Fan Reviews

Started by ikarop, Sep 27, 2014, 12:50:11 AM

Fan Reviews (Read 115,583 times)



I just finished the game and i can say I am 100% pleased.  A:CM let me down so much so to play this was a real treat.  I thought the reactor core was beautiful with the lightning strikes and rain like water coming down.  It felt like i was truly in a sci-fi movie. 
I did find some Alien behavior screwy that didnt accurately show with my MT.  Level 17 where you have to turn on a generator then go to a door.  The MT showed the alien by me but when i opened a door it came from the opposite direction.  No problem though it didnt make my experience negative. 
The Alien definitely gets angry and comes at you harder the more you fight it which i really thought was realistic.  I barely saw him when i stayed quiet but when i bombed him with traps or sprayed him with fire he was hot on my tail. 
Loved the mission that you play as Marlow or whatever his name was. I didnt expect that at all. 
Im so glad advertisements didnt ruin the big surprises for me.  I so hope CA makes another and since they are the only company to truly get how an Alien game should be. 

Corporate Merc

Corporate Merc

Finally finished it after 20 + hours.........amazing!!! It was intense, scary at times, really engaging story. I like how they balanced the alien where he wasn't on your ass the whole time but he was still in your mind thinking he'd drop down in front you any second. I just started the "crew expendable" dlc where you get to choose either ripley, Parker or Dallas. All in all this game is THE best alien experience you'll ever have in my opinion. * two thumbs up*

Also, I think the devs could have trimmed a few hours off due some of the sections being ridiculously tedious lol.

FYI: the "flashback" level was pretty awesome .

That Yellow Alien

That Yellow Alien

Given the current state of the video game industry, it is a miracle this game got made. The Alien franchise has been begging for a survival horror game that harkened back to its root, and Alien: Isolation delivers. Not only is it the best Alien game ever made by far, but it is a great game in itself.

This is the best use of the property since Alien 3. After being a joke for over a decade, the Alien is scary and threatening again. That alone is reason why this game deserves praise. I've had some truly intense encounters, particularly in survival mode, where the Alien legitimately toyed with me. It feels like a living creature.

The story is nothing special, but it is decent and restrained enough (no ridiculous Alien forms) that I have no problem accepting it into the lore. Speaking of which, the world building of this game is fantastic. The fall of Sevastapol is the most compelling aspect of the story. And unlike most Alien games, it actually expands on the world established in Alien. This future is beaten and run down by the greed of megacorps as they attempt to beat each other in the space race. It is a very realistic and believable world.

Not much needs to be said about the graphics and art style; they are amazing. But the sound design is what shines the most. Hearing the Alien scurry around the vents never stops making you tense.

As for the difficulty, I have to say that after hearing how hard this game supposedly was, I was surprised how easy it actually is, even on hard. It's not "easy" ( I died a lot) but it is by no means difficult to the point of impossibility; at no point did I have to backtrack too much. I'd say the difficulty was perfect. Are modern gamers so desensitized to challenge? And this is coming from a guy who doesn't like games that are too hard.

Also, at no point did I feel that the game went on for too long. If no one had pointed it out before I played it the thought wouldn't have crossed my mind.

The game is a little rough around the edges. Drop in frame rate happens sometimes, especially during cutscenes, and lip movement is comically limited. There are also some glitches here and there. But if being a little rough is what I have to deal with for an Alien game that looks this good, I'm willing to do it.

Alien: Isolation is the Alien game I've always wanted. It's got some issues, but it does so many things right that those issues are negligible in comparison. We've finally got a game that does right by the Alien franchise.



Just finished.

-Graphics, design, atmosphere, lighting, etc
-Amanda Ripley, like Jim Sterling said during his review, I would like to see her mythos explored more
-Tension, this was the first game I have played in a LONG time where I was seriously afraid to f**k up, the alien literally had me jump out of my seat multiple times
-Story, not the greatest, but certainly tied in very well

-Bugs, nothing that really affected gameplay, but minor stuff that should have not been present
-Frustrating at times, when its not downright scary
-Ending, abrupt, but left open to explore more, maybe through DLC or a sequel?

