The Neomorphs

Started by Corporal Hicks, Oct 21, 2016, 09:27:05 AM

The Neomorphs (Read 97,042 times)

System Apollo

System Apollo

I'm starting to think that the studio pulled a strausism when considering to include the original xenomorph. I am anticipating a convolusion in Covenant including both creatures and it will probably stray away from answering any questions it left remaining in Prometheus.

I'm crossing my fingers with this one but I am starting to believe that this will be even more mediocre than the previous film.

eric sanders

eric sanders

so its call the these alien creature the neomorph that is awesome name no longer call the xenomorph its is now making history its not repeating itself its is now rewritten i love the aliens movies series please continue with alien 5 and 6 plus a tv series in 2017 thank you



so thats it then....people are already starting to hate this movie. i will be once again the only person on the planet to like a new movie that has come out this year. its why i like to keep my mouth shut when it comes to giving my opinion on any movie cause my opinion always seems to be wrong.

Necronomicon II

Necronomicon II

Not really seeing that myself, just a whole lot of speculation, every Alien film has introduced different elements, so I expect nothing less here.

System Apollo

System Apollo

Quote from: CrimzonNinja on Oct 27, 2016, 02:31:52 AM
so thats it then....people are already starting to hate this movie. i will be once again the only person on the planet to like a new movie that has come out this year. its why i like to keep my mouth shut when it comes to giving my opinion on any movie cause my opinion always seems to be wrong.
Oh come now, don't hold off your opinion, forums are designed for them.

We as fans are just extremely weary of all three of the franchises (AvP, Alien and Predator) after 2 decades of lackluster content under their IP (spare the novels since reading has become such a seldom hobby these days). In retrospect, both Prometheus and Predators were far from elevating the franchises back to their respective status so we mostly assume that they're just films that brought a spike to ratings only to fall back down even further than they were before.



Quote from: Sgt.Jackrus on Oct 26, 2016, 07:20:41 PM
Quote from: Infected on Oct 26, 2016, 07:16:25 PM
Quote from: windebieste on Oct 25, 2016, 05:43:14 AM
Quote from: SiL on Oct 25, 2016, 04:38:12 AM
Quote from: Infected on Oct 24, 2016, 09:04:04 PM
There is no way in any presentation that you can make the xeno scary in this form at this moment,
we all have seen it way to much, it isnt a mystery anymore nor is he undefined anymore,
the AVP movies have a part in that and Alien:R and Aliens also a little, i loved Aliens but it took away every aspect of horror away from the creature/thing.
Yeah, that's all bullshit. Familiarity with the look or actions isn't what makes a thing scary. People use that as an excuse to be f**king lazy with their storytelling, or justify bullshit new creatures to keep things "fresh".

Anything can be scary if handled competently.

Familiarity with sharks doesn't stop 'Jaws' from being scary.  Spielberg made a masterful thriller by tapping into peoples' fears with that one.  Kept people off the beaches, too, for that matter.  Mind you, since then, most movies featuring sharks lack the power of that Classic.  Mind you, that's not due to familiarity, that's got a lot more to do with the power of the content not being understood. 

If anything, it's familiarity with the Alien that made 'ALIEN: Isolation' the edgy game it was.  Being versed in all the lore surrounding the game sure aided in appreciating it's goals.

It was scary back then yes i agree, but now a Jaws wont be scary ever again no matter how you throw it at the audience.
Same with the xeno, back then it was scary and in space and a creature that stalked, but after Aliens and the rest of the movies the xeno didnt become scary it became a defined creature, fighting with predators etc made it just a silly creature,
wich had a lot of help of the stupidity of humans, breaking it down it isnt scary enough anymore, we know what it can do and we know how it works.
When i look at Michael Myers from Halloween, he had some shitty movies, but he kept his identity, and his concept still can work,
done by a good writer, he is still undefined.
But if im reading the comments around here Ridley has got a big job to do, because i think a lot of fanboys wont give him the credit he deserves even if he will bring us a big good Alien movie and introducing the new xeno's,
some just wanna stick and believe in that old concept that is gone as dust.

