Alien 5 to be "Genetic Sibling" to Alien & Aliens

Started by Corporal Hicks, Feb 25, 2015, 08:58:36 PM

Alien 5 to be "Genetic Sibling" to Alien & Aliens (Read 84,341 times)


Quote from: CainsSon on Feb 26, 2015, 07:26:07 PM
Quote from: xeno-kaname on Feb 26, 2015, 07:08:24 PM
Quote from: CainsSon on Feb 26, 2015, 05:32:03 PM
Quote from: Omegazilla on Feb 26, 2015, 05:16:16 PM
Fact is, the general audience gives about zero shits about this whole ordeal. Most don't even remember there were films after Aliens; and those that do do not remember them fondly. This decision is only pissing off some long time fans -- a small portion of the overall target audience.

Im not sure I agree with this,.. First, I will say again, I don't understand why it is necessary. And secondly, if the whole idea is to attract new fans and please the old, this will do neither.

Imagine what this will do to further boxed sets and interviews and to new fans who start watching the series from the beginning. It will be like, ok it ends w/ Alien 3 but then they made this A:R spin off and there's a cliffhanger that was never wrapped up, so then 20 years later they came back and retconned the third film so they could restart where they liked things? Why was that necessary?

I will say this again, every attempt to make the series more like what it was before, specifically in Aliens has been a step in the wrong direction and has arguably been what ruined everything after Alien 3. Take all the Aliens-ish stuff out of A:R and you have left all of the redeeming things in that script.

So here are the real questions I need to hear answered to take this in stride:

1. Why does it have to take place after Aliens and ignore 3 and 4?

2. Why can't it remain the spiritual successor to Aliens and still be a sequel to A:R (Just because people don't like it, is a lazy reason). It doesn't change that continuing on, it can still be a sequel.

3. Why can't it 'categorically' not feature what Ripley 8 was while still remaining a sequel to A:R? Why can't they just ignore A:R MOSTLY, but explain something away, in a way that doesn't detract from two other entires in the series?

I just have not heard a good reason and so I think we will end up with a bad film.

This is the same mistake all those PLATINUM DUNES remakes make. Its not that they are remakes, its that they attempt to reestablish the series, for instance FRIDAY THE 13th, to a place that it reached in stride after several sequels. And to do so it hamfists all this extra stuff to bring the film to where it once was, instead of letting its growth happen and it just feels forced.

There's been so many good answers to the questions you're posing that it would be extremely repetitive to address each single one.

But I'll say this about your first question "why does it have to be before A3 and A4?"

Very simply because that's what is available to Fox right now. If not this then the franchise might've stayed as is for an indefinite amount of time. It really looked like Fox just didn't know what to do with it. With Weaver not interested in continuing Ripley 8's story or anything earthbound, hopes for them closing that storyline were gone. And continuing the story with new characters after that movie without closing it properly was probably troublesome for them too.

So their solution was Prometheus. And they sat on Alien until the concept art Blomkamp made came to light. With Weaver interested in reprising her old role. It was clear they weren't going to ger a Ripley 8 conclusion, and they probably won't want to introduce potential torch carriers without a final Ripley send off. So if it means negating one conclusion and creating  a new one with the possibility of revitalizing the franchise with bew characters even after Weaver leaves, the studio will take it.

So again, it's not about fan pandering. It's about  $$$. I'm just hoping that they accepted Blomkamp's pitch because it was damn good and not out of desperation. I feel good about it though.

Im sorry but it is so easy to continue the franchise from where it left off and still ignore the stranger parts of 4 while returning to the vibe of Aliens. Again. It's lazy. I am not sold that it is at all necessary nor do I believe BLOMKAMP of all people couldnt do it better than possibly anyone. That's the worst part of this is that I think he could have accomplished it better than anyone else and still can.

Weaver never said she didn't like Ripley 8. She said it was her entire reason for returning. She also had a large hand in killing off Hicks and Newt and never said she didn't want to return to Ripley 8. She just didn't want the aliens to get to earth and didn't want to manufacture the fifth sequel.

You say this is what is available to them as if they were actively throwing money at writers to come up with something. Not at all. They were busy with AVP and then turned to Prometheus to fix the mess they made. It worked and now this perfect director showed interest but 'Only if the studio doesn't interfere' Well, I'm hoping the Producers DO interfere with this one very big mess of a decision.

You then say its about $$$ - but that's baloney. You know perfectly well that an Alien 5 by Blomkamp with Weaver after the hype Prometheus re-instated for the series will make a fortune good or bad.

Again, I just don't see why it's necessary at all.

It's not lazy at all. It's that Blomkamp didn't want some new characters to lead a new movie. He wanted these classic heros back. It's his vision. The manner in which he actually retcons the story, there it might be lazy. But we don't know how he will do it.

