Blomkamp Shares Newt Concept Art from Alien 5!

Started by Corporal Hicks, Apr 26, 2016, 05:41:01 AM

Blomkamp Shares Newt Concept Art from Alien 5! (Read 32,903 times)




Totally agree, wether you like it or not, Alien 3 and 4 EXIST ! You know, it could even be James Cameron's idea, I'd still think it's stupid as hell.


Quote from: HuDaFuK on Apr 27, 2016, 11:37:53 AM
Quote from: 420Buddy on Apr 27, 2016, 01:00:45 AMNot oscar worthy maybe but none of them were bad. I think Morse, 85, Andrews,  Dillon, Clemens, and especially Ripley were great. I also thought Postlethwaite's character and Golic were good for small otherwise throwaway parts

If you can actually follow who is who (probably easier for Brits who recognise most of them from TV) there are actually some good performances in there. As you say, Aaron, Andrews, Dillon and Clemens were all really good. Ripley was superb. And even Morse was decent considering his character on paper was kinda one-note for most of the movie.

Quote from: Perfect-Organism on Apr 27, 2016, 04:45:36 AMYes, we do need this.  We've had 3 attempts to bring in a new strong female lead for Alien films after Ripley and while some films were better than others, the female leads were meh.

And you think the solution is to execute some silly retcon specifically so you can shoe-horn back in another strong female lead, even if it is one we've had before?

Do something new. Cast a man or something.

Firstly, it isn't silly, it's the natural conclusion.  It's all in the execution.  I am agnostic about how the film will turn out.  It could be great, and it could be that all the Alien 3 fan boys were proven right.  It's all in execution.  It's all in the strength of the story.  What I am saying is that it is the last chance to do this movie right with the original actors, including possibly Carrie Henn.

The Alien Predator

Quote from: Perfect-Organism on Apr 27, 2016, 02:17:50 PM
Quote from: HuDaFuK on Apr 27, 2016, 11:37:53 AM
Quote from: 420Buddy on Apr 27, 2016, 01:00:45 AMNot oscar worthy maybe but none of them were bad. I think Morse, 85, Andrews,  Dillon, Clemens, and especially Ripley were great. I also thought Postlethwaite's character and Golic were good for small otherwise throwaway parts

If you can actually follow who is who (probably easier for Brits who recognise most of them from TV) there are actually some good performances in there. As you say, Aaron, Andrews, Dillon and Clemens were all really good. Ripley was superb. And even Morse was decent considering his character on paper was kinda one-note for most of the movie.

Quote from: Perfect-Organism on Apr 27, 2016, 04:45:36 AMYes, we do need this.  We've had 3 attempts to bring in a new strong female lead for Alien films after Ripley and while some films were better than others, the female leads were meh.

And you think the solution is to execute some silly retcon specifically so you can shoe-horn back in another strong female lead, even if it is one we've had before?

Do something new. Cast a man or something.

Firstly, it isn't silly, it's the natural conclusion. It's all in the execution.  I am agnostic about how the film will turn out.  It could be great, and it could be that all the Alien 3 fan boys were proven right.  It's all in execution. It's all in the strength of the story.  What I am saying is that it is the last chance to do this movie right with the original actors, including possibly Carrie Henn.

Could some of this not be said for a story not involving retcons?

Like a story set between A:3 and A:R with new characters? Or a story continuing Ripley 8's story? Or one set long after A:R?

Have they not learned from Terminator Genysis? Dude, it has ARNOLD in it! How did it flop so bad that even sequels got cancelled? (Btw, I liked Genysis.) Just because a fan favourite re-appears in a franchise isn't the saving grace.

Like you said, it's all in the execution. And if you ask me, Blomkamp is actually doing himself more harm by saying "hey guys, this is gonna be better than the last two films. In fact, it's gonna be the best, it's gonna be like the old two. It will have HIX AND NOOT!"

Does he not realize that it raises expectations? When I see things like "Weaver says the script was so good" and other similar news, I just imagine fans are all like "aw, this is gonna be the best thing ever!" *sees film* "It SUCKED! 0/10 INTANT NON-CANON!"

I think the guys behind The Predator may be doing themselves a similar harm by saying it will be an event film that will re-invent a franchise, which may be raising fan expectations rather than saying "hey guys, we're making a Predator film" they go "we're making this an event film, it will be talked about, it will reinvent the franchise..." I think they need to be careful. I couldn't care less for Blomkamp's film though, more excited for Covenant.

Ridley is probably handling it the best, not raising too much hype while trolling us here and there. His method works as it keeps us discussing without raising hype to possibly dangerous levels.