And the Force Awakens sucks come on!!!!

Thats why most people think the first movie is the best.

I dont think that the only thing scary about Alien is the alien. Space is scary in Alien. Being awoken in this vast emptiness against you will at the mercy of a contract all of these things are scary in Alien. This type of stuff is continued in ALIENS but is missing from the other films. When it IS present, the filmmakers didnt think to play it up right. For instance, in ALIEN 3 - the fact that the company is on the way and may kill the prisoners could have been introduced earlier in the film to ramp up suspense...

All the emphasis placed on seeing the monster was certainly a factor, but it is far from the only thing about Alien that was scary. It was this whole no way out everywhere they turned that worked for it and the film knew how to consistently ramp that up.



Ah, this movie will be AWESOME!  It's an ALIEN movie. It's got Scott at the helm.  It's gonna have all the icky sticky stuff we love so much. 


So what's there to hate about it?  Oh, that's right.  Sigourney Weaver isn't in it. 

Oh.  Well, that's AWESOME, too!!!1!  :P


The Alien Predator

The Alien Predator

Quote from: windebieste on Oct 27, 2016, 04:57:57 AM
Ah, this movie will be AWESOME!  It's an ALIEN movie. It's got Scott at the helm.  It's gonna have all the icky sticky stuff we love so much. 


So what's there to hate about it?  Oh, that's right.  Sigourney Weaver isn't in it. 

Oh.  Well, that's AWESOME, too!!!1!  :P


Best thing about it for me. I'd love to see more new and refreshing characters!   I look forward to seeing who and also what Covenant introduces to us.

System Apollo

System Apollo

Really don't want to quote all that is above but I do want throw in a comment.

Horror films aren't scary because of their props but because of how they devise themselves. Alien was not scary because of the Alien but how nerve-racking the whole thing was.

Alien was a great film because this was understood and every element was being utilized at a sophisticated level.

Aliens understood this, Alien 3 understood this and yes even Prometheus understood this.

What didn't understand this was Resurrection and AvP.

What didn't understand what the definition of understand was, was Requiem.

"Requiem" for a hard ARRRRR rating! PFFTHAHA, nevermind I take back what I said about sinking to a whole new low. Requiem is the precedent! lol!

Quote from: windebieste on Oct 27, 2016, 04:57:57 AM
Ah, this movie will be AWESOME!  It's an ALIEN movie. It's got Scott at the helm.  It's gonna have all the icky sticky stuff we love so much. 


So what's there to hate about it?  Oh, that's right.  Sigourney Weaver isn't in it. 

Oh.  Well, that's AWESOME, too!!!1!  :P

Bu-bu-but Sigourney Weaver needs to redeem her role on the tattered remains of my beloved series with newly improved Giga-Hix and Super-Noot!



Parts kinda remind me of what Fifield was mutating into in Prometheus. 

Either way, most interesting news in a while.



As far as the issue of Sigorney in the alien franchise, I feel that if they make an alien 5 film, newt should be the main character and Sigorney should be this wise sage type character. I know it sounds to much same old same old with the young hero and the guiding wise man, but, as far as the scenario we are in, it can work.



Quote from: DaddyYautja on Oct 25, 2016, 09:06:26 PM
Quote from: Kurai on Oct 25, 2016, 10:53:53 AM
I skipped over a few pages so forgive me if someone brought this up already.

I read a few posts where people were saying that they were backtreading on what has already been established, changing how the Black Goo works and decanonizing Fire & Stone... This couldn't be further from the truth.

First of all, the Neomorphs are perfectly in line with what was established in Prometheus. As was clearly stated, this is the result of Black Goo mutating local wildlife, something that was entirely absent on Lv223 apart from perhaps those worms. What we do see is Holloway infected with Black Goo and proceeding to inseminate Shaw. His "Spore" infects Shaw with the Trilobite which could very well have burst from Shaw if it had been given the chance. Is the Trilobite a Neomorph? No. From what I can gather, the Neomorphs originate from a Black Goo mutated variant of local flora rather than a human so differences are quite acceptable in result of "cross polination". This all fits perfectly with Prometheus.