I didn't say she didn't like Ripley 8, but she did say she lost interest. And pretty much regained interest in the original Ripley.

And no I definitely do not mean Fox was actively seeking directors or scripts for a new movie. But it wasn't out of the picture either. They had no promising leads to follow so they just didn't do anything with it. I'm sure there was some pitches similar to what many suggested. New characters and separate stories and so on. But you know how studios are. They see it as a risk. A very big one considering the last two entries in this franchise were very controversial. Ripley returning was probably  a big sell for them.

And I meant it's about  $$$ for FOX. For Blomkamp this is a labor of love. He just happens to be one of the fans that never wanted Hicks and Newt to die. It was just a story for him and he probably thought Fox would never allow such a contradiction to be greenlit so he let it loose on the internet. The story must have been pretty good seeing as how fast Fox consented to it. Specially when Blomkamp stated he wouldn't do it unless it was on his terms.



If we ain't getting an AVP3 then we most certainly aren't getting an Alien 5. :P


Quote from: predxeno on Feb 26, 2015, 08:29:35 PM
If we ain't getting an AVP3 then we most certainly aren't getting an Alien 5. :P

I hear that..  :-\


Quote from: xeno-kaname on Feb 26, 2015, 08:28:52 PM
Quote from: CainsSon on Feb 26, 2015, 07:26:07 PM
Quote from: xeno-kaname on Feb 26, 2015, 07:08:24 PM
Quote from: CainsSon on Feb 26, 2015, 05:32:03 PM
Quote from: Omegazilla on Feb 26, 2015, 05:16:16 PM
Fact is, the general audience gives about zero shits about this whole ordeal. Most don't even remember there were films after Aliens; and those that do do not remember them fondly. This decision is only pis

sing off some long time fans -- a small portion of the overall target audience.

Im not sure I agree with this,.. First, I will say again, I don't understand why it is necessary. And secondly, if the whole idea is to attract new fans and please the old, this will do neither.

Imagine what this will do to further boxed sets and interviews and to new fans who start watching the series from the beginning. It will be like, ok it ends w/ Alien 3 but then they made this A:R spin off and there's a cliffhanger that was never wrapped up, so then 20 years later they came back and retconned the third film so they could restart where they liked things? Why was that necessary?

I will say this again, every attempt to make the series more like what it was before, specifically in Aliens has been a step in the wrong direction and has arguably been what ruined everything after Alien 3. Take all the Aliens-ish stuff out of A:R and you have left all of the redeeming things in that script.

So here are the real questions I need to hear answered to take this in stride:

1. Why does it have to take place after Aliens and ignore 3 and 4?

2. Why can't it remain the spiritual successor to Aliens and still be a sequel to A:R (Just because people don't like it, is a lazy reason). It doesn't change that continuing on, it can still be a sequel.

3. Why can't it 'categorically' not feature what Ripley 8 was while still remaining a sequel to A:R? Why can't they just ignore A:R MOSTLY, but explain something away, in a way that doesn't detract from two other entires in the series?

I just have not heard a good reason and so I think we will end up with a bad film.

This is the same mistake all those PLATINUM DUNES remakes make. Its not that they are remakes, its that they attempt to reestablish the series, for instance FRIDAY THE 13th, to a place that it reached in stride after several sequels. And to do so it hamfists all this extra stuff to bring the film to where it once was, instead of letting its growth happen and it just feels forced.

There's been so many good answers to the questions you're posing that it would be extremely repetitive to address each single one.

But I'll say this about your first question "why does it have to be before A3 and A4?"

Very simply because that's what is available to Fox right now. If not this then the franchise might've stayed as is for an indefinite amount of time. It really looked like Fox just didn't know what to do with it. With Weaver not interested in continuing Ripley 8's story or anything earthbound, hopes for them closing that storyline were gone. And continuing the story with new characters after that movie without closing it properly was probably troublesome for them too.

So their solution was Prometheus. And they sat on Alien until the concept art Blomkamp made came to light. With Weaver interested in reprising her old role. It was clear they weren't going to ger a Ripley 8 conclusion, and they probably won't want to introduce potential torch carriers without a final Ripley send off. So if it means negating one conclusion and creating  a new one with the possibility of revitalizing the franchise with bew characters even after Weaver leaves, the studio will take it.

So again, it's not about fan pandering. It's about  $$$. I'm just hoping that they accepted Blomkamp's pitch because it was damn good and not out of desperation. I feel good about it though.

Im sorry but it is so easy to continue the franchise from where it left off and still ignore the stranger parts of 4 while returning to the vibe of Aliens. Again. It's lazy. I am not sold that it is at all necessary nor do I believe BLOMKAMP of all people couldnt do it better than possibly anyone. That's the worst part of this is that I think he could have accomplished it better than anyone else and still can.

