In The News

Started by DoomRulz, Nov 30, 2012, 03:53:46 AM

In The News (Read 1,425,684 times)



Quote from: PVTDukeMorrison on Dec 13, 2015, 01:42:01 AM
Quote from: DoomRulz on Dec 13, 2015, 01:28:05 AM
There's nothing wrong with being right-wing or left-wing. It's that extremes are all that exist these days. The left has become authoritarian and the right has become...not sure if authoritarian is the correct description but it's definitely not moderate anymore.
The best way I can describe it is Left:Neo-communist Right: Fascist. But with the way things are constantly spiraling downward I don't really blame people for turning to extremes

Communism is socialism perverted to the most extreme it's ever been practiced with and I'm sure nobody's keen on seeing it revive, but that doesn't mean aspects of a socialist economy are bad.

And I don't think I need to voice my gripe with our crony capitalism:

Fascism only works if you can get away with it... and Hitler nearly did until he dragged Moscow and Washington into it.



Actually, that is not what communism is.

Communism, on paper, is a COMPLETELY classless society where EVERYTHING is the common-good of the people; everything is owned by the people as a whole. There are no divisions between manual or intellectual labor or between people in the cities or on the countryside, men or women etc. The state is ran by the people for the people - no politicians, royals or moneybags needed to run the show. With that said there has obviously never been a communist country/state ever, because the biggest weakness of communism is that it is too idealistic and naive and has no safety-breaks when it comes to human nature. It starts with a people's revolution, but instead of the people taking over, the military/warlords/militants and other authoritarians step in and seize power and turn that sweet little communist utopia into military dictatorship as they now have full reign over everything. The only communist thing here is the name, and that's about it. China, Soviet Union etc. pretty much all went that route.

Communism, to me, is the left-wing version of right-wing Libertarianism. On paper it looks all appealing and wonderful, very utopian and believes that humans can handle power/wealth, but in reality it doesn't work at all as humankind is effed up and can't handle wealth and power in any kind of way. So let's just face it - us humans need laws and regulations to keep us in check. Now, the big question is what kind of laws and regulations we find healthy and fair and that we all can agree on? That's the big aeon old nut to crack.



Quote from: Gate on Dec 13, 2015, 04:22:23 AM

And I don't think I need to voice my gripe with our crony capitalism:

There's a difference between crony capitalism and capitalism.  Capitalism is kinda like a game, follow the rules, play fair and it goes smoothly like it should.  But if you let people cheat, then it all becomes a mess- crony capitalism.  I could make the same argument for how socialism doesn't work, our medicare is broken, social security is always under threat of running out of money.  But I don't think it's because of socialism, it's because there are people who are cheating the system.  Socialism could work, but only if the money actually went to where it's supposed to and only if we had programs that we actually need (like police/firemen, education... etc).
Yeah, we have a lot of large corporations who cheat the system, making it difficult to have a healthy competition that we actually need.  Competition is good, humans need it as it pushes us to innovate.  But because of the cheaters, we don't have that and it puts a black mark on the idea of a free market.  It's not the system that's broken, it people running the system.  That's why socialism isn't the answer to crony capitalism, but that system can be cheated too- if anything, it would fester crony capitalism (corporate welfare), because political leaders can be bought, regardless of political affiliation.
I'm going to agree on SpreadEagleBeagle on his point that we need laws and regulations.  But I going put out that we need a healthy balance of free market, and government making sure shit runs smoothly, and people who can't provide the help they need are given some relief.  Unfortunately, the human race is what it is, we have a lot of good people who are trying their best to help others, unfortunately, we have a lot of dirtbags who find their way into way too much power and money.  So I don't see an end to the constant teeter-tottering between the left and right anytime soon.



It's all the same shit, guys. You have the top, the guys who enforce the tops rule, the army, the management, the slaves, then the unwanted by all.



Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Dec 12, 2015, 11:41:54 PM
Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Dec 11, 2015, 05:56:22 PM
Quote from: Hubbs on Dec 11, 2015, 03:33:16 PM
Wow! K,

I know I'm probably pissing in the wind but the point I'm trying to make is that just because someone disagrees with you or takes offence at you and your sentiments, doesn't necessarily make it down to their political persuasion or the "current trend." You throw around the "leftie, sjw" retort like it's going out of fashion to near enough any criticism to you. Sorry to have had to go personal but you take it there yourself.

