Alien Covenant Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, May 09, 2017, 05:39:30 PM

What did you think of Alien Covenant?

Loved it. (5/5)
100 (21.8%)
Good, it was enjoyable. (4/5)
147 (32%)
It was okay. (3/5)
89 (19.4%)
Could have been better. (2/5)
61 (13.3%)
Didn't like it. (1/5)
32 (7%)
Hated it! (0/5)
30 (6.5%)

Total Members Voted: 457

Alien Covenant Fan Reviews (Read 288,549 times)



Movie is weak. As a movie itself and as a horror too and as an alien film as well.



Quote from: szkoki on May 18, 2017, 07:36:58 PM
Movie is weak. As a movie itself and as a horror too and as an alien film as well.

Man...the least you could do is explain why you didn't like it and try to back up your opinion with some valid and reasonable arguments...



Hey guys, long time lurker. Just saw alien covenant and decided to post an opinion.
I have seen alien at age 7 for the first time and been a fan of the franchise since age 13. After watching the movie i really think that ridley should pass the directional torch to "new blood". He still has the magic eye for visual and the overall idea of the movie is very good. But the implication of those ideas is poor, the pacing of the movie is too fast, the use of the characters is all wrong. The process of their decision making is not fit for trained crew of astronauts and soldiers. There is not a single logical decision or behaviour in the movie. I really believe that this script should have been handeld by another director. wasted oppertunity, nice sci fi movie but not even close to the standards of the first three.   



- Its starts of strong and well but falls flat finally.
- The way the Covenant stumbles upon the signal is the über randomness once again just like Prometheus find the pyramid. Lazy story writing and directing.
- The movie is a complete rip off in many ways of Alien/Aliens just to give you that sense of nostalgia feeling. Just like Jurassic World tried to do it to fool the audiance or Star Wars 7.
- Talking about stupid characters...i mean why on Earth Oram did what David told him right after he wanted to shoot him? Lazy storytelling and directing again. VERY LAZY. So said because Billy did an amazing job on the character. Not even talking about Rosenthal "BRB" moment. And of course she cleans her wounds with the water of an infected planet. Plus nobody is suspicius about David, no ,no...
- After David shows just like Scott would walk out in front of the theater and would say "Sorry guys but f**k alien and the alien universe this will be a Blade Runner prequel/sequel/tie in about creator and creation". Lets face it, in the end he directed the script so not all on the screenwriters.
- Davids creating the xenomorph is utter BS. Even Scott admitted it he did it. Now thats causing serious trouble in the time line for Alien with the ancient ship and for Prometheus as well with the Alien dome.
- Killing of Shaw was weak and lazy story telling once again. While killing off Hicks and Newt served a purpose there is nothing here.
- Viral marketing and trailers spoiled heavily the somewhat okayish twists as well.
- They showed too much the creatures, they released the tension in every 2 mins with that.

I came to the theater to see Alien not Blade Runner in the end and it wasnt even a well written well directed movie.

Best thing was about this movie the new soundtrack bit and the neomorph part.




Quote from: szkoki on May 18, 2017, 09:37:24 PM

Now thats causing serious trouble in the time line for Alien with the ancient ship and for Prometheus as well with the Alien dome.

To be fair, I'm pretty sure that David saw the alien-shaped inscription in the ship in Prometheus. We can always fanwank that he used it as an inspiration when he designed the creature. Granted, it's an incredibly dumb idea, but oh well... :p



I just cant believe they cant top Alien3 for 20+ yrs now. Which was a studio disaster after all. Shocking.

Fox need to get rid of Ridley...sad but true or hire REALLY REALLY GOOD WRITERS. Where Ridley cant screw up the story.



Quote from: szkoki on May 18, 2017, 09:37:24 PM
- Its starts of strong and well but falls flat finally.
- The way the Covenant stumbles upon the signal is the über randomness once again just like Prometheus find the pyramid. Lazy story writing and directing.
- The movie is a complete rip off in many ways of Alien/Aliens just to give you that sense of nostalgia feeling. Just like Jurassic World tried to do it to fool the audiance or Star Wars 7.
- Talking about stupid characters...i mean why on Earth Oram did what David told him right after he wanted to shoot him? Lazy storytelling and directing again. VERY LAZY. So said because Billy did an amazing job on the character. Not even talking about Rosenthal "BRB" moment. And of course she cleans her wounds with the water of an infected planet. Plus nobody is suspicius about David, no ,no...
- After David shows just like Scott would walk out in front of the theater and would say "Sorry guys but f**k alien and the alien universe this will be a Blade Runner prequel/sequel/tie in about creator and creation". Lets face it, in the end he directed the script so not all on the screenwriters.
- Davids creating the xenomorph is utter BS. Even Scott admitted it he did it. Now thats causing serious trouble in the time line for Alien with the ancient ship and for Prometheus as well with the Alien dome.
- Killing of Shaw was weak and lazy story telling once again. While killing off Hicks and Newt served a purpose there is nothing here.
- Viral marketing and trailers spoiled heavily the somewhat okayish twists as well.
- They showed too much the creatures, they released the tension in every 2 mins with that.

