Inside the Members Studio

Started by Aeus, May 30, 2011, 07:06:54 PM

Inside the Members Studio (Read 170,117 times)



Someone must top my origin story.

First Blood

First Blood

Quote from: MudButt on Feb 01, 2012, 06:44:15 PM
Someone must top my origin story.

Sadly mine will not.


First Blood

First Blood

Yeah, about a day ago and sent them back to Doom. :)



Good. Good.





Good evening boys and girls and welcome to another edition of Inside the Members Studio. Tonight our special guest is that one we always hit first in deathmatches, First Blood!!!!!!!

First, let's begin with the obvious. Which is your favourite film of the franchises and why?

It has to be A L I E N, besides the fantastic atmosphere that Ridley Scott and H. R. Giger set up, it has an amazing cast. My favorite cast out of both franchises really. I found that I didn't dislike any of them, and that I was able to relate to each character in a different way. But I find myself appreciating Alien 3 and what it tried to accomplish. I am drawn to its nihilistic look and religious subtext.

Give us some insight into the man behind the username. In other words, 'who are you and what do you do?'

My name is Michael and I am 22 years old. I have one older brother, and during the winter I am un-employed. Come spring I'll start my summer job at the zoo in membership sales, guest services and when needed, occasionally help out with the animals when they need assistance. It's nice because I am mostly outside 80% of the time and it's not a bad way to spend summer. I am also currently perusing a teaching degree for elementary education, and it's been interesting to say the least. In my spare time I enjoy watching movies, reading novels, comics books, hanging out with friends and last but not least visiting Galaxy.

How did you come up with your username?

It's the title of the 1972 novel and the 1982 movie First Blood based on the character of John Rambo. I really liked both pieces and the characterization of Rambo is incredibly different in the novel than in the movie, but they both carry the same message about how war can affect people's lives and the emotional trauma it causes.

Has your love of this franchise influenced you in anyway?

No, not really. If anything I've grown more appreciative for these films as time goes on and the fact that I keep coming back to Galaxy and chatting with people.

We're all here due to our appreciation of these franchises. What about them keeps you interested after all these years of fandom?

The characters are fun, intriguing and relatable. The stories being told invoke an emotional response in me to care for what's being shown on screen.

What are your thoughts on how the series has developed over the years?

Both franchises started off strong but as time went on, it seemed less about good story telling and more about making money. Although I do take comfort in the fact that there's still people in Hollywood who have a vested interest in these franchises and are attempting to restore them to what they once were. Hopefully Ridley Scott's Prometheus is the film Alien fans have been waiting for.

What is it about the AvP Galaxy community that you enjoy the most?

The diversity and its members. It makes it so interesting. There are threads that are a ball to participate in, and then there are your crazy Alien-Predator conspiracy threads, and if you sift through enough bullshit you can find some really intelligent discussions on both franchises.

If you could change or add one thing to AvP Galaxy, what would it be?

I don't know, sometimes people can be too cynical or negative about something or they'll bash something before even experiencing it, or trying it for themselves.

Who is your favourite board member and why?

This is tough; this site is filled with amazing people who keep the site fun, interesting and active like a well oiled machine. But if I were to pick one it would have to be Laufey. He's always updating the site with relevant news and information, but besides that he's incredibly fun and nice to chat with on the boards. We seem to share a lot of the same interests in movies, television, comic books as well as other various pop cultural areas and I really respect his opinion on stuff.

What is your favourite curse word?


It's short and simple, and rolls off the tongue. No pun intended of course.

If Heaven exists, what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

Tell me friend, have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moon light?

Ridley Scott's Prometheus is set to be the latest installment to the franchise. What are your feelings towards the film and the direction they're taking with it?

Before, I wasn't really all that into it. Sure, I was following the news that would trickle into the site, but once that teaser trailer hit my interest in the film shot up greatly. I am really looking forward to seeing the enigma that is the Space Jockey answered. And lastly I look forward to seeing both Rapace and Fassbender do their thing. Both very talented actors who I enjoy watching.

Do you feel AvP is a wasted concept? If so, what could be improved?

Yes I do. Both AvP films felt wasted to me. I would improve the characters. Make characters that are interesting and relatable rather than cannon fodder. Then have a good story to follow.



Quote from: DoomRulz on Feb 02, 2012, 12:11:00 AMCome spring I'll start my summer job at the zoo in membership sales, guest services and when needed, occasionally help out with the animals when they need assistance.
Remember to treat the apes nicely.