...And has been doing so since he became a AVPG member. I have been away for a couple of months, and he is still harping the EXACT same three cords: 1) Muslims! ; 2) Black people! ; 3) Immigrants!. Sparkle that with some delicious anti-feminism or whatever is the right spice of anti-PCness, and et voila, we have Hubbs's contribution to the forums!

I've tried to discuss with him a thousand times, proving him wrong time and time again, and yet he comes back for more, acting as if previous discussions never happened, while getting more and more callous, pushy and tenacious. Yet he wonders why people don't like him much around here. It's almost as if he is our own little resident right-winger troll here on the forums......

Hmmm, provoking post much.

'I've tried to discuss with him a thousand times, proving him wrong time and time again, and yet he comes back for more, acting as if previous discussions never happened'



Remember when we needed to close all the borders and stop people going to Africa because of Ebola will kill us all. Fun times.



Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Dec 13, 2015, 04:49:46 AM
Actually, that is not what communism is.

Communism, on paper, is a COMPLETELY classless society where EVERYTHING is the common-good of the people; everything is owned by the people as a whole. There are no divisions between manual or intellectual labor or between people in the cities or on the countryside, men or women etc. The state is ran by the people for the people - no politicians, royals or moneybags needed to run the show. With that said there has obviously never been a communist country/state ever, because the biggest weakness of communism is that it is too idealistic and naive and has no safety-breaks when it comes to human nature. It starts with a people's revolution, but instead of the people taking over, the military/warlords/militants and other authoritarians step in and seize power and turn that sweet little communist utopia into military dictatorship as they now have full reign over everything. The only communist thing here is the name, and that's about it. China, Soviet Union etc. pretty much all went that route.

Communism, to me, is the left-wing version of right-wing Libertarianism. On paper it looks all appealing and wonderful, very utopian and believes that humans can handle power/wealth, but in reality it doesn't work at all as humankind is effed up and can't handle wealth and power in any kind of way. So let's just face it - us humans need laws and regulations to keep us in check. Now, the big question is what kind of laws and regulations we find healthy and fair and that we all can agree on? That's the big aeon old nut to crack.
Its true Communism just cannot work.



Why wasn't this across national media? Migrant refugee rapes woman in ND. Every link is from local news, couldn't find anything on big media outlets. If you check my previous links about Sweden you'll see this happens a lot but is rarely reported.



Quote from: Hubbs on Dec 13, 2015, 12:55:25 PM
Why wasn't this across national media? Migrant refugee rapes woman in ND. Every link is from local news, couldn't find anything on big media outlets. If you check my previous links about Sweden you'll see this happens a lot but is rarely reported.
Ah sexual assult in Islam is completely wrong.



Quote from: Hubbs on Dec 13, 2015, 12:55:25 PM
Why wasn't this across national media? Migrant refugee rapes woman in ND. Every link is from local news, couldn't find anything on big media outlets. If you check my previous links about Sweden you'll see this happens a lot but is rarely reported.
First, it usually takes a couple of days to filter on through to big media. Secondly... you found an article about one single guy, who's probably batshit nuts that happens to be an immigrate that raped a women. Sadly there was probably 200 more rapes in that state, that night. Of which only 1 was probably reported. It's an epidemic, that's why no one ever notices it unless there are special circumstances. Third, like his own family member said, some people are good, some people are bad. This dude is bad and is going to be going away for a long time. It's not really a national news story... then again I wouldn't be shocked if by Monday it's everywhere.

The Alien Predator

The Alien Predator

Quote from: Hubbs on Dec 13, 2015, 12:55:25 PM
Why wasn't this across national media? Migrant refugee rapes woman in ND. Every link is from local news, couldn't find anything on big media outlets. If you check my previous links about Sweden you'll see this happens a lot but is rarely reported.

Dude, rapes happen everywhere and are committed by individuals from all backgrounds. I don't see what point you are trying to prove here. Why aren't those in national media too?

What about Western tourists that go to other countries and rape someone? Heard of pedos going to Taiwan for the sake of raping minors? Maybe we should ban tourism too while we're at it. Why aren't those pedos mentioned in national media?

