Alien Covenant Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, May 09, 2017, 05:39:30 PM

What did you think of Alien Covenant?

Loved it. (5/5)
100 (21.8%)
Good, it was enjoyable. (4/5)
147 (32%)
It was okay. (3/5)
89 (19.4%)
Could have been better. (2/5)
61 (13.3%)
Didn't like it. (1/5)
32 (7%)
Hated it! (0/5)
30 (6.5%)

Total Members Voted: 457

Alien Covenant Fan Reviews (Read 288,619 times)



Quote from: Highland on May 19, 2017, 12:14:54 AM
Am i the only one that liked Prometheus better than Covenant? Actually, if you stop Covenant when David turns up then I'll give it slightly to Covenant, but the third act of the movie is so horrendously bad it drags it right past for me.

For all the problems Prometheus had it felt more in line with "ALIEN" than Covenant does.It was also grander in scale and at least tried to adhere to some science and bigger themes of the franchise. It's still a mess, but at least it was a grand one that tried a few new tricks, while maintaining mystery. Agree with you that Covenant has a much stronger start than Prometheus.



Ok I just saw it!!!

I think it was rushed. I think it was really rushed. I think Fassbender is the stand out of coarse. However, I think Billy Crudup was the second standout.

Waterson felt very flat to me. McBride was ok. James Franco was amazing!!!!!

The CGI was not good. It wasn't god awful though.

The story was just like Prometheus!!!! It's still full of holes!!! Everyone always said that the scientists don't really act like scientists in Prometheus. Well these people don't act normal here either. The female who gets decapitated runs off by herself. Oram allows it too!!! Safety in numbers people!!!

So as a fan here we are again with a lifecycle issue. The amount of time for Oram and Lope contradicts itself in the same movie for christs sake!!!

My favorite scene was the chestburster actually. It's so stupid, but it has heart.....which makes no sense it's a f**king alien!!!

I how the hell did he go from The Martian to this???

In short this movie is comparable to The Lost World. (Jurassic park 2) its rushed and lacking character, but there are some good parts.



Quote from: HuDaFuK on May 11, 2017, 09:20:46 AM
Quote from: Xenoscream on May 10, 2017, 04:49:08 PMMy overall feeling is that it was a decent film, but had some flaws, and as an Alien fan a few things really pissed me off.

This is pretty much spot-on.

Same here...8 with a big really big minus.

What I liked:

- The big newborn beluga looking alien...really creepy.

- That beeping music that kept playing

- David & Walter

- Some of the crew, notably the women, except the one that didn't want to open the door but than she did..

What I didn't like:

- The crap Alien cgi..I knew it would suck

- A story & writing that felt a bit hurried and washed

- Again some dumb dumb writing and scenes...why don't you shove your head in a big ass egg Ridley

- Only 1-2 good Alien scenes

- Too much storyline about David

- That whole Jungle scene...too much Aliens life & death

- A lot of copied scenes from Alien Isolation which were alright but should have been done more like in Alien instead of all that stupid jumping around.

- Too many Alien runner scenes instead of creepy Alien..

- Too friggin rushed



Alien Covenant

All da rest



Parker's Review:

Just got back from my first viewing and, frankly, it's a lot to digest. But here are some things that stood out to me:

1) The score was a little heavy on the Goldsmith rehashing, but at the same time, I really enjoyed the Prometheus theme's return, and I even heard a little Goldenthal in there at times.

2) Tennessee was a great character, but could have definitely benefited from a "sidekick" ala Bret while he was up there by himself, as the two extra crew members did very little to add to his performance.

3) The first half of the movie was solid.  But, like Hicks and multiple others have already discussed, the second half just flew by.  It's clear that despite what he's said in interviews, Riddles believes that the original Xeno-type alien has completely run its course.  The super-fast facehugger to chestburster to full size xeno process just really left a bad taste in my mouth. 

4) More of the Walter and David interaction would have been a plus!  Those were easily the best scenes in the movie, imo.  I know it's far-fetched, but it'd be awesome if Walter returns in one of the future movies. 

5) I also hope there is an extended cut of the film that's eventually released that includes the Shaw/David scene and the extra James Franco scene that was removed.  It'd also be great if there was a little more explanation of what exactly David did  to Shaw to make her head look all Giger-y when Walter finds her.  But alas, we never got the Prometheus extended cut so it might be a shot in the dark.

6) Daniels was fine. I didn't think she was a Ripley clone.  It'll be interesting to see what happens if/when she and Tennessee end up "Awakening"

7) It's probably not possible these days, but man would I love to see an alien again that's not completely CG.  I mean there were parts that were God-awful to observe. 

8) It would've been cool to see a Neo vs. Xeno battle with David as a close observer, taking notes for his future creation projects.

