Alien Covenant Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, May 09, 2017, 05:39:30 PM

What did you think of Alien Covenant?

Loved it. (5/5)
100 (21.8%)
Good, it was enjoyable. (4/5)
147 (32%)
It was okay. (3/5)
89 (19.4%)
Could have been better. (2/5)
61 (13.3%)
Didn't like it. (1/5)
32 (7%)
Hated it! (0/5)
30 (6.5%)

Total Members Voted: 457

Alien Covenant Fan Reviews (Read 285,876 times)

T Dog

T Dog

Just saw it. Super hokey creature cgi. Pretty goofy movie. I had zero expectations and it was entertaining but very forgettable. David is an evil f**k though.....interesting character.

Yeah so this series started on the wrong foot when they f**ked with the majesty and mystery and aesthetic of the space jockey. Mistakes just as detrimental to the series were made here too.



Just back from the movie. . .

Could have been better ALOT better !

Predictable / Recycled / Poor Alien CGI / Cliche / 70% disposable Crew with little bearing on the story as a whole or even enough time onscreen for meaningful dialogue to happen to make you care for them.

Left us not even hanging but a lack luster predictable ending, with no reason to go see the next because it tells you what the bulk of the plot will be before its even going to start.

Alien Grand Master

I think pacing was due to editing, there are probably a few deleted scenes from the second and third act.  Story wise the writing I felt was done well.  The characters while most of them aren't properly introduced in the movie are still compelling enough.  Although the androids completely steal the show, David seemingly more human than the humans (might be intentional.)



Hi everyone,

I'm a life-long diehard Alien lunatic and this is the first time I'm posting something here even though I've frequently visited this site when Prometheus was still in pre-production. I just love the debates here and how committed you people are towards your favourite franchises.
I just wanted to give you all my two cents for Alien: Covenant since I keep blabbering about it at home and my family is getting fed up with it. I'll try to avoid spoilers for those of you who haven't seen it yet.

First off, I cannot stress enough how pleased I am with Alien: Covenant! I saw it yesterday and left the theatre feeling quite positive overall, even though I still had some doubts.
Now that I slept on it I can put my hand on my heart and say that this imho is the best movie since Alien 3.
And That's saying a lot when you consider how much this franchise has veered off course during the past decade.

Before I get to the actual review I first want to say some things about Prometheus and why I didn't like all.
I have never in my life looked forward so much to seeing a movie  as I did with Prometheus. The countdown during the last few months before release seemed like years.
I took my entire family (well, the ones who actually wanted to see it) to the local cinema and when the credits eventually rolled I felt totally underwhelmed and frustrated.
Never, not even in my wildest dreams, would I have thought that it could have turned out the way it did. The premise about the untold story of the Space Jockey and expansion of the mythos sent shivers down my spine.
But I was blinded by the hype and honestly believed that this movie couldn't fail no matter what. I was so wrong...

Even though Prometheus looked terrific, it just couldn't be saved because the characters did the most retarded things ever and it was constant and non-stop (eg. trying to pet an alien snake even though it hissed violently, getting drunk after making
the most important discovery in the history of mankind, crew members having sex when others are stranded in the temple, crew members that have zero f**ks to give when a person walks in the room all covered in blood, helmet bongs etc.)
This movie was so full of itself and tackled such a variety of big ideas and important questions but answered none! All this and the fact that the Space Jockey in all his epicness was reduced to a bald smurf on steroids made me dislike and even hate it. It was so full of promise but missed all the important marks such as good story-telling, emotional characters we can relate to and worst of all: the connection to the
source material was superficial and felt like it was shoe-horned in. It clearly wanted to distantiate itself from 'the simple' Alien and be the better, more grandiose and thought-provoking film. Most of the Alien-fanbase raged and rightfully so!
I believe it wasn't because the movie lacked xenomorphs, but because the movie felt disjointed and rushed. The plot was all over the place
and wasn't going anywhere. Afterwards I wasn't surprised at all with a writer like Lindeloff on board. It seemed like Ridley and co didn't even have a finished script when the movie was halfway post-production.

With Alien: Covenant Scott played it safe but even though this is kind of true, he still pulled out all the stops and went straight for the jugular. This is without doubt the most brutal and savage Alien-film so far imo.
But before I get into why, I want to get the obvious things out of the way.

