ALIEN DAY: Sigourney Weaver Talks A5 at Aliens Special Event

Started by CainsSon, Apr 27, 2016, 05:20:37 AM

ALIEN DAY: Sigourney Weaver Talks A5 at Aliens Special Event (Read 43,495 times)


man this sounds so amazing i actually cannot wait

it's like all our wishes will come true

of all the crying about the way alien 3 went to actually see hicks newt ripley ( ALIVE and together) well i never saw this day coming

and my god am i excited !


I know alot people are debating on what the movie should be but i am just going to see it when it comes out to see if its good or not. Then I will judge. We all been through alot in the years and I understand everyone is stressed and expressing different opinions but I am going to go to theater open minded.



Quote from: HuDaFuK on Apr 27, 2016, 11:15:19 AM
Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Apr 27, 2016, 10:51:11 AMI'm not 100% positive but I'm sure some horror franchises (Halloween?) and maybe even Godzilla has done that?

I'm fairly certain Halloween was a continuous series until they did the remake/reboot. And the Godzilla restarts have been just that - restarts. In fact they're a pretty relevant example - the 1984 film was an alternative sequel to the 1954 original. The '84 film then spawned its own line of sequels, none of which had any relation to the many sequels made between '54 and '84. The original series was essentially moved aside and left.

Or how about James Bond?

Judi Dench's M character was in both the Pierce Bronson universe (mid 90s post Soviet/Cold War universe) AND Daniel Craig's re-booted (mid 2000s post 9/11) Casino Royale despite meeting at bond at different time frames and two different universes.


Didn't Ridley Scott say at some point- that his new Alien Films would somehow connect with Ripley in an unforeseen way? I picked it up somewhere on this site. What if- I know its a little crazy, but what if it is not only the orginal Alien, that is at the end of Scotts new films.

By expanding the universe- and the engineers- maybe it could somehow pave the way for an Alien 5, that runs parallel to Alien 3 and 4- and yet still exists in the same universe?

What if the engineers clone all three of them? Newt, Hicks and Ripley? Or they change history? Maybe the events of Alien Covenant somehow change the history of the original future timeline.

Its the engineers man- they made us! Maybe they have some time warping stuff! Or maybe Ripley was also made!

Maybe the whole human race is just something like rats they test out against the aliens. Which are in my opinion the absolute antithesis to human life, and life in general. Aliens man- they are the dark anti life- once you encounter them they drain away everything, there gravity destroy everything, your life, even decades later- and you will be having nightmares and death. And sexuality will scare you as well problably.

Now what if- the whole Alien Quatrilogy was just a test run? The engineers tested how humans nad Ripley would fare against the Aliens. Maybe the first derelict was just bait!!!

And now the engineers are not happy with how it all turnede out- and they just re-run it! Somehow they intervene with events after Aliens and alter it- change conditions.

Maybe Alien Covenant somehow hints at how they would do it. I know it sounds of the hook but- they could make it in a cool way I am sure.

There is still so much to explore with the engineers- and there relationship to the aliens and humans- their concepts of time, their Agenda- at this point, everything is possible.

I am sure Blonkamp and Scott had some talks- since Scott is going first- but still producing Blomkamps project.

Maybe they worked out something. I just still find it awkward if they would just scrap Alien 3 and 4- since the orginal Quadrilogy is such a legacy in it self. Even if 3 and 4 chose a different path- I love them because of that. Aliens was also different, Alien is always reinterpreted- and yet- new aspects were added but the basic conflict and questions were always the same. And they are all bad ass man.

So- Alien 5 in the style of Aliens- totally uninteresting in my opnion. No this needs to be something new and crazy again. Thats also what I love about Prometheus. Were it might have dissappointed in some ways- I think it excels on opnening up the whole universe beyond what it was. I know there is too many questions unanswered- but me and my friends- we love it because now we can theorize again like in the old days. There is not many big movies like that anymore.


This is probably pointless asking this question, but she claims that it won't wipe out Alien3 and Alien Resurrection, but run parallel with them. I mean if it doesn't retcon 3 and 4 how else can the three of them will be back? Is there a suitable or logical explanation on how to bring them back without cloning or something? Maybe they'll take their charred remains and put them in a med-bed like in Elysium, in that movie a guy's entire face was blown off and they brought him back to life. I'm being funny of course.


