ALIEN DAY: Sigourney Weaver Talks A5 at Aliens Special Event

Started by CainsSon, Apr 27, 2016, 05:20:37 AM

ALIEN DAY: Sigourney Weaver Talks A5 at Aliens Special Event (Read 43,579 times)


Yeah that's the one! Nice work Corporal! But it might also just be something subtle, like a Weyland Yutani guy scanning personnel files for the mission or something.

Corporal Hicks

That's what I'd prefer. Something subtle.



Quote from: Spooky799kil on Apr 27, 2016, 10:24:04 PM
I know alot people are debating on what the movie should be but i am just going to see it when it comes out to see if its good or not. Then I will judge. We all been through alot in the years and I understand everyone is stressed and expressing different opinions but I am going to go to theater open minded.

I think this is what we are all going to do. When all is said and done, if the movie is good we will be happy to accept it. Of course, when you have a series this beloved there will always be some percentage that hates whatever new thing comes out.

I find that myself, Im with the consensus and over-the-moon for ALIEN and ALIENS, Im one of the few that LOVE Alien 3 but understand why fans find the beginning of that film DIFFICULT. Overall I love the world of that. It's Mad Max meets Alien and the brooding tone doesn't bother me in the least, because I eat that Noir-stuff up. There are things I love in A:R (when she finds her clones) but the stuff I hate (the humor, script changes) I really, really HATE. I think its the weakest in the series by far. AVP and AVP-R were serious, serious garbage and I can't find anything redeeming about them. And I'm not against AVP. I wish they would do it right and the very basic root of that is not having it take place on earth, maybe make it a TV series, if not an outright R-Rated CGI Animated feature, and not have it connect to either franchise directly. PROMETHEUS makes mistakes with the Engineers and the art direction. I dislike the way the Engineer's look and especially hate their technology. I don't think it fits with the Gigeresque designs to have holograms and lazers everywhere. The biggest problem to me, with Prometheus, is simply that I think the Engineers weren't doing anything terribly interesting. Its not that they are humanoid, because that was actually in Gigers art all along. Instead it's that they don't feel menacing enough to me. But I acknowledge that they didn't even HAVE TO BE menacing. They weren't even seductive, or ethereal enough. They were kinda boring and poorly designed. What's worse is some of the early designs looked much more interesting. Overall though, I find a lot of PROMETHEUS to hit very hard when it's on point and keep my fingers crossed that they right the wrongs with this next film, make the Engineers more interesting and design things better.
Blomkamp's already doing some things right for Alien. His own films have already done things right for Alien. That alone is exciting. I can't deny that I think he could salvage a film with Ripley 8, but when all is said and done, I'm gonna see the movie and if it's good, I'll accept it.
The worst case would be if both COVENANT and BLOMKAMP'S films aren't good enough to justify this.

I rate the films in this order:
1. Alien-Aliens-Alien3
2. Prometheus
3. A:R

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Apr 28, 2016, 12:52:45 PM
That's what I'd prefer. Something subtle.

WOAH WOAH WOAH!!! I just thought of something!!

What if they did something like this!:

It's 450 years later and Ripley, wakes up in a hospital bed with Hicks and Newt standing over her. She is told there was some kind of malfunction and they aged slowly, in cryo (time dilation?) and missed their lives.
When she is awoken, it is explained to her that she was impregnated in cryo somehow (like the beginning of A3) and they have removed the alien.

The idea being - its up to you to decide whether this is an ALTERNATE Alien3 or if both A3 and A:R actually happened and they are actually clones.
Given that start, you can either accept this as A3 or A5.

Think about it.

It would make a lot of sense out of BLOMKAMP's statement (paraphrase): "Then I realized there was the potential for, at least another film with Ripley in it, maybe more..." Aaaand "This film will not CATEGORICALLY feature RIPLEY 8"


Quote from: CainsSon on Apr 28, 2016, 02:44:45 PMThe idea being - its up to you to decide whether this is an ALTERNATE Alien3 or if both A3 and A:R actually happened and they are actually clones.

But the whole clone thing still makes absolutely no sense.

Putting Ripley, Hicks and Newt in it will automatically render Alien 3 null and void unless they use some ridiculous work-around - which I'd much rather they didn't.


Quote from: HuDaFuK on Apr 28, 2016, 02:55:10 PM
Quote from: CainsSon on Apr 28, 2016, 02:44:45 PMThe idea being - its up to you to decide whether this is an ALTERNATE Alien3 or if both A3 and A:R actually happened and they are actually clones.

But the whole clone thing still makes absolutely no sense.

