Alien Covenant Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, May 09, 2017, 05:39:30 PM

What did you think of Alien Covenant?

Loved it. (5/5)
100 (21.8%)
Good, it was enjoyable. (4/5)
147 (32%)
It was okay. (3/5)
89 (19.4%)
Could have been better. (2/5)
61 (13.3%)
Didn't like it. (1/5)
32 (7%)
Hated it! (0/5)
30 (6.5%)

Total Members Voted: 457

Alien Covenant Fan Reviews (Read 288,471 times)



Quote from: Darth Vile on May 20, 2017, 03:21:55 PM
Quote from: YutaniDitch on May 20, 2017, 03:07:18 PM

Nope, saw it fine enough the first time... It shocked me so much it burned in my mind... And surely will not watch this crap fest until it comes out on TiVo... Definitely not  gonna waste more money on it...

Not liking the film is of course your prerogative... and the film certainly has its flaws, but making shit up like 'David was bleeding blood WTF?' (paraphrasing), undermines your overall criticism; as it looks like you were either not paying enough attention or wilfully picking holes where it's not warranted.

Know what I saw... you were the one not paying attention AT ALL... you do not confuse white with red... 😂

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: Darkness on May 20, 2017, 05:08:54 PM
And everybody would be bitching that no Xenomorphs appear in it so it would be pointless even calling it Alien whatever. Prometheus already did that and look how it turned out. This is the Alien franchise - NOT the Prometheus franchise.

Of all the problems Prometheus had, the lack of Aliens was far far far down on its list. I honestly don't remember there being a massive outrage at that when Prometheus came out?

Darth Vile

Darth Vile

Quote from: YutaniDitch on May 20, 2017, 05:14:08 PM
Quote from: Darth Vile on May 20, 2017, 03:21:55 PM
Quote from: YutaniDitch on May 20, 2017, 03:07:18 PM

Nope, saw it fine enough the first time... It shocked me so much it burned in my mind... And surely will not watch this crap fest until it comes out on TiVo... Definitely not  gonna waste more money on it...

Not liking the film is of course your prerogative... and the film certainly has its flaws, but making shit up like 'David was bleeding blood WTF?' (paraphrasing), undermines your overall criticism; as it looks like you were either not paying enough attention or wilfully picking holes where it's not warranted.

Know what I saw... you were the one not paying attention AT ALL... you do not confuse white with red... 😂

I've seen the film 3 times. You are incorrect... David did not bleed blood. You are the only person, ANYWHERE, stating that he did.

That Yellow Alien

I would have preferred Ridley continue on his Prometheus path while someone else do an Alien film. If this is the end of exploring the Engineers, then I have to ask what the point of these prequels are.



I know I was disappointed there was no Xenomorphs in it and I know you've remarked at just how much better Spaiht's original draft was. I don't really see the issue here. I went to see an Alien movie and I got to see exactly what I wanted which was Xenomorphs. Would be kinda bizarre to see an Alien movie and not see them.



Quote from: Snake on May 20, 2017, 04:26:40 PM
Quote from: Corporal Hicks on May 20, 2017, 04:07:58 PM
Quote from: That Yellow Alien on May 20, 2017, 03:09:52 AM
If this is what the remaining Alien films going forward are going to be, than I don't really know how to feel. It's hard to believe the same person who made Alien made this. Then again, that was  nearly 40 years ago, Scott is a different person. But honestly, I'd rather keep in the tradition of the classic films and allow new visionary directors make Alien movies, because Ridley doesn't seem like he wants to.

While I don't hate Covenant, I don't like the direction it's setting up to go in. I'm with you in that I hope they give it to someone else who actually wants to make Alien films. Not David films with Aliens tacked on. And I love David. I'd rather Scott had been able to make an Alien-less film focusing around David and the Neomorphs.

Quote from: Snake on May 20, 2017, 03:51:45 PM
QuoteIf it comes out.  Lets see how this movie holds up second week. 
Of course it will, they're going to start filming within 14 months or so. But if you don't want that then you're a f**kING MORON!

Can I also remind everyone to conduct themselves with some sense of maturity? I'm so bored of having to remind people to act like adults. We won't all agree (obviously) but we can disagree like grown-ups without resorting to insults. If anyone feels they can't act in such a fashion, I suggest they don't post.