Quote from: DoomRulz on Feb 02, 2012, 12:11:00 AMWho is your favourite board member and why?

This is tough; this site is filled with amazing people who keep the site fun, interesting and active like a well oiled machine. But if I were to pick one it would have to be Laufey. He's always updating the site with relevant news and information, but besides that he's incredibly fun and nice to chat with on the boards. We seem to share a lot of the same interests in movies, television, comic books as well as other various pop cultural areas and I really respect his opinion on stuff.

Thanks, man. That really means a lot. Always nice having a chat with you as well. :)

Quote from: DoomRulz on Feb 02, 2012, 12:11:00 AMIf Heaven exists, what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

Tell me friend, have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moon light?

If Morgan Freeman is the friendly God, Jack Nicholson must be the twisted, old mean one.

First Blood

First Blood

Quote from: Laufey on Feb 02, 2012, 12:25:06 AM
Quote from: DoomRulz on Feb 02, 2012, 12:11:00 AMCome spring I'll start my summer job at the zoo in membership sales, guest services and when needed, occasionally help out with the animals when they need assistance.

Remember to treat the apes nicely.

I do, it's only when they let Gorilla Grodd loose, then I am f**ked.

Quote from: Laufey on Feb 02, 2012, 12:25:06 AM
Quote from: DoomRulz on Feb 02, 2012, 12:11:00 AMIf Heaven exists, what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

Tell me friend, have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moon light?

If Morgan Freeman is the friendly God, Jack Nicholson must be the twisted, old mean one.

You know it. 8)




First Blood, do not worry about trying to overcome the standard I set for origin stories, in my eyes you are a brave and fierce warrior. I salute you my brutha.

Great interview as well!



Once again great insight into one of our most beloved contributors.
Well done First Blood. Even Siskel and Ebert have to give you a thumbs up.




Good morning ladies and germs and welcome our 2nd edition of Inside the Members Studio for February. Today on tap, we have the infamous Nightmare Asylum and he has quite the origin story. Enjoy!!


First, let's begin with the obvious. Which is your favourite film of the franchises and why?

Without a doubt, the very first Alien movie. It was the first movie in the series that I had seen (all the way back in the distant year of 2007), and had me captivated right from the beginning. I love the eeriness and creepiness of the the film, the excellent characters, writing, and directing, and probably most importantly, the iconic Alien itself. In this first movie, the Alien was a true force to be reckoned with, the perfect organism, as Ash so perfectly phrased it. This is probably the only movie that I watch that makes me get chills down my spine every single time I view the movie, especially during the scene where Ripley discovers the remains of Parker and Lambert. The atomsphere is excellent.

Give us some insight into the man behind the username. In other words, 'who are you and what do you do?'

I don't really know what to say here that isn't already known about myself. I'm pretty much your average guy. I love hanging out with my friends, watching movies, listening to music, and just kicking back and relaxing when I get the chance. I'm very interested in writing and film (I would absolutely love to have a career in either of those two fields in the future). Writing is something that I consider myself to be good at, as is speaking in front of crowds (for presentations and such). I'm also very interested in design, woodworking/construction, and even robotics. Some hobbies of mine include editing video (be it clips for montages on youtube or videos of my friends and I), attempting to learn guitar (really hoping that I end up doing so, and soon), playing the occasional video game, and talking to you guys over here on Galaxy!

How did you come up with your username?

At the time I joined the stie, I was reading through the trilogy of Aliens novels (Earth Hive, Nightmare Asylum, and The Female War). If I recall correctly, I was about halfway done with the third one. Anyways, I remember that I really enjoyed reading Nightmare Asylum, so I just rolled with it. And I have to say,  I quite like the way it sounds, even if I don't think it fits all too well with my personality (then again, who knows how many people I've gven nightmares to).

Has your love of this franchise influenced you in anyway?

Influenced me? Well, in a way, I think it has. I have loved movies all my life, but it wasn't until really getting into this franchise and joining the site that I became a real movie buff. It is through Alien and Predator (and you guys) that I learned a lot about movies and filmmaking that I probably wouldn't have learned otherwise. 

We're all here due to our appreciation of these franchises. What about them keeps you interested after all these years of fandom?

I think its the ammount of depth that the films have to them. Five years and countless rewatches after my initial introduction to Alien, I still feel that these movies have more to offer every single time I watch them. The great characters, creatures, and mysteries of the films keep me intrigued and always thinking about just what the future of the franchises can have in store.

