Alien Covenant Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, May 09, 2017, 05:39:30 PM

What did you think of Alien Covenant?

Loved it. (5/5)
100 (21.8%)
Good, it was enjoyable. (4/5)
147 (32%)
It was okay. (3/5)
89 (19.4%)
Could have been better. (2/5)
61 (13.3%)
Didn't like it. (1/5)
32 (7%)
Hated it! (0/5)
30 (6.5%)

Total Members Voted: 457

Alien Covenant Fan Reviews (Read 288,488 times)



People on my country (thai) complain this movies a lot (mostly story and script)

Nothing wrong,right ?



Quote from: Citadel on May 12, 2017, 03:27:38 PM
Alien is pretty much a perfect film, there's no arguing. But Ridley is not the same director.

The positives in Covenant outweigh the negatives. Same goes for Prometheus. For me, that's enough to merit a very good movie. I know most here are pissed off with the negatives that they can't even find anything positive to redeem the experience for them, which is sad, but that's that. Sure, there's shit in there that's inexcusable, but at least it keeps everyone talking. ;)

I have heard people mention that Covenant makes Prometheus better. In a similar fashion, do you think its possible for people that Awakening could expand/explain some elements of Covenant to make it better in retrospect?

Look into my eye

Just got back. Loved most if it, couple of gripes with certain bits but I can see why they are there. ( and I liked Prometheus BTW)



Quote from: cucuchu on May 12, 2017, 03:58:21 PM
Quote from: Citadel on May 12, 2017, 03:27:38 PM
Alien is pretty much a perfect film, there's no arguing. But Ridley is not the same director.

The positives in Covenant outweigh the negatives. Same goes for Prometheus. For me, that's enough to merit a very good movie. I know most here are pissed off with the negatives that they can't even find anything positive to redeem the experience for them, which is sad, but that's that. Sure, there's shit in there that's inexcusable, but at least it keeps everyone talking. ;)

I have heard people mention that Covenant makes Prometheus better. In a similar fashion, do you think its possible for people that Awakening could expand/explain some elements of Covenant to make it better in retrospect?

Probably if the Awakening ends up being a worse film than Covenant. It doesn't make Prometheus any better, but since it's not any better perhaps it makes appreciate Prometheus more than before.



Hummm , i think, I didn't see that passage in the film?





Quote from: reecebomb on May 12, 2017, 04:13:45 PM
Quote from: cucuchu on May 12, 2017, 03:58:21 PM
Quote from: Citadel on May 12, 2017, 03:27:38 PM
Alien is pretty much a perfect film, there's no arguing. But Ridley is not the same director.

The positives in Covenant outweigh the negatives. Same goes for Prometheus. For me, that's enough to merit a very good movie. I know most here are pissed off with the negatives that they can't even find anything positive to redeem the experience for them, which is sad, but that's that. Sure, there's shit in there that's inexcusable, but at least it keeps everyone talking. ;)

I have heard people mention that Covenant makes Prometheus better. In a similar fashion, do you think its possible for people that Awakening could expand/explain some elements of Covenant to make it better in retrospect?

Probably if the Awakening ends up being a worse film than Covenant. It doesn't make Prometheus any better, but since it's not any better perhaps it makes appreciate Prometheus more than before.

I really do not think that is the intended method of making a prior film better  ;)



Quote from: Stolen on May 12, 2017, 04:16:10 PM
Hummm , i think, I didn't see that passage in the film?



The pic could have been taken during takes. Waterson just having time out.



Quote from: Stolen on May 12, 2017, 04:16:10 PM
Hummm , i think, I didn't see that passage in the film?



This was a behind-the-scenes shot, wasn't it?



Nope, no plot discussions no (insert over-used word for etiquette; for people who haven't seen the film yet), no pics. No topics (plenty elsewhere here). Any potential for reveals have been categorised and forewarned in (brackets)

What I will say though this film is, IMO, the best futuristic based ALIEN movie since ALIEN (1979) and ALIENS (1986) and ALIEN-3 (1992).