I'll start with the visuals and the score. Ridley stated once that he 'comes from the visual side of things' and credit must be given where it's due. AC looks stunning and is jaw-droppingly beautiful to say the least.The art-direction is spot on and something to admire. A lot of other directors can learn a thing or two from the man. The covenant ship looks very real and it's amazing what a director can achieve with a good combination of practical sets and cgi. Likewise, the planet the crew lands on is lush and vibrant and just breathes atmosphere.
It's a welcome change to the overall greyish tone of the barren rocks in the previous movies. So when it comes to visuals, Scott has earned his stripes once again. Every frame looks like a painting and everything is exactly where it needs to be. Imo this movie is a prime candidate for the oscar for 'best cinematography'.
I also think they did a fantastic job with the music and sound effects. I caught myself multiple times grinning at the screen feeling extremely satisfied. It's like an updated/reinvented version of the original scrore from Alien and it just filled me with nostalgia.
In summary, your eyes and ears will be in for a real treat if you're going to watch it.

As for the story and characters I'll be brief. Unlike Prometheus, Covenant's story is pretty simple and straight-forward and
it's not ashamed about it nor tries to hide what it essentially is: more of the same. You can easily sum it up in one sentence: People land on an alien planet where they all die. Period. But don't be fooled into thinking this is another dumb B-flick.
There are several intriguing scenes and thought-provoking dialogue scattered throughout the film. Especially the prologue is brilliant and a masterpiece.The first hour of this film is executed almost perfectly.

The movie slowly builds up so we get to spend some time with the characters and learn what their motivations and emotions are.
I believe this is crucial to making a good horror film so we actually care when one of the them meets his/her demise.
But when they eventually land, Scott doesn't waste any time and everything goes wrong very quickly.
When the crew finally gets to the engineer temple, I admit things get a little awkward at times but it's not like you will cringe in your seat. Some of the character's decisions are questionable, yes, but Ridley needs to move the plot along wherever he can, so all can be forgiven imo.
Sure the story has some minor flaws but hell, nearly all movies suffer in that department nowadays. In Covenant they are easily overlooked. Alas, those looking for answers to the questions raised in Prometheus, I have to disappoint. You won't find any of them here
or very few. At best we get a pretty solid explanation from David what the black goo actually is, but other than that, don't count on getting your answers. It'll be for the next movie...maybe.
Oh btw...spoiler-alert! Fassbender steals the show. Didn't see that one coming huh. lol

Now, on to the reason why I desperately wanted to see this movie. What about the creatures? The aliens? Did Ridley deliver? Short answer: hell yes! Being the most modern episode in the franchise with a veteran director at the helm, Covenant shows us the most frightening
and realistic Xenomorphs/neomorphs yet. The Alien stands up proudly in this film and looks more humanoid than ever. Ridley obviously wanted to avoid the cliche of Covenant being another mere bug hunt and imo he pulled it off.
The aliens portrayed in this movie are vicious and from the minute they are born, their purpose in life is to kill you ASAP without being even remotely sorry. They will stop at nothing and are not afraid to attack groups of enemies.
Scott has made of it a terrifying creature again, so to all who say that the beast is cooked, I choose to think otherwise. Also, because we already know what it looks like, Ridley shows it to us in all it's glory. Furthermore, the death-scenes look agonizing and gruesome. Honest to God, the backburster-scene is easily just as good or even surpasses the scene with John Hurt.
Also, because the victim for once isn't wearing any shirt ( I believe this is the first time ever for any Alien film) you can see the guy's muscles tear and bones break and what not. Gallons of blood are spilled and even though most of it was cgi, it was executed so perfectly that it felt more real than ever. It was truly shocking and disturbing to watch, exactly what I craved for in the past...10 years?
The mouthburster was cool as well, but the lighting was much darker so it was more difficult to see clearly.
I have to say: some creature designs were a bold choice, as others have stated.
But apart from that specific, almost comical scene (you'll know what I'm talking about when you go see it), there's very little to complain about.

That's pretty much all I wanted to say, so I hope I didn't bore you guys to death and you had fun reading this (lenghty) review. To sum it all up:
Alien: Covenant feels more like a remake of the original film than anything else, but at least it's a very good and solid one. To all Alien-fans out there I can say this:
Scott has finally given us what we had to miss for too long: A GOOD ALIEN-FILM! An updated/crisp take on the original and to be honest,
if Alien (1979) didn't exist and Covenant would tie into it better, this would without a doubt be the best episode in the series.
If I had to award it points, i'd give it 8.5 or 9/10. I will definitely go see it a second time and buy the blu-ray the moment it's released.

Sir Ridley Scott, you have restored my faith in you as a filmmaker and I hope you can keep up the excellent work.



Quote from: John Doe on May 12, 2017, 08:30:38 PM
I think the problem, with the poor script, it´s that they did a rushed production and fast release.

Ridley works fast, he doesn´t take the necesary time for his movies.

That's the issue. When you rush you make mistakes.