Hard to really hate this game, or even call it average. I can't see how anyone can give this game less than an 8.

8.5 out of 10

This is PRI. HUDSON, signing off.

Corporate Merc

Corporate Merc

Yea the "film grain" is just stupid in my opinion. I'm really impressed by the xbox one version the graphics are pretty good.



Wonder how sales are doing? Nothing out there, yet. I just wanna see it do well. SEGA and CA deserve it for this one.



I have mixed feelings with the game. It has awesome moments, but tedious ones too. It has an awesome IA (the Alien), but a terrible bad one too (humans), it has some unforgettable missions (10)...but some really poor too ( cant see the ship shape, no space trave get there, and you cant even said if is a ship or just a "Sevastopol little mix of rooms"...and you dont do much there).

I love the working joes, really, but the game uses them too much...even at the end, they become a tedious foe...coz you cant use emp or the stun against them. CA should make different type of joes...with different skills, that could help the game a lot.

They should use more Space Walks missions, the helmet view its amazing.

So, if CA can have the oportunity to make AI2 (and i hope so,.coz this is the best alien game by far), i have some advice for them:

--More enemie types (different androids, different humans...with different skills ans behaviour)
--Melee, i think it can be a lot better. Stealth kills agains humans...and more options agains working joes (more "qta" that you can win etc)
--Use a similar "alien ai" for human foes...just less agressive and lethal. Actually they are static, with poor animations, bad pathfinding , and they cant spot you a lot of times. Really CA...the ai for the reat of the enemies need a serious revision
--Hands and feet of will be amazin if they could be like in can see your hands if you are near a the floor etc..."inmersion"
--NPC animations, they need a push for sure above
--More varied objebtives...not just push botton A, go there and push botton B. Exept for the hacking device and the reprogram stuff, there are no puzzles, and thouse are really basic

Anyway, its a solid 8 out of 10 for me. And i really hope CA to make another Alien game



I'm not that far yet. Just into the part where you first have to sneak by the androids. I hadn't saved for a while so it wasn't worth it for me to try and fight them. Definitely had to use two medkits in between a couple mad dashes though. The stakes are pretty high in this game.

Also...the Alien killed me right after you first see it. Heard the door, I didn't have a motion tracker yet. Damn. Ruthless.



Quote from: Seegson on Oct 12, 2014, 08:16:49 PM
I have mixed feelings with the game. It has awesome moments, but tedious ones too. It has an awesome IA (the Alien), but a terrible bad one too (humans), it has some unforgettable missions (10)...but some really poor too ( cant see the ship shape, no space trave get there, and you cant even said if is a ship or just a "Sevastopol little mix of rooms"...and you dont do much there).

I love the working joes, really, but the game uses them too much...even at the end, they become a tedious foe...coz you cant use emp or the stun against them. CA should make different type of joes...with different skills, that could help the game a lot.

They should use more Space Walks missions, the helmet view its amazing.

So, if CA can have the oportunity to make AI2 (and i hope so,.coz this is the best alien game by far), i have some advice for them:

--More enemie types (different androids, different humans...with different skills ans behaviour)
--Melee, i think it can be a lot better. Stealth kills agains humans...and more options agains working joes (more "qta" that you can win etc)
--Use a similar "alien ai" for human foes...just less agressive and lethal. Actually they are static, with poor animations, bad pathfinding , and they cant spot you a lot of times. Really CA...the ai for the reat of the enemies need a serious revision
--Hands and feet of will be amazin if they could be like in can see your hands if you are near a the floor etc..."inmersion"
--NPC animations, they need a push for sure above
--More varied objebtives...not just push botton A, go there and push botton B. Exept for the hacking device and the reprogram stuff, there are no puzzles, and thouse are really basic

Anyway, its a solid 8 out of 10 for me. And i really hope CA to make another Alien game

The human AI annoyed me. They kept shooting at me with their "infinite" ammo. I was like, "come on, really?"