What are your thoughts on how the series has developed over the years?

If I said that the movies got better over the years, I would certainly be lying. That being said, apart from AVPR, there aren't really any movies in the series that I particuarly dislike. Alien is excellent, and one of my favorite movies ever made. I found Aliens to be just as good and an extremely worthy followup (despite me preferring the first film overall). Alien 3 and Resurrection, while not bad films, left a bit to be desired. I loved Predator, and consider it to beone of my favorite action movies ever. The second one, like Alien 3 and Resurrection, wasn't bad, but wasn't as good as it could have been. I felt that Predators was a step up from Predator, but still not as good as the first movie. Predators certainly had an interesting premise that I wouldn't mind seeing explored in future films. The first AVP, despite being very enjoyable, certainly can not hold a candle to its better made predecessors. AVPR can't even hold a candle at all. Well, maybe it tried to, but it was just too dark, and it couldn't find the match to light it.

What is it about the AvP Galaxy community that you enjoy the most?

it is without a doubt the people. No where else on the internet (or in person, for that matter) have a met a group of people so diverse and strongly opinionated, yet easygoing and friendly at the same time. I share a lot of the same interests with you guys, and you always make for some really enjoyable conversations. Its a lot of fun visiting the site and chatting with all of you.

If you could change or add one thing to AvP Galaxy, what would it be?

Honestly, there's nothing that really comes to mind at the moment. I really like it here the way it is. Sure, there's the occasional heated debate, but such is life, and I feel that the mods do a great job taking care of the site and making it feel like a very friendly place.

Who is your favourite board member and why?

Oh man, this really is a tough one. This is going to seem like a cop out (probably because it is) but I'm really torn between two: OmegaZilla and Laufey. They are probably two of the coolest people to talk to on here. Both are very nice and easygoing, and always have something worthwile to add to a conversation. We share a lot of the same interests, and both have introduced me to a lot of new things that I wouldn't have seen otherwise! Honorable mentions go to Sweeps, Marines, Monolith, and all the other great people over here on Galaxy!

What is your favourite curse word?

Haha, sometimes I feel like I'm the only person left in the world that actually tries not to swear. Don't think I'd really be able to answer this one, unless "gorram" counts. All you Browncoats reading this will know where that's from.

If Heaven exists, what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

"Not to worry, my perimeter is completely Graboid proof."

Ridley Scott's Prometheus is set to be the lastest installment to the franchise. What are your feelings towards the film and the direction they're taking with it?

I'm vey, very excited. Definitely my most anticipated movie of the year, that's for sure. I'm glad that the series is back in Ridley's hands, and I'm very anxious to see what he does with it. I'm expecting it do go in directions that I haven't even thought of beofre. The concept of the Space jockey Being a "suit" is already something that I could not have guessed in a million years. And then there's the mysterious giant head... Yeah, there are lots of things to be excited about!

Do you feel AvP is a wasted concept? If so, what could be improved?

Kind of, yeah. Like I said before, I find the first AVP to be enjoyable, and I watch it from time to time, but I wasn't very fond of the second one. The movies had the potential to be so much more, and yet somehow I feel like, no matter what direction they are taken in, they will never live up to people's expectations. At this point, I'm rather indifferent about a third one. If it comes out, I'll see it, but I won't be too troubled if it doesn't happen. All my Alien related hype belongs to Prometheus right now, anyways.



So where do I apply for being interviewed? I'm really enjoying dem interviews.



Nightmare Asylum is interviewed and there's not a single question on Tremors?

:laugh: Either way, grrrrreat interview.

Quote from: DoomRulz on Feb 02, 2012, 02:29:40 PMOh man, this really is a tough one. This is going to seem like a cop out (probably because it is) but I'm really torn between two: OmegaZilla and Laufey. They are probably two of the coolest people to talk to on here. Both are very nice and easygoing, and always have something worthwile to add to a conversation. We share a lot of the same interests, and both have introduced me to a lot of new things that I wouldn't have seen otherwise!

Quote from: DoomRulz on Feb 02, 2012, 02:29:40 PM
If Heaven exists, what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

"Not to worry, my perimeter is completely Graboid proof."
:laugh: Now this, this had me in spasms, almost.

First Blood

First Blood

Great interview Nightmare! :)

If Heaven exists, what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

"Not to worry, my perimeter is completely Graboid proof."


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