9) I wish Crudup had survived as well.  He was finally beginning to come into his own when he was 5 second facehugged and bursted.  Loved that "I met the devil when I was a boy..." line. 

I can't come up with a #10 right now lol, but I think thought the movie was good overall.  Not a "perfect organism" by any means, but still better than some of the other installments we've had to witness.

Right now the list is:
Aliens Directors Cut
Alien (either one, they're both awesome)
Alien 3 Assembly Cut
Alien Covenant
Alien Resurrection



just got back and i liked it, didn't love it. ideas wise and probably overall, i preferred prometheus. i miss practical effects and the cg bummed me out quite a bit. felt pretty sad about shaw and the engineers, or lack of. fingers crossed awakening, or whatever it turns out to be, answers all of those original origin questions. 3 out of 5



Just got back from seeing Alien Covenant and I must say it was definitely an enjoyable edition to The franchise. I loved the first couple of acts of the movie. The plot, character development and Neomorphs were great.
Like so many of you I was bummed by a number of things particularly involving the xenomorph.  I must say I was pleased with the overall design; I thought it looked great even though most of it was CGI. Let's face it ladies and gentlemen it's never going back to guys in suites(with majority use throughout a film)as long as there's CGI.
I agree with you guys in the facehugger scene was rushed as well as the growth of the Alien. My least favorite part of the whole movie was the chestburster scene, it started out great then poof it's a miniature xeno.  What was with it copying David's outstretched arms and body movements?!? Weird.
David creating the Xeno didn't bug me as much as I thought it would. Although I love the idea of the Xeno being this ancient alien race birthed forth while the cosmos were still young. Found only in the deepest darkest reaches of space and nightmares. Hopefully this is still the case.
The whole act on the covenant felt so rushed. I didnt feel that the Xeno was scary because the film was going a mile a minute at that point.
Finally, the "twist" at the end. I don't think anyone with a brain was fooled by this. I would have been more suprised if it actually was Walter. Overall though I thought it was a fun, worthy addition to Alien. 6 out of 10.
Aliens->Alien->Alien covenant (crazy right?)->Alien 3->Prometheus ->Alien Resurrection



Just got back from seeing it and processing my thoughts:
the first part of the movie. I really liked the setup going into the second act.
Most of the main characters
Xeno fight on rig with claw
Back/ Throat bursters
David and Walt interaction
Not ok
Xeno and Neo rapid growth

So most of these are pretty much spot on with a lot of other peoples view of the movie But I blame Shaw for all this crap. If she didn't put David back together this would have never happened..👎 I liked the movie though and once again more questions than answers

Alien 3




Yeah, I had way more fun watching Life.

How exactly did the second alien get onto the covenant? The second facehugger wasn't on long enough to do anything. Confused?

Overall I'm disappointed, I like Prometheus better.

Mr. Forest

Mr. Forest

I don't want anymore Alien movies from Ridley Scott, and this is coming from someone who likes Prometheus.

Covenant was so disappointing.



I am going to do a proper review tomorrow but I will say I really, really enjoyed it! And not for the reasons I thought I would...

The bit about David getting the author of the poem wrong, and Walter's response...that was brilliant.

I realize something though. If you came to this movie for scary, tense Xeno kills, you will not enjoy it. The xeno and other creatures are interesting, yes, but the real focus of the movie is David. And it's very captivating to me. If that is not your thing, so be it, but damn this movie hit all the right notes for my personal taste. I loved it.

The xeno changes I can accept because I do not believe this is the same big chap. Regardless, I can accept David creating them in this form because David is an interesting character. I get the sense that is where Ridley Scott's true interest is and love what he has done with it. That ending...."I will look after the children" ...referencing the embryos....horrifying.

People discussing the movie coming out if it, couple guys I talked to enjoyed it.

My rankings...
Alien + Aliens
Prometheus (if only now raised because Covenant makes David's story more interesting in Prometheus) + Alien 3
Alien Ressurection



Quote from: Hennex Forest on May 19, 2017, 05:12:04 AM
I don't want anymore Alien movies from Ridley Scott, and this is coming from someone who likes Prometheus.

Covenant was so disappointing.

BECAUSE? Seriously people, back up your your damn opinion or shut the hell up. Covenant was a good movie, end of story. Stop trolling!