The bolt gun was my best friend for the androids at the end of the game. One shot to the dome, GRATATA.

Physics were wonky. My tosses of certain items either landed weird and bounced poorly, or missed their intended target.

I didn't give the game a 9 because it felt like there should have been some more polishing, but hey, companies patch their shit up after release now. I don't like it, but that is how it is done. I am sure CA will patch things up accordingly.



QuoteThe human AI annoyed me. They kept shooting at me with their "infinite" ammo. I was like, "come on, really?"

Gotta say the point where you have to deal with those three or four people in the multilevel room before the Alien comes was kind of annoying. It actually didn't come on my second try so the people were just standing in the way and there wasn't much I could do. I still don't really have the hang of the re-routing power controls. I haven't seen a noticeable difference if I enable speakers and I'm not sure what the unstable circuits represent. So I wasn't really able to distract them.

Their AI was honestly not all that impressive. They just stand there, they know someone's in the room because they're yelling, and they don't do anything. I'll have to keep an eye on this one and see. The worst thing about AvP3 was the human AI, also one of the worst things about ACM as well I thought.



Finished it last night, after a year of disappointing releases I was surprised that an Alien game blew me away.

In the era where there is on screen waypoints that direct you to everything it was pretty refreshing to get a game you can play at your own pace.  Provided you don't annoy the Big guy that is.

The Alien himself is amazing.  One second he's off doing his own thing then next thing you check the motion tracker and see his blip right around the corner, it can get pretty terrifying to say the least.  Props have to go to whoever did the kill animations, they aren't gruesome but seeing that maw of silver teeth just makes me want to look away instinctively.  This is my favourite rendition of the Alien to date.

The Working Joes deserve praise too, best android enemies in any game I can think of.  The menacing vibe they give off complements their helpful advice great.  Nothing better than being choked to death while being told that running is dangerous.

This game is amazing just for the atmosphere if nothing else, the designs are fit right in with Alien.  Just walking around the corridors was great to me throwing in the Alien was the icing on the cake.  Really liked all the posters and computer logs about Seegson and how people live out their lives, nice to see the Universe expand in a way you don't usually see. 

Amanda Ripley was alright as a character, obvious not much thought was given to her other than she needs to be like E.Ripley.  The ending was a bit disappointing due to the QTE, I'd have preferred something like the final objective in crew expendable.  Still it would be interesting to see what a sequel could be like.  The rest of the characters are forgettable for the most part.  Surprised by Samuels though, considering he's a W-Y android his arc had a surprising conclusion.

The soundtrack was great, creepy when it needed to be and got you pumped up when you needed to be.  Hope they release it for purchase.

All in all after decades of forgettable stuff Alien is back in the spotlight whether it stays there is up to Fox and Sega I guess. Even if there is never another game like this I'm glad the team at Creative Assembly had their shot and aced it.



Quote from: Hudson on Oct 12, 2014, 10:16:56 PM
QuoteThe human AI annoyed me. They kept shooting at me with their "infinite" ammo. I was like, "come on, really?"

Gotta say the point where you have to deal with those three or four people in the multilevel room before the Alien comes was kind of annoying. It actually didn't come on my second try so the people were just standing in the way and there wasn't much I could do. I still don't really have the hang of the re-routing power controls. I haven't seen a noticeable difference if I enable speakers and I'm not sure what the unstable circuits represent. So I wasn't really able to distract them.

Their AI was honestly not all that impressive. They just stand there, they know someone's in the room because they're yelling, and they don't do anything. I'll have to keep an eye on this one and see. The worst thing about AvP3 was the human AI, also one of the worst things about ACM as well I thought.

Glad you finially got your game.

The speaker systems do make a noise but it's not always immediate and it does cause a distraction. I'm sure the unstable circuits do too but I'm still experimenting with that myself.



I finished the game on Friday, after roughly twenty hours. I genuinely loved it. I can see why it felt tedious in places to some, but I perversely liked that - it was a real twenty hours in that situation. Not a game, as much as a simulator. I never felt my hand being held, or any kind of real empowerment, just a constant struggle. Which is exactly what the first film was, and exactly what CA set out to deliver, so credit to them.

