Alien 3 alternate storyline

Started by Fiorina 161, Oct 27, 2007, 09:02:39 AM

Alien 3 alternate storyline (Read 3,719 times)

Fiorina 161

Fiorina 161

I was talking with my friend and we were discussing were the alien franchise went wrong.

We decided the turning point was the 3rd movie, as although I liked it, it made the second kinda pointless and got rid of some good characters.

We both suggested ideas for an alternate storyline to Alien 3 and I came up with this. The film begins near the end of Aliens...

Hudson wakes up with a start. His head is dripping with sweat. His vision is blurry. His face feels numb. He tries to move but realises he is pinned against the wall with sticky black resin.
Trying to control his breathing, which is coming in short gasps, he looks around. He hears the sound of explosions, alarms blaring, the hissing of exposed vents, and everything that has transpired violently rushes back to his mind. Then Hudson thinks he sees figures in the shadows. He cries out for help, but with no answer. After his eyes adjust he sees the figures are the bodies of several of his platoon attached to the hive walls, their bodies contorted, their heads held back, mouths open, as if crying out to God. Their ribcages are fully open, bent outward like twigs, exposing a glistening lump of shredded organs which seep onto the grill floor below. One of them is Detriech. He is still holding his flamethrower against his chest, as if standing to attention.
Did he still have his rifle? Looking down, he sees his rifle is still there... but there is something on it... Hudson's eyes widen. A facehugger. It's legs are curled up like a dead fly. Hudson's mind immediately flashed up images of the colonist they found and her agonising screams as the monster tore out from within. His heatbeat becomes a frantic rhythm. He struggles to break free, but with no success.
Then he stops. Above the faint explosions and sirens, he can hear crying. It is coming from his far left, but Hudson's head is restricted. He cannot see the source of the sound.
'Hello?! Hello!" hudson shouts. "Who's there? Please help me... please!"
A simulated female voice crackles over the intercom, announcing the imminent explosion that will engulf the colony, wiping out everything in 10 square miles. The explosions are now visible down several corridors, lighting up the corpses suspended on the walls like a twisted art gallery.
Hudson panic turns to anger. "Look, I can hear you, I know you are there, now this whole place is gonna blow!! I need your help! Who are you!"
A weak voice is heard.
It is Burke.
"Burke? You f*cking slimeball... Guess you never made it out either, huh? Well normally I'd kick your ass, but both my legs are glued to the god-damn wall, so I'll delay the asskicking until later. I have no intention of dying here, man! Do you hear me?"
"Do you hear me Burke?! I have no intention whatsoever dyin here like those f*cking colonists or this chicken-sh1t outfit! And I don't think you do either, when there is still money to be made, huh? So for the moment let's be friends, Ok? So... Can you reach my rifle?"
Suddenly drones start rushing down the corridor. Hudson holds his breath, but they scurry by, ignoring Hudson and Burke completely. They seem to be concerned about something else toward the centre of the hive. They rush past, squealing in anger, and are gone.
After a few seconds, Burke responds. "She gave this to me."
Hudson snaps out of a fear-induced trance "What? What are you talking about Burke? Can you hear those alarms? The reactor's gonna blow!"
"The grenade." Burke continues. "She knew I was going to die in pain, and she gave me this to make it painless... Do you think that means she forgives me?"
"Burke? What are you doing?"
There is a small beep. Hudson recognises the sound instantly, and closes his eyes.
There is a bright light, then the sharp pain, then nothing.