I came to the theater to see Alien not Blade Runner in the end and it wasnt even a well written well directed movie.

Best thing was about this movie the new soundtrack bit and the neomorph part.


-because...(insert arguments here).

-Finding an alien temple almost immediately on an immense and vast planet is totally different than stumbling accross a signal that can be received from a million miles away. If that is one of your gripes with this film you should per definition also hate Alien.

-Because he was curious and wanted to know what was inside the egg. It's a nod to the original, obviously. Rosenthal is just a dumb broad who thinks she's at a tea party with Nanny McPhee. Of course she shouldn't have wondered off alone but hey, at least she got what she deserved.

-The franchise has always been about aliens and androids so I don't see any problems here.

-Ridley isn't done yet with this series so maybe you should wait untill next movie before saying stuff like this.

- Shaw was annoying as f*ck so good riddens. And what purpose was served killing Hicks and Newt? Although I love the movie, it's one of my biggest gripes with Alien 3.

-What can I say, you have yourself to blame for watching it all and should have stayed away from any promotional material for the film.

-Isn't that why you wanted to see this movie in the first place? To see aliens?

Life ripped off Alien

nuff said.



Quote from: Snake on May 18, 2017, 10:17:23 PM
Quote from: szkoki on May 18, 2017, 09:37:24 PM
- Its starts of strong and well but falls flat finally.
- The way the Covenant stumbles upon the signal is the über randomness once again just like Prometheus find the pyramid. Lazy story writing and directing.
- The movie is a complete rip off in many ways of Alien/Aliens just to give you that sense of nostalgia feeling. Just like Jurassic World tried to do it to fool the audiance or Star Wars 7.
- Talking about stupid characters...i mean why on Earth Oram did what David told him right after he wanted to shoot him? Lazy storytelling and directing again. VERY LAZY. So said because Billy did an amazing job on the character. Not even talking about Rosenthal "BRB" moment. And of course she cleans her wounds with the water of an infected planet. Plus nobody is suspicius about David, no ,no...
- After David shows just like Scott would walk out in front of the theater and would say "Sorry guys but f**k alien and the alien universe this will be a Blade Runner prequel/sequel/tie in about creator and creation". Lets face it, in the end he directed the script so not all on the screenwriters.
- Davids creating the xenomorph is utter BS. Even Scott admitted it he did it. Now thats causing serious trouble in the time line for Alien with the ancient ship and for Prometheus as well with the Alien dome.
- Killing of Shaw was weak and lazy story telling once again. While killing off Hicks and Newt served a purpose there is nothing here.
- Viral marketing and trailers spoiled heavily the somewhat okayish twists as well.
- They showed too much the creatures, they released the tension in every 2 mins with that.

I came to the theater to see Alien not Blade Runner in the end and it wasnt even a well written well directed movie.

Best thing was about this movie the new soundtrack bit and the neomorph part.


-because...(insert arguments here).

-Finding an alien temple almost immediately on an immense and vast planet is totally different than stumbling accross a signal that can be received from a million miles away. If that is one of your gripes with this film you should per definition also hate Alien.

-Because he was curious and wanted to know what was inside the egg. It's a nod to the original, obviously. Rosenthal is just a dumb broad who thinks she's at a tea party with Nanny McPhee. Of course she shouldn't have wondered off alone but hey, at least she got what she deserved.

-The franchise has always been about aliens and androids so I don't see any problems here.

-Ridley isn't done yet with this series so maybe you should wait untill next movie before saying stuff like this.

- Shaw was annoying as f*ck so good riddens. And what purpose was served killing Hicks and Newt? Although I love the movie, it's one of my biggest gripes with Alien 3.

-What can I say, you have yourself to blame for watching it all and should have stayed away from any promotional material for the film.

-Isn't that why you wanted to see this movie in the first place? To see aliens?

Life ripped off Alien

nuff said.

i think you just try to reason everything because you liked Covenant a lot :)

Wait for next movie of Scott? You mean the 3rd movie? :D I wonder what kind of movie he will make next time after receiving all the negative comments on this one too. Because he changed his mind after Prometheus on the reviews.

