Blomkamp's Alien 5 is "Innovative, Amazing, Performs Fan Service"

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jul 23, 2016, 11:25:49 PM

Blomkamp's Alien 5 is "Innovative, Amazing, Performs Fan Service" (Read 127,023 times)


Quote from: Master on Sep 02, 2016, 08:58:32 PM
I don't know the formula for another great Alien classic, but I am certain  the way doesn't lead through remaking pieces of earlier entries.

Remakes = Dead Ends


Quote from: Nostromo on Sep 02, 2016, 10:02:31 PM
Quote from: Master on Sep 02, 2016, 08:58:32 PM
I don't know the formula for another great Alien classic, but I am certain  the way doesn't lead through remaking pieces of earlier entries.

Remakes = Dead Ends

You guys are totally right.  I got retcon mixed up with remake.  It was just paranoid delusion.


Quote from: Perfect-Organism on Sep 02, 2016, 10:15:22 PM
Quote from: Nostromo on Sep 02, 2016, 10:02:31 PM
Quote from: Master on Sep 02, 2016, 08:58:32 PM
I don't know the formula for another great Alien classic, but I am certain  the way doesn't lead through remaking pieces of earlier entries.

Remakes = Dead Ends

You guys are totally right.  I got retcon mixed up with remake.  It was just paranoid delusion.

It's really sad. It's pathetic.

Anyway guys, Aliens is basically a remake of Alien.

The Alien Predator

Quote from: BishopShouldGo on Sep 02, 2016, 08:24:51 PM
Lol did someone just say that Ridley and James were not fans? Who said that? Ahaha Ridley directed the first movie, directed Prometheus, and is directing three more Alien movies. He started this whole thing and wants to contribute more.

James Cameron is a huge Alien fan. So since Aliens is an action film, he's not a fanboy? Quite the opposite. Huge self proclaimed fanboy. It just so happens he's a talented fan whereas the Strauses aren't.

At the end of the day, think what you want about the four nominal Alien movies, but we all know which two are loved and which two aren't viewed favorably. I don't make the rules.

Someone creating a movie or a sequel to one with new ideas to add to it =/= hardcore fan wanting to revive a favourite dead character...

RIdley and Cameron aren't biased like us. I'm sorry but I can't trust a hardcore fan behind a film. Look at the amount of arguments we have on this forum alone... A neutral thinker willing to explore new territories (aka Cameron and Riddles) are what we need. Not someone who can't let go of old grievances.

Let me give you another example here.

Tim Lebbon is a huge Alien fan but is not as invested in Predator and yet, he wrote some of the BEST Predator books I've read.

Obviously there's exceptions to this rule (like Lebbon, whose Alien books are awesome), there is perhaps a fan out there who can make an outstanding Alien film. Unfortunately, that's not Blomkamp from what we've been shown so far, while some ideas are very interesting, they're shat all over by Ripley, Newt and Hicks. Ditch these three and I'd have a huge amount of faith in Blomkamp's film.

Have you seen Godzilla 2014? It was directed by a Godzilla fan. I liked it but even some fans hated this film. But unlike Blomkamp, Gareth had huge (no pun intended) ideas for the franchise he was passionate about - just like Cameron. And before you know it, he actually, you know, brought something new to the franchise instead of remaking the 1954 movie or something. He did his own twists and re-invented the Godzilla character.

But his fan bias did show in one interview, he wanted to bring Godzooky (he grew up on the old cartoon) into possible sequels. Good lord... I can't think of anyone more out of place in the Legendary Godzilla universe than Godzooky...  :laugh: I told a fellow Godzilla fan and he thought that just wouldn't fit.

But he decided he won't be doing another sequel after the SW films despite actually being passionate about doing it.. So if a fan can walk off of Godzilla.. perhaps Blomkamp too can walk off of Alien 5. (fingers crossed if he keeps the retcon ideas.)

Nothing is ever set in stone. And this gives me hope. Who knows? He might change his mind and give us a true sequel to Aliens... a team arrives to Acheron to investigate the disappearance of RIpley and Co who unknown to them, perished on Fury 161.

Dun dun DUUUUUuuuuun...

