Ridley Scott Wants to “Scare the Shit Out of People"

Started by Stolen, Jun 21, 2016, 08:14:21 PM

Ridley Scott Wants to “Scare the Shit Out of People" (Read 39,518 times)

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯

Quote from: 426Buddy on Jun 24, 2016, 04:31:10 PM
There is so much wrong with that statement.

I'm middle of the road when it comes to prometheus, but the assumptions people make about the fans of this film still amaze me.

Yes, it's called generalizing.

There are always exceptions. But it is what I have culled from years of careful observation.

Now get the hell off mah lawn!



Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jun 24, 2016, 07:23:48 AM
Quote from: Mr. Clemens on Jun 23, 2016, 09:35:44 PM
It always baffles me that people will say that 'everyone hated Prometheus'. Ebert himself gave it four stars (I can't recall if that's out of four or five), and he'd seen a movie or two in his day.

I think it's more the vocal fans that disliked it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not particularly fond of Prometheus myself but I think people really underestimate the actual, wider reaction to the film.

Quote from: SiL on Jun 24, 2016, 06:42:03 AM
Quote from: mace-in-the-face on Jun 24, 2016, 04:09:37 AM
And what do you think Prometheus was? It was just a rip off of several different movies that were once regarded as "Alien Rip-offs".
Prometheus is mostly recycling a lot of ideas that didn't make it into Alien.

Probably one of the more interesting angles for me. Just a shame they didn't come across as interesting as those concepts actually sounded (or looked, in the case of the artwork).

^^Yeah. And they needed the one other connective ingredient... One more thing that made sense enough to make the movie more interesting. -  It should have had something to do with when the woke up the Engineer. The Engineer needed to do something to the humans that added to the sense of wonder the opening scene created around them. I think if that were the case, all the other pitfalls would have been overlooked by people. Having the Engineer just attack the crew was, to me, like waving a flag that said, "See all this interesting stuff that happened before? We aren't going to follow through on any of it." And that's a let down and after so many great creative ideas - like the goo infecting Holloway and making his semen create a baby where there couldn't be one - after ideas like that, it just falls flat. It needed to mount to something in the 3rd act. For me, it's not even about questions having no answers, its about the unanswered questions not stacking up in the action in the 3rd act.
More specifically, when they wake up the Engineer, I'm guessing I was supposed to think "Oh Shit! Why is our God trying to kill us?" But instead I was thinking "Really? After all this interesting stuff, that's the best they could come up with for what happens when they wake this guy up?" It was a big let down. Not that they wanted to kill us, but that he didn't do anything interesting first.
I think watching it, the audience never feels the threat with the Engineer connects to the other threats in the movie, and that's the next step in the narrative, and that "Why do they want to kill us" wasn't a question the audience should be asking themselves at the moment. It's not the lack of answers it's sometimes asking the wrong questions, at the wrong time, or even asking questions without the context to make me interested. I wasn't interested in why they wanted to kill us. I could have been, but first they needed to make the Engineer do something interesting to make me interested.

Now Ridley is asking: Who made the Alien and Why?
Im not sure I care about that TBH. I hope the film gives me a reason to care.

Bughunter S. Thomson

Here is how Ridley can scare the shit out of people:

"With new technology making things possible that weren't before, I have decided to revisit Alien to add a few things things that back in 1979 just were not possible; We will replace Ian Holm's decapitated prosthetic with an entirely CG head, make the alien faster and more deadly which wasn't possible using a man in a suit. The chestburster will now leap from Kane's stomach and scale the walls before exiting, LV-426 will now be teeming with organic life such as fireflies and floating space jellyfish, and we will replace all electronic equipment in the Nostromo to better fit in with the tech shown in Prometheus."


I believe the phrase was "scare the living shit out of people".  That's a terrible way to mix "shit" and "living day-lights" together.

Anyway, Prometheus is in my top 5 films

1. Aliens
2. Alien
3. Blade Runner
4. Prometheus
5. Tron: Legacy

I never understood the dissing Tron got either.  Just such a great, great film, in every way.


Yea no one thinks of shit as living but remember that shit is colonized with trillions of microscopic bacteria and covered in black goo.... oh no, black goo is alien shit.

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: 426Buddy on Jun 24, 2016, 04:31:10 PM
Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Jun 24, 2016, 04:14:40 PM
I find it's mostly the younger folk who really liked it. They are more easily swayed by all the pretty CGI and shiny things. Older folk who's had a little bit more time to develop a sense of good taste tend to be much more critical towards the film.

There is so much wrong with that statement.

I'm middle of the road when it comes to prometheus, but the assumptions people make about the fans of this film still amaze me.