Putting Ripley, Hicks and Newt in it will automatically render Alien 3 null and void unless they use some ridiculous work-around - which I'd much rather they didn't.
Well its not explicitly stated. In fact, its as if there is no mention of cloning at all. Understand? They can start it by explaining where the egg came from and it's x years later... They remove the alien from her chest and they have it.


In other words it's the happy end to the 'Alien' series? It doesn't need a happy end and in my opinion (Alien 3 *Spoilers*), killing off Hicks and Newt was a brilliant idea. Ripley is the lone survivor - That works so well. Had Hicks starred in 'Alien 3', an unnecessary romantic subplot would have developed. Plus I personally don' care much about Hicks anyway. He was simply a nice guy... that's about it. As for Newt, they would have had to recast her which would have taken away from the very real feel of the series, or not set the movie directly after which again, I don't feel would have been nearly as good. The continuousness of the series is great.

On another note, can people stop trying to say they're not ignoring 'Alien 3' and 'Alien: Resurrection'. Whether you call those films a dream or claim now that this film is in a parallel universe, you are effectively overwriting 'Alien 3' and 'Alien: Resurrection'.


Quote from: CainsSon on Apr 28, 2016, 03:40:46 PMWell its not explicitly stated. In fact, its as if there is no mention of cloning at all. Understand?

If it's not outright stated, what's even the point? You'd just be effecting a retcon by leaving it unstated.

Regardless, the idea that someone would clone them all makes no sense, regardless of how you try and sell it. Why would anyone conceivably do it? There's no logical reason. It's a really lame attempt to try and make everything contiguous when they'd be better off just saying, "We're scrapping the other sequels."


Quote from: HuDaFuK on Apr 28, 2016, 05:06:14 PM
Quote from: CainsSon on Apr 28, 2016, 03:40:46 PMWell its not explicitly stated. In fact, its as if there is no mention of cloning at all. Understand?

If it's not outright stated, what's even the point? You'd just be effecting a retcon by leaving it unstated.

Regardless, the idea that someone would clone them all makes no sense, regardless of how you try and sell it. Why would anyone conceivably do it? There's no logical reason. It's a really lame attempt to try and make everything contiguous when they'd be better off just saying, "We're scrapping the other sequels."

HuDaFuk -
They are already retcon-ing it. That's just happening. I'm just pointing out that its a very simple way to handle it that makes sense out of what is going on. And the reason for the cloning is the same as it was in A:R - to obtain the alien.
In a sense, by doing it the way I'm saying, they are neither throwing the others away, nor ignoring them. If it's handled the way I said, they are effectively making a sequel to the others as well as a direct sequel to ALIENS because the would basically be adding to the story started in Ressurection... This idea that they are trying to Clone Ripley to obtain the Alien inside her.
So then, this is a time it worked out maybe 2 hundred years before A:R or 50 years after, I dunno. The point is; the real Ripley still died on Fury and this one is a clone, but that doesn't need to be explicitly stated.
I said 'Think about it' because if you look at it correctly it both a sequel to A:R and a sequel to ALIENS. Sorta A L I E N .5
or A L I E N S .5. Its an alternate A3 (that doesn't wipe it out and retains the honor of Ripley's sacrifice), a sequel to A:R, AND a direct sequel to Aliens, at once.

Maybe the controversy caused by the idea of doing it alone, is almost worth it.

Of course - THIS is just conjecture.


Quote from: CainsSon on Apr 28, 2016, 05:37:56 PMI'm just pointing out that its a very simple way to handle it that makes sense out of what is going on.

But it doesn't make sense.

How would cloning them get them the Alien? No one at the end of Aliens has an Alien in them. If the egg's already on the Sulaco, why bother cloning anyone? Just take the egg and leave the others be. Where did they get these clones anyway? I find it incredibly hard to believe they could make some copies in the days/weeks they had between the two movies, not to mention get those clones all the way out to deep space to make the switch. And why did they have clones of the three people who survived specifically? They couldn't possibly have known Ripley, Newt and Hicks would be the ones to live through it until the three got back to the Sulaco at the very end of Aliens. Did they just have clones of the entire team on standby so they could pick the ones they need? Why would they conceivably do that in advance?

The whole idea you're proposing makes absolutely no logical sense.


Aliens: The Clone Wars


It's so hard for Bloomhack and the half of you Disney Princesses accept that Newt and Hicks are dead and the  Ripley story ends with Alien 3??

If Bloomhack was a better director/writer he would just do Alien 5, nothing to do with Ripley, new story, new characters, a great opportunity to show your best ideas for the franchise, but no, he just want to favor cheap fan-fiction and delete 2 movies in the process.

