Spoilers: Xenomorph origin revealed

Started by genocyber, Mar 13, 2017, 09:15:14 PM

Spoilers: Xenomorph origin revealed (Read 52,869 times)



I'm not sure I can get onboard with this. I love David as a character, but to lay at his feet the creation of this unknowable terror is way too simplistic, way too convenient. If he is re-creating them then I am all onboard—I just hope that this is what the film actually represents.



Quote from: lv_226 on Mar 14, 2017, 01:38:06 PM
I'm not sure I can get onboard with this. I love David as a character, but to lay at his feet the creation of this unknowable terror is way too simplistic, way too convenient. If he is re-creating them then I am all onboard—I just hope that this is what the film actually represents.

Allay your fears as I honestly don't think that is what we are getting though. The title of Bloody Disgusting's article is misleading as it doesn't actually reveal the origin of the Xenomorph at all. David seems to merely be playing with the black goo and using tech/data stored in the Engineer's citadel.


Quote from: imbrie on Mar 14, 2017, 01:42:16 PM
Quote from: lv_226 on Mar 14, 2017, 01:38:06 PM
I'm not sure I can get onboard with this. I love David as a character, but to lay at his feet the creation of this unknowable terror is way too simplistic, way too convenient. If he is re-creating them then I am all onboard—I just hope that this is what the film actually represents.

Allay your fears as I honestly don't think that is what we are getting though. The title of Bloody Disgusting's article is misleading as it doesn't actually reveal the origin of the Xenomorph at all. David seems to merely be playing with the black goo and using tech/data stored in the Engineer's citadel.

That is my ultimate hope.

amoral David + left 10 years to his own devices + Engineer data + Black goo = Xeno fun time


Quote from: imbrie on Mar 14, 2017, 01:42:16 PM
Quote from: lv_226 on Mar 14, 2017, 01:38:06 PM
I'm not sure I can get onboard with this. I love David as a character, but to lay at his feet the creation of this unknowable terror is way too simplistic, way too convenient. If he is re-creating them then I am all onboard—I just hope that this is what the film actually represents.

Allay your fears as I honestly don't think that is what we are getting though. The title of Bloody Disgusting's article is misleading as it doesn't actually reveal the origin of the Xenomorph at all. David seems to merely be playing with the black goo and using tech/data stored in the Engineer's citadel.

It seems to me that David has been continuing the work the Engineers have been doing where the "alien" is concerned while putting his own spin on it.


Quote from: Lord Vermoud on Mar 13, 2017, 11:44:37 PM
This is sounding less and less plausible.

We already have a mural show that xenos existed already and I've already pointed out its physically impossible to have a handful of xeno eggs.

You do realize that "handful" is a phrase that means "few". Not literally a actual handful of eggs. 



Quote from: Mustangjeff on Mar 14, 2017, 02:36:18 PM
Quote from: imbrie on Mar 14, 2017, 01:42:16 PM
Quote from: lv_226 on Mar 14, 2017, 01:38:06 PM
I'm not sure I can get onboard with this. I love David as a character, but to lay at his feet the creation of this unknowable terror is way too simplistic, way too convenient. If he is re-creating them then I am all onboard—I just hope that this is what the film actually represents.

Allay your fears as I honestly don't think that is what we are getting though. The title of Bloody Disgusting's article is misleading as it doesn't actually reveal the origin of the Xenomorph at all. David seems to merely be playing with the black goo and using tech/data stored in the Engineer's citadel.

That is my ultimate hope.

amoral David + left 10 years to his own devices + Engineer data + Black goo = Xeno fun time

That's a formula I can get behind.



Quote from: rabidranger on Mar 14, 2017, 03:00:28 PM
Quote from: imbrie on Mar 14, 2017, 01:42:16 PM
Quote from: lv_226 on Mar 14, 2017, 01:38:06 PM
I'm not sure I can get onboard with this. I love David as a character, but to lay at his feet the creation of this unknowable terror is way too simplistic, way too convenient. If he is re-creating them then I am all onboard—I just hope that this is what the film actually represents.

Yes, I absolutely think this is where they are heading, which should be interesting enough without destroying the idea that the creature is an ancient lifeform etc. Ridders has also been alluding to the fact somebody obviously created the Engineers and, while we won't be seeing those beings in Covenant, I'm sure they will be encountered in future installments.

Allay your fears as I honestly don't think that is what we are getting though. The title of Bloody Disgusting's article is misleading as it doesn't actually reveal the origin of the Xenomorph at all. David seems to merely be playing with the black goo and using tech/data stored in the Engineer's citadel.