When he comes to, he feels a grid pressed against his face. He realises he is on the floor. He is free! He gets up, then immediately winces and collapses. Embedded in his leg is a piece of shrapnel. His hand trembling, he slowly pulls it out and cries out in pain. He shuffles to his feet, limps over to where he was embedded into the wall, and picks up his gun. He looks at the digital display, which glows red under the glistening slime.
It reads '00.'
He lets the rifle drop to the floor, and looks around for an escape. An elevator! Hudson goes as fast as his injured body will permit, his teeth clenched, trying to push away the pain searing from his leg.
A creature drops from the ceiling right in front of Hudson. He takes a couple of steps back, but trips on the hive flooring, and falls on his back. The Alien rushes up to him, it's mouth wide open. Then it stops. It seems to look straight at Hudson through it's eyeless face. It begins to make a strange swaying motion over him, as if smelling the air. It stays still for a second, growls, and leaps over him and into the Hive.
Hudson gasps with relief, but is brought sharply back to reality by a nearby explosion, which showers him in chunks of the hive wall. He picks himself up, and continues to the elevator.
He throws himself inside, collides with the far wall, and rolls toward the elevator control panel. Frantically pushing the button, the elevator doors slowly creak shut, jets of fire licking through the grate as the corridor erupts in flames.
Hudson watches the Hive segments lessen and lessen as the escalator accends past each floor. He winces under a new pain, coming from his chest. It is what he had feared. If he could get the the Sulaco somehow... Maybe Bishop could take it out of him... before... If he made it out...
The elevator jolts to a stop, and the doors slide open. There, on the landing bay, is the other dropship!
"Haha! Hicks! You son-of-a-bitch!!"
Hudson drags himself across the platform, explosions covering the sky around him. The dropship thrusters roar to life. It's taking off!
"Hey, man! Don't leave, man!' he yells, throwing himself at the dropship door which lies open. As he scrambles up the stairway he feels the ground disappear from beneath him. With every bit of strength he has left, he pulls himself inside. Dragging himself through the crew area he looks around. He sees Hicks on the far wall, but he is strapped to a chair, bandaged and out cold.
The dropshop is hit by a blast wave and spins out of control. Hudson is thrown like a ragdoll about the compartment, and the last thing he sees is the observation panels rushing up to meet him.

Hudson awakes to silence. Only the distant hum of electricity. Picking himself up, he crawls out of the dropshop.
He is in the Sulaco! But there is no sign of life. He calls out to anyone but nobody replies. He ventures out on the cargo bay. His foot catches on something, making him stumble. He spins around, and looks at the floor.
An acid burn.
Could they be on the Sulaco?
He calls out again.
"Anybody? It's Hudson!! Hello? Bishop? Vasquez?"
He suddenly clutches his chest, as a sharp pain rushes from his heart and races across his body.
"Bishop! Bishop, man I need you help! Bish..."
He looks down and sees a pair of legs sprawled over a crate. It's waist oozing out white circuits like milk.
"Bishop? What the f*ck is going on?"
Suddenly he feels a movement underneath his vest, a wet sensation tricking down his belly, and then pain. Pain like he had never experienced before. He tries to scream, but his air is swallowed up. He can only gasp as he lies twitching on the floor, his knees pressed against his chest as the convulsions take over.
"Game over, man." he whimpers. With a pop followed by a splash, his organs spill out onto the cargo bay floor. A Queen writhes amongst the entrails, like a fish out of water, the small bloodied jaws squealing the announcement of her arrival. Then the queen looks around, and slowly begins to feed on Hudson's remains. She will need the energy for the journey ahead.


The Sulaco drifts silently through space towards earth.
The ships computer fires up, lightlng up the Hypersleep chamber. An electronic voice is heard.
Ripley's eyes snap open. She looks up, but there is only darkness. Then she sees shafts of light appearing and dissapearing. The whole window of the chamber seems to be moving... Then she realises the entire pod exterior is covered in facehuggers. There is an audible hiss as they press themselves against the glass. They are slowly eating their way through. She panics, and grabs the intercom.
" Newt! Newt, can you hear me?"
She is replied by a high pitch scream.
"Newt honey, hold on! I'm coming for you!"
Ripley thinks fast. She had an assualt rifle which she had left across the room in a locker. If she could get to it... She grabs some of the bedding from behind her head, ripping it into long shreds. Then she starts crambing it into her mouth.
She takes a long, deep breath through her nose, closes her eyes for a second... then activates the door.
There is a hiss, and the door begins to rise. Ripley puts both feet against the door, pushing out as hard as she can, sending facehuggers left and right. She jumps to her feet and runs across to her locker, a trail of around fifty facehuggers scurrying behind like a swarm of crabs.
She gets to the locker, grabs the gun and sprays bullets at the floor, sending digits and pieces of tail in the air in a fountain of acid.
The facehuggers on Newt's chamber leap off toward their new prey. They are eaten up as Ripley spends another clip.
Ripley runs over and opens up Newt's pod. Spitting out the rags onto the floor, she asks "Are you ok?"
Newt jumps into Ripley's arms.
"You said we would sleep all the way home."
Ripley looks down at her.
"I guess I was wrong, Newt."