I doubt thered be any charred corpses that could be pulled out of molten lead. As for this "satisfying" ending, well by this point, i bet it'll end with Ripley marrying hicks, Newt is the maid of honor and Jonesy was actually a female who surprises us with kittens after the gang has defeated the only source of aliens on LV-426. Oh yeah, the fourth person is a xeno the gang saved and is now a pet and the ring bearer at the wedding. Thats what the Aliens fanboys want. That being said, if anything, THIS movie is the dream sequence Ripley has between Aliens and Alien 3. Think about it, its set after Aliens and has a satisfying ending. Ripley Newt and Hicks are a team fighting and seemingly destroying the Alien threat. Sounds like a dream Rip would have after killing the Alien queen and saving/adopting Newt and finally going to live a normal life on earth. I wonder if the movie will end with a bright flash like total recall...



Why does everyone always think that Ripley and Hicks get together and adopt Newt? I like the idea of them being alive, but that idea of Ripley and Hicks getting married is the farthest from my mind. I mean, Ripley can adopt Newt, but why do Ripley and Hicks have to get married? I don't even like the idea of Ripley being romantically involved with anyone, it bothered me that she slept with that doctor in 3. I feel her being romantically involved diminishes her independent feminism.

I once had the idea of them cloning Newt by accident because they mistaken her DNA for Ripley's, which is feasible. It would be even harder to clone Hicks, because you can tell if DNA was male or female yes?

Oh wait, I just noticed what she said about Ripley and Hicks' "relationship." But still, does that really mean they get together? Why can't they just be friends?


Quote from: Number13 on Apr 28, 2016, 03:00:28 AM
Why does everyone always think that Ripley and Hicks get together and adopt Newt? I like the idea of them being alive, but that idea of Ripley and Hicks getting married is the farthest from my mind. I mean, Ripley can adopt Newt, but why do Ripley and Hicks have to get married? I don't even like the idea of Ripley being romantically involved with anyone, it bothered me that she slept with that doctor in 3. I feel her being romantically involved diminishes her independent feminism.

I once had the idea of them cloning Newt by accident because they mistaken her DNA for Ripley's, which is feasible. It would be even harder to clone Hicks, because you can tell if DNA was male or female yes?

You could see a really sweet and completely unexpected kind of love developing between Hicks and Ripley in Aliens, which implies that they may get together in the future and try to find happiness in an otherwise bleak world.  Will there be divorce down the road?  Who knows?  I think there is a shared pain, and experience that has permanently bonded these people.  Once they get away from LV-426, they will realize that they share something terrible that nobody else will EVER understand.  It will bind them together, and sometimes tear them apart.

The idea that if Ripley is romantically involved with someone, it somehow diminishes her independent feminism is absurd.  Has feminism become another word for hermit?  Is she not allowed to have feelings for someone else because of a political agenda?  A hetero-sexual relationship does not have to imply that the male is dominating the female.  That's a sexist assertion.  Ripley and Hicks found their match in each other.  They're both strong people who have their heads on straight.  They're equals.  You're equating feminism with some sort of selfishness and self-centrism which puts feminism on its head.  That's not what its about.  It's about equality not superiority.


I've posted too much on this page so this will be my last.

It just bothers me when people say that. Every time I've pitched the idea of Ripley, Newt, and Hicks surviving Aliens instead of dying, they go, "Oh sure, maybe Ripley and Hicks get married and adopt Newt and become one big happy family." Just really irks me, because I never thought about that, I even wrote a trilogy of fan fictions and the first thing I did was make Ripley missing after Aliens. Like the Verheiden comic books, which were a big inspiration for me, I had her be MIA and then returns in the 3rd and final.


Quote from: Number13 on Apr 28, 2016, 03:34:15 AM
I've posted too much on this page so this will be my last.

It just bothers me when people say that. Every time I've pitched the idea of Ripley, Newt, and Hicks surviving Aliens instead of dying, they go, "Oh sure, maybe Ripley and Hicks get married and adopt Newt and become one big happy family." Just really irks me, because I never thought about that, I even wrote a trilogy of fan fictions and the first thing I did was make Ripley missing after Aliens. Like the Verheiden comic books, which were a big inspiration for me, I had her be MIA and then returns in the 3rd and final.