Weaver never said she didn't like Ripley 8. She said it was her entire reason for returning. She also had a large hand in killing off Hicks and Newt and never said she didn't want to return to Ripley 8. She just didn't want the aliens to get to earth and didn't want to manufacture the fifth sequel.

You say this is what is available to them as if they were actively throwing money at writers to come up with something. Not at all. They were busy with AVP and then turned to Prometheus to fix the mess they made. It worked and now this perfect director showed interest but 'Only if the studio doesn't interfere' Well, I'm hoping the Producers DO interfere with this one very big mess of a decision.

You then say its about $$$ - but that's baloney. You know perfectly well that an Alien 5 by Blomkamp with Weaver after the hype Prometheus re-instated for the series will make a fortune good or bad.

Again, I just don't see why it's necessary at all.

It's not lazy at all. It's that Blomkamp didn't want some new characters to lead a new movie. He wanted these classic heros back. It's his vision. The manner in which he actually retcons the story, there it might be lazy. But we don't know how he will do it.

I didn't say she didn't like Ripley 8, but she did say she lost interest. And pretty much regained interest in the original Ripley.

And no I definitely do not mean Fox was actively seeking directors or scripts for a new movie. But it wasn't out of the picture either. They had no promising leads to follow so they just didn't do anything with it. I'm sure there was some pitches similar to what many suggested. New characters and separate stories and so on. But you know how studios are. They see it as a risk. A very big one considering the last two entries in this franchise were very controversial. Ripley returning was probably  a big sell for them.

And I meant it's about  $$$ for FOX. For Blomkamp this is a labor of love. He just happens to be one of the fans that never wanted Hicks and Newt to die. It was just a story for him and he probably thought Fox would never allow such a contradiction to be greenlit so he let it loose on the internet. The story must have been pretty good seeing as how fast Fox consented to it. Specially when Blomkamp stated he wouldn't do it unless it was on his terms.

So what you're saying is that Blomkamp isn't lazy and cheap but that he is lazy and cheap, and that FOX aren't only thinking about the money but that they only think about the money?


This is just awesome Alien news! This is the perfect way to go! Retcon the sequels that are blocking way to make a awesome film. I don't understand some that are saying its a lazy way out or if a creative writer was great he would continue off from AR. No, thats just not the way to do it. Continue off from a "classic movie". The last movie that was still great in the Lore. Not from the films that took the story elsewhere. I love A3 but this new movie could be a alternate timeline were the viewer gets to decide which is cannon or not. Everyone wins. This is going to be the best Alien movie since Aliens. Blowing out AR, AVP, AVPR, Prometheus, Prometheus 2. Viewers can have there continuity like this,,

1) Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, AR


2) Alien, Aliens, Alien 5

The cannon is the viewer, which ever the fan prefers. Also the new movie would serve as a alternate progression which is very cool so see in a cool character of a cool franchise like this. That is of course Lt. Ripley.



Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Feb 26, 2015, 08:22:52 PM
Quote from: Adam802 on Feb 26, 2015, 08:11:21 PM
There's nothing wrong with a new Alien movie that happens to take a different direction after ALIENS that shows what else could've happened.  A3/A:R will still exist.  Im loving the news coming out so far, I think it has a lot of potential and I think MOST people want this.

It has a lot of potential to cheapen and water down the franchise till there is nothing left (we're already pretty close to that point as it is anyways...)

Once you start making retcons and reboots you open up the gates for another round of retcons and reboots and remakes and whatnot.

I feel that Alien 3 and Resurrection cheapened and watered down the franchise, and started the downfall that eventually led to the place the franchise is currently in. Again, its really just an alternative "canon/timeline".  It doesnt necessarily mean A3 and A:R dont exist.

Quote from: Rex on Feb 26, 2015, 08:24:06 PM
Blomkamp ignoring 3 and Resurrection at this point is pathetic...utterly pathetic...a TRUE creative write could have just picked up from Resurrection and made an amazing film that would rival Alien and Aliens.

Resurrection buried itself.  There is nowhere to go after Resurrection.  Terrible ripley 8 character that is weird and likes aliens more than humans apparently, and an earth thanks.

Born Of Cold Light

The term "genetic sibling" leads me to believe that 3 and Resurrection won't be wiped out entirely.  If this film was going to be a direct sequel to Aliens that completely ignored later continuity, they probably would have said it outright.



I don't get why people are upset about A3 and A:R being wiped out completely? It's not they are going to be gone forever since they are still on DVD and Blu-Ray. A decade ago or more, everyone would be happy for this news. Now in 2015, people are upset about the idea of A3 and A:R being ignored for good  ??? ?