So there you have my alternate Alien 3 film... The rest plays out kind of like Alien, but with a queen... And hundreds of facehuggers. Hicks is killed by a chestburster, which produces a drone, and Ripley races to save Newt, stop the Sulaco from getting to earth, and destroying them once and for all.

What do you think?

Fiorina 161

Fiorina 161

No thoughts anyone? If enough people like it I might continue it...

Colton White

Colton White

Well, I've never heard a story of a facehugger chasing after someone. Im very impressed.BUT,a Queena and hundreds of Facehuggers?One more thing,Hicks can't give birth to a Drone. it's illogical. He would have a  warrior.Unless,you have a secret plot your not sharing.

Major Alan Schaefer

one problem...the setting is destroyed

Fiorina 161

Fiorina 161

No, this happens while Ripley was rescuing Newt from the Hive. Given that the Queen had time to attach herself to the dropship and lay some eggs makes it feesable that Hudson managed to get out...

Fiorina 161

Fiorina 161

Quote from: The Lone Drone on Oct 28, 2007, 06:12:55 PM
.BUT,a Queena and hundreds of Facehuggers?

Yeah, I was thinking that the Queen settled down in the Cargo bay, and began laying eggs and building up the hive while Ripley and co are in hypersleep.

I meant alien warror too btw... 'Hick's son' becomes the personal aide of the Queen, While Ripley and newt barracade themselves in a room Dawn of the Dean style. But with the approach of earth and the Company assuming command of the Sulaco's navagation computer Ripley has no choice but to fight.



I think you did a great job there Fiorina 161. I really enjoyed the set-up.

Picking up from Hudson and Burke with the grenade, is a great idea. Also you got Hudson's dialogue spot on.

Colton White

Colton White

Finish the damn thing!

Vader the White

This is what Alien 3 should have been, and I personally like Alien 3. Finish it!!!

Fiorina 161

Fiorina 161

Pt II...

