RS confirms Ships name, Space Jockey, and Chariots of the Gods/Harvest-like tale

Started by CainsSon, Jun 29, 2011, 04:45:34 AM

RS confirms Ships name, Space Jockey, and Chariots of the Gods/Harvest-like tale (Read 25,417 times)



I enjoy Von Daniken's early speculations as naive as some might be, it's almost like a form of surrealism and an exploration of all the associations he could make from readings, misreadings and mis-memories of what he read but couldn't get to his book. I like the work that he has done recently as well to try to push a stronger argument about his point of view. It was all interesting stuff back in the 1970s, I never read the book Chariot of the Gods until the  later 1980s, but had been interested in the concept of ancient astronauts the amphibious Nommo that came from Sirius B which I read about in The Unexplained magazines in the 1970s and a book by Robert Temple had been written about it, and the Nommo may well have been connected with the Telchines from Greek Mythology.

I liked the way that Ridley had been talking about the Von Daniken related ideas in the Alien Laserdisc interview and have wanted to know more for the last couple of decades, no one seemed to be able to ask him questions about the matter. I ought to be interested in this film.


Quote from: zuzuki on Jun 30, 2011, 01:02:15 PM
Quote from: CainsSon on Jun 30, 2011, 02:29:52 AM
Quote from: 180924609 on Jun 29, 2011, 11:00:49 PM

All I can do in response to this question is restate.
In Harvest, the Space Jockey's are terraforming a planet that it is insinuated is Earth, and the android-hybrid character is the same person in both timelines.

That is not nothing. Time Dilation is also in Harvest, the cast is similar in gender and size, as is the Space Jockey, and the Derelict, and geez. No one is saying anything is certain. It's just a possibility. If you want to ignore the possibility, go right ahead. But I dont see any reason to. Its not a matter of like or dislike, if the possibility is reinstated, so why get so bothered by it?

the terraformed world in alien:harvest is never insinuated to be earth.the 2 humans are captured from earth space vessels and taken to that planet for manual labor.also there isn't any android in that story,not on the planet.the space jockeys are manipulating via mind control humans not androids.

also what happens on that planet happens before the space chase between the humans and the alien ship.on the planetthat last captured human uses that substance thing to tag the ship so that it can be tracked in space.

you got to read to script again..

oh and hi this is my first post. i followed a few times this forum but now with prometheus coming i think i will visit it more often

There is a human-android hybrid or cyborg in both stories that is described as being identical. It is hinted that Time Dilation may have reversed the order of the two stories and created a loop. So yes it happens before, but in a series of events the planet story also happens after for the Android hybrid, possibly. Its heavey-handed but still somehwat ambiguous. Read it again if you like. Those are the same people. There are clues to it. For instance at the beginning, the slave says to the hybird "Im surprised the pirates didn't pick you up (in escape pod)" and he responds "You'd have to ask them about that" Insinuating that the SJ the Arrowhead....Oh Im not explaining this anymore. Read it again, if you didnt catch this stuff. It's meant to be esoteric.


Good discussion, but I'm a bit behind here.  Anybody have a link to this Alien: Harvest script?  On another note, reading Shadow 19, and I'm very impressed.  Hopefully thats good news for Prometheus.


Shadow 19 excerpt:

QuoteAs the view shifts, the ship's immensity becomes apparent.
Construction ships swarm over it like ants.


VANCE (awed): Nothing's that big.

The elderly Scientist Larson grins.

LARSON: Prometheus is. Half a kilometer across, with a mass of seventy
million tons. And history's biggest gravity drive running through its core. It's a magnificent monster. Marbeck indulges Larson with a smile of real affection.

DIRECTOR MARBECK: And the greatest secret ever kept.

VANCE: How many people aboard?

DIRECTOR MARBECK: None. The Prometheus has no passenger compartments, no cockpit. It's a super-intelligent machine designed to transform Erix into a new Earth.

VANCE: A terraforming ship.





It seems like they are just giving us info that we already know. I just want to see the Xeno's designs and see how they will look like.


Quote from: JaaayDee on Jun 30, 2011, 06:14:31 PM
Quoteancient aliens

Lmao of all the people on the show, I definitely wouldn't have picked this guy if credibility is what you're going for.  What the hell is up with that hair/face?  Did he just get electrocuted?

I get the terraforming thing now, but it just makes me think of Titan A.E. :D  (Not to mention a truckload of other stories, as the idea is a pretty established convention in sci-fi by now.)