T Dog

"In a way it is Prometheus 2. It's exactly the same story. But it was always in the works to be called that [Alien: Paradise Lost]. Is Prometheus actually taking us off course from where I'm going, which is actually backing into the first Alien... I've even got connections with Ripley [in this], but I'm not telling you what."

This could be cringe worthy on the nose horrible! Probably will be to be honest. It'll be the Ripley equivalent to what the deacon birth scene was to the alien.

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: Beatnation on Apr 28, 2016, 07:04:30 PM
It's so hard for Bloomhack and the half of you Disney Princesses accept that Newt and Hicks are dead and the  Ripley story ends with Alien 3??

Let's avoid the insulting of people who don't agree with your opinions, thanks. We're talking civilly here.


Quote from: HuDaFuK on Apr 28, 2016, 06:00:14 PM
Quote from: CainsSon on Apr 28, 2016, 05:37:56 PMI'm just pointing out that its a very simple way to handle it that makes sense out of what is going on.

But it doesn't make sense.

How would cloning them get them the Alien? No one at the end of Aliens has an Alien in them. If the egg's already on the Sulaco, why bother cloning anyone? Just take the egg and leave the others be. Where did they get these clones anyway? I find it incredibly hard to believe they could make some copies in the days/weeks they had between the two movies, not to mention get those clones all the way out to deep space to make the switch. And why did they have clones of the three people who survived specifically? They couldn't possibly have known Ripley, Newt and Hicks would be the ones to live through it until the three got back to the Sulaco at the very end of Aliens. Did they just have clones of the entire team on standby so they could pick the ones they need? Why would they conceivably do that in advance?

The whole idea you're proposing makes absolutely no logical sense.

You're not following what I said. I'm saying A3 did happen. That's why they have to clone ripley. How Hicks and Newt are alive or cloned is just up to the writer. What happened at the beginning of ALIEN 3 is vague enough to make it work easily. In fact, if this film starts off explaining what happened at the beginning of Alien 3, it's all the more interesting.

Its just an idea so, there's no need to get into big arguments over it.

For starters, this THERE ARE ONLY DAYS BW Aliens and A3 is exploitable.
You start the film in those days, explain what happened on the ship however the writer wants (I DONT WANT TO ARGUE OVER WHETHER ITS POSSIBLE FOR SOMETHING TO HAVE HAPPENED THAT LEAD TO THE EGG BEING ON THE SHIP. THERE IS A THOUSAND WAYS SOMETHING ELSE COULD HAVE BEEN GOING ON THAT BOTH PROMETHEUS AND ALIEN ISOLATION HAVE ALREADY EXPLORED. GETTING ATTACHED TO YOUR INTERPRETATION OF EXACTLY HOW CERTAIN BLANKS ARE FILLED IN, LIKE THE AMOUNT OF TIME THAT PASSED B/W ALIENS AND THE BEGINNING OF A3.. I SIMPLY DONT THINK THE STUDIOS CARE HOW FANS INTERPRET THINGS LIKE THAT AND THAT'S OK FOR ME). So I'm saying the writer explains how the egg gets there and maybe they don't understand the monster so they think Newt and Hicks are infected. If it were me, I'd have someone else be in those cryo tubes. Maybe Hicks put bodies in there so he could escape? Don't think too hard, someone could figure it out. A writer can figure it out. Set-up is easy once you know what you want to happen.

The only problem is finding a reason for Hicks and Newt to be alive or cloned and they can do it. The important part of the idea is just that its years later and they have Ripley and they take the alien out of her, and you SUGGEST cloning could have been involved. That way by ONLY SUGGESTING IT, as an audience you can decide to accept it or reject it and consider this film ALIEN 3.
In the end, Ripley blows up the HEadquarters of WY and none of this stuff survives so then years later they try again and you get A:R. That's why I said title it ALIENS.5 Cause the .5 works as being inbetween Aliens and A3 AND as a sequel to A:R and thus Alien5. Get it? Aliens .5 or maybe just ALIEN.5

TBH - Since A:R used cloning, it's odd no one ever thought to just clone her again anyway. We all think of a sequel to AR as automatically being about RIPLEY 8, but why? There could have tried to clone her once before or after. Maybe in this case WY had the money to get it right.
Again, just an idea.

Then you jump ahead,


I actually like the idea of Ripley broadcasting her nightmares for the entertainment of the masses, making Alien3 and Res just crazy nightmares she keeps having because of her ordeal in the first 2 films. Since she cant stop the nightmares and she thinks the aliens are gone forever, why not profit from them? Someone already stated that dreams have already been in this series quite a bit, between unfilmed ideas, aliens, and Prometheus.

Only issue I have with that idea is that it guts alien3 and res and makes them pointless to care about or watch again.

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