As for Fire and Stone... Lv223's Black Goo Monsters are the result of natural evolution accelerated by Black Goo on a planet totally absent of life outside of what was introduced by humans and the little Worms. We can also include alien micro-organisms that may have been spread by the awakened Engineer. The Spore Bearers, or whatever we want to call them, on Paradise are the result of an already established ecosystem becoming infected by the Black Goo and, as I stated in the above paragraph, as that matches with the effects in Prometheus it can match with the effects in Fire and Stone.

There's also the case of the unknown "Terraforming Device" discovered in the Engineer ruins during Fire and Stone. I don't have the issue with me right now, unfortunatly, but IIRC  it is stated that it is both an atmosphere generator as well as a biological seed injector working in tandem with the Black Goo.

Nothing has been invalidated, the EU is fine.  :)

You are reframing the previous info using the current info to make it fit. And it doesnt really. The snake showed a completely different weird cylce of worm, snake, monster/alien, to the one from that ended in Shaw. Liquid, man, woman, thing, alien.

Like i said, the liquid seems to have been created for the writers to come up with the stories as they like. Apparently, egg, facehugger, chestbuster, alien, was a bit limiting when it came to their imagination.

Not at all. The snake showed pretty much the same cycle, yet only one part of it. The snake started as a worm, perhaps a single-celled organism before that but that's reaching too far without evidence. The Black Goo caused it to mutate into a larger and highly aggressive form, the complexity of which was caused by the worms being drenched in Black Goo.

More Black Goo = More radical changes.

Holloway received a single drop of Black Goo which radically altered his DNA, drastically affecting his gametes. If he wasn't burnt to a crisp, I wouldn't be surprised if he'd have gone full on Goo-Zombie later.

Fifield ended up with his whole face in Black Goo after the snake incident, resulting in him turning into an aggressive zombie like Black Goo Mutant.

Black Goo Monsters:
Creatures evolving from Black Goo mixed with whatever biological matter was left over from the dead Prometheus crew members, Hammerpedes, Engineer and Engineer related micro-organisms. Possibly also related to the Deacon, as the BG-Sharks highly resemble it, and also related to the Engineer terraforming device.

Black Goo Mutants:
Organisms infected by the Black Goo. These include the Hammerpede, Fifield-Zombie, Horny-Holloway, Elden, Francis-Hulk, Xeno-Luiz, Pred-Hulk and various mutated Black Goo Monsters probably. If there are any I missed, let me know.

The Deacon Cycle:
This is a very intricate web of events which would be hard to replicate... First we have the infected Holloway spread infected gametes to Shaw via sexual intercourse. Shaw was barren, so chances are she didn't have any viable eggs and the mutant gametes instead fused with her uteral lining. The creature which was produced was the Trilobite. The Trilobite the proceeded to deposit an embryo into an Engineer through his mouth and the offspring of that match-up was the Deacon... Which lived happilly ever after as a mountain...   :)

From what I have seen, and so far the information is scant, only just the article we have here...
Neomorphs are the result of Black Goo Mutant plants spreading their gametes in the form of Spores. These Mutant Spores are breathed in by the crew of the Covenent and travel throughout the infected's body before something causes them to activate (speculation based on varying positions of Burster, though this may be wrong). Once activated, the spores begin merging with the genetic material of their host before reaching a level mature enough to violently eject themselves from their host. These juvenile 4-legged Neomorphs then grow into the big scary bipedal Neomorphs.

So yeah, again, I don't see how it contradicts anything.

QuoteYou are reframing the previous info using the current info to make it fit.
Well no. I'm taking established depictions and pointing out that no new info has changed anything that was depicted. The current info matches the cycle that was presented in the old info. If new info reframes old info, well that's just how things work in real life.

For what it's worth I've always thought of the above as how the Black Goo works so the addition of the Neomorphs and the fact they line up so well with the above has little to do with new info.



Quote from: System Apollo on Oct 27, 2016, 05:45:17 AM
Quote from: windebieste on Oct 27, 2016, 04:57:57 AM
Ah, this movie will be AWESOME!  It's an ALIEN movie. It's got Scott at the helm.  It's gonna have all the icky sticky stuff we love so much. 