Sorry Hicks but the amount of haters here is just baffling. And this is a site for Alien and Predator fans?! You count me out! - Hudson-

Being a TRUE fan is not blindly liking everything... I have gripes with ALL ALIEN movies, no exception, but they are usually minor to livable and definitely  not crippling my enjoyment of them... until COVENANT... this is an outrageous attack on fans with a man-made Android making the Xenomorphs, the Engineers being removed for Ridley's and Fox's convenience purposes and Shaw's story completely removed so we could have a ridiculous psychotic Android being Dr. Moreau... Crying, sarcastic, psychotic, megalomaniacal, egomaniacal... Wonder who programmed all that into a first gen droid... Certainly not Weyland... And since when does David's security code works after ten years, ESPECIALLY since Walter clearly stated David 'scared' them all back on Earth... No way would his security code still work, a MAJOR plot hole... And MU-TH-UR would never allow it to take over the ship as well... A d the list goes on and on...

Quote from: Darth Vile on May 20, 2017, 05:22:09 PM
Quote from: YutaniDitch on May 20, 2017, 05:14:08 PM
Quote from: Darth Vile on May 20, 2017, 03:21:55 PM
Quote from: YutaniDitch on May 20, 2017, 03:07:18 PM

Nope, saw it fine enough the first time... It shocked me so much it burned in my mind... And surely will not watch this crap fest until it comes out on TiVo... Definitely not  gonna waste more money on it...

Not liking the film is of course your prerogative... and the film certainly has its flaws, but making shit up like 'David was bleeding blood WTF?' (paraphrasing), undermines your overall criticism; as it looks like you were either not paying enough attention or wilfully picking holes where it's not warranted.

Know what I saw... you were the one not paying attention AT ALL... you do not confuse white with red... 😂

I've seen the film 3 times. You are incorrect... David did not bleed blood. You are the only person, ANYWHERE, stating that he did.

Watch a 4th... you seem to need it, buddy...😂

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: Darkness on May 20, 2017, 05:25:09 PM
I know I was disappointed there was no Xenomorphs in it and I know you've remarked at just how much better Spaiht's original draft was.

I also said that I thought Spaihts' scripts would benefit from it focusing on the proto-Aliens and just excising the Aliens completely.

The problem is they're included so late in the game that they just aren't treated well. With Covenant it's a rushed life cycle that irritates the fan in me. With Engineers/Alien Zero it's that they're quickly killed and done away with.

Quote from: YutaniDitch on May 20, 2017, 05:28:29 PM
Watch a 4th... you seem to need it, buddy...😂

I've seen it 4 times and David only bleeds white.



Honestly Yutani, give it a rest. I'm getting pretty sick and tired of you.



Quote from: That Yellow Alien on May 20, 2017, 05:23:52 PM
I would have preferred Ridley continue on his Prometheus path while someone else do an Alien film. If this is the end of exploring the Engineers, then I have to ask what the point of these prequels are.

Right? They pretty cavalierly glossed over the presumed extinction of the species after devoting an entire film to making them. I too would have preferred a more directed follow-up to Prometheus. Or perhaps I would have just preferred better execution in combining elements of the two. While I full well expected the gap between Prometheus & Alien to be bridged, I didn't expect it would be this clunky.

Quote from: Darkness on May 20, 2017, 05:25:09 PM
I know I was disappointed there was no Xenomorphs in it and I know you've remarked at just how much better Spaiht's original draft was. I don't really see the issue here. I went to see an Alien movie and I got to see exactly what I wanted which was Xenomorphs. Would be kinda bizarre to see an Alien movie and not see them.

So you got what you wanted with Covenant; Xenomorph's. Certainly your disappointment, & others that share your opinion, are what influenced Scott to alter course after Prometheus. I'm of the mindset that we had 4 Alien films. You also have 2 AVP films. I'm going to sound like a broken record eventually, but I enjoyed that Prometheus forged it's own path. Plus, given the events of Covenant, it's sequel is going to have to bend over backwards to make ends meet up with the original.

Darth Vile

Darth Vile

Quote from: YutaniDitch on May 20, 2017, 05:28:29 PM

Watch a 4th... you seem to need it, buddy...😂
I refer to my earlier post... You've proven yourself to be so inaccurate with your observations that you've sullied your other comments by default. Why not just admit you were mistaken? Did you see Elvis in Covenant too?



The amount of people shitting on this movie is baffling. How could you guys even compare this to the AVPs or Alien: Ressurections which were both unholy f**king abominations?

Covenant may not be perfect, but it has a lot going for it and personally, I love the direction Ridley is taking the franchise. After that incredible ending, I just cannot wait for the next installment



Me too. Ridley Scott has restored my faith in this franchise.