It seems to me that David has been continuing the work the Engineers have been doing where the "alien" is concerned while putting his own spin on it.

Dangerous Days

Dangerous Days

Quote from: imbrie on Mar 14, 2017, 01:42:16 PM
Quote from: lv_226 on Mar 14, 2017, 01:38:06 PM
I'm not sure I can get onboard with this. I love David as a character, but to lay at his feet the creation of this unknowable terror is way too simplistic, way too convenient. If he is re-creating them then I am all onboard—I just hope that this is what the film actually represents.

Allay your fears as I honestly don't think that is what we are getting though. The title of Bloody Disgusting's article is misleading as it doesn't actually reveal the origin of the Xenomorph at all. David seems to merely be playing with the black goo and using tech/data stored in the Engineer's citadel.

Its a good demonstration of why the press accounts of scenes and even the test screening leaks, should not be taken as gospel. Because the descriptions from the press of the David/Oram scene are contradictory.

The one from: http://io9.gizmodo.com/we-ve-seen-at-least-one-very-grim-secret-at-the-heart-o-1793188750 - describes David telling Oram that he's become an amateur zoologist and has been studying the Neomorphs, showing Oram one of his dissected specimens.

I read this description of the scene first and took it to mean that David hadn't created the Protomorph after all. And his only part in its creation, was showing Oram the eggs. And all David had been doing on Paradise, from his Lab in the citadel, was studying the Neomorph like some Victorian naturalist. Sketching and dissecting the various Neomorph hybrid specimens, that had evolved naturally on planet since being infected with the black goo.

But if you read some of the other press descriptions of the same scene, they claim that David confessors to Oram that he's been genetically mutating the Neomorphs, trying to create the perfect organism. Which I feel, considering that RS has already stated Covenant will show us who created the Alien and why, are probably the more accurate.

Weighing it all up, like others have already pointed out, I'm now suspecting that David just lends a genetic helping hand to the Alien evolution on the planet, rather than being the Frankenstein creator some are fearing.

Unless RS or one of the future films contradicts it. I'm just going to regard the mural creature as official canon in the Alien's genesis and assume the creature in mural is the progenitor of all Xeno's.

As for mural creatures origin story. With the likelihood it will never be explained. My own fanfiction is just going to align with Dan O'Bannon's original origin story for the Alien. That the Engineers found the mural creatures eggs in the ruins of an ancient civilization, who's former inhabitants had worshiped the creature, using it in their sacrificial rituals, until it wiped them out. Then, adding that with RS's idea, (that he's clearly sticking to with Prometheus and Covenant) that the Alien is a bioweapon used to wipe planets clean of their indigenous species. The Engineers take the mural creature and turn it into a bioweapon (the black goo) with the intentions of using it on earth to wipe out humanity, for our, as yet, unexplained transgressions. A containment breach releases the black goo and the mutations and creatures it creates, wipes them out instead.

Now David is attempting to recreate the Engineers experiment. He's bombed Paradise with the black goo to see its full effects on a planetary scale. The goo creates the spores, which in turn infect the local wildlife, creating various hybrids of the Neomorph. Through his research and genetic engineering, David then attempts to perfect the Neomorphs, leading to the creation of the eggs. Oram gets impregnated, giving us the first Protomorph.

Its not the Alien origin story I would of chosen, but I think its the best we our going to get following the convoluted mess that Lindelof left the Alien's origins in, after his attempts to rework Spaihts ideas and add in some of his own trademark ambiguity.

All said and done, I'm still excited for Covenant.



I don't see how they can make two more movies just about David perfecting the Xenomorph. They'll have to include something else to make it more interesting. But what?

I don't know. Maybe I'm completely wrong and they'll still purely focus on David and his creations. I really hope not though.



Dangerous Days - I think that's pretty much spot on, really.


What this 'explanation' fails to address is the fact that the basic genetics of the Xeno are already in existence. The mural and the Deacon are testament to this. David isn't creating anything at all - he's clearly playing around with variations. Look at all the different breeds of dog we have - we're responsible for that through selective breeding. I think this is what David is doing - selective breeding of the 'Morph genome. If he's responsible for the Xeno (which is essentially a Deacon with armor) I think that's actually pretty cool and cruelly ironic at the same time.

This still leaves the question - where did the 'Morphs come from originally. And it also rules out the silly claim that they didn't evolve - the fact that they're adapting to new hosts and environments is what evolution is, through and through.



Quote from: genocyber on Mar 13, 2017, 09:15:14 PM
QuoteOur own Trace Thurman is currently at SXSW, where a few select scenes from Ridley Scott's Alien: Covenant were shown off this past weekend. Trace is currently working on an article detailing the footage he saw, so you can expect to read that very soon. In the meantime, there's a super important reveal made in one of the scenes that we just had to let you know about.

