Michael Biehn "Optimistic" About Neill Blomkamp's Alien 5

Started by Corporal Hicks, Aug 15, 2015, 11:36:24 AM

Michael Biehn "Optimistic" About Neill Blomkamp's Alien 5 (Read 48,062 times)


I'm all for ignoring A3 and A:R. I'm excited for Blomkamp's "new ideas". His concept art is certainly intriguing. I certainly hope both Weaver and Biehn get officially signed on for the film. Hate if you will but I care not.

I don't understand why people are getting bent out of shape over him ignoring A3 and A:R... the biggest travesty was killing Hicks and Newt off screen in the first place. So I'm all for a canonical world where they're still alive, especially Hicks. Guess we will see.


Todays idea: How about it the Ripley, Hicks and Newt in A3 were the clones?


Quote from: irn on Aug 17, 2015, 12:10:33 AM
Todays idea: How about it the Ripley, Hicks and Newt in A3 were the clones?

There would be as much of a reason to make them clones, as there would in making them synthetics.

Which is to say, none, at all.

System Apollo

System Apollo

I honestly ran out of fuel. I'm stumped, there is literally no way to achieve Neill's goals without screwing with the sequence of the franchise. Seriously;  how can someone make this work!?

Okay, how about: The Sulaco enters a rift in the universe where it duplicates the ships, one is sent to Fiorina while the other drifts off in space through an alternative timeline; one where Weyland-Yutani succeeds in obtaining the derelict spacecraft.


Absolute garbage....ignoring 3 and Resurrection is uncreative, lazy and straight out pathetic.

Too bad Blomkamp is afraid of creating a new interesting story in the Alien Universe with NEW characters in a new series of events that doesn't conflict with the other films...guess he knows that he lacks the imagination and creativity that most writers/creators of Alien/Predator games and comics have (obviously not CM) to create excellent installments to the series, that do not need to resort to pathetic alternate timelines or retcons of material/events that were established twenty some years ago...then again all his films feel like District 9. Poor creativity.

Oh well, here's to hoping FOX makes a right decision and changes their minds about eliminating two films...one of them a masterpiece Alien 3.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

You know what I'm currently finding amusing? That the whole buzz generated around Neill's idea initially was that it would redo Alien 3 and 4. The majority of buzz and internet activity was positive and I'm pretty sure contributed towards Fox's interest in it. Now I'm seeing negativity on websites reporting on Alien 5. I find it pretty funny.

Personally I'm not a massive fan of retconing away Alien 3 and 4. I liked both films despite their flaws. However, I do understand that most people dislike Alien 3 for what it did. Neill is obviously one of them. If he wants to have another go at it...I just hope he makes it worth it and does a good job. As long as Alien 3.2 is a damn good film, I'll be happy.

As for how they do it - just don't acknowledge it at all. The dream thing works. It always would have worked because as far back as the Alien novelization they made a big deal out of cryosleep dreams and the recording of them being a profession. As Rob says, with Prometheus doing something with them that brings it to the screen. However, it would be a complete slap in the face for Alien 3 and Resurrection. They just should ignore them completely.

And as for a cancellation...as B-D said it's complete speculation on their part.

System Apollo

System Apollo

Quote from: Walters on Aug 17, 2015, 05:41:43 AM
Absolute garbage....ignoring 3 and Resurrection is uncreative, lazy and straight out pathetic.

Too bad Blomkamp is afraid of creating a new interesting story in the Alien Universe with NEW characters in a new series of events that doesn't conflict with the other films...guess he knows that he lacks the imagination and creativity that most writers/creators of Alien/Predator games and comics have (obviously not CM) to create excellent installments to the series, that do not need to resort to pathetic alternate timelines or retcons of material/events that were established twenty some years ago...then again all his films feel like District 9. Poor creativity.

Oh well, here's to hoping FOX makes a right decision and changes their minds about eliminating two films...one of them a masterpiece Alien 3.
This is the fifth time I've heard this argument! A majority of the comics have the qualities that make a good comic; not a movie. You'll find that a lot of the Alien comics are established in a universe where Weyland Yutani succeeded in obtaining the alien and people of the universe know about xenomorphs with no explanation as to why or how. Try doing that in one of the upcoming films and instantly all the work Ripley did to stop WY is annulled. In a film sequel
it is important to follow source material.

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Aug 17, 2015, 07:40:07 AM
As for how they do it - just don't acknowledge it at all. The dream thing works. It always would have worked because as far back as the Alien novelization they made a big deal out of cryosleep dreams and the recording of them being a profession. As Rob says, with Prometheus doing something with them that brings it to the screen. However, it would be a complete slap in the face for Alien 3 and Resurrection. They just should ignore them completely.

And as for a cancellation...as B-D said it's complete speculation on their part.
Either way, they both don't sound so ideal personally. It's such a mess in the sequence that it will be asinine trying to watch these films back to back. I'm still crossing my fingers for the execution though.


I myself, right from the start have not been happy about the idea of a retcon that wipes Alien 3 and Resurrection off the plate. I'd prefer it if they'd work within those ideas and not go. I didnt like that so i'm gonna change it all.

I understand Biehn's comments based on what he's been told but until a script appears, we cant say anything is 100%. Interesting that if Alien 5 is a retcon, that there has been no mention of Newt

Corporal Hicks

I think it's pretty solid that if Neill told him that what he intends to do then that's what he intends to do. Granted, it may change over time but you can't really argue with that.