I also loved the Verheiden series.  But it is clear that while Ripley was developing some sort of love for that new adopted family of hers, she abandoned them because of that love.  She did not want to put them at any more risk.  I'm not saying that marriage is the answer for Hicks and Ripley.  You could tell that they already shared a love and an understanding that many couples just never get to have.  Maybe that is all that would come of it.  But Hicks really came across as a classy guy and I bet by the way he reacted over Burke, he would never allow anything to happen to Ripley and Newt.  It amazes me how that sort of love is so dismissible these days.


If this is an alternate universe which branches off from ALIENS, or at the very least which is an alternate continuity-- then it sort of confirms what I have been saying in regards to the films, and bits and parts of the EU for the last couple of years. And I'm quite enthusiastic about it assuming that we take Neill Blomkamp's statement of not undoing Alien 3 and Resurrection, and if Weaver's word is anything to go by... well then, this is something which makes me quite happy as a fan and I can see this movie for what it is... An AU. I know quite a lot of people are not at all happy with this, but you know, for me this definitely removes six years of anger and frustration towards the franchises, and I can let this go where it's going.

Quote from: Perfect-Organism on Apr 27, 2016, 03:14:26 PM
I agree.  No time travel please.  This is not the right universe for that sort of thing.  If anything, let them be 2 alternate realities that can be continued and developed independently of each other, intersecting at the juncture of the first 2 Alien films.  This would be unique.  All the AVP and Predator films could fit into the Alien 3, Alien: Resurrection timeline, and prometheus, Covenant, Alien, Aliens, Alien 5 could be the other time line.

I don't think we're going to be getting anything like Time Travel or Inter-dimensional Portals which would breach universes as far as this movie is concerned. If anything, it's probably going to be doing what either Highlander III: The Sorcerer, Godzilla 1985, and Halloween H20 did for the Alien franchise by just ignoring what came before it. Now as far as Highlander and Godzilla are concerned, none of the powers that be have said that the previous sequels which came before were rendered out of canon. These franchises allow their fans to pick and choose what they want. That's what I like about this decision, we can pick and choose what we want and follow the universe in question... and no one would say that's non-canon anymore.

In the case of AVP and the Predator films, well in the case of the AVP films.. according to Tristan Jones, those are somehow still canon and still on Fox's canon list. So it's not unreasonable for them to actually be lumped in with Alien 3 and Resurrection. As for the Predator films... I can see Predator and Predator 2 fitting the beginning of both timelines, but PREDATORS would more or less fit in with the new timeline which is currently going on due to Fire and Stone utilizing some of the Super Predator concepts. Shane's movie on the other hand... that's going to be tricky as Shane seems to be doing his own thing with that. For all we know, it could be entirely it's own thing.

I like the idea that we've got two timelines... I like where this could potentially be going.

Unpopular opinion but... I'm happy with this. I'm generally at peace with this.


Quote from: RakaiThwei on Apr 28, 2016, 04:23:59 AM
If this is an alternate universe which branches off from ALIENS, or at the very least which is an alternate continuity-- then it sort of confirms what I have been saying in regards to the films, and bits and parts of the EU for the last couple of years. And I'm quite enthusiastic about it assuming that we take Neill Blomkamp's statement of not undoing Alien 3 and Resurrection, and if Weaver's word is anything to go by... well then, this is something which makes me quite happy as a fan and I can see this movie for what it is... An AU. I know quite a lot of people are not at all happy with this, but you know, for me this definitely removes six years of anger and frustration towards the franchises, and I can let this go where it's going.

Quote from: Perfect-Organism on Apr 27, 2016, 03:14:26 PM
I agree.  No time travel please.  This is not the right universe for that sort of thing.  If anything, let them be 2 alternate realities that can be continued and developed independently of each other, intersecting at the juncture of the first 2 Alien films.  This would be unique.  All the AVP and Predator films could fit into the Alien 3, Alien: Resurrection timeline, and prometheus, Covenant, Alien, Aliens, Alien 5 could be the other time line.

I don't think we're going to be getting anything like Time Travel or Inter-dimensional Portals which would breach universes as far as this movie is concerned. If anything, it's probably going to be doing what either Highlander III: The Sorcerer, Godzilla 1985, and Halloween H20 did for the Alien franchise by just ignoring what came before it. Now as far as Highlander and Godzilla are concerned, none of the powers that be have said that the previous sequels which came before were rendered out of canon. These franchises allow their fans to pick and choose what they want. That's what I like about this decision, we can pick and choose what we want and follow the universe in question... and no one would say that's non-canon anymore.