If you want ZERO spoilers, proceed with caution.

Scott recently noted that prequel Alien: Covenant will reveal the true origin of the Xenomorph we first met back in 1979, and one of the clips shown at SXSW divulged that secret info ahead of the film's May release. At the end of Prometheus, we saw the birth of the "proto-Xenomorph" known as Deacon, but the origin of the actual Xenomorphs is tied directly to android David.

Here's a brief recap of the scene:

David (Michael Fassbender) is giving Christopher (Billy Crudup) a tour of his workshop, where he's been working on genetically engineering creatures of his own; he's become fascinated with these alien creatures in the wake of the events of Prometheus. David shows Christopher a handful of familiar-looking eggs that are part of his process, revealing that he needs a human host in order to complete their birth. That host, of course, is Christopher himself.

Yes, that means that android David is responsible for literally creating the Xenomorphs. Christopher will later be attacked by a Face Hugger and then give birth to a classic Xeno – footage from that very attack can be seen in the film's official trailer, corroborating this info.

Pretty crazy, eh?!

Katherine Waterston (Inherent Vice, Jobs, The Babysitters) stars with Michael Fassbender returning as Prometheus' android David (and Walter), with a crew that includes Demian Bichir and Danny McBride ("Eastbound and Down"), as well as Alex England (Gods of Egypt), Billy Crudup, Amy Seimetz (A Horrible Way to Die, "The Killing"), Jussie Smollett ("Empire"), Carmen Ejogo, and Callie Hernandez (Machete Kills). James Franco also has a role.

Bound for a remote planet on the far side of the galaxy, the crew of the colony ship Covenant discovers what they think is an uncharted paradise, but is actually a dark, dangerous world — whose sole inhabitant is the "synthetic" David (Michael Fassbender), survivor of the doomed Prometheus expedition

Alien: Covenant arrives in theaters on May 19, 2017.

David simply killed Shaw and FABRICATED the eggs... WEAK.

So much for optimism about the writing.
Remember, as far as this film is concerned, these Eggs have never been seen before.

So this is not unlike, if you somehow came over my house, and in between cocktails, I gave you a tour, and in my attic I just HAD SOME BIZZARE EGGS that I've made while studying and messing with the spores on some local fauna - and a facehugger bursts out of one.

Why bother making any story or mythology connect in this series anymore? Just start any story and have someone open their refrigerator and find an egg there.


A Space Miner enters his small Condo from a long haul through the Outer Region, a bit cryo-sick, and thankful to his Colonist Friend for picking him up at the Space Port.
He opens his fridge to offer some refreshments - only to find a slimy Xenomorph Egg.
                                                SPACE MINER:
Wow my botanist roommate brings home the craziest stuff from his Space-College, Farmer's Market.

                                            COLONIST FRIEND:
Gee Willikers! You're roommate sure sounds strange! Are you sure he's not a robot?

                                                SPACE MINER:
Whatevs! That's a big egg and I'm starved from all this space travel.

Whoops ! Alien sequel in my space condo on the Mining Colony of Thadeus.



Quote from: Hemi on Mar 14, 2017, 11:41:57 AM
Referring to the Trilobite thing from Shaw. (I also had to think a moment...lol)

That was such an ridiculously improbable culmination of random events, though. Holloway had to be infected by just the right amount of black ooze to change by just the right amount, then he had to have sex at just the right moment before his body began to do... Whatever it was doing.

And we still don't know how Shaw was even physically capable of getting pregnant, considering her condition, making her a pretty unique case, in itsef.

Quote from: shawsbaby on Mar 14, 2017, 12:49:05 PM
Also, why would Ridley bother to have that "rule book" produced from all the existing films if they weren't going to be careful about conflicts with previous movies? Unless that didn't include Prometheus...which also wouldn't make sense.

We still don't know how extensive or accurate this guide is. Even if it's up to proverbial SM standards, however, it wouldn't be the first time Ridley Scott has ignored advice which has been paid for. 'Gladiator' comes to mind, where he ignored a paid historical advisor purely because he preferred a more artistic interpretation (which is essentially the same thought process which led to him revising the Space Jockeys into muscular albinos).


Quote from: Lord Vermoud on Mar 13, 2017, 11:44:37 PM
This is sounding less and less plausible.

We already have a mural show that xenos existed already and I've already pointed out its physically impossible to have a handful of xeno eggs.

A little late here but it's simply a phrase.  It doesn't mean you can literally hold them in your hand but rather a small number of something.



Its either a good idea or a big plot hole. Well see

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