As for the signal no...the neutrino burst was too convenient for the plot.
And no i wouldnt put my face into any alien life form after an evil robot who killed half of my crew tells me created all these by killing others. And i dont know where do you get this about Rosenthal..that character had 2 lines in the whole movie....

The death of Hicks and Newt set up the sacrafice of Ripley even more. Alien3 is still a great character drama.

And no a trailer shouldnt spoil a movie. Check old trailers and nowdays i cant believe you try to reason with this as well :D

I love Alien3 but i admit it has it flaws, BIG ones. One thing to like something and one thing to fanboy. And yes Life ripped of Alien much better than Covenant or Prometheus did. Ridley doesnt even know what hes doing at this point.



I don't have a problem with the neutrino burst leading to the crew discovering Shaw's signal.

It's the catalyst for the events to unwind, which emulates real life. A lot of people find themselves facing situations, they wouldn't have found themselves in, had a random event not occurred.




Yeah i agree that was the least laziest plot device in the movie...unlike going off for having a cigarette, putting my face into small alien eggs, going off alone cleaing during alien attack, putting my face into giant alien eggs :D

2nd Chance Kiddo

Long-time gestating, first time bursting (onto the forum)... Here's my thoughts on Covenant.

Overall, I liked it. I really enjoyed the first half – I thought it created a dark tone from the first events we see aboard the Covenant, built a good level of tension and expectation, and had the right balance between Prometheus elements and moving the story into a more familiar 'Alien' film. However, like many, I was left a bit underwhelmed by the later part, especially the last act with the protomorph/xenomorph.

First half

I loved the inclusion of familiar musical elements from Alien in the Covenant score. Yeah, it wasn't very subtle but it worked in building the excitement and expectation, especially in the cut from the prologue to the title sequence and introduction of the colony ship.

I thought there was sufficient character building early on among the Covenant crew members. They weren't as naturalistic as the Nostromo crew or have dialogue as snappy as the Colonial Marines, and were not as distinctive as the prisoners of Fury 161 (joke!), but I bought into them.

I particularly felt for Oram who I thought was a tragic figure: struggling to take on leadership (but not shirking the responsibility), feeling guilt at the grave consequences of his decision-making and then ultimately falling into a trap. Yep, the writers could have done better to justify why he would allow himself to be led by David into that trap despite showing suspicion of him. One way I justified it in my mind was that he thought he was in control in that situation (he had the weapon) and, in an effort to prove himself as a leader, he would get answers from David as to what was going on and take them back to the group.

I also wonder whether, instead of suffering the chestbursting almost immediately upon waking up, it would have been interesting to see Oram be told what was going to happen by David and have to deal with that knowledge and the danger it would represent to the rest of the group.

On the issue of the chestburster and the whole strange tone of it, I'm not sure how I feel about it on first viewing. In Ridley's defence, maybe he was trying to do something completely different with it, knowing that he can't recapture the shock and disgust value of the original Kane birth scene? It felt somehow celebratory rather than frightening.

The neomorph sequences were great – moved well from tension to horror to wreckless panic, and conveyed the sheer viciousness of the creature from the moment of its birth. At one point, I thought we might see one squeeze through a gap in a wall like what I think was described of one of the creatures in the abandoned Jon Spaihts script.

Second half

I agree with most reviewers here that the pace of the second half was too fast and the eventual showdown with the xenomorph was disappointing. There was no time to see the Covenant crew explore what was happening to them. I don't mean they needed to sit around and expound on the meaning of everything, but once creatures started attacking, I don't remember them asking questions about the things they were seeing or how they could be dealt with, as happened in the original Alien films. Mainly, I think this would have lent some sense of awe to the eventual appearance of the xenomorph that I think was missing, as nice as it was to see a version of it back on the big screen. There didn't seem to be much attempt by the writers to develop the mythology of the xenomorph, and as far as the remainder of the crew were concerned, it was just another weird creature that needed to be dealt with.

I did like the very end scenes in the film.

OK, it wasn't a massive surprise to find out it was David, but the thought of Daniels being sent to sleep at the very point she realised the full terror of the situation did stick with me – that will be a hypersleep full of bad dreams!

Anyway, the film definitely left me thinking, and wanting to re-watch it to see if my view of the second half changes.


Alien / Aliens
Alien 3
Alien: Covenant
Alien: Resurrection



Long time forum lurker here. Just watched the damn movie.

My capsule review is: 4/10. Utter crap.