In the bigger picture, I hope the ship itself isn't the main focus of the movie.  I don't think it will be though, I just hope it's kind of background for the Jockeys.



(1) "In Harvest, the Space Jockey's are terraforming a planet that it is insinuated is Earth, and the android-hybrid character is the same person in both timelines. That is not nothing."

>> What?! The un-named planet in AH is a totally remote planet, very far away from Earth! Also, the next planet where 'The Growers' intend to unleash their 'ant aliens' is 'Gleise 777' ie NOT Earth. Also, the whole Gunny/Karik thing is never fully resolved bar that single line about their haircuts - seriously! Which says to me that the author totally abondoned that plotline - AMATEUR!

(2) "Time Dilation is also in Harvest."

>> Time dilation is a consequentce of traveling very fast, and is a very real phenomenon. Most movies never touch on the subject. If memory serves me well though, the original Planet of the Apes movie (The Charlton Heston one) RELIES on it! So far, time dilation does not appear to be a factor of any consequence for Prometheus. Also, dont confuse time dilation with 'time travel into the past'.

(3) "the cast is similar in gender and size"
>> clutching at straws...

(4) "as is the Space Jockey, and the Derelict"
>> The ONLY other way a FRESH alien story COULD GO. Everybody knows this.

(5) "No one is saying anything is certain. It's just a possibility."
>> Yeah - thats why all of your posts contain the word 'Harvest'.


In your defence...

The MOST INTRIGUING part of AH is the 'primordial aliens' concept and the fact that the 'ant aliens' are naively existing in some kind of 'latent hell' mode. That is the only part of AH that could have potentially spawned the movie that we will see in Prometheus.



Quote from: 180924609 on Jul 03, 2011, 05:55:37 PM

(1) "In Harvest, the Space Jockey's are terraforming a planet that it is insinuated is Earth, and the android-hybrid character is the same person in both timelines. That is not nothing."

>> What?! The un-named planet in AH is a totally remote planet, very far away from Earth! Also, the next planet where 'The Growers' intend to unleash their 'ant aliens' is 'Gleise 777' ie NOT Earth. Also, the whole Gunny/Karik thing is never fully resolved bar that single line about their haircuts - seriously! Which says to me that the author totally abondoned that plotline - AMATEUR!

(2) "Time Dilation is also in Harvest."

>> Time dilation is a consequentce of traveling very fast, and is a very real phenomenon. Most movies never touch on the subject. If memory serves me well though, the original Planet of the Apes movie (The Charlton Heston one) RELIES on it! So far, time dilation does not appear to be a factor of any consequence for Prometheus. Also, dont confuse time dilation with 'time travel into the past'.

(3) "the cast is similar in gender and size"
>> clutching at straws...

(4) "as is the Space Jockey, and the Derelict"
>> The ONLY other way a FRESH alien story COULD GO. Everybody knows this.

(5) "No one is saying anything is certain. It's just a possibility."
>> Yeah - thats why all of your posts contain the word 'Harvest'.


In your defence...

The MOST INTRIGUING part of AH is the 'primordial aliens' concept and the fact that the 'ant aliens' are naively existing in some kind of 'latent hell' mode. That is the only part of AH that could have potentially spawned the movie that we will see in Prometheus.

Yeah, I dont need your defence. Ive worked in the writing dept on several Hollywood films and that script is properly formatted. It's not fan fic. Im not gonna waste my time proving that. I dont particularly care how misunderstood I am on this AVP message board, but thanks I guess.

A more well trained eye realizes that all of that information is given to you by an unreliable, even crazy character that is motivated by a desire to exist on that planet without threat. It is unreliable. He doesn't know where he is. You need to read it again dude. Nothing is what it seems, you are taking it too much on face value. My posts include HARVEST often, because I really liked the direction it took. I would be really surprised and I do not think what we will see will be HARVEST. I've said that countless times. I suspect if anything it was an early draft. EARLY, as in rewritten many times and hopefully elaborated upon, if so. But certainly written by someone who knew the hows and why of industry level script writing.

FYI Ridley Scott himself mentioned that TIME DILATION was a major factor in the script several times,...several.

I find it hard to believe that you could have read that script without noticing the ambiguity throughout. HARVEST is loaded with it. Nearly every scene in that script is riddled in ambiguity. Even the infamous rape scene.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

I can write a properly formatted script. As can many people. You ever heard of a online thing called virtual TV? Or virtual series? It's all fiction written and released in script format. And a lot of it's good too. And a lot of it is based on existing IPs.