Yeah, I can't really agree with that assessment 8th. It's the same as with all the other Alien films. It's a completely different thing. Some folk love it, some folk don't. I don't think there's any particular type of fan.

Thomas H.

Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Jun 24, 2016, 04:14:40 PMI find it's mostly the younger folk who really liked it. They are more easily swayed by all the pretty CGI and shiny things. Older folk who's had a little bit more time to develop a sense of good taste tend to be much more critical towards the film.

That really is the most untrue statement of the year. I'm young, 34, and feel quite offended now. I love Alien and Prometheus, equally. For both movies, effects are part of the reason. Funny, how Alien doesn't have shiny CGI effects and Prometheus does....

My girlfriend is a few years younger than I am, and can love Pride And Prejudice as much as a Marvel movie. I dare say her sense of taste is extremely developed. I truly can't stand statements like you made that simply wont stand up to any kind of scrutiny. Just accept people love Prometheus, and move on. Deal with it.


Quote from: Perfect-Organism on Jun 25, 2016, 07:44:00 AM
I believe the phrase was "scare the living shit out of people".  That's a terrible way to mix "shit" and "living day-lights" together.

Anyway, Prometheus is in my top 5 films

1. Aliens
2. Alien
3. Blade Runner
4. Prometheus
5. Tron: Legacy

I never understood the dissing Tron got either.  Just such a great, great film, in every way.

Tron legacy was the shit. That daft punk soundtrack, Olivia Wilde, and the light cycles 👊 Jeff bridges too!


If Prometheus was as good as Alien or Aliens there'd practically be no divide amongst Aliens fans old and new. Which puts the movie on par with Alien 3 and Resurrection. I'm hearing alot of people here saying how they think Prometheus was far better than 3 and R but no real reason for it other than it looked great. You can polish a turd and dress it up so it looks really good. but underneath, if you have the brain to figure out somethings wrong and investigate for yourself, you'll see that shiny looking something is actually a big fat turd gone wrong. But i'd really like to know why some of you mainstreamers love this movie. Is it the reveal of the engineers so soon in the movie? Is it that a mega corporation funded a trillion dollars to a hunch and a vague ass cave painting? Is it Guy P's terrible old man make up? Is it that Shaw uses the carbon reader to somehow re animate a dead head for shits and giggles? Is it the geologist who never picks up a rock and gets lost in a tunnel system that he mapped? is it the lame zombie Fifield attack and not the Alien Fifield attack that was originally supposed to be used but Riddles said f**k it? Ones things for sure, those of you who did love this movie should never be allowed to make a movie of your own.

Thomas H.

Quote from: LordCassusSnow on Jun 25, 2016, 03:06:56 PM
If Prometheus was as good as Alien or Aliens there'd practically be no divide amongst Aliens fans old and new. Which puts the movie on par with Alien 3 and Resurrection. I'm hearing alot of people here saying how they think Prometheus was far better than 3 and R but no real reason for it other than it looked great. You can polish a turd and dress it up so it looks really good. but underneath, if you have the brain to figure out somethings wrong and investigate for yourself, you'll see that shiny looking something is actually a big fat turd gone wrong. But i'd really like to know why some of you mainstreamers love this movie. Is it the reveal of the engineers so soon in the movie? Is it that a mega corporation funded a trillion dollars to a hunch and a vague ass cave painting? Is it Guy P's terrible old man make up? Is it that Shaw uses the carbon reader to somehow re animate a dead head for shits and giggles? Is it the geologist who never picks up a rock and gets lost in a tunnel system that he mapped? is it the lame zombie Fifield attack and not the Alien Fifield attack that was originally supposed to be used but Riddles said f**k it? Ones things for sure, those of you who did love this movie should never be allowed to make a movie of your own.

And again with the shitty comments towards people who love this movie.... Any reason why you feel the need to be rude like that?

In YOUR opinion it sucks. In the opinion of others it's a good movie, even according to some well known names in movie-reviewing. I'm very happy that yourself as the be-all-end-all when it comes to wether or not this movie is good or not, but honestly, your opinion isn't fact.

Personally, Ilove this movie because of how it deals with humanity's own illusions. We feel so great about ourself, that we asume our Gods or creators must be even better. We have solved so much already, but still have questions. Surely those that are responsible for us have the answers, right? And when we find our are creators are as much 'human' as we are, we get angry. We get disappointed. We get furious. Some of us can't even accept the answer and will try to find different ones (Shaw).

Sure, I aware of a few mistakes. But I do not see that as critical flaws, because to me, the pro's of this movie outweight the cons. Read that carefully... 'to me...'.