Ripley picks up the last dinner tray from the canteen. She walks over to a ventilation port, and covers it up. There is a short flurry of sparks, then a small hum as she begins fusing the tray to the wall, covering the ventilation point. Hicks' hypersleep chamber lies open but he isn't moving, he sits slumped in the bed, the bandages round his head and torso stained with dried blood.
'Newt, honey, will you pass that panel over to me please?' Ripley asks, turning round to see Newt hiding behind one of the consoles. She doesn't move.
'I can hear them, trying to get in.' she says.
Ripley understands her fear. Since they had woken, there was the constant sound of scratching at the hypersleep bay door. But after a while, they had given up and moved on.
'Don't worry baby.They are gone now.' she said, not believing it herself.
'They'll find a way in. They always find a way in. And when the spiders get you, there is nothing you can do. You fall asleep and they get you!'
'Look Newt, I have boarded up the air ducts and sealed the doors... they won't get in... I promise.'
'That's what you said before, but they still got in.'
Ripley sighs and turns back to the wall, fusing a panel over the last duct in the room. She stops, and takes a step back to admire her handywork. The entire room is covered with makeshift barracades, dinner trays, floor paneling, tables, blocking out any means of entry. And also, she notes too, any chance of escape.
She walks over to Hicks, and feels his brow. His eyes slowly open.
'We made it? Are we home?' he weakly asks.
Ripley smiles. 'We have a few problems, but i'm sorting it.'
Hicks smiles and rolls his eyes. 'She's sorting it...'
'I've told you before Dwayne, I can handle myself...'
He winces, murmurs something she cannot make out, and falls back into a dreamless, morphine-induced sleep. Ripley walks over to a table, where a motion tracker sits, clicking continously. She picks it, up, examining it. She can see herself and Newt, but apart from them, no movement. She wasn't sure about the huggers, but they were problem solvers, and Ripley knew that given enough time, they would find a way in. She moves over to a control panel, picks up a cup of cold coffee, and taking a sip, sits down and hits a button on the keyboard.
'Mother?' she asks to a blank screen. It flickers to life displaying the yellow Wayland-Yutani logo.
'Mother, please show me a security feed from all sectors of the Sulaco.'
There is a short blip followed by numerous monitors flashing up images over the whole ship. Ripley's eyes flick over each screen, looking for a sign of them.
She stops, looking at one screen, which is black.
'Mother, which sector is currently being displayed on screen 9?'
There is a short pause before a female voice is heard. 'THAT... SECTOR... IS... THE CARGO BAY.'
Ripley takes another sip of coffee. 'Is there a fault with the Cargo Bay security feed? I can't see anything.'
'Ok Mother, show me the second feed.'
Another screen flickers to life. Ripley gasps, dropping the cup from her hand. Suspended from the cargo bay ceiling is a Queen. She is motionless, only puffs of condensation rushing from her mouth show any sign she is alive. The walls surrounding her are caked in resin, with tube-like formations made of mucus reaching back into the far walls of the ship. Ripley realised why the security footage on Cam 1 was black. It had long been consumed by the hive walls.
But the thing that worries Ripley the most are the eggs. Hundreds of them, completely covering the cargo bay floor.
'No hosts' she thought. The Queen had accumulated hundreds of eggs, but with no hosts, she lay dormant, waiting to be discovered.
How did they get on the ship? She was so sure she had killed them all! Did the Queen survive being ejected into space? She has to know.
'Mother, rewind the footage of Cargo Bay Cam 2.'
The screen buzzes as the evolution of the hive runs backwards. The Queen drops down from the ceiling, her egg-sack shrivels and dissapears, the eggs vanish one by one from the ground, as the queen becomes a frantic blur, rushing around the hive as it decreases in size, the Queen becoming smaller and smaller until there is nothing left. Just the empty Cargo bay.
'Mother, Stop right there.'
The screen freezes.
'Ok, begin playback.'
Ripley intently watches the screen, looking for a clue. Then she sees a figure stagger into the middle of the screen. Her eyes widen as she tries to make out the pixelated face.
She hears a familiar voice over the speaker. 'Anybody? It's Hudson!! Hello? Bishop? Vasquez?'
Hudson? How did he make it out? They took him...
Suddenly realisation dawns on her and she looks at the screen, waiting to see the inevitable. 'Hudson,' she thinks. 'You selfish son of a bitch.'
Newt appears over Ripley's shoulder. 'What are you watching?'
Ripley spins round in her seat. 'Do me a favour honey and go and sit over there, I need to look at this alone, ok?'
As she speaks the words, Hudson collapses on the ground and a puddle of red spills out of his belly. Ripley attempts to cover her eyes. 'Rebecca! Go and sit down!'
Newt looks at the screen indifferently. 'So that is how they got in.' she murmurs. She turns around, and walks over to her makeshift hiding place.
Ripley turns back to the monitor in time to see a small dot emerge from the bloody mess of entrails. 'Mother, freeze current frame and zoom in on image location C3...'
The shape becomes highlighted, and the screen zooms in until there is only a mass of pixels. As the computer clicks softly, the pixels begin to form a shape... The bloodied double-jaws, the headcrest...
A Queen.
'Mother, I want you to open the outer cargo bay doors.'
Ripley scorns. 'I am well aware of the implications involved Mother, please open the cargo bay doors.'
There is a series of clicks again followed this time by an error sound. 'UNABLE TO COMPLY'
Confused, she asks 'Mother, please state reason for non-compliance?' She shakes her head. Perhaps the 'huggers had got into Mother's mainframe...
'Command... Who's command?'
Another error sound. 'UNABLE TO CLARIFY.'
Ripley looks up at the screen. 'Mother, what is our current course fix?'
'CURRENT TRAJECTORY IS... BEARING; 334... 542... 309... 933... DESTINATION... EARTH.'
Ripley's eyes close. If the Sulaco were to reach Earth with a cargo of eggs...
'Mother, plot a new course to orbit Jupiter until further instruction.'
These words sound horribly familiar to Ripley. 'Mother, what is Special Order 985?'
Ripley slumped in her chair. It was The Company again. They must have been alerted as soon as the lifeforms were detected aboard.
'Mother, this is Special Officer Lt. Ellen Ripley, clearance code 2-1-1 Alpha, requesting that you open the cargo bay doors!'
Slamming her fist on the table, Ripley stands up, spins round and walks over to a grey transparent bag lying on the floor, with lines of tubing snaking out of it.
Newt looks up at Ripley.
'What are you doing?'
Unzipping the bag, she looks back at Newt.
'I'm going to wake up Bishop.'