Anyone else remember when Danny Webb's(Morse)name was on the IMDB page for the sequel to Prometheus? When i saw that i was over the moon! Its too bad it didn't happen. His making a deal with god to live forever n all. Anyway the brits in that movie were terrific actors! The cast was extremely memorable in my opinion. How could they not be especially after shouting each others names over and over at the end very loudly. Can you honestly say you didnt feel any emotion as Morse takes one last look at his home towards the end? Poor dude lost all his mates and you can tell he's feeling something about it. I for on am glad he survived. Guy was probably my favorite character in the whole series.


Quote from: LordCassusSnow on Apr 27, 2016, 05:40:17 PM
Anyone else remember when Danny Webb's(Morse)name was on the IMDB page for the sequel to Prometheus? When i saw that i was over the moon! Its too bad it didn't happen. His making a deal with god to live forever n all. Anyway the brits in that movie were terrific actors! The cast was extremely memorable in my opinion. How could they not be especially after shouting each others names over and over at the end very loudly. Can you honestly say you didnt feel any emotion as Morse takes one last look at his home towards the end? Poor dude lost all his mates and you can tell he's feeling something about it. I for on am glad he survived. Guy was probably my favorite character in the whole series.

I wanted Morse to die a slow and painful death. And I still do, all these years later... 😉



I think it's irrelevant whether or not Henn is cast again. There are millions of actors out there, of all types of appearances. Many of them potentially great unknowns.

What I do think is excellent, is that he's made a point of requesting the commissioned artist to base Rebecca's likeness adult off of the person who played her. To me, that's a wonderfully refreshing thing to aim for and shows dedication to authenticity of the spirit of this beloved series.

Yes, the Dark Horse comics portrayed Rebecca as model-like in 'Book 2', but she looked different in 'Book 1' - and even more different in 'Earth War'. The character never had a consistent physical appearance. She went from a dowdy, depressed-looking brunette, to a sort of Piper Perabo likeness and then to... Whatever Sam Keith was drawing.

It's kind of weird how alike DB's Rebecca portrayal looked like Perabo's then-future self, actually.

But I like this new concept art. It shows Rebecca to look like a real person and that was something which 'Alien' was renowned for. Dallas, Lambert, Parker... They all looked and acted like real people we could relate to.

Amanda Ripley? She's wearing practical clothing, but she's clearly 'sexed up'. Pretty to look at, but it always felt like shallow motivation on CA's part. I honestly never saw any resemblance to Sigourney Weaver in her (or, especially, Weaver's mother, who that photograph, from 'Aliens', was of), which is what they should have aimed for.

As for 'Terminator Genisys', what's that got to do with anything? I seem to recall a recent 'X-Men' film reset its own continuity, too - and that got some very positive reviews (and lots of commercial success). A film's quality has nothing to do with whether it has a plot device in common with an inferior product or not.



Quote from: LordCassusSnow on Apr 27, 2016, 05:40:17 PM
Anyone else remember when Danny Webb's(Morse)name was on the IMDB page for the sequel to Prometheus? When i saw that i was over the moon! Its too bad it didn't happen. His making a deal with god to live forever n all. Anyway the brits in that movie were terrific actors! The cast was extremely memorable in my opinion. How could they not be especially after shouting each others names over and over at the end very loudly. Can you honestly say you didnt feel any emotion as Morse takes one last look at his home towards the end? Poor dude lost all his mates and you can tell he's feeling something about it. I for on am glad he survived. Guy was probably my favorite character in the whole series.

C'est what?  Morse did hardly anything in the movie.  And then he got to survive.  His character meant nothing basically.  How can he possibly be your favorite?  Are you some kind of Hipster?

Quote from: Xenomorphine on Apr 27, 2016, 05:54:00 PM
I think it's irrelevant whether or not Henn is cast again. There are millions of actors out there, of all types of appearances. Many of them potentially great unknowns.

What I do think is excellent, is that he's made a point of requesting the commissioned artist to base Rebecca's likeness adult off of the person who played her. To me, that's a wonderfully refreshing thing to aim for and shows dedication to authenticity of the spirit of this beloved series.

Yes, the Dark Horse comics portrayed Rebecca as model-like in 'Book 2', but she looked different in 'Book 1' - and even more different in 'Earth War'. The character never had a consistent physical appearance. She went from a dowdy, depressed-looking brunette, to a sort of Piper Perabo likeness and then to... Whatever Sam Keith was drawing.

It's kind of weird how alike DB's Rebecca portrayal looked like Perabo's then-future self, actually.

But I like this new concept art. It shows Rebecca to look like a real person and that was something which 'Alien' was renowned for. Dallas, Lambert, Parker... They all looked and acted like real people we could relate to.