In the case of AVP and the Predator films, well in the case of the AVP films.. according to Tristan Jones, those are somehow still canon and still on Fox's canon list. So it's not unreasonable for them to actually be lumped in with Alien 3 and Resurrection. As for the Predator films... I can see Predator and Predator 2 fitting the beginning of both timelines, but PREDATORS would more or less fit in with the new timeline which is currently going on due to Fire and Stone utilizing some of the Super Predator concepts. Shane's movie on the other hand... that's going to be tricky as Shane seems to be doing his own thing with that. For all we know, it could be entirely it's own thing.

I like the idea that we've got two timelines... I like where this could potentially be going.

Unpopular opinion but... I'm happy with this. I'm generally at peace with this.

I agree.  And the reason why I lump AVP in with Alien 3 timelines is that we have Charles Weyland and Charles Bishop Weyland as a limk.  It just makes sense.


To be honest, I agree- I also think time travel is not fitting into the Alien Universe. And yet- you could still do something interesting if you create an alternate route, without retconning. I mean sure it worked with Godzilla but I really would like for it to all fit together. I don't wanna lose the joy of watching the films in one go. I don't wanna switch realities in my head.

So how about the idea that, Ripley existed before Alien 1? Like she is actually a product of the engineers.Now- after the Escape Pod from the Sulaco hits Fury 161, the engineers put another one in!

Along with replacements of Newt and Hicks. Just two see how an alternate scenario would play out. They compare what happens with Ripley on Fury- and in the Alien 5 scenario. They survey both and compare. Studiying humans and their interaction with the Aliens.

Hehe look- anybody knows where I can publish Alien Fan Fiction? Is there a site where people actually read this stuff? I would love to write one  ;D

For the Canon question- I don't think there are any contradictions at this point.

If I watch Predator 1&2, then Predators, then AvP 1&2, then Prometheus, Alien, then I will listen too the audio book from Out of the Shadows- play Alien Isolation, read River of Pain, watch Aliens, read Fire and Stone Aliens, Prometheus, AvP, Predator in that order, play AvP on PS3 (even though not Canon), watch Alien 3, Alien 4 and then read Sea of Sorrows, before going into the Rage Wars- oh boy- perfect Holiday Season.  Alien Covenant, The Predator and Alien 5- the have to fit in there neatly somehow.

I mean I am reading Alien Omnibus right now- and I can switch realities in my mind. Its a good read- but at this point, its more like a filler until the next Rage Wars releases. I just don't want Alien 5 to feel the same way.

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: Xenomorphine on Apr 27, 2016, 05:22:26 PM

It was never used (strangely, it did turn up in 'Die Hard'), but the title for it certainly implies the Sulaco might have originally been planned to go into some sort of futuristic warping effect when leaving for Earth (it seems to segue into the melody we hear when Ripley is putting Newt to sleep, which implies it would have happened immediately before that scene).

It does sound quite bombastic to start with. And some Star Trek movement in there.

Quote from: marrerom on Apr 27, 2016, 07:51:53 PM
The Engineers are key to making a multiverse work in the Alien series.

They'd definitely be an easy avenue into getting the concept into the films. But it would still feel like a massive tonal departure from the reality of the films.

Quote from: Perfect-Organism on Apr 27, 2016, 08:13:08 PM
Yes, have Ripley say "I had a bad dream I lost my hair" in a tongue in cheek way and be done with it.  One line.  No elaborate justification for the dream sequence.  Go the Marvel / Deadpool route and make a joke of it, and move on.

Not keen on this idea! Don't need that kind of humour.

Quote from: Shamo on Apr 28, 2016, 12:09:02 AM
Didn't Ridley Scott say at some point- that his new Alien Films would somehow connect with Ripley in an unforeseen way? I picked it up somewhere on this site.

"In a way it is Prometheus 2. It's exactly the same story. But it was always in the works to be called that [Alien: Paradise Lost]. Is Prometheus actually taking us off course from where I'm going, which is actually backing into the first Alien... I've even got connections with Ripley [in this], but I'm not telling you what."

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