Cereal Killer

Cereal Killer

Going to see it Sunday. Really disappointed what am reading. Could tell the cgi was average  from the trailer. But still gonna give them my money 😂



Quote from: DorkiDori on May 12, 2017, 11:10:05 PM
the title of this thread NEEDS to be changed! the US still hasnt had the movie released yet to the public! header is EXTREMELY spoilerish!

How would you change it?



It was fun, but overall just okay. I hope the mixed opinion this film has doesn't delay or outright stop the sequels Scott wants to make because there's still a lot of untapped potential. Maybe my opinion will change over time.

In short for the moment, pros: David was amazing, the Xenomorphs look beautiful and I loved the violence. The ending was especially terrifying, this tops Alien 3 in terms of being the darkest film in the series.

Cons: The charactization wasn't great unfortunately, why am I rooting for the Xenomorph? It's not scary if the cast isn't developed that well and I'm just waiting for some of them to die. The plot feels thin like this is just a teaser for later films. Why did they kill off
Did the actress not want to be in anymore films? I guess we need to wait longer to get those answers we asked after Prometheus. The pacing felt a bit off too.

Overall it felt like a by the numbers reboot of Alien, even though Prometheus sort of did that last time. I love the direction they're going with David, but these films need new ideas on what to do with the Xenomorphs and better characters.

T Dog

T Dog

Quote from: Cereal Killer on May 12, 2017, 11:25:54 PM
Going to see it Sunday. Really disappointed what am reading. Could tell the cgi was average  from the trailer. But still gonna give them my money 😂
The bastards have their claws in us.



(Currently at professor-drunk stage)

My favourite part:

Walter promises Daniels he will speak with David and find our further information, he finds the Prometheus survivor in his chamber. Walter asks David if he can play this recorder-like instrument and Walter says he cannot. He doesn't have the technique.

The scene, for me, was a bit of a riff on Hamlet Act 3, Scene 2 in which Rosencrantz and Guildenstern seek out Hamlet to find out what exactly is going on. Hamlet, sensing their intentions, offers Guildenstern a recorder and asks him to play it.

I do not well understand that. Will you play upon this pipe?

My lord, I cannot.

I pray you.

Believe me, I cannot.

I do beseech you.

I know no touch of it, my lord.

It is as easy as lying. Govern these ventages with your fingers and thumb, give it breath with your mouth, and it will discourse most eloquent music. Look you, these are the stops.

Hamlet later says:

Why, look you now, how unworthy a thing you make of me! You would play upon me. You would seem to know my stops. You would pluck out the heart of my mystery. You would sound me from my lowest note to the top of my compass. And there is much music, excellent voice, in this little organ, yet cannot you make it speak? 'Sblood, do you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe? Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, yet you cannot play upon me.

There was certainly some of this in the scene. David sensed Walter's intentions and instead used to the Pipe to distract him, and flip the situation, so he was the one learning more information, and by playing the notes for him, David was the one attempting to control the other. This sneaky urge to control made the scenes between the two Synthetics reallly tense for me. The scene called back to the opening dialogue between Weyland and David as well. Lots of fun.




Saw it tonight.

Just a few things.

I felt it had been edited down,it's bloody in places but a lot of it was v quick esp the shower scene which was as out of place as we saw from the trailer,Birchir's death is offscreen,why???

The music was awful the Alien 79 cues were nice.

I really liked Waterston,Franco had 1 scene via mobile and a death sceneCrudup was a gr8 character but underdeveloped.

I disliked the temple setting.a bit A v P looking.

Liked the rescue by Tennesse and Upworth.

Fassbender is the master as suspected by all and it fits but looses that mythology.

The final scene is ill conceived.

The wheat field attack was a let down,too dark and quick,med bay was gr8 despite some ropey acting from Seimetz and Ejogo,Cartwright rules the fear game.

Cast was ok nothing great,we are not told they r couples,if u go in blind you'd never know.

My what a clean ship.

The ending was as others stated v rushed,there's an extended cut out there hopefully.

It is more of a Prometheus sequel.

7 out of 10.

1 other thing Rosenthal's death scene must have been cut down as we don't get that long scream we saw in the teaser and other trailers,we just see the alien/neomorph bear down on her,the shower scene is shot differently.

Sutekh The Destroyer

Pretty much loved it from start to finnish. As a review I posted else were (non-spoiler).

Score 10/10

To give this  review I think it best to do it in comparison to Prometheus since its what most will judge this film against.

Over all  Covenant makes far superior use of its run time then Prometheus did. While both had grand ideas and scope, Covenant dose not loose itself in them while Prometheus often allowed its themes to take the for front at the expense of the films narrative. Covenant is a story first and for most. Unlike Prometheus no shots or scenes feel wasted and the over all narrative flows much more smoothly. Also Covenant dose not have that sense missing story elements that it's predecessor did. However the story can be a bit fast paced and hectic in places.