So what's there to hate about it?  Oh, that's right.  Sigourney Weaver isn't in it. 

Oh.  Well, that's AWESOME, too!!!1!  :P

Bu-bu-but Sigourney Weaver needs to redeem her role on the tattered remains of my beloved series with newly improved Giga-Hix and Super-Noot!

YES! Sigourney will return!  Just as Blomkamp has pledged... 

OK, OK... by the time Ripley returns to eternally combat her biomechanical nemesis once again (and again...), she will have traded her powerloader for a zimmer frame with a flamer strapped on one side and a pulse rifle strapped to the other; but it's what TRUE FANS want, right?

Ripley! Ripley! Ripley! RAH, RAH, RAH!

After all, there's only 1 movie in this series and that's the 2nd one! lol.

Oh, all right *grumbles*  It's time to get serious again.  It's not just the monster that's scary.  It's characters you need to bond with, sound design, soundtrack, editing and good story as well that's needed to make this movie intimidating in a positive way once again. 

I am so hoping Scott brings this beast back to its roots.


System Apollo

System Apollo

Quote from: windebieste on Oct 27, 2016, 07:20:12 AM
Quote from: System Apollo on Oct 27, 2016, 05:45:17 AM
Quote from: windebieste on Oct 27, 2016, 04:57:57 AM
Ah, this movie will be AWESOME!  It's an ALIEN movie. It's got Scott at the helm.  It's gonna have all the icky sticky stuff we love so much. 


So what's there to hate about it?  Oh, that's right.  Sigourney Weaver isn't in it. 

Oh.  Well, that's AWESOME, too!!!1!  :P

Bu-bu-but Sigourney Weaver needs to redeem her role on the tattered remains of my beloved series with newly improved Giga-Hix and Super-Noot!

YES! Sigourney will return!  Just as Blomkamp has pledged... 

OK, OK... by the time Ripley returns to eternally combat her biomechanical nemesis once again (and again...), she will have traded her powerloader for a zimmer frame with a flamer strapped on one side and a pulse rifle strapped to the other; but it's what TRUE FANS want, right?

Ripley! Ripley! Ripley! RAH, RAH, RAH!

After all, there's only 1 movie in this series and that's the 2nd one! lol.

A hypothetical excerpt from Blomkamp's ideal Alien script:

Enter Characters

Ripley Relic
Giga Hix
Super Noot

Entering a counsel chamber, Ripley Relic positions herself on a podium. Across from her is the crooked Weyland Yutani Bourgois to the left of them the beuracratic intergalactic department of security services; acronym: BIDSS.

Relic Ripley, deprived of all sanity could barely begin to speak audibly and coherent. The Bourgois and BIDSS lean in but still could not pick up the dialogue.

Giga Hix steps in and interupts Relic Ripley:
I got acid on my face and my Space Health Care isn't covering it! SO... Which one of you suited up future capitalists are going to step up and pay the price?

*Giga Hix pulls out a pulse rifle with extended mag and scope along with serated steel iron sights and points it at the gathering*

Giga Hix: No one? Didn't think so...

*opens fire*

*Neill in the back breaks a smirk as he reflects upon his best political themed masterpiece as of yet.

QuoteOh, all right *grumbles*  It's time to get serious again.  It's not just the monster that's scary.  It's characters you need to bond with, sound design, soundtrack, editing and good story as well that's needed to make this movie intimidating in a positive way once again. 

I am so hoping Scott brings this beast back to its roots.

Scott definitely has a strong grasp on how to deliver what is necessary for horror elements. Although I am not a fan of the neomorph, I am confident that it will be executed very effeciently.



Quote from: System Apollo on Oct 27, 2016, 05:45:17 AMHorror films aren't scary because of their props but because of how they devise themselves. Alien was not scary because of the Alien but how nerve-racking the whole thing was.

Alien was a great film because this was understood and every element was being utilized at a sophisticated level.

Aliens understood this, Alien 3 understood this and yes even Prometheus understood this.

Prometheus wasn't scary in the least.

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