I know a lot of people are upset that Hicks and Newt got killed off instantly in Alien 3, but it's a somewhat arrogant approach to think "well my film is going to be better than that so I'll just disregard a sequel that's been around for 23 years and has a sizable approval from the fanbase".

It's sad to say that everything is pointing to this turning out to be an 'okay' film at best. Based on what's been churned out by big studios over the last decade and the people involved with this project. Hopefully it'll be more than that, of course.

Corporal Hicks

There's very little to say what kind of movie it's going to be. Blomkamp has spoken a few times about it in terms of tone what he's said has been good. The idea of bringing back Hicks and Newt created a huge amount of positive buzz that I imagine helped get this film made. He hasn't actually said anything of the sort about "his film is going to be better" just that he didn't like the direction they took it.

Does this mean I'd like A3/4 retconned? No, I don't like the idea of multiple continuities. But I'm sure as hell excited to see where it goes and hope that it does a good job.


Agreed with Corporal Hicks,

I strongly, STRONGLY dislike the idea of Alien 3 and 4 being retconned, and I also strongly dislike the idea of multiple continuities...so unnecessary.

But in essence I am happy the series is getting three new films:

-Alien 5
-Prometheus 2
-Predator 4

At the moment I'm the least excited about Alien 5 due to it's idea of canceling Alien 3. I'm a huge fan of Alien 3...


Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Aug 17, 2015, 11:09:42 AM
I think it's pretty solid that if Neill told him that what he intends to do then that's what he intends to do. Granted, it may change over time but you can't really argue with that.

True. i'd just like Blomkampf to just come out and say himself, this is what i want to do. It just seems to come through third person sometimes, so it gets lost if you get what i mean




This is bullshit, Blomhack can't even think a good way to connect Alien 3 and Resurrection and make a real Alien 5 sequel, retconning the last 2 movies in favor or wet fan-fiction isn't just disrespectful but dumb as hell, if he can't find the way to make a proper Alien 5 then this movie is doomed.



I find it odd that fans are fine with this retcon of A3, but are on board with the inclusion of PROMETHEUS, and now PARADISE as existing in canon as well.

Quote from: robbritton on Aug 16, 2015, 07:37:50 AM
I've said it til I'm blue in the face, but Shaw's African dream sequence in Prometheus gives Blomkamp the perfect out. Just have a monitor on the Sulaco showing (in that exact style) Ripley 8 throwing herself off the gantry from Alien 3, or bald Ripley caressing the newborn and in one shot you keep the previous films in canon as hypersleep nightmares AND you tie the new film explicitly to Prometheus. It may not be completely satisfying, but it allows everything to co-exist. You can see Hicks and Newt's psyches wrestling too, to stop it being so on the nose (also handily filling in some back story for those characters while limiting clunky exposition). Starting in either sleep or dreams is a hallmark of the series, regardless. Aliens starts with a nightmare, after all.

I'm sorry but I think the dream-sequence-thing is a really cheap out IMO. First off, it's still a retcon that way and a retcon already cheapens things massively. At least when AVP cheapened things it did so in a way that could just be overlooked. The retcon cheapens things right smack in the middle of the franchises finest moments IMO. Second, NO ONE remembers their dreams in the third person, and in Prometheus, the 'dreams' are implants, meant to keep the brain active while in hypersleep - according to R Scott, anyway. It's not an out IMO, because I hate that plot device in Prometheus to begin with. Even though I despise the retcon of A3, I would rather they just ignored them than actually acknowledge them as some DEUS EX MACHINA, via inexplicably elaborate 3rd person nightmares.

Quote from: irn on Aug 16, 2015, 11:17:25 AM
I really, really, really hope they do not retcon Alien 3. I don't care about Resurrection personally but Alien 3 was a good film. A3 and AR being a dream sequence is just as bad as retconning them.

There are solutions. Set it after Aliens and before Alien 3 where Hicks and Ripley get badly torn up at the end and get some kind of reconstructive surgery.  Or have Michael Beihn play Hicks' father looking for answers why his son died working under orders from a private company despite being a Marine.

I totally 100% agree with this guy. Make it a MIDQUEL. Sure the age-difference is a big issue but they can do wonders with CGI these days. For every person that trashes A3 there are equal people who love it. My feeling is that people like it way more than they want to admit to themselves. To me, Alien 3 is Alien meets Mad Max. Now, there is a director I'd love to see make an Alien film - George Miller!

Quote from: Xenomorphine on Aug 17, 2015, 12:25:56 AM
Quote from: irn on Aug 17, 2015, 12:10:33 AM
Todays idea: How about it the Ripley, Hicks and Newt in A3 were the clones?

There would be as much of a reason to make them clones, as there would in making them synthetics.

Which is to say, none, at all.

Hmmmm.... This can be done in a way that isn't too explicit! If you maybe have a med-tech character who is dealing with only the survivors of the sulaco - medically speaking, who also has a background in the development of clones but is losing funding because of botched experiments - maybe clones were being develeoped as a replacement for or to enhance Synthetics - and this med-tech he is on board the WY space station, and maybe he becomes obsessed with the Alien, similar to Golic in A3, so anyway he takes tissue samples from the survivors to prove his cloning stuff is worthwhile and also delivering the cargo to WY that from the events in the new film, will make this guy a hero... It can even be left open for the viewer to make the connection. Ive always liked the idea of this Cult forming around the alien.

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