Fiorina 161

Fiorina 161

Chapter III:

The queen awoke.

She sensed the presense of the chosen. She could smell the sound of their rapid, racing heart-beats. There were two, perhaps three of the chosen. The hive could continue.
Immediately eggs begin flowering all around the Queen, facehuggers emerging from the slimy pink mass inside.

She spoke without speaking, and the huggers answered, scurrying in the direction of the chosen ones.

Then, with a yawn, she began laying more eggs.



Hicks shouldn't die :(

Fiorina 161

Fiorina 161

He may not. It's undecided...

Fiorina 161

Fiorina 161

Part IV

Ripley crouches over the remains of Bishop, feeding wires and tubes into the mass of milky circuitry that hang out his stomach. Newt watches, facinated.
"What are you doing?" she asks.
Ripley continues to work. "I'm connecting Bishop to The Sulaco."
Newt screws up her face "Whats 'The Sulaco?'"
Ripley smiles. "That's where we are, on The Sulaco. But there is something wrong with the ship's computer, so I'm hooking Bishop up to it to see if he can fix the problem."
Ripley clips a final wire, and takes a step back.
"There. That should be it."
She flicks a switch, and immediately Bishop surges into life with a slight judder. He looks around the room, supporting his body with his arms.
"Are we home? Are we safe?"
Ripley wastes no time. "There is another Queen on board. It came with us."
"How did it get on the ship?" Bishop asks.
Ripley looks down. "Hudson... It came with Hudson. He must have got on the dropship while I was going after Newt and... Listen, Bishop... The Company knows there is a Queen on this ship, it's locked on a course for Earth, I can't bypass the clearance protocols... I need you to connect with The Sulaco."
"No problem." says Bishop, and immediately his eyes begin to flutter, and his lips move as if reading something in his head.
"I'm in."
"Ok Bishop, I want you to alter our course and take us away from Earth."
There is a pause. "I can't. There are too many barriers... Everything is too... fuzzy."
"Please try, Bishop."
"It's no use, Ripley. There is something blocking me from getting near the navigation controls."
Ripley runs her hands through her hair. "Well, try and open the cargo bay airlock."
Bishop's eyes roll back in his head. "Give me a second..."
He sighs. "I'm sorry Ripley. There are high level protocols in place, stopping my every move. I can't take control of the ship."
Ripley stands up, pacing the room. "God damn it!"
Bishop sits up. "Ripley. There is someting you should know."
Ripley walks over to Bishop. "What?"
"I have just gone through The Sulaco communications log. It shows that as soon as the Xenomorph was detected that the course was locked for Earth..."
"I know this, Bishop"
"... Also a command was sent that doors E to J were to be opened, and your hypersleep cycle terminated."
"I don't understand..."
"Ripley, doors E through J are what seperates the Cargo Bay from the Hypersleep chambers."
Ripley shakes her head. "So they woke us up so we could be impregnated and add to the prize."
"It's a possiblity." Say Bishop. "There may be other reasons. What you witnessed at Hadley's Hope could be very damaging for The Company's reputation."
Ripley snorts "Oh, we wouldn't want that!" She looks at Hicks, still in his morphine-induced sleep, and Newt, who sits in a makeshift hiding place, a table with a blanket draped over the top. The 'click click' of the motion sensor continues, showing no movement.
She turns to Bishop. "What are our options?"
There is a pause. Then Bishop snaps up and looks at Ripley.
"There is an incoming transmission. For the attention of Ellen Ripley."
"A transmission? From where?"
Bishop looks at Ripley. "From Earth."

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