".
Unless the facehugger is also doing other things to aid the gestation...

I've read in books and heard from other sources that the facehugger supplies the host with enzymes or something that soften bone to make it easier for the embryo to erupt through the chest cavity, as well as things that suppress the hosts immune system. I'd imagine the facehugger's success would also benefit from sticking around to make sure the host's body isn't rejecting the implantation somehow, and if so could perhaps alter the doses of immunosuppressants, etc...

Well anything can be explained, but more time ultimately leads to less efficiency. Perhaps the facehugger stayed longer on Kane for numerous reasons we can use to justify it, but the point is that this fact alone doesn't mean that the impregnation scene in AC was a plot hole etc. One just has to take it at face value... e.g why did the xeno in Aliens not have a smooth head? Etc.

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