Relax, you may still get your obligatory RIpley-esque character and a Hicks-esque Corporal. Maybe even throw in a grown up juicy colonist's daughter who survived an Alien infestation on another colony who is now out for revenge.  :laugh:  :P

So in conclusion, I don't trust a fan behind this project unless they prove themselves an open minded thinker willing to try new things. Not give us regurgitated tat as a piss-poor attempt at fan (dis)service.

Quote from: Perfect-Organism on Sep 02, 2016, 08:08:24 PM
Unless you know something we don't, you really have no idea if Blomkamp was on the right track before his discussions with Weaver.  Most likely, he wanted to have Hicks, Ripley, and Newt back in the series, but just didn't think in his wildest dreams that it was an option available to him.  If Weaver says "why not?  Let's do it", then why not indeed.  Just guessing here..

Unless you know something we don't, you have no idea if Blomkamp's film will even be good to begin with. I don't get you huge optimism. We know more about Alien: Covenant than we know about this.

Besides, wasn't it you who told me Blomkamp didn't want Ripley, Hicks n' Newt in it originally to begin with? It's been ages but someone said that on here and it was probably you if I am remembering correctly lol. That's why I thought he was on the right track and my optimism would've been much higher for this film, perhaps even on your level right now, if only he hadn't bastardized it with a retcon.

Like I said above, nothing is ever set in stone. Things are subject to change and this might change too (hopefully).Either he'll walk off like Gareth did on Godzilla, or he might actually be forced to change things around by Fox assuming he hasn't already changed things or Weaver isn't too busy with other schedules.

I don't understand, why did Fox even bother with this new canon where they include A:3 and Resurrection only to shit all over it with a retcon film? Maybe they were testing people's interests?



Quote from: BishopShouldGo on Sep 02, 2016, 10:19:14 PM
Quote from: Perfect-Organism on Sep 02, 2016, 10:15:22 PM
Quote from: Nostromo on Sep 02, 2016, 10:02:31 PM
Quote from: Master on Sep 02, 2016, 08:58:32 PM
I don't know the formula for another great Alien classic, but I am certain  the way doesn't lead through remaking pieces of earlier entries.

Remakes = Dead Ends

You guys are totally right.  I got retcon mixed up with remake.  It was just paranoid delusion.

It's really sad. It's pathetic.

Anyway guys, Aliens is basically a remake of Alien.

If you said A3 is basically a remake of Alien, I'd think about it. But Aliens? It's hard to make sequel as different to original as Aliens to Alien.


Aliens hits many of the same beats as Alien.  In many ways its a remake hidden in a different genre.

Alien3 has an entirely different structure.


But premise of A3 is much more in style of Alien.


The only similarity is there's one Alien and they can't shoot it.

Everything is else is different.



Quote from: Perfect-Organism on Sep 02, 2016, 10:15:22 PM
Quote from: Nostromo on Sep 02, 2016, 10:02:31 PM
Quote from: Master on Sep 02, 2016, 08:58:32 PM
I don't know the formula for another great Alien classic, but I am certain  the way doesn't lead through remaking pieces of earlier entries.

Remakes = Dead Ends

You guys are totally right.  I got retcon mixed up with remake.  It was just paranoid delusion.
Just so we're on the same page a remake is like the newest Fantasic Four...or Total Recall...whatever those are...they usually end up killing that franchise. Smart coninuity is better. Like Akien to Aliens. I think the problem these days are a lack of writers and directors with brains.

Quote from: Master on Sep 02, 2016, 10:51:53 PM
But premise of A3 is much more in style of Alien.
With that setting and cast (besides the 3-4 normal actors) A3 is more like garbage than Alien.


Quote from: SM on Sep 02, 2016, 10:49:21 PM
Aliens hits many of the same beats as Alien.  In many ways its a remake hidden in a different genre.

Alien3 has an entirely different structure.

Especially towards the end of both films.  Many of the plot points of 'ALIENS' mimic the original film down to last sequence of events:

After rescuing X/Y, Ripley just barely escapes in the only vehicle available.  Not just that, but a nuclear detonation to boot!  That's fine because Ripley and X/Y are safe now.  Excellent!  The movie is about to end.  OH, NOES!  Surprise!  A giant face ripping monster has stowed away aboard their ride!  Quickly, Ripley races into the closest closet to gear up.  She emerges for the final confrontation with the unwelcome guest.  After a brief encounter that involves opening the door to the outseid, she sends the bug out the airlock.  Bam!  Exciting finale delivered!  Everyone lies down for a long nap and the credits roll.

