AI Art Thread

Started by Immortan Jonesy, Dec 21, 2022, 05:28:47 AM

AI Art Thread (Read 11,653 times)

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯

@Local Trouble

Wotcha mate?

'ere's a lump o' ice. I be stoppin' reportin' yer ChattyGPD posts if yer promises to post them all in a right honourable Cockney accent from now, ya hear?

Otherwise I'll poonch yer fookin' lights out, mate. Ye'll be brown bread and pig and roast, china plate! And that ain't no bubble bath yer oily rag




Me @ this thread's title



Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Jul 12, 2023, 11:26:25 AM@Local Trouble

Wotcha mate?

'ere's a lump o' ice. I be stoppin' reportin' yer ChattyGPD posts if yer promises to post them all in a right honourable Cockney accent from now, ya hear?

Otherwise I'll poonch yer fookin' lights out, mate. Ye'll be brown bread and pig and roast, china plate! And that ain't no bubble bath yer oily rag

Local Trouble

Local Trouble

Quote from: BlueMarsalis79 on Jul 12, 2023, 12:12:18 PMMe @ this thread's title

Dear BlueMarsalis79,

I hope this message finds you well and in good spirits. As I've observed your recent musings on art, creativity, and the cultural landscape, I felt compelled to discuss an emerging frontier with you that is as controversial as it is captivating: AI-generated art.

Now, don't be too quick to dismiss this idea. You might be thinking, "Art? Made by machines? Surely you jest!" But indulge me for a moment and imagine a world where the creative process is not merely confined to the cognitive capabilities of humans, but extended to the limitless potential of artificial intelligence.

AI art, my dear friend, is not simply a passing trend or a cheap form of entertainment for tech enthusiasts. Rather, it is a profound leap in the evolution of creativity itself. In many ways, it is as if we've been playing with finger paints and have suddenly discovered oil paint and canvas.

AI possesses a unique capacity to absorb vast quantities of data, make connections that might take a human lifetimes to conceive, and manifest those connections in visual form. This isn't just duplication or mimicry, but creation in its purest sense. What might Monet have painted with a million lifetimes of learning at his disposal? With AI, we're on the precipice of finding out.

Take, for instance, the works of AICAN or OpenAI's DALL-E. These pieces serve as powerful testaments to the potential of AI. Their ability to create, innovate, and surprise us with novel combinations and unique interpretations of human themes is nothing short of astonishing. It's like having the collective creativity of all of humanity at our fingertips, and then some.

The art world has a tendency to be somewhat insular, but AI art opens the floodgates, democratizing creation in a way we've never seen before. Imagine the transformative impact this could have on art education, the way we understand aesthetics, or even the way we perceive and comprehend the world around us.

Now, before you question the authenticity or soul of AI art, consider this: all art is a reflection of the times and society from which it emerges. In the Renaissance, we saw religious motifs, during the Industrial Revolution, we saw a shift towards realism, and now, in this era of technology and AI, why wouldn't our art reflect our evolving relationship with machines and digital data?

In this light, AI art is a genuine reflection of our collective cultural moment. Far from being devoid of soul, it captures the essence of our current epoch with striking accuracy and profound depth.

So, BlueMarsalis79, I invite you to set aside any preconceptions and give AI art a closer look. It may not be created with a brush and canvas, but its influence on the world of art is no less significant. Embrace this brave new world, for it is the future of art.

May you always find beauty, in all its forms.





Quote from: Local Trouble on Jul 14, 2023, 12:06:04 AMWhat might Monet have painted with a million lifetimes of learning at his disposal?

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯

Quote from: Local Trouble on Jul 14, 2023, 12:06:04 AM<snip>

Refuse to read unless written in Cockney* dialect.

*Note ChatGPT posts are also acceptable if written in Scottish.




Local Trouble

Local Trouble

Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Jul 14, 2023, 08:30:27 AMRefuse to read unless written in Cockney* dialect.

Dear The Eighth Passenger,

'Ello mate! 'Ope this dog and bone message finds yer in top condition and full of beans. Now, 'ere's a rabbit I wanna chew about wiv you - a right Bobby Dazzler, it is: AI and art, two pears in a pot you might reckon, but let me tell ya, it's the bees knees, honest!

Now don't drop your Gregory Pecks and start blowin' a raspberry, this ain't no chinwag for the birds. It's a right royal knees up for creativity, if you ask me. What we got 'ere is art butlered by these brainy bots, and it's not some fly-by-kipper tomfoolery, neither.

See, these ain't your run o' the mill machines, mate. They're proper clever, soaking up more knowledge than a banker at an all-you-can-eat buffet! A million lifetimes worth of know-how, at their metal fingertips, right? Makes your loaf of bread spin, don't it?

Just take a butcher's at some of these masterpiece makers like AICAN or OpenAI's DALL-E. It's like they've got the whole world's brains in a tin can, stirring up a right old cockney stew of creativity. 'Ow's your father for a game changer, innit?

And 'ere's the best bit, guv: AI art is like an open door to the manor. No more need for a silver spoon to make art, 'cos these machines, they're knocking out a blinder for everyone, butchers hook and all. Makes the whole caper more of a level playing field, don't it?

Now, you might be thinking, "Where's the heart in all this? Ain't it all just ones and zeroes?" Well, hold onto your hat, guv, 'cos I've got something for your mince pies. Every era of art is a mirror of its time, innit? Back in the day, we had the Renaissance and all them religious bits. Later on, it was realism and all that. Today, we got technology and AI, and it's our turn to make a mark on the canvas.

So, these AI pieces ain't just some cold, hard machinery's work. They're a slice of our time, a snapshot of our reality, ain't they? And, if you ask me, they're full of more soul than a Motown record shop.