My actual review: I am a total fan of the franchise (1,2,3) since I was kid. I even liked Prometheus to some extent. Reading the forums before watching the movie certainly didn't help...but still... There was no tension whatsoever, no scare jumps, no atmosphere, nothing. At least Prometheus had that sinister tone all over it. The visuals were great, but still not better than Prometheus. The creature's CGI was laughable. The story was falling apart after 60min in. A lot of cringeworthy David kissing walter after teaching him how to play the flute.

- laughable CGI of the creatures, especially the birth of the neomorph
- fast and furious type of action with cables and everything
- no tension, buildup, there were even no scare jumps
- mini alien raising hands
- androids kissing
- flute lessons
- everything that happened in the dome is total borefest.
- ultra messy third act
- xeno view
- the hunting and killing of the xeno is boring and predictable
- ditching all the questions that were left open from Prometheus

I can't think of any positive thing. Maybe David explaining how Walter can't create (the flute I know...)

Where Ridley wanted to go with this? It's half disabled Prometheus sequel with a few CGI xeno disasters thrown in.

Seems like Ridley lost his balls and creative mojo a long time ago.

BTW.. I'm not a hater. I love the franchise to death, but this movie is a total abomination. The worst part is that movies like this and AVP are shitting on the entire franchise...

To make an Alien movie you need:

- a scary dark planet
- scary dark corridors
- a terrified not so dumb crew with an android
- facehuggers that two persons can barely remove from somebody's face
- a practical big chap that lurks in the dark
- a pinch of unexplained misterious gigersque entities.



So, I got to see it a second time in London today ( amazingly given the time and location I ended up being the only person in the whole thing, got to see it with a whole theatre to myself, lying down on a couch, I will remember that for a long time  ;D ), so I can now give a proper review of the movie.

We can criticise Rotten tomatoes all we like, the fact is that 75/78% is very much what this movie deserves.

This is a big step up from Prometheus. Apart from the overall idea of "travelling the universe to meet our maker", the only truly satisfying piece of Prometheus was the Shaw abortion scene. Everything else in the movie was ok at best, but mostly extremely frustrating. Covenant is very satisfying in many places, and occasionally frustrating, which makes for a better experience.

I have a few gripes with the movie. I'm going to list them first, but I want to say now that none of these mean the movie is bad or even mediocre. They just make the movie "good" instead of perfect. It keeps it below the level of the original two Alien movies, and it's a shame because clearly the potential was there for a slightly better movie. As it stands, Covenant is still a good movie with plenty to enjoy without reservations.

So, the gripes.
- That CGI in the neomorph birth scene is just not ok. Not in 2017, not in a franchise as important as this one, not with that budget, not with that much time to work on it. I have read people lament on how CG was painted onto practical effect, but I disagree. It works perfectly well in most of the movie. It just doesn't work when they CG-ed it from scratch. The newborn neomorph attacking Ejogo's character... that scene took me out of the movie completely, it was just extremely uneven, verging sometimes on the extremely bad. In the same scene ( the whole med-bay sequence ), I absolutely fail to understand Faris' reasoning for locking Ejogo's character in the room. It makes ZERO sense. She gets sprayed in the face by contaminated blood, so quarantine for everybody but her makes no sense, and it results in Ejogo's and Faris' death making no sense. Very frustrating because in my opinion up to this scene the movie had been PERFECT for a full hour on many levels.

- The last act. I don't get it. Such a well thought-out, storyboarded movie... And then, the last act, so unfocused, so messy to follow in the scenes that should have been the most important. On first viewing the dispatch of the first Alien made no sense to me. It worked slightly better on the second viewing, but it's still a messy piece of film-making. Similarly the lead-up to the final terraforming bay finale worked better the second time around, BUT that final release of the trucks with Daniels dodging the truck and the Alien at the last moment felt a bit forced. Forget "a bit". It felt really forced, and not only forced but way too quick. It's just a really messy piece of action, but how can you manage to f**k up the most important scene of your movie... really frustrating.

So. That said.
The positives.
There are long stretches when the movie is not only ok like Prometheus could be in its best moments, but also deeply satisfying as a cinematic experience ( which Prometheus really wasn't ).
Personally, in that respect the second viewing confirmed the first : the whole first hour is an incredible movie. There is nothing I don't like about it. I like all the characters, I like the prologue, I like the build up, I like the mysteries, I like Daniels' backstory and grief ( I cried with her ), I like the sails, I like the discovery and exploration of the planet. That whole hour is some of the best film-making I've ever witnessed in cinema. It made me as immensely happy the second time as it had done the first time.
Shame that the magic had to be undone with the neomorph birth scene. Maybe it made more sense in the script or in a previous iteration of the cut... I'm saying that because you can hear Faris' explanation through the glass a lot better in the first trailers than you can in the final movie where it seems they gave up trying to make sense of her character's actions altogether,

Most of what involves Oram and Daniels is great. Same as the reaction I had the first time around, the Oram/David/Neomorph scene is amazing. And proof that painting CGI on an actor really can work well. What an amazing scene.
Chestburster scene. Still amazing. That score! I mean, that works for most of the movie : that score from Jed Kurzel is perfect. Ok, maybe a bit forgettable in the half section, but that piece of music for the chest burster is genius. And that scene is incredibly beautiful.