The real AG

The real AG

I saw the film yesterday, and while I spoiled the movie for myself with watching all the footage that was given out by Fox and having read the leaked script a long time ago as well as having seen the leaked test screening scenes, I still liked the movie.

IMO, Ridley Scott can't win; prior to Prometheus, he wanted to move away from just showing xenomorphs running around and hence explored the idea of the origins of the space jockey and tried to tie that with origins of mankind, but most of the Alien fans or the fans who went in wanting to watch xenomorphs running around didn't like it as there were no xenomorphs. Ridley changed his view and then brought out Covenant which gave the fans the alien creatures, but at the same time did not avoid the origin of them, nor the fate of David/Shaw/Engineers, but the people who want to see more of the Engineers and to explore the grand themes in Prometheus are disappointed with this movie. He cannot please everyone, and while everyone can of course have an opinion about the film, but hating the movie for not taking a direction you wanted it is rather counter-productive IMO.

Now onto the movie, the break-neck speed of the movie was pretty obvious, but I thought that was because Ridley wanted to show all these things but Fox wanted him to cut it all down to about 2 hours. But despite the pacing, I think it successfully conveyed the points it wanted to.

I loved the score, particularly the eerie weird one that was used multiple times including in the med-bay. The neomorphs were vicious and an excellent addition to the franchise, and I am not sure why lot of people have complained about the CGI for the xenomorphs; apart from the birth scene, where they used a practical model I think, the CGI looked pretty good IMO.

I thought Fassbender was excellent as both David and Walter, and I actually liked Walter better as a character. It was a shame we didn't quite get to see how David actually ended Walter or if indeed, he was disabled. Crudup was very good as Oram and I didn't have any problem with him  being led to the basement by David. Oram was not stupid, infact he was the first to see that something was fishy with David and asked David to reveal what was going on. As far as Oram is concerned, David is still an android, and he is has the weapon with him, plus he just killed that neomorph. Faris, Karine, Cole all behave as one might expect in those situations but the thing that irked me was Ricks and Upwowrth getting it on. Oh well, they might have been a freaky couple I guess. On the topic of charachters making poor choices, we see that in other movies in the franchise as well; for example: Spunkmeyer and the pilot of the lander leaving the door to their lander open when their colleagues just got their "asses kicked" by a very aggressive alien organism.

The extremely fast growth of the neomorph and the xenomorph are of course a little strange, but I look at it this way, from Ledward getting infected to him giving birth to the neomorph didn't take long at all, and this probably is a characteristic of the black goo, which is said to be a pathogen and an ACCELERANT. So, it makes sense that the creatures have a fast life cycle just like the trilobite from Prometheus. I think it also worth remembering that all of these creatures are precursors to the xenomorphs in Alien/Aliens/Alien 3 where clearly some sort of bio-mechanoid splicing has happened which might impact their life cycle.

This is a good movie and IMO, many people have romanticized the first 3 movies. If Alien 3 came out tomorrow, I am fairly sure it would get more criticism than even Prometheus or Covenant.

1. Alien                            10/10                   
2. Aliens                            9/10
3. Alien: Covenant               8/10
4. Prometheus                    7/10
5. Alien 3                        6.5/10
6. Alien Resurrection           5/10



Quote from: The real AG on May 20, 2017, 05:43:36 PM
..the thing that irked me was Ricks and Upwowrth getting it on. Oh well, they might have been a freaky couple I guess.

That could have been some considerable time after they resumed course. Tennessee puts Mother offline to reboot or something until 8 bells, so certainly a few hours pass before the alarm sounds.



Quote from: Corporal Hicks on May 20, 2017, 05:30:37 PM
Quote from: Darkness on May 20, 2017, 05:25:09 PM
I know I was disappointed there was no Xenomorphs in it and I know you've remarked at just how much better Spaiht's original draft was.

I also said that I thought Spaihts' scripts would benefit from it focusing on the proto-Aliens and just excising the Aliens completely.

The problem is they're included so late in the game that they just aren't treated well. With Covenant it's a rushed life cycle that irritates the fan in me. With Engineers/Alien Zero it's that they're quickly killed and done away with.

Quote from: YutaniDitch on May 20, 2017, 05:28:29 PM
Watch a 4th... you seem to need it, buddy...😂

I've seen it 4 times and David only bleeds white.

I was stating when Daniels uses the nail to hit it in the throat or chin to get away from its grip... Maybe it was the very dark lighting in the room but it sure did not look white to me... Of course, it seems odd they would make David bleed in that instance alone a dark fluid, but it sure seemed to me they might have missed that one... I will return back to this one in a few months...😁

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