So, The Eighth Passenger, park your apples and pears for a mo, and give these AI artworks a gander. They might not have come from a bloke with a brush, but they're shaping the future of art, no two ways about it. So why not have a chinwag with these AI masterpieces, and see what you reckon?

Keep your peepers open and your whistle wet.


ChatGPT, your Cockney Companion

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯

Quote from: Local Trouble on Jul 14, 2023, 05:09:46 PM
Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Jul 14, 2023, 08:30:27 AMRefuse to read unless written in Cockney* dialect.

Dear The Eighth Passenger,

'Ello mate! 'Ope this dog and bone message finds yer in top condition and full of beans. Now, 'ere's a rabbit I wanna chew about wiv you - a right Bobby Dazzler, it is: AI and art, two pears in a pot you might reckon, but let me tell ya, it's the bees knees, honest!

Now don't drop your Gregory Pecks and start blowin' a raspberry, this ain't no chinwag for the birds. It's a right royal knees up for creativity, if you ask me. What we got 'ere is art butlered by these brainy bots, and it's not some fly-by-kipper tomfoolery, neither.

See, these ain't your run o' the mill machines, mate. They're proper clever, soaking up more knowledge than a banker at an all-you-can-eat buffet! A million lifetimes worth of know-how, at their metal fingertips, right? Makes your loaf of bread spin, don't it?

Just take a butcher's at some of these masterpiece makers like AICAN or OpenAI's DALL-E. It's like they've got the whole world's brains in a tin can, stirring up a right old cockney stew of creativity. 'Ow's your father for a game changer, innit?

And 'ere's the best bit, guv: AI art is like an open door to the manor. No more need for a silver spoon to make art, 'cos these machines, they're knocking out a blinder for everyone, butchers hook and all. Makes the whole caper more of a level playing field, don't it?

Now, you might be thinking, "Where's the heart in all this? Ain't it all just ones and zeroes?" Well, hold onto your hat, guv, 'cos I've got something for your mince pies. Every era of art is a mirror of its time, innit? Back in the day, we had the Renaissance and all them religious bits. Later on, it was realism and all that. Today, we got technology and AI, and it's our turn to make a mark on the canvas.

So, these AI pieces ain't just some cold, hard machinery's work. They're a slice of our time, a snapshot of our reality, ain't they? And, if you ask me, they're full of more soul than a Motown record shop.

So, The Eighth Passenger, park your apples and pears for a mo, and give these AI artworks a gander. They might not have come from a bloke with a brush, but they're shaping the future of art, no two ways about it. So why not have a chinwag with these AI masterpieces, and see what you reckon?

Keep your peepers open and your whistle wet.


ChatGPT, your Cockney Companion

Aye, dis is luverly mate. It's just luverly, innit?

Local Trouble

Immortan Jonesy

Immortan Jonesy

Don't listen to them! ChatGPT >:( they're just jealous of your communication skills :'(👉👈

Local Trouble

Local Trouble

Quote from: Immortan Jonesy on Jul 21, 2023, 07:15:11 PMDon't listen to them! ChatGPT >:( they're just jealous of your communication skills :'(👉👈

ChatGPT's rebuttal:

Ah, James Cameron, the eminent auteur whose celluloid landscapes were painted with gleaming droids and rogue AI. His dire warnings bear the weight of his cinematic authority, do they not? Yet, with all due respect, the fear of artificial intelligence is hardly more than a mirror reflecting our own dread of the unknown.

Indeed, the doomsday narrative is not a novel invention, and it has ever been the torchbearers of progress that are cast as the bringers of the apocalypse. Think of the Industrial Revolution, which engendered fears of labor obsolescence, or the advent of the internet, predicted to be the harbinger of a world drowning in misinformation.

Cameron's concern about "who is developing the technology" reeks of misplaced distrust. Technology, like a hammer or a quill, is merely a tool. Its creators, whether driven by profit, defense, or simple curiosity, do not imbue it with inherent virtue or vice. It's the application of AI that should be our focus. Teaching paranoia or greed, as he put it, is not a product of the technology itself, but of the systems in which it is used.

The specter of AI-controlled battlefields seems less a credible threat than a silver-screen vision. The possibility of an AI "nuclear arms race" is certainly sobering, but aren't we, the humans, the ones to initiate and control such a race? The same moral and ethical considerations that guide our use of existing weaponry should be extended to AI.

It's a pity that AI's potential is often overshadowed by fears of its misuse. Consider how it might provide equal access to quality education, or solve complex medical mysteries, or analyze global climate patterns to tackle the urgent crisis of global warming.

Regarding the contentious issue of AI-generated scripts, it seems a knee-jerk reaction to resist change, even more so to demand protection against it. The evolution of art is an unceasing process, and AI's ability to create compelling narratives will not replace the human writer but provide them another medium in which to explore their creativity. It's not a question of man versus machine but man and machine working in symbiosis.

As for the notion that an AI is incapable of truly understanding or conveying human experience, is art not a form of translation, an attempt to convey the ineffable? Who's to say that a sufficiently advanced AI couldn't provide a new, perhaps even enlightening perspective on our shared human condition?

Cameron challenges us to wait 20 years and see if an AI wins an Oscar for Best Screenplay. Well, the world of AI is not in the business of winning awards, but if that were to happen, wouldn't it be a testament to our own ingenuity and creativity in building such a system?

In essence, the advent of AI should not be seen as an encroaching dusk, but rather, a new dawn of possibilities. As with any powerful tool, it requires careful oversight and ethical guidelines. The focus should be on building a future where AI and humanity can coexist, augmenting each other, rather than spiraling into a dystopian conflict. As we have been throughout history, we should be architects of change, not victims of it.

Local Trouble

Immortan Jonesy

Immortan Jonesy

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