Fox Russia have tweeted the cover of the forthcoming issue of Russian magazine, Total DVD. Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender are on the front cover in their spacesuits. Not sure when the issue will be released.
Thanks to seeasea for the news.
Fox Russia have tweeted the cover of the forthcoming issue of Russian magazine, Total DVD. Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender are on the front cover in their spacesuits. Not sure when the issue will be released.
Thanks to seeasea for the news.
anything to help a forum member out
Not to be an attention whore but--
The article was even linked here in 'discuss in forum'.
/stupid comment.
...and they have their OWN BLOODY MAG FOR IT!!!
Oh, hey, Sweeper....maybe we should bring The Ghoul in
In a cradle of humanity noone will hear you scream
Am genuinely surprised to often read of these 2 being touted as 'sexy' or swoon worthily gorgeous.
Dont find either of them particularly sexy ?!!
Especially not Fassbender since I'm not gay, nor Rapace since I saw her pretty much naked in 'Dragon Tattoo' and wasnt at all impressed (with her nakedness, not her acting which was/is superb)
Just because I dont fancy either of them doesnt mean I'm not looking forward to this movie like a kid on xmas morning aching to open his presents, as 'sexy' stars is something that is VERY rarely an incentive for me to go see a movie
However, a great idea, fascinating concepts, great acting, a great director and the promise of excitement, drama, tension, wonderful effects and big budget fantastic scifi action are certainly incentives in my book !!!
I'm pretty sure an image of the Derelict, for example, would be far more intriguing - even to those unfamiliar with Alien or Prometheus.