  I liked the film. There are a couple of caveats to this, but overall, this is definitely the best film in the Alien franchise in a long ass time. Way better, more thoughtful, and deliberate than Alien: Resurrection and better than Alien 3 (which although many fans have grown to appreciate more over the years, remains a seriously flawed, and underwhelming film and not the proper final piece of the trilogy that it was originally intended to be)

   One thing was quite clear though, this film and all the Alien Prequels have a certain linchpin and that is the android, David. Although there were neomorphs and a couple proto-morphs (earliest protoype versions of the alien lacking the more biomechanical aspects and longer gestation cycle), they were not front and center, a.k.a not the main focus of the film. Instead everything gravitates around furthering and eventually completing David's story arc, and all the themes and philosophical questions that orbit his character's persona and motivations. (Creation, feeling superior to the inferior humans who created him, suffering from many of the flaws humanity has from his perspective etc., the desire to reach transcendence and leave a lasting legacy, acheive perfection in some way)
   i found Michael Fassbender's performance as both David and the more benign, more robotic, Walter to be absolutely spellbinding. The scenes where they were both together were just enchanting, strange, and at times a bit humorous in a non-slap-stick kind of way. The fight scene between them was done much better than what I had read from reviews, and the kiss was not what was hinted at in many of the reviews, but rather a kiss of death, mafia style, which is delievered to Walter. (Before David stabs him in the neck with the flute)
   The score was above average as well. The haunting music that played as the backburster neomorph emerged from its embryonic sac was just eerie, the use of the Prometheus theme, and the callback to one of the themes played in the the original Alien felt like welcome but not overdone/overused bits of nostalgia.
   The neomorphs were cool as well, despite the obvious need to have them be complete cg nightmarish creatures. They didn't get much screen time but without making a film more like Aliens but with lots of neomorphs instead of xenomorphs, I don't know how that could have been avoided.(As people had guns, and there were only two of the beasties in the film)

     After reading reviews and watching reviews on youtube, at least the non-spoiler ones, I went to see the film with low expectations of how good the cgi would be or how often it would be used. After having seen the film, I was pleasantly surprised. While on the one hand I prefer practical shots of the xenomorph on the big screen, there was nothing that stood out as being like a video game or just laughable like say a sy-fy channel original movie's use of cg. You could tell the alien was cg, but the design of the creature itself was better than what's been seen over the last 15 years or so. It looked as good if not better than what we last saw in Alien 3.(certainly far surpassing the disappointing design of the aliens in Resurrection)
      All the acting was good, and the plot was more than serviceable. People do seem to notice/complain about the accelerated birth/lifecycle of the creatures, but I think it makes sense since they are still directly connected to the virus/black goo which produces abberations/hybrid creatures meant to be as deadly and efficient as possible. Once the xenomorphs become a creature onto their own, generations removed from those spawned by the engineers bioweapon, (and add a queen to the life cycle) it makes more sense that slower gestation rates would result. (that's my interpretation in any event)
    The only things I really didn't like were that the iconic xenomorph(even if a protomorph iteration) was only in the film in the third act and even then, it was brief. The other thing was the chestburster that came out of Oram. It was just bizarre, a very thin but miniature version of an adult alien.(as opposed to say something like the "bambi burster" from Alien 3, which is more of what I expected after seeing the magazine scan of it)
     In summary, I did like the film a lot. I would indeed say it was a little bit better than Prometheus, but obviously nowhere close to being as good or epic as the first two films in the franchise. (But if anyone expected that, then they'd have to be more than a little naive)  I'd give this film a 7.5 out of 10.

Bad Replicant

Bad Replicant

Beautiful, chilling, grotesque, haunting, dreamlike, brutal, and actually genuinely scary at certain points. I am pleased. It saddens me that a lot of people aren't, but I understand it to a degree -- I feel like this is the strangest movie in the series. And I really don't get reviews that I've seen claiming it brings nothing new to the table. This movie was twisted. Is it perfect? Of course not. But given everything I was seeing people say for a week, I was so... thrilled. At the time Prometheus was being made, the most recent point of reference for anything 'horror'-like that Ridley had done was Hannibal (yes, another movie many people dislike, but I love). I envisioned a movie with an aura similar to that, though what was released was totally different. This is far more like the movie I was imagining then. It's Ridley's sheer craziness laid out on the screen, but applied in all of the best ways instead of misguided ones. Impressed.

So, yeah, I liked it. Don't know how many people there are here that do, but uh, count me in.




I enjoyed it a lot.  I think it has a great deal of merit.  There's still mystery left in this series - it's just shifted direction. 

The Alien is becoming something a lot different to what audiences were expecting. 

It's also the 2nd piece of (at least) a 3 act story.  There's good reason why a lot has been withheld. 

I enjoy the fact the movie isn't easily digestible popcorn fluff.  It's brutal in ways 'Star Wars' can never be.  It's more menacing than anything 'MCU' can ever deliver.  There's real meat on these bones.  It's not going to satisfy everyone.  I like that about it.




Quote from: Snake on May 18, 2017, 10:17:23 PMLife ripped off Alien

Doesn't mean it can't be a more enjoyable, cohesive movie.

Alien ripped off Forbidden Planet.

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