Fan Reviews

Started by ikarop, Feb 07, 2013, 03:27:34 PM

Fan Reviews (Read 226,156 times)



Quote from: DiabloGuapo on Feb 08, 2013, 03:28:22 AM
Based on the videos that I've seen, I like it and I'm still looking forward to playing it. Is it perfect? No, but it still looks fun. It looks no worse than AvP2010, and believe it or not, I like that game. Hammy dialoge, so what. It's no worse than any other FPS. The graphics look fine to me, then again I'm not too picky. Sure, the Alien AI could be more stealthy and acid could do more damage, but the game has to be playable. Could you imagine trying to survive a xenomorph encounter if they were like the ones from the movies? You'll never be able to get pass the first level. I think everyone set their expectations too high and are being too hard on it. I know it's been hyped up about being a "canon" game, but remember that it's a game first and foremost. I think fans would find something to complain about regardless of what's in it. Remember, it's just a game, have fun with it.

That's my thing. If it's fun and brings me back for more than I am okay with it. I mean, I will be satisfied, not happy, as long as ACM is better overall than AVP 2010. Which should not be hard to do.

Corporate Merc

Corporate Merc

Quote from: PRI. HUDSON on Feb 08, 2013, 03:39:41 AM
Quote from: DiabloGuapo on Feb 08, 2013, 03:28:22 AM
Based on the videos that I've seen, I like it and I'm still looking forward to playing it. Is it perfect? No, but it still looks fun. It looks no worse than AvP2010, and believe it or not, I like that game. Hammy dialoge, so what. It's no worse than any other FPS. The graphics look fine to me, then again I'm not too picky. Sure, the Alien AI could be more stealthy and acid could do more damage, but the game has to be playable. Could you imagine trying to survive a xenomorph encounter if they were like the ones from the movies? You'll never be able to get pass the first level. I think everyone set their expectations too high and are being too hard on it. I know it's been hyped up about being a "canon" game, but remember that it's a game first and foremost. I think fans would find something to complain about regardless of what's in it. Remember, it's just a game, have fun with it.

That's my thing. If it's fun and brings me back for more than I am okay with it. I mean, I will be satisfied, not happy, as long as ACM is better overall than AVP 2010. Which should not be hard to do.

F@#king right, have fun man everyone is tearing this game a new asshole. Im right there with ya, im actually digging the vids Ive seen so far cant wait.



In all fairness, Gearbox does make some fun games. Even if it fails on strictly 'Aliens' levels for me, there's still a lot to like about it. At least it looks like they have a decent enough amount of content and some effort went into it.

AvP2010 really felt kind of limited. At least we've got the major functions of most games here, such as ducking. :laugh: I think I'll have some love/hate things about the game similar to how I felt about Prometheus. Too early to tell the final verdict yet, but this dog alien news really has my nipples at attention......

Bug Hunt could be a blast to, and for that price they have to include at least 4 maps.



Quote from: Corporate Merc on Feb 08, 2013, 04:21:08 AM
Quote from: PRI. HUDSON on Feb 08, 2013, 03:39:41 AM
Quote from: DiabloGuapo on Feb 08, 2013, 03:28:22 AM
Based on the videos that I've seen, I like it and I'm still looking forward to playing it. Is it perfect? No, but it still looks fun. It looks no worse than AvP2010, and believe it or not, I like that game. Hammy dialoge, so what. It's no worse than any other FPS. The graphics look fine to me, then again I'm not too picky. Sure, the Alien AI could be more stealthy and acid could do more damage, but the game has to be playable. Could you imagine trying to survive a xenomorph encounter if they were like the ones from the movies? You'll never be able to get pass the first level. I think everyone set their expectations too high and are being too hard on it. I know it's been hyped up about being a "canon" game, but remember that it's a game first and foremost. I think fans would find something to complain about regardless of what's in it. Remember, it's just a game, have fun with it.

That's my thing. If it's fun and brings me back for more than I am okay with it. I mean, I will be satisfied, not happy, as long as ACM is better overall than AVP 2010. Which should not be hard to do.

F@#king right, have fun man everyone is tearing this game a new asshole. Im right there with ya, im actually digging the vids Ive seen so far cant wait.

I mean, it's one thing to have high hopes but it almost seems like people here want a GOTY type game. End of the day I just want a game that is solid. I think ACM will be decent enough for me.

If another AVP or Aliens game comes out though I would hope SEGA gets a top-notch developer. I think 343 or Bungie would do wonders with this kind of series.