X = Jones
Y = Newt

The plot path is so similar you won't even know which movie I'm talking about!

It all starts well before that, and while there's some deviation, both movies follow this essential path towards the end. I've always found the end to 'ALIENS' to be the weakest part of the movie for this reason.  It's just an escalation of everything towards the end of the movie repeated from the original.  It's the trappings that make it unique.

"ALIEN 3", on the other hand, is a very different movie in so many ways.  At the very least it has the balls to take a different, much more original ending. 

I'm all for different and challenging.  Even 'ALIEN: Resurrection' is to be admired for this reason.

There's nothing 'innovative' or 'amazing' about retconning half the series just to restore deceased characters featured in movies where mortality is a crucial theme.   Blomkamp may as well adorn Ripley with a superhero cape and give the Aliens rubber teeth and lemonade for blood if he pursues his current proposal and give her 'the ending she deserves'. 

His whole idea is retarded - not innovative.



I love that Neill's wielding so much power with this film lol. All because Weaver said she'd be game.

Neill's theme song:

"No one man should have all that power."


Would've been great. 1988!


The Alien Predator

Quote from: windebieste on Sep 03, 2016, 12:05:55 AM
Would've been great. 1988!



If this film gets made, for me personally the Xenomorph is gonna become such a big joke afterwards. It'd be so hard to take seriously. Which is sad because the Rage War books made me gain so much more respect for the Aliens... seeing the sheer danger they pose to humanity as a whole.

This amazing, creepy, phallus headed, double mouthed, eyeless nightmare being constantly outsmarted, outmanoeuvred and beaten by the same person. It's getting ridiculous especially seeing as she is now geriatric. I can't wait for her to eventually beat an Alien to a corner with her walking stick within the next couple of sequels as Fox milks the franchise with glorious Ellen.

Alien is seriously self harming itself if it keeps being glued to these three very non-essential characters.

Predator's got the big balls not to be bound to one character. Arnie is not critical to the franchise at all and if we get him, that's merely an icing on the already delicious cake (it helps that he's actually alive as well unlike Ripples so the timeline won't be violated by his inclusion.)



Quote from: windebieste on Sep 02, 2016, 11:40:09 PM
Quote from: SM on Sep 02, 2016, 10:49:21 PM
Aliens hits many of the same beats as Alien.  In many ways its a remake hidden in a different genre.

Alien3 has an entirely different structure.

Especially towards the end of both films.  Many of the plot points of 'ALIENS' mimic the original film down to last sequence of events:

After rescuing X/Y, Ripley just barely escapes in the only vehicle available.  Not just that, but a nuclear detonation to boot!  That's fine because Ripley and X/Y are safe now.  Excellent!  The movie is about to end.  OH, NOES!  Surprise!  A giant face ripping monster has stowed away aboard their ride!  Quickly, Ripley races into the closest closet to gear up.  She emerges for the final confrontation with the unwelcome guest.  After a brief encounter that involves opening the door to the outseid, she sends the bug out the airlock.  Bam!  Exciting finale delivered!  Everyone lies down for a long nap and the credits roll.

X = Jones
Y = Newt

The plot path is so similar you won't even know which movie I'm talking about!

It all starts well before that, and while there's some deviation, both movies follow this essential path towards the end. I've always found the end to 'ALIENS' to be the weakest part of the movie for this reason.  It's just an escalation of everything towards the end of the movie repeated from the original.  It's the trappings that make it unique.

"ALIEN 3", on the other hand, is a very different movie in so many ways.  At the very least it has the balls to take a different, much more original ending. 

I'm all for different and challenging.  Even 'ALIEN: Resurrection' is to be admired for this reason.

There's nothing 'innovative' or 'amazing' about retconning half the series just to restore deceased characters featured in movies where mortality is a crucial theme.   Blomkamp may as well adorn Ripley with a superhero cape and give the Aliens rubber teeth and lemonade for blood if he pursues his current proposal and give her 'the ending she deserves'. 