We spend a far greater amount of time getting to know the characters and they seem for more realistic then their Prometheus counter parts. While not on pare with Alien and even Alien 3, Covenant allows us to get to know caste enough that you know most of them by sight and see them a people much like Aliens....and like Aliens your not going to get so know some of the caste as well as others if at all. All of the actors provide great or at least suitable performances with no real stand out weak points or contradictions. The real show stealer is once again Michael Fassbender, who's performance here eclipses his one in  Prometheus.

The special effects for the film are easily equal and maybe a bit superior to those in Prometheus. I'm not a great judge of CGI but I personally didn't see any-problems.

The creatures of the film are truly amazing, beautiful and terrifying. This film explores a number of aspects to them, not just the one everyone's thinking of when they walk in.

The music is fantastic blend of both Alien and Prometheus's scores with some of its new music of its on.

For an over all tone Covenant has the most kinship with Prometheus however it also clearly displays its connection to Alien. In terms of spirit this film is very much in-keeping with the Alien franchise

On the whole this is a vast improvement over its predecessor and and a very welcome step in the right direction for the franchise. It easily stands alongside Alien, Aliens and Alien 3 for me and while it dose not fix Prometheus's flaws, Covenant gives Prometheus's ideas more value and allows them to be continued and developed in a superior film. Because of this Prometheus can now be a solid part of the franchise to,



After disliking it the first time and rating it 4/10, I'm going to watch it again tomorrow for a second opinion in IMAX. Really hoping it improves upon a second watch. Looking forward to the backburster scene again.

Lieutenant Mike Harrigan

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on May 10, 2017, 07:43:11 AM
Here's HuDaFuk's review -

QuoteOverall, I liked this more than Prometheus, but it had definite faults.

It was undeniably a3 more commercial, less ambitious movie than Prometheus, but I thought that ultimately worked in its favour. There were a few hints of some of the higher concepts of the kind explored in the previous film, chiefly in the scenes involving David, but on the whole it was a more straightforward film. More action-packed, more intense. I'm also happy to say it fixed one of my biggest criticisms from Prometheus - whereas the crew in that were terribly cardboard and uncharismatic, I'm pleased to say the characters in this immediately came across as more interesting and likeable to watch.

However - and this was my main problem - it was one of those movies that suffers quite badly from a case of deterioration; it seemed to get less impressive as it went along, culminating in a final act that I thought was, disappointingly, pretty weak. The Neomorph birth sequence, seen in the previews, was excellent and probably the best part of the movie. But towards the end, more and more things started happening that really disappointed me.

For instance, they once again messed with the details and timescale of the Alien reproductive cycle. Crudup's character is infected and gives birth in about ten minutes, whereas later in the film someone is impregnated after a Facehugger is in contact with them for no longer than a few seconds. Seriously, they're never even knocked unconscious before the thing is cut off them, and yet they're still infected. Also, for some reason the Chestburster is now a fully-formed, miniature version of the Alien, with arms, legs and head, rather than the slug-like design from the previous films.

Another issue I had was the big final twist. To say it was obvious is a huge understatement; I saw it coming about 20 minutes before the end of the film, and being so obvious, it was hard to get even slightly thrilled by it. It was just so blatantly telegraphed from the moment it was set up.

It's a shame most of the things I disliked were towards the back end of the movie, because it was a let down after the great opening acts and kinda soured the whole experience with a disappointing conclusion. As I said, the final act aboard the Covenant in particular was quite weak - it felt way too short and didn't portray the Alien in particularly good light. Still, overall it was an entertaining movie, and a definite step up from Prometheus. I've actually seen it twice now, and I enjoyed it more the second time around.

Oh, and as I was asked - I'd probably rank it fourth, after the first three but ahead of Resurrection and Prometheus 🙂 Might be a better-made film than Alien 3, but I have a soft spot for that.

And here's mine -

In terms of ranking, for me it goes

Joint 1st Place - Alien/s/3
4th Place - Alien: Covenant
5th Place - Prometheus
Joint 6th Place - AvP & Alien: Resurrection
8th Place - AvP: Requiem

I went for 6.5 out of 10 for my review. I was struggling to settle between 6 or 7. I wanna watch it a few more times to really make my mind up.
Thank you for ranking the films.

Uncanny Antman

Uncanny Antman

It's a sad state of affairs that the Alien franchise has become so dire that some people are happily proclaiming Covenant as the fourth best Alien film as though that's some kind of victory.  ;)

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