Quote from: PRI. HUDSON on Feb 08, 2013, 04:31:39 AM
I mean, it's one thing to have high hopes but it almost seems like people here want a GOTY type game. End of the day I just want a game that is solid. I think ACM will be decent enough for me.

If another AVP or Aliens game comes out though I would hope SEGA gets a top-notch developer. I think 343 or Bungie would do wonders with this kind of series.

It's like, whenever someone has anything negative to say, there seem to be two or three people around who feel compelled to completely marginalize critical opinions. No. It isn't that people have any super high standards. It's what Gearbox is saying. If you can shrug off a developers own words and say "I don't care that they lie to my face. I just want a fun experience." That's on you. Don't postulate that other people just like to tear things apart. We don't.



Quote from: OpenMaw on Feb 08, 2013, 04:40:25 AM
Quote from: PRI. HUDSON on Feb 08, 2013, 04:31:39 AM
I mean, it's one thing to have high hopes but it almost seems like people here want a GOTY type game. End of the day I just want a game that is solid. I think ACM will be decent enough for me.

If another AVP or Aliens game comes out though I would hope SEGA gets a top-notch developer. I think 343 or Bungie would do wonders with this kind of series.

It's like, whenever someone has anything negative to say, there seem to be two or three people around who feel compelled to completely marginalize critical opinions. No. It isn't that people have any super high standards. It's what Gearbox is saying. If you can shrug off a developers own words and say "I don't care that they lie to my face. I just want a fun experience." That's on you. Don't postulate that other people just like to tear things apart. We don't.

Developers always say stuff like GBX does. Just like boxing promoters promise the best fight of all-time.



Quote from: PRI. HUDSON on Feb 08, 2013, 04:54:01 AM
Developers always say stuff like GBX does. Just like boxing promoters promise the best fight of all-time.

...That's a bunch of crap. When they flat out lie about a feature, or intentionally mislead the audience, or promise absolute accuracy, they deserve absolute scrutiny.



I try my best to always take what developers say with a grain of salt, because you never know if they're lying, or just getting way too overexcited about the game they are making and promise too much. I learned quickly to ignore what Peter Molynuex said about his games, and just play the games for what they were. And It's the same with this game. I haven't been listening to much of the "authentic" crap that Gearbox has been spewing, because to me it doesn't matter. If the game plays well, and I'm having fun, then I feel like my money was well spent.

Honestly, I hope the game does well. Because I would love to see what Gearbox could do with a stand alone sequel. Granted, they would actually have to learn some big lessons from this game. But I think they could. They fixed a lot fo the problems I had with Borderlands when making Borderlands 2, and BL2 went on to be one of my favorite games last year.



My first impressions after playing six chapters (X360):

  • Ultimate Badass mode is the only way to play it. The aliens are actually semi threatening at this difficulty and the WY mercs will sometimes be frustratingly hard to beat. The AI for the mercs is actually quite good, they take cover, throw grenades and try to flank. I've been killed many times when a merc flanked and shot me from behind. Sadly, the mercs are much tougher than the aliens, it's actually a relief when you get back to shooting aliens, because they're easier. Btw, if you also decide to play on ultimate badass difficulty, be prepared to pull your hair out at some times. Some parts of the levels are ridiculously hard and checkpoints come very irregularly.
  • The companion AI blows hard. You can never rely on them to cover a flank, you have to constantly babysit them and save their sorry asses. They also can't hit the broad side of a barn.
  • The game is riddled with bugs. Some scripted events get jacked up and you have to replay from a checkpoint and try again. I've encountered a very disturbing bug where suddenly the screen was filled by a enormous (like 100x size) WY merc body model lying on the ground. 
  • Graphics suck ass. The look of the game is very dated, looks worse than Halo 2 on Xbox sometimes. There are inconsistencies in level of quality, some levels look better than others. Makes you think that some levels were completed long ago and some more recently. But overall, the textures are very low-res and the level of detail transformations are clumsy, you have to be literally standing next to an object to view it in max res. There seems to be no anti-aliasing or anisotropic filtering (looks like bilinear actually, ugh), so there are lots of jaggies. The game also suffers from a lot of screen tearing, but I've seen that in a few other games too, but it's annoying nonetheless.
  • The game is very linear, you have no freedom to go where you want. Corridors and doors are barricaded everywhere.
  • Story wise, the game feels lacking. You don't care much for the characters and the characters don't seem to be that bothered with what's going on. I haven't yet played it all through (probably in late game chapters now, though) and it does seem to become better once you get past some filler levels.
  • The level in the derelict is very disappointing.