My rating is this (hear me out)
ALIENS - 5/5 (The film that got me into the franchise. Amazing sci-fi horror mixed with excellent action, great future military design, hardware. Saw it VHS 1992)
ALIEN- 5/5 (Classic, surreal nightmare alien designs. Saw it on VHS 1992)
ALIEN 3- 3/5 (Rating for both Theatrical Cut I saw on a pirated camcorder blank VHS cassette. I was too young for the cinema aged just 10 years old at the time. And the Assembly Cut I caught on DVD 2008)

Prometheus I had high hopes for and I actually really wanted to see Ridley Scott's vision of a Xenomorph free film to the back-drop of a Chariots of the Gods/Ancient Aliens/Astronaut theory re-telling.
I know Scott likes classical history, art and warfare mixed with sci-fi so I anticipated that Prometheus might have told an expanded version of ALIEN (after rumours/backlash that it was a re-make to be Directed by Carl Rinsch) with design concepts that were too expensive to film first time around. Those familiar with a brillaint internet blog "Dissecting the Derelict" with scans of a more expansive ALIEN film 1979 or never repeated interviews with Ridley Scott will know what I'm talking about.
Despite being open minded I'd say Prometheus would be a 3/5 or 4/5 movie (heck maybe close to 5 stars).
Instead it was, IMO, a 1/5 film. Sorry Prometheus nothing to do with my love of Lager Beer or crushing empty beer cans on my forehead inbetween playing ALIENS-ARMAGEDDON Arcade with a novelty M41A Pulse Rifle light-gun.

Well just watched ALIEN-COVENANT and as per the title I feel the franchise has come home.
This movie takes the best design elements of ALIEN3, ALIENS AND ALIEN (along with continuing the Prometheus narrative) and just knocks it out of the park.

This movie was spectacular, inventive and showed great respect to everyone's interpretations of the ALIEN franchises (and that includes the AVP 1 & 2 movies too) whilst being a fresh take in its own right. I actually felt emotional before during and after the movie.
I booked tickets to an arthouse cinema that had a hand-drawn ALIEN-COVENANT chalk art poster done by a local artist.
I sat with a filtered coffee in a near empty cinema (sans 4 other people) with a very comfortable view.
From the opening sequence, titles right through to the ending I was hooked on this film.
Any worries about Ridley Scott $110 million "cheap" budget fear not. This movie is almost AVATAR levels of "wow factor" (minus pretentious LSD visions) and looks like it cost double that to make. Tales of deep space exploration, loneliness, optimism, old organic worlds, using top drawer genetics, hypersleep, colonisation know what else.  ;D
This movie expanded that colonisation mythos we have been waiting for since Hadley Hope in ALIENS. Rather than a CGI backdrop in Prometheus this is now front and centre.

I'd say I was (initially) bummed that Neill Blomkamp ALIEN 5 got canned given how I wanted (ok slight  spoiler)
action with guns, Xenos and scenes akin to previous future installments of ALIEN through to ALIEN 3
But now we have that in COVENANT an ALIEN 5 would be more than a bonus.

Yes I understand some of the criticism that have stunted some review scores. There is a continuation of the Prometheus mythos and people said (even after Prometheus) "wait wouldn't this affect continuity in its design" or "wouldn't such events leave evidence that Weyland Corp colonists must have found when surveying habitable planets?". Can you imagine the suits the from board enquiry scene in ALIENS with a straight face?
But the reality is this is what made this recent movie feel fresh, exciting and unpredictable we were watching some things we hadn't encountered before, whilst being famaliar with others. I wouldn't say Ridley Scott is meddling too much with this latest release he is pleasing both fans of Prometheus and ALIEN.
I would add during the creative process of expanding the mythos of (major described spoiler)
prior human intervention in the Xenomorph cycle has an almost ALIEN-RESURRECTION vibe, but this is masterfully done in a very original well acted way

As for ALIEN 3 fans let me say I applaud Ridley Scott for (mild spoiler)
making homogeneous references to the unused design concepts from the early drafts of ALIEN 3. These were reported by AVP-GALAXY here 20th March 2017.
Continuing my love of ALIEN 3 it was great to see (major described image spoiler)
dog like aliens in a cornfield ablaze stalking a monk like figure

Well I have seen many cinematic ALIEN films during their cinema releases but considering these started with ALIEN-RESURRECTION but ended with ALIENS VS PREDATOR 2- REQUIEM (and more controversely, IMO, Prometheus) Ridley only had to slightly increase the franchise somewhat.
Here its like a fresh new director took the helm determined to bring the franchise kicking and literally screaming back into action.
Well that Director is here and his name is, and always was, Ridley Scott.
Thank you for listening to the fans reaction last-time.

ALIEN- COVENANT......solid 4/5



in regards to the comments suggesting incredibly stupid characters .

if only the crew were smart enough to know going out into space gets you infected by a parisite and torn in half ........... 😒😒😒

since WHEN are movie characters above making stupid mistakes ?? yaknow , like real people ...........