Quote from: Adam802 on Feb 26, 2015, 08:41:06 PM
Again, its really just an alternative "canon/timeline".  It doesnt necessarily mean A3 and A:R dont exist.

But not an official alternative canon/timeline. And I think that's what Fox should console us fans with.. An official statement that there is an alternative canon/timeline. It's something I have been advocating for since 2013.


Quote from: Hellspawn28 on Feb 26, 2015, 08:45:27 PM
I don't get why people are upset about A3 and A:R being wiped out completely? It's not they are going to be gone forever since they are still on DVD and Blu-Ray. A decade ago or more, everyone would be happy for this news. Now in 2015, people are upset about the idea of A3 and A:R being ignored for good  ??? ?

Back in 1997, they couldn't have retconned A3/AR bc they were still fresh.  But now its been long enough that its doable.  The alien franchise was DEAD after AR bc there was literally nowhere for it to go after that.  It buried itself and wrote itself into a corner after AR.  Not enough time has passed that its more acceptable to "retcon" A3 and AR and reinvigorate the franchise with a new/better direction. 

Quote from: RakaiThwei on Feb 26, 2015, 08:46:24 PM
Quote from: Adam802 on Feb 26, 2015, 08:41:06 PM
Again, its really just an alternative "canon/timeline".  It doesnt necessarily mean A3 and A:R dont exist.

But not an official alternative canon/timeline. And I think that's what Fox should console us fans with.. An official statement that there is an alternative canon/timeline. It's something I have been advocating for since 2013.

Well as some have said, you dont really need FOX's approval to have what you consider YOUR personal canon/timeline.  Alien fans have been doing that since 1986.



Quote from: Adam802 on Feb 26, 2015, 08:41:06 PM
Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Feb 26, 2015, 08:22:52 PM
Quote from: Adam802 on Feb 26, 2015, 08:11:21 PM
There's nothing wrong with a new Alien movie that happens to take a different direction after ALIENS that shows what else could've happened.  A3/A:R will still exist.  Im loving the news coming out so far, I think it has a lot of potential and I think MOST people want this.

It has a lot of potential to cheapen and water down the franchise till there is nothing left (we're already pretty close to that point as it is anyways...)

Once you start making retcons and reboots you open up the gates for another round of retcons and reboots and remakes and whatnot.

I feel that Alien 3 and Resurrection cheapened and watered down the franchise, and started the downfall that eventually led to the place the franchise is currently in. Again, its really just an alternative "canon/timeline".  It doesnt necessarily mean A3 and A:R dont exist.

How? By trying to push the envelope and make something different and creative instead of repeating ad naseum what has already been done in ALIENS and in the comics/games/novels a billion times, one cheesier than the other?

I guess ALIENS porn is what the so called "real alien fans" want. Basic repetition, in-and-out, same stuff same time next week every week!


Quote from: Adam802 on Feb 26, 2015, 08:41:06 PMThere is nowhere to go after Resurrection.

Again with people talking this rubbish! There's an entire universe of possibilities post-Resurrection!

Born Of Cold Light

Quote from: Adam802 on Feb 26, 2015, 08:48:42 PM
Quote from: Hellspawn28 on Feb 26, 2015, 08:45:27 PM
I don't get why people are upset about A3 and A:R being wiped out completely? It's not they are going to be gone forever since they are still on DVD and Blu-Ray. A decade ago or more, everyone would be happy for this news. Now in 2015, people are upset about the idea of A3 and A:R being ignored for good  ??? ?

Back in 1997, they couldn't have retconned A3/AR bc they were still fresh.  But now its been long enough that its doable.  The alien franchise was DEAD after AR bc there was literally nowhere for it to go after that.  It buried itself and wrote itself into a corner after AR.  Not enough time has passed that its more acceptable to "retcon" A3 and AR and reinvigorate the franchise with a new/better direction.

How did it bury itself?  The characters and universe are still there to be used.  If anything, it is the Alien film that most left itself open to a sequel.


Quote from: Adam802 on Feb 26, 2015, 08:48:42 PM
Well as some have said, you dont really need FOX's approval to have what you consider YOUR personal canon/timeline.  Alien fans have been doing that since 1986.

But it doesn't feel like it's enough. I want an official alternative banner.. Star Wars has f**king Legends, Fox should give us something similar.


Quote from: Horrific Hominid on Feb 26, 2015, 08:42:35 PM
The term "genetic sibling" leads me to believe that 3 and Resurrection won't be wiped out entirely.  If this film was going to be a direct sequel to Aliens that completely ignored later continuity, they probably would have said it outright.

Normally I'd agree but when Prometheus was reported to have strands of Alien DNA in it, everyone took it literally and assume it to be a spinoff; since that worked out exactly as they said, I'm more inclined to listen to them now than I usually would.

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