His whole idea is retarded - not innovative.



Structurally ALIENS is pretty much, scene by scene, chronologically identical to ALIEN but with tons of bells and whistles.

ALIEN: Crew goes to Acheron to investigates signal [Derelict]
ALIENS: Crew goes to Acheron to investigate (the absence of a) signal [Hadley's Hope]

ALIEN: Crew explores abandoned location [Derelict], enters a hive area and triggers the Alien [Egg/Facehugger]
ALIENS: Crew explores abandoned location [Colony], enters a hive area and triggers the Alien [Colonist/Chestburster]

ALIEN: Casualties [Kane], crew falls back, board their craft [Nostromo] and retreat [lift off]
ALIENS: Casualties [marines], crew falls back, board their craft [the APC] and retreat [drive away]

Now, here is where the two go different paths for a little bit, as ALIEN focuses on Kane and the group dynamic of the Nostromo crew, and later on the Facehugger and Kane's death. In ALIENS the Marines' line of command is cut down severely and they lack leadership, which is a also about group dynamic in a way.

In ALIEN the Alien first decimates large portions of the crew, which is then followed by the company representative's [Ash] plans being revealed after trying to kill Ripley. In ALIENS it's the other way around: the company representative's [Burke] plans are revealed after trying to kill Ripley (and Newt), which is then followed by the Aliens decimating large portions of the remaining crew. In ALIEN they try to find a way to catch and later on trap the Alien in order to survive, opposed to in ALIENS where they barricade themselves from the Aliens in order to survive.

ALIEN: Remaining crew decides to escape location [Nostromo] before it blows up [Self-Destruction sequence], preparing to board another craft [the Narcissus]. Unfortunately they run into the Alien and everyone except Ripley are incapacitated/killed. Instead of just leaving she stops by to save innocent and trapped dependent [Jones the Cat] while securing her path with a flamethrower.
ALIENS: Remaining crew decides to escape location [Hadley's Hope] before it blows up [Thermonuclear meltdown], preparing to board another craft [Dropship]. Unfortunately they run into the Aliens and everyone except Ripley are incapacitated/killed. Instead of just leaving she stops by to save innocent and trapped dependent [Newt] while securing her path with a flamethrower.

ALIEN: Ripley and survivor [Jones] escapes just in time before everything blows up. Ripley thinks that they're safe and that the Alien is dead, but finds out that it followed her on board, hiding in the evacuation craft's machinery [venting tubes]. Ripley and dependent [Newt] panic. Dependent hides while Ripley locks herself up to strap herself in a suit [spacesuit]
ALIENS: Ripley and survivors [Newt and Hicks, and I guess Bishop] escape just in time before everything blows up. Ripley thinks that they're safe and that the Aliens are dead, but finds out that it followed her on board, hiding in the evacuation craft's machinery [landing gear]. Ripley and dependent [Newt] panic. Dependent hides while Ripley locks herself up to strap herself in a suit [powerloader]

ALIEN: With the help of her suit [spacesuit] she fights the Alien and defeats it by flushing it out the airlock into space. Ripley and dependent [Jones] calm down, undress and go to sleep in their cryo tubes. The End.
ALIENS: With the help of her suit [powerloader] she fights the Alien [Queen] and defeats it by flushing it out the airlock into space. Ripley and dependent [Newt] calm down, undress and go to sleep in their cryo tubes. The End.

A3 on the other hand didn't follow the formula much, if at all. Sure, no weapons and just one single Alien, but that's pretty much it. That doesn't even make A3 superficially similar to ALIEN. It has its own structure and doesn't try to repeat what we have already seen twice. Even A:R deviated from the formula even though it had the: "escape the  epic explosion, fight the surviving Alien one last time before fooling it to suck vacuum".


Long slow pans around the ship before the crew wakes up and grumbles during breakfast.
Bumpy ride to the planet below.
Ripley in med lab throws a facehugger off her, then men rush in to protect her.
Hanging clanking chains.
Motion trackers and video screens used to create tension.
Ripley walking/ running down corridors with smoke, alarms, red lights, etc.
Bishop is Ash backwards.

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