On a more positive note:

  • Killing aliens is fun. Hearing that sweet authentic pulse rifle sound is very satisfying.  The smartgun also kick ass, though the targeting system could be better (doesn't always go for nearest target). The shotguns are also cool, incendiary rounds kick ass.
  • The motion tracker is useful and gives the game a  somewhat unique feel.



Quote from: teras on Feb 07, 2013, 09:34:53 PM
The fact that the guns don't feel like packing a punch adds to that feeling too.

This is the same for every GBX game. All the guns in their games feel like toys, not like real guns.

Ash 937

Ash 937

So can anyone confirm whether or not there is a MP map that resembles Fury 161?



Something tells me multiplayer is where the main focus is...



Quote from: Speedy_J on Feb 08, 2013, 07:46:02 AM
Something tells me multiplayer is where the main focus is...

Fine by me. MP has more replay value than SP anyway. If that is a letdown then I will be pissed.

Le Celticant

Le Celticant

And that's what they call "The Aliens sequel we never got".  ::)
It remind me so much of Strause brother claiming it is the Predator and Alien film "we've all been waiting for."
The story looks stupid anyway and completely lack the Immersive side. It just feels they wanted to bring you directly into the game so you can be happy that "yeah there are aliens and I'm shooting at them zomg!!!".
They've just shown less than an hour and the script already show how stupid it is with guy killing himself with a grenade, blowing a ship, a girl that has been infected but nobody gives a damn while someone a minute ago just died cos of a chestburster. The ship which land in the hanger is just... meh?

I don't know WTF is going on with all AI Alien/AVP game had.
It's like games like this were never intended to be played in Single Player just like AVP2 and AVP2010 having some of the most retarded AI system I've ever played. I just feel that Gearbox has give to the AI a whole new level of stupidity to be an equal to its predecessor.

The game seems very linear and Humans combat sound so boring. (And what's up with the character Model? I feels like there are only 3 WY guard model. It looks very repetitive).

I think a lot have already been said about graphics, though, it's not the PC version so you never know for real what it is going to like on your system BUT nothing is impressive so far and some level design fells short.

I'm not quite fan yet of the Alien hive texture. Dunno what's going on with this fashion to put Orange everywhere in the Lightning but I'm definitely not a fan of it. I'd rather have dark blueish atmosphere with a lot of haze / fog in the air than an hollywood blockbuster color correction shit ala Transformers.

Overall, I feel that this game is just like AVP2010: Released as a Beta stage.
I can't believe that even the first screenshot we got of the game looked better than the actual footage.
I suspect some smart 3DS Max/Vray render but anyway, they were very ambitious at the beginning. Making us see we would see human cities in the future, futuristic base on an asteroid, different location and possibly even some ALIENĀ³ locations and Hadley's hope as well.
But nah, they just want everything to be set on LV-426 in three location that we already know.



First impressions: The issue I've seen that really bugs me is the Alien's AI. After watching the game play I've seen several instants were Aliens just stand there and do nothing. Perhaps this is a difficulty setting and hopefully in Ultimate Bad-Ass mode it will be different were the Aliens try to kill you ( Some of the human AI could use some tweaks to). Some of the game bugs I've seen haven't impressed me either; people, and Aliens glitching through doors floors, and etc. I mean come on, Gearbox has been working on this game for how long, and the game looks this buggy? I'm hoping the graphics are better on the PC then the consoles but when I was watching the live stream the graphics looked great (It also could have been the quality of the stream/video. Sources: IGN live stream and Leeroy712Plays). I understand for balance reasons why you can't equip a M56 Smartgun right away in MP but in campaign I'm hoping you can equip it (My fav weapon in the Aliens universe). I think acid should should do more damage, granted I've only seen difficult set on soldier but still you should always have to worry about it. I love how much detail they put in the game. What I've seen looks great, the Sulaco and Hadley's Hope look amazing, and I can't wait to play the game and explore. I'm hoping that in the future they have a non Alien infested Sulaco and a non blown up Hadley's Hope in a DLC to play on. The nerd I am would love to act out scenes from Aliens. Like the first battle against the Aliens in the Atmospheric Processor, to the final stand at Hadley's (Maybe I could save Drake or Hudson, or both? That would have made for an interesting twist to the movie.) After everything I've seen so far I'm still really excited to play the game. The concept of their story I like, how they went about to bring it to life I don't like from what I've seen. I mean the chestburster part and the grenade, common really? I could have wrote a better part. However the story still has my attention, how did the Sulaco get back to LV-426? How and why to Weyland-Yutani breed Aliens on the Sulaco? From trailers it seems that either Hicks or Hundson survived (I'm thinking Hicks, maybe both, that would be epic!) and did they help WY with their research? I can't wait to play to find out.

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