Just because Harvest looked right, doesn't mean it is legit. SiL has written a better AvP script and that looked bang on too. Doesn't make it real.

And I sent Harvest to a script reviewer who had read and analyzed some of Spaiht's over work and said it felt nothing like his style. So I seriously doubt it'll be a while until we find out the truth.



Quote from: RagingDragon on Jun 30, 2011, 04:12:01 PM
Good discussion, but I'm a bit behind here.  Anybody have a link to this Alien: Harvest script?  On another note, reading Shadow 19, and I'm very impressed.  Hopefully thats good news for Prometheus.

Alien Harvest

To be honest I always thought Alien Harvest was originally a fan script, I know it's been a novel for some time... maybe I'm just confused with something else  :)



Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jul 03, 2011, 06:53:28 PM
I can write a properly formatted script. As can many people. You ever heard of a online thing called virtual TV? Or virtual series? It's all fiction written and released in script format. And a lot of it's good too. And a lot of it is based on existing IPs.

Just because Harvest looked right, doesn't mean it is legit. SiL has written a better AvP script and that looked bang on too. Doesn't make it real.

And I sent Harvest to a script reviewer who had read and analyzed some of Spaiht's over work and said it felt nothing like his style. So I seriously doubt it'll be a while until we find out the truth.

I'm not referring to style and I'm certainly not just referring format. A program can properly format a script for anyone, as could any paid third party.

I know I'm wasting my time here, but does NOBODY see the words IF and the shred of doubt in all my posts? Or is it just a deep need to discredit me? I just don't get it. Why should anyone give a damn if I like or promote this script? I'm certainly not the only person giving it credit out there. That alone makes it a viable topic; for this site. Or doesn't it?

That script does not have to be real for me to think it's credible, and for the 9,000 time, I don't think what we see will be anything like it...Even if I'd LIKE it to. My personal taste has nothing to do with its existence. I didn't write it. I didn't even like it, at first.

But I stand by my professional experience and have yet to hear any solid argument that makes it impossible or implausible. Including this one. The fact that someone 'could have' isn't what I was countering. I was countering those who say it looks like fan fic. Even if people make online shows and write those properly...That is not the case here. No one is going to try and make ALIEN HARVEST and online show.

Look at the very first ACTION in HARVEST as compared to SHADOW 19:


Wide sky tinted mauve. Below are rolling hills, mustard hued and speckled golden.


Saturn swims against the stars, its rings slicing the night. DIONE, a pale moon, looms in the foreground.

First, the timbre is identical. Even the amount of syllables he uses is quite similar. The sentences are equally as descriptive as they are vague. Lastly, and most importantly, there is little to NO DIRECTION. He doesn't describe moods, performances or tonality, unless he has to, for the purposes of the plot. He simply states what is happening leaving out all subtle hints and cues, and he does so with similar style,.. This is also why I think people missed a lot of whats going on in the text.

But this is also the MOST obvious thing about the script that tells me the author gets paid since in the industry, this is a major issue they take with spec scripts. Professional script writers know how to leave space, and write a skeleton and to do so they develop a particular formula.

You get to know this when you work as a script reader. Amatuers and people who are writing scripts for themselves to direct
do not know how to keep direction out of a script. in some cases they don't on purpose. I know this might sound frivalous but thats not the case. This is a very annoying part of the industry and it's a reason why people like me have to read and re-read the writers works. Anyone working in a writing dept has to scrutinize over this type of thing, and this is written by
somebody who knows how to do that. The author of HARVEST knew he was writing this for someone else to direct, but also
was no stranger to writing scripts.

Aside from that even if it was FAN-FIC I would still support it fully as the right direction for a prequel to alien, despite needing a great deal of adjustments. That's just my opinion.

How many people still talk about ALIEN PLANET? Or the nixed scripts for ALIEN 3? This is no different and I just cant see what the prejudice surrounding this particular mystery is, when compared to others. I just don't get it.

Furthermore, as I've been saying, anyone who thinks it isn't a mystery is in denial I dont choose t be in. It's still on the table until it isnt and even then I will continue to compare it, as will others to whatever we end up with, because people like it.

Im also aware that Im only responding to the combatitive questioning of others, by getting into any depth here to begin with, which I think is quite considerate of me.  ;)


In the meantime, there are some pretty badass leaked set photos, Im way more interested in.

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