The movie structure in itself is not at fault for the movie's flaws. I love the idea of having a full hour to get behind the team, half an hour to survive on the planet, half an hour to survive off it. Roughly. I think it works well. It's just a shame that a couple of important monster scenes end up being a bit messy/rushed.

By the way, the "bring it to my turf" scene worked a lot better the second time around. I personally love the filter they used for "Xeno-view", I thought it worked very well, and I thought the editing worked wonders. All these corridor doors closing looked amazing ( and again, the score! ). If there is one thing that let that whole section down it's the close-ups on "Walter"/David. We know it's David but it's really unclear and confusing as to whether we is trying to help, only witness, or on the side of the Xenomorph. It adds some really unnecessary confusion to the whole thing, which breaks the tension and focus where it really shouldn't.

Speaking of, mixing the positive with negative : all the David scenes in general are fascinating and will make for repeated viewing gold, but I think something has been lost in the final edit by being overtly obvious about the switch in the last act. The tension in the last act should be focused on the Tenessee/Daniels/Xeno dynamic. That's where the fun is. So having Walter around and knowing it's David is an extra ingredient that really doesn't work. It works once the Xeno has been dealt with, it even works wonderfully, but up to that point it makes for a pesky distraction.

So there you go. A deeply satisfying first hour. Satisfying extra moments scattered here and there in the second hour ( Engineer city, Engineer visuals, David/Walter scene, David/Oram, David/Daniels ), absolutely beautiful score almost throughout, but a couple of scenes that have sub-par CGI and messy editing in a couple of important scenes, including sadly the final confrontation.

A bit frustrating taken as a whole and all the more given how incredibly good the first hour is, but still way better and way more satisfying than Prometheus AND up there in my favourite of the series ( right after Alien and Aliens ).

By the way, on second viewing, there are definitely Giger-esque things growing out of Shaw's head... I don't mind mysteries ( there are lots of things left for us to ponder in Covenant in a good way ) but I wouldn't have minded some slightly more obviously challenging visuals when it came to Shaw mutating, or when it came to seeing Ejogo's corpse after the neomorph attack for example. Given the movie's rating, it could easily have been a bit more bold in a couple of places and would have been even more satisfying as a result.

A good movie. A good Sci-fi movie. A lot to ponder.
A bit extra care would have made an easy difference between satisfying and perfect though.



Ok, fresh from the Showcase Cinema - many things I loved, but a few gripes. Overall, I think we need to accept the Alien has become a piece of the jigsaw in a grander story - Ridley's not doing the haunted house anymore (although there's a little of that I suppose). 

I don't agree that this is the right path, but I kind of understand what Ridley meant when he said it was cooked. Alien and Aliens are special and one offs. You shouldn't be trying to capture the same lightening in the bottle. Instead of going for scares, Ridley's got kinky and is going for perversion...out of honour to Giger, the biggest pervert of them all. Anyway, my review? When it's good, it's very very good. It just feels several million dollars and a couple of months post-production short of perfection. The script has many good ideas, and ties together much of the narrative mess of Prometheus. The problems with the film stem from a)
not having the balls to go full out horror, for example by exploiting David's experimentation on Shaw - perhaps having her kept alive, a tortured mutation, producing eggs, mostly Alien, but something human still there
and (b 
the "rushed" edit of the climax. A big like Shaw in Prometheus, the final battle isn't as satisfying as it should be, and I put this down to keeping the running time to less than 2 hours. We're clearly missing some scenes / shots

Is it a good film? Yes, absolutely. Is it of the standard of the first 3? Hmmm, no, but will we ever get that kind of fearsome storytelling again - you know, X-rated horror? Nope. So in many ways this is the best we could have expected. I think Ridley knows this, and is the very reason why he's pursuing a God-Quest theme opposed to anything else.



Am i the only one that liked Prometheus better than Covenant? Actually, if you stop Covenant when David turns up then I'll give it slightly to Covenant, but the third act of the movie is so horrendously bad it drags it right past for me.

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