You hate this movie. Fine, go ahead. But stop bashing it simply for the sake of wanting others to feel bad about loving it. That's their right.

Oh, and side note.... So far, the newer, younger fans seem to be the ones who love this movie, and atleast like it. It's been my experience that it's mostly the older guard, who expected a movie almost identical to Alien/Aliens, that were disappointed. I love this movie for being feeling sometimes the same, but mostly completely different.


I'll be very happy if Alien Covenant is even half as good as Prometheus.  8)

Thomas H.

Quote from: Scorpio on Jun 25, 2016, 03:51:26 PM
I'll be very happy if Alien Covenant is even half as good as Prometheus.  8)

Hell yeah. :D *fistbump*


Quote from: LordCassusSnow on Jun 25, 2016, 03:06:56 PM
If Prometheus was as good as Alien or Aliens there'd practically be no divide amongst Aliens fans old and new. Which puts the movie on par with Alien 3 and Resurrection. I'm hearing alot of people here saying how they think Prometheus was far better than 3 and R but no real reason for it other than it looked great. You can polish a turd and dress it up so it looks really good. but underneath, if you have the brain to figure out somethings wrong and investigate for yourself, you'll see that shiny looking something is actually a big fat turd gone wrong. But i'd really like to know why some of you mainstreamers love this movie. Is it the reveal of the engineers so soon in the movie? Is it that a mega corporation funded a trillion dollars to a hunch and a vague ass cave painting? Is it Guy P's terrible old man make up? Is it that Shaw uses the carbon reader to somehow re animate a dead head for shits and giggles? Is it the geologist who never picks up a rock and gets lost in a tunnel system that he mapped? is it the lame zombie Fifield attack and not the Alien Fifield attack that was originally supposed to be used but Riddles said f**k it? Ones things for sure, those of you who did love this movie should never be allowed to make a movie of your own.
Hey i love the zombie Fifield attack, should have been longer and much more violent towards the maintenance crew,
and maybe Riddles should have included a Worker Joe in that scene just to show how strong Fifield got.
And some things didnt add up like for instance the hologram of the enigneers through the facility, if you wanted to know what happened then you should have followed the hologram through the whole facility, it didnt make sense.
The scientists didnt make sense and so didnt the dangerous cobra alien that wrapped around his arm, yeah the engineers did dissapoint when they became defineable after all these years of speculation of that mysterious un-defineable creature in the chair.
Yeah the death of Vickers was probably more of a Sharknado kill and cringe worthy.
But still i see it in the category of Predators, also an entertaining movie, i dont support anybody to go in that direction again because i dislike the super predators, they could have easily played this on Earth with normal predators.
If i had a chance then i would retcon both movies(Prometheus only for the jockeys and there not so mysterious outcome) (and Predators for the super predators)  but both movies i have bought and i have them on my shelf,
because i find them both entertaining and beautiful to watch and i dont mind watching them every once in a while.
I see this turd movie as, even Ridley's most worst and bad turd is Paul Anderson's best turd.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯

Quote from: Thomas H. on Jun 25, 2016, 10:23:39 AM
That really is the most untrue statement of the year. I'm young, 34, and feel quite offended now. I love Alien and Prometheus, equally. For both movies, effects are part of the reason. Funny, how Alien doesn't have shiny CGI effects and Prometheus does....

What can I say, I like ruffling feathers. Me an' that rabbit fella, total assholes. People get so easily offended on here. Crack a joke or two about people who smoke pot and certain individuals get all up in arms.  :P

But I was referring more to the 14 - 25 crowd. Kids in other words. Have you ever encountered a teenager with good taste before?

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jun 25, 2016, 10:11:29 AM
Yeah, I can't really agree with that assessment 8th.

Don't make me dig up all your old posts from when you were a wee lad in order to prove my statement Corporal.  :P  ;)

Quote from: Thomas H. on Jun 25, 2016, 03:43:31 PM
Oh, and side note.... So far, the newer, younger fans seem to be the ones who love this movie, and atleast like it. It's been my experience that it's mostly the older guard, who expected a movie almost identical to Alien/Aliens, that were disappointed. I love this movie for being feeling sometimes the same, but mostly completely different.

^See, I'm not the only asshole on here!

Anyway, if it isn't an age issue then it must be an IQ issue.  :laugh:

Mr. Clemens

I'm 45, intelligent, and I like Prometheus quite a bit. Of course it has its flaws, but I find the film to be an enjoyable sensory experience.

(I still think Holloway looks more like a guy who would pants you in front of your high school crush than a scientist, however.)

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