Further applause to them for keeping the
Hive, multiple aliens and trip to the Derelict so well hidden in previews
. Once the first of those cropped up, I could believe I wasn't quite on the ride I was expecting.

Look, I was born in 1978, I grew up on the Speccy Aliens game and Giger-esque levels of Turrican 2 - I can't say how it fares in terms of revolutionary gameplay, per se. Perhaps there are some played out mechanics in there, I just don't know (although I'm happy to defend the 'hiding behind a table to escape the creature' thing, as if it were really accurate, you'd just be dead. Ripley survived the Nostromo by chance, Hadley's Hope because there were some very big guns there. The only thing that kept it away on Fiorina was that she was hosting and then she died! It's a short hand for evasion and stealth that everyone ought to be able to implicitly understand, and it completely suits the experience. Anyway, Newt managed it for long enough...). From a strictly casual game player point of view, I found it exactly what I always wanted from an Alien title. The first time the creature showed up, I realised the exhilaration I was feeling was the same as when I first saw Aliens on television, and that's all I've wanted from this franchise since, so thank you CA, and I genuinely hope you are able to make further games in this series in future. I would be back in a heartbeat.

I can think of no better recommendation than the fact that I am already playing it again.

10 out of an utterly biased and completely unashamed 10.



Just completed it and wow. has got to be the Best alien game ever... review over 10/10  ;D

Le Celticant

Le Celticant

Okay, time for a small review, I'm not going to highlight again what you guys said about graphics, environment, fidelity to the first film and all this kind of things we know to be true.

Let me tell you that I've finished twice the game, first time in Hard mod, second time in Easy mod.
First playthrough was to actually play the game and be challenged.
Second playthrough was to discover all the thing I may have missed the first time.

In all honesty, I liked the game quite a lot the first time I played it.
I thought Creative Assembly deserved an award from the community.
But then something bothered me: My second playthrough was boring.
Frankly, there's not much to explore in this game and nothing does change the principal storyline.
There are no alternative paths, no way to skip a level, and the extras you get aren't that much rewarding.

It comes to me now that this game has no Replay value at all.
It's a fine game, but once you're done with it, you're done for at least a decade.

I think Creative Assembly forgot to push the limit of the single player experience.
There are many great game out there that feels very satisfying when you finish them (I just think for example of Mass Effect?)
Not only because they have a great story (which A:I lack in my opinion) but because each playthrough is totally unique (and I'm not speaking of the enemy position).
The ending was the ultimate letdown, when you spend so much energy and time into an adventure and you get rewarded with an ending that is flat, predictable and that comes brutally like this you just stare at the screen for a second and then decides to leave the computer like nothing happened.

I feel sad that despite the fact the developers claimed their NPC alien isn't scripted, the story is.
Imagine a game where you could choose not to help Axel and instead meet the guy of the elevator just after who decides to help you in the adventure.
I was completely non involved in anything that was happening to the point that I always completely forget why the hell am I here? Ok I must disable security lockdown, but before I must give the power back online, oh! but there's an obstruction I have to find another way and... OH YES! The trauma health KIT! That's what I was searching for the last 20 minutes, I completely forgot about it.

Seriously, there are perhaps 4 objectives in the entire game that has 99999999999999999999 sub-objectives each which all ask you to do the same goddamn thing.

I'm also pissed that there are 0 possibilities of involvement into a conversation.
You just see people around, who talk to you because they are programmed to and when it's done, it's done, they won't talk to you at all. That's weird considering there's perhaps only 7 cut-scenes that involve characters interacting with each others.
If you don't give us the possibility to dialogue, give us at least more cut scene to understand a bit more rather than going through all the computer notes that totally sucks because it's unpractical and most of the time uninspired.

I also would have said a 1000 things about the gameplay mechanic but let it rest for now.

In the end I can't say it's a bad game, it's just feels really good to play it once and then you can throw it out of the window.

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