And seeing as how you seem to be posting a lot of anti-muslim stuff, I don't think you've heard about this, why wasn't this in national media?






Quote from: Hubbs on Dec 13, 2015, 11:33:03 AM
Hmmm, provoking post much.

Not at all. Just calling you on your crap, Hubbs.

Now, I'm curious, why do you come to an AVP forum to solely to push your political views? You're pretty much only active here on the "In The News" board, posting the same bigoted same-old same-old turd nuggets day after day. Obviously you're not winning anyone over to "your" side, but you do however attract a lot of hostility due to your callous, reactionary and most of all tone deaf posts. I can tell that you you like your Breitbart news - why not ranting around over there about the menace of Muslims, immigrants, black people, feminists and political correctness? They love that kind of stuff. Just remember not to talk shit about guns - they'll ban you for life.

Or do you honestly believe that you are some kind of enlightening arch-angel of truth, sharing your divine epiphanies and holy mantras with us mere mortals, trying to guide us into the light, making sure that we want fall victim to those invading beast-like pagan hordes of brown and black sub-humans, possessed man-hater demon women and naive and frail, self-loathing bolshevik half-men?



Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Dec 13, 2015, 04:49:46 AM
Actually, that is not what communism is.

Communism, on paper, is a COMPLETELY classless society where EVERYTHING is the common-good of the people; everything is owned by the people as a whole. There are no divisions between manual or intellectual labor or between people in the cities or on the countryside, men or women etc. The state is ran by the people for the people - no politicians, royals or moneybags needed to run the show. With that said there has obviously never been a communist country/state ever, because the biggest weakness of communism is that it is too idealistic and naive and has no safety-breaks when it comes to human nature. It starts with a people's revolution, but instead of the people taking over, the military/warlords/militants and other authoritarians step in and seize power and turn that sweet little communist utopia into military dictatorship as they now have full reign over everything. The only communist thing here is the name, and that's about it. China, Soviet Union etc. pretty much all went that route.

Communism, to me, is the left-wing version of right-wing Libertarianism. On paper it looks all appealing and wonderful, very utopian and believes that humans can handle power/wealth, but in reality it doesn't work at all as humankind is effed up and can't handle wealth and power in any kind of way. So let's just face it - us humans need laws and regulations to keep us in check. Now, the big question is what kind of laws and regulations we find healthy and fair and that we all can agree on? That's the big aeon old nut to crack.

What do you expect when all economic activity is planned by the state pretty much constitutes a dictatorship as it is? If the government has the power to run your life from A to Z, they're not going to stand for real elections.

I believe the legal system is fine on paper. But the people tasked with making it work are corrupt and there are too many loopholes to exploit.



Quote from: DoomRulz on Dec 14, 2015, 06:00:16 AM
What do you expect when all economic activity is planned by the state pretty much constitutes a dictatorship as it is? If the government has the power to run your life from A to Z, they're not going to stand for real elections.

No. REAL communism (on paper) is not run by some kind of government but directly by the people. It's anti-elitist and anti-hierarchal in every sense and way. In a way it's not far away from anarchism and similar ideologies. True communism is naive and utopian as it believe that after the revolution, regular people will step in and work together, making sure that everything is fair for everybody and that no one is going to try to cheat their way to wealth or try to influence their way to a position of power.

We all know that it doesn't work because there hasn't been one single communist country/state/nation ever. You have the revolution, sure, but it always ends there. Instead of THE people stepping up and in, opportunists and psychopaths take their place and abuse the people's revolutionary spirit and hopes for the future to cement their own will and power. Communism fails in reality as it has no protection against totalitarian takeovers. It's extremely vulnerable and during and after the revolution phase as it lies open for any self-proclaimed do-gooder representative of the people to have his way with it, which way too often is someone with a military, often criminal, background.

These dictatorships and totalitarian states are communist in the name only. You could call it Crony Communism if you want. Other directions, such as anarcho-communism, syndicalism and libertarian socialism (left-libertarianism), are in a way much closer to real communism than communism, if you get what I mean.

QuoteI believe the legal system is fine on paper. But the people tasked with making it work are corrupt and there are too many loopholes to exploit.

Well, just like any other system, no?

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