Where is the fire coming from? Was that fire there in the film?



Better, entertainment-wise, than 'Prometheus'. The characters are a lot more relatable and, for the most part, don't do silly things (although, for some reason, loud screams and gunfire don't serve to attract anyone's attention, which was strange), which was a vast improvement.

It's basically what I predicted it would be: Interspersed with crowd-pleasing moments, but more of an inferior emulation of 'Alien'/'Aliens' than an equal to either of them. I put it more or less on a par with 'Alien 3' (which had some better stand-out acting moments, but 'Covenant' doesn't suffer from carbon copy victims and a magically teleporting egg).

For all that, however, it had a weird effect on me, in so far as it felt like it was serving as a bridge between 'Prometheus' and whichever story is coming next, rather than trying to be memorable in its own right. Like a filler episode of your favourite TV series, which happens to feature some nice set pieces, but which still feels like the filler episode it ultimately is. There are actually some intriguing things it reveals or hints at, but it doesn't spend time actually exploring many of them.

It also suffers from one of the major flaws of 'Alien 3': The actual creature is vicious, but is just running around and messily killing people. If you wanted to see something as memorably horrific as Dallas'/Brett's egg transformation sequences or as unsettling as Lambert's demise, it simply isn't here. There was one moment where I thought the latter was about to happen, but either it was edited out or Scott couldn't be bothered to try - which is a shame, because aspects like these were the very things which differentiated the Alien from most other 'movie monsters' out there. I remember an old video interview with Scott, many years ago, where he observed that the creature, "Isn't like a tiger, y'know? It doesn't just eat you..." Which was what made it so different from, say, the shark in 'Jaws'.

With that said, the attacks feel more or less right. They just lack the subversive nature of what made the original creatures so disturbing and iconic.

David 8, man... F**k's sake. :o I don't know what to think about this character. I preferred Walter a lot more. David 8's motivations were as stereotyped as they were illogical, unfortunately. I guess it works for the adventure he's a part of and Fassbender performs it well, but I like David 8 even less than I had in 'Prometheus' and don't understand the character's underlying motivation (which felt like it verged on cartoon-like, at times). It was nice to see some of what was alluded to between Ash and the creature, back in the original 'Alien' novelisation, though. That was a nice inclusion.

As a whole, it entertained me and I liked it as a film. I don't feel it was rushed in the editing process. Just wish that it had taken some time to explore certain things it presented the audience with.

Also, I think I've now solved the costume discrepency. In my report for Alien Day, I mentioned how Conor O'Suillivan, the Creatures Supervisor, had repeatedly mentioned that the main Alien didn't have a suit on set, yet some other reports had referred to one. Looking at the film, all the shots of the main Alien did, indeed, seem completely CGI. However, there was one shot of one of the other creatures which did look like a suit might have been involved. So, I now suspect this is what happened... A suit did exist, but not for the traditional Alien - for one of the other extraterrestrial horrors in the film.

This isn't to say that the Alien CGI was bad. It was decent. But you could instinctively discern it was CGI.

There were also some character moments which I wonder about. We know, for instance, that Sergeant Lope was meant to have been in a same-sex relationship, yet this isn't really alluded to in the film. It seems odd for this to have been alluded to in one of the viral features, yet not the actual film it was meant to be hyping. There was also meant to be a female character who, due to her other half still being in cryosleep, was meant to have a f**k-buddy who was in the security team. Yet, this detail was also nowhere to be found (none I remember of, anyway). And that stuff we kept reading in interviews, where Walter was meant to have trust issues with David 8, because of regarding the latter as dangerously in need of updates and software maintainance? Nowhere - which was a real shame, because I was interested in seeing that being played out in dialogue.

So, while I don't think the editing was too rushed, stuff like this does make me think some character development scenes might have been deleted.

It's either a 6/10 or 7/10. Not quite sure which. Rewatchable, but only up to a point. Serviceable, but didn't properly expand upon its own potential in ways it really needed to.



They used suits for the alien. You can see it in the behind the scenes clips.

Uncanny Antman

Uncanny Antman

Quote from: Evanus on May 12, 2017, 05:56:31 PM
They used suits for the alien. You can see it in the behind the scenes clips.
Which are almost completely absent from the finished film.



Quote from: Uncanny Antman on May 12, 2017, 05:58:56 PM
Quote from: Evanus on May 12, 2017, 05:56:31 PM
They used suits for the alien. You can see it in the behind the scenes clips.
Which are almost completely absent from the finished film.
Well, they painted them over with CGI, so yes.  :(

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