Amanda Ripley? She's wearing practical clothing, but she's clearly 'sexed up'. Pretty to look at, but it always felt like shallow motivation on CA's part. I honestly never saw any resemblance to Sigourney Weaver in her (or, especially, Weaver's mother, who that photograph, from 'Aliens', was of), which is what they should have aimed for.

As for 'Terminator Genisys', what's that got to do with anything? I seem to recall a recent 'X-Men' film reset its own continuity, too - and that got some very positive reviews (and lots of commercial success). A film's quality has nothing to do with whether it has a plot device in common with an inferior product or not.

Very well said Xenomorphine.  On all points.  It's all in execution and in the story.


Haha you troll XD


Quote from: LordCassusSnow on Apr 27, 2016, 06:27:29 PM
Haha you troll XD

I'm not trolling you.  Honestly, you picked one of the most "fly on the wall" type of characters to be your favorite.  There's basically no justification for that other than to say that you just want to be different.  There is hardly anything memorable that Morse does on screen, other than to be the sole survivor of Alien 3.  Why?  What is it about this character that just does it for you?


Morse didn't do anything? Its was Morse that spoke up for Dillon and Rip and got the other prisoners to get off their asses and help kill the beast. It was Morse who suggested to Rip, after pouring hot lead on the beast, that she use the sprinkler system to kill the alien who was after her in a blind rage. It was Morse who deprived the company of their queen specimen after helping Ripley martyr herself. And it was because of Morse i laughed so hard in a movie that could have ultimately been joyless as hell. Especielly when Andrews gets grabbed lol

The Alien Predator

The Alien Predator

Quote from: Xenomorphine on Apr 27, 2016, 05:54:00 PM
As for 'Terminator Genisys', what's that got to do with anything? I seem to recall a recent 'X-Men' film reset its own continuity, too - and that got some very positive reviews (and lots of commercial success). A film's quality has nothing to do with whether it has a plot device in common with an inferior product or not.

My point for bringing Genysis is this:

Terminator 1 and 2 had Arnold and did well

Terminator 3, Salvation (to an extent) and Genysis also had Arnold and did not do well.

Hell, let's use Alien as an example.

Alien and Aliens = RIpley = great success.

Alien: 3 and Resurrection = Ripley = I will spare you the details as you likely know the response.

Just because you bring back a nostalgia classic character does not mean it's gonna be a masterpiece as the childhood classic that so many people love.

Sure, the story could be great, the movie may turn out to be the best Alien movie ever made... we'll never know until we see. But don't forget that it has just as high of a chance to bomb hard like a Predator's wrist nuke. Ripley isn't the saving grace of this franchise. 3 and Resurrection have proven that. I'm one of the few people who loved those films but not many fans here share that opinion.

I just don't understand... why can't they honestly just continue the story? It's a big universe with many characters to introduce and explore. Why is Alien limited to Ripley? It's one of this franchise's glaring flaws to be honest. For a sci fi that grounds itself in lots of realism, it sure suspends tons of belief by having one character encounter Aliens 238024830843 times in her lifetime. What was so great about Weaver's suggestion to Blomkamp to make him change his original script which was going to explore a new character?

Quote from: Perfect-Organism on Apr 27, 2016, 06:33:12 PM
Quote from: LordCassusSnow on Apr 27, 2016, 06:27:29 PM
Haha you troll XD

I'm not trolling you.  Honestly, you picked one of the most "fly on the wall" type of characters to be your favorite.  There's basically no justification for that other than to say that you just want to be different.  There is hardly anything memorable that Morse does on screen, other than to be the sole survivor of Alien 3.  Why?  What is it about this character that just does it for you?

No offense but that is his opinion man. I like Morse too. He's memorable and funny to me. A lot of A: 3's characters were hilarious.

No justification for liking Morse? I could tell you there's no justification for Alien 5...  other than for the sake of Blomkamp fanwanking.  :P


I didnt mean you i meant rankles. Sorry bro

The Alien Predator

The Alien Predator

Quote from: LordCassusSnow on Apr 27, 2016, 06:42:32 PM
I didnt mean you i meant rankles. Sorry bro

Sorry I'm confused here. He says you like Morse and there's no justification for that. I like Morse as well and there's plenty of justification for that.  :) Alien: 3 made me laugh so hard during my last re-watch of it for some reason. Just them saying "f**k!" cracks me up, it's the way they say it.

I'm not having a go at anyone, we're all friends here just discussing our passions.


I do like Morse  :) My reasons i listed a few comments ago


Hmm, I am beginning to understand your reasons.  But if this is the case then they totally didn't play the character correctly.  I mean I didn't even notice all the things he did.  He literally was the proverbial fly on the wall for the whole movie and then he kind of saved the day didn't he.  That makes no sense practically.

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