Shane Black is doing a SEQUEL!

Started by Lemonade, Jun 25, 2014, 10:17:16 PM

Shane Black is doing a SEQUEL! (Read 196,725 times)

The Shuriken



Quote from: Russ on Jan 03, 2015, 08:46:30 AM
I think he's pretty much said it's P3 - not a reboot, sidequel or retcon.

I know that Antal said he considered it the third film, but Rodriguez equated it to being his version of the second. There are interviews of Rodriguez saying that if he did a sequel, he'd name the PREDATORS sequel as Predator 3. But that's neither here nor there now.

Quote from: Russ on Jan 03, 2015, 08:46:30 AM
Tossing out the old EU, New novels, new comics, new game, new word on "Paradise", that big book that SM worked on, this movie with Shane. That's a lot of movement on a "dead" franchise.

That's... why I have a problem with the new stuff. Just the approach that it was done with. Like how you said, tossing out the EU stuff and everything. Star Wars gets everything in the last thirty or so years under a "Legends" banner. What pisses me off a bit is that for us fans who liked the old EU don't even get that. But then again... this is the second time the old EU was rebooted. Remember the Hish mythos? That supposedly rebooted the Yautja stuff.

Quote from: Russ on Jan 03, 2015, 08:46:30 AM
I digress - I very much doubt if Predator 3 will be risk-taking film - like, we often read on here "I want a film in Yatjua language from the Predators point of view" - that won't happen. I will take a forfeit on that too - If it does, I'll go get a a back, sack and crack wax.

Shane's movie is going to be an "inventive" sequel. Whatever "inventive" ideas are in mind.. I just hope it's something that isn't too radical like PREDATORS was. I mean I get that PREDATORS wanted to expand things a little bit but I felt that Rodriguez and company completely missed what Predator was all about. What I mean by that was the whole idea of a Hunter coming down to other planets to hunt dangerous game. The preserve planet idea is like.. taking toothed and declawed animals, and hunting them with military grade weaponry and completely defeating the purpose of a thrilling hunt which was what the first two movies were about. Also I felt that the Super Predators devalued the original concept of the creature.

Quote from: Russ on Jan 03, 2015, 08:46:30 AM
If tmjhur is right (or even partly right) Shane's movie may function in a wider universe that we don't even know is being built. The shared universe stuff is hot right now -- Disney and WB are doing it with Marvel and DC. Then again, Fox does have Star Wars! But that's pitching at a whole other audience.

Hollywood seems to be following a trend, and what works for Marvel and DC... may not entirely work for other franchises out there. You have to remember that Alien and Predator started off as two separate universes that had nothing to do with one another. Then the connections were made in comics-- something relatively obscure to the average joe blow movie go'er. The two movies were never part of the same universe until Predator 2 hinted it with the Xenomorph skull. Then people got talking. Then we got the AvP films... Whether or not you count them is up to an individual fan but the whole shared universe thing? Well.. what works for Marvel and DC, may not exactly work for Alien and Predator.

I mean the whole shared universe thing with Alien and Predator started off as a comic book. But right now, I am just preaching to the choir. But from how I am seeing it anyway, for Fox to take the approach of taking the old EU (as far as AvP's original shared universe concept is concerned) and tossing it out.. well, they're taking the original core and replacing it with a new core. In other words... You're replacing an old car engine, and replacing it with a different manufactured one. Does it run the same?

Also, Fox only distributed Star Wars when Lucasfilm owned the property. Disney now owns the IP one hundred percent.

Quote from: Russ on Jan 03, 2015, 08:46:30 AM
So maybe - just maybe - tmjhur is on the right lines and we could be getting a whole load of new stuff from Fox for us gnarly grown ups. Maybe someone there has realised that the older folks are the ones with the disposable incomes who will keep paying for stuff over and over again *lol*.

Oh there is no doubt that Fox is not going to be stopping putting out Alien and Predator stuff. Sure there are a few dry years here and there but then they put out merchandise and new stuff. Every franchise does this. But personally, I.. am not really feeling too much of the new stuff since PREDATORS and while I did like Prometheus, including Predator with that seems... I don't know a word for it but I felt Predator needs to be left out of that Prometheus stuff.

I have hope for Shane's movie.. I love a lot of his work as well as Fred Dekker, who is penning the script. I loved Night of the Creeps, Monster Squad was hella great,  Ricochet was f**king great, and A Long Kiss Goodnight was interesting.. The only red flag about Dekker is the fact he wrote and directed Robocop 3.. and I love the Robocop franchise too but that movie killed his career and the Robocop franchise until it was resurrected with a reboot that came nineteen years later. Dekker even admitted it in an interview the folks over at Robocop Archive.

But I am cautiously optimistic.

I want this to be good.. I want this to be a movie I can like.. I truly do as my faith is in Shane, considering he did last minute rewrites with the first movie.



I have a scene in my head for the next movie. Someone from the military knocks on Arnold's and Danny's doors and tells them "Mr. Schaefer/ Mr. Harrigan, it's happening again."

They'd be used for minor roles, they wouldn't fight the predator. We'd have a glimpse at Arnold's house where we see he's obsessed with predators, his walls are all covered in printed newspapers articles and research he's done about them and he's become a very quiet and paranoid person, thinking they'd come back for him one day. A bunch of "Missing person" articles are on his wall, including Adrian Brody.

Danny is in a bit better mental condition cause it just didn't seem like the whole thing bothered him too much.

They sit them together in a briefing room and explain to them they have a reason to believe the hunt is happening again and want to use everything they know about these creatures and want their ideas how to stop it.

So we see the Predator hunt for a while, we see cool gory scenes of him killing people somewhere, but eventually he gets captured with Danny's and Arnold's help (not physical help, just their ideas). What happens next is similar to one comic I read when a Predator was captured and studied.

Arnold sees the captured Predator and his PTSD kicks in, he's all depressed and paranoid and scared.

Now, in the comics, other Predators come to bust out the captured Predator, but I'm wondering if that's really what would happen. On their home planet, sure, but on Earth, I think nobody would come help this Predator because they're lone warriors. It's not like he'd squeal information and rat out their friends. But maybe this captured Predator breaks out on his own and here's opportunity for action scenes inside the facility he's captured in. He breaks out, finds his mask and equipment and wreaks havoc. During his escape, Predator kills a bunch of soldiers, but here comes a cool scene: He sees Danny and Arnold and leaves them alone, doesn't attack them, just passes by them with as respectful look as Predator can have.

Not sure if this scene causes Arnold to have a complete mental breakdown, or he gets his peace knowing they won't ever hunt him again.

Now that I've written all this, I really love it, I might just write a whole script on this and send it to Fox. Dekker and Black who?

Bottom line, what this next movie needs is a hunt, but not just that. We've already seen that. We need a new twist about it, and what's better than a captured Predator where they can study him for a bit, before he breaks out and kills everyone but Arnold and Danny? Just not sure if during that break out he destroys all evidence of his existence. Probably, because they need to remain unknown.



Quote from: RakaiThwei on Jan 03, 2015, 09:28:22 AM

That's... why I have a problem with the new stuff. Just the approach that it was done with. Like how you said, tossing out the EU stuff and everything. Star Wars gets everything in the last thirty or so years under a "Legends" banner. What pisses me off a bit is that for us fans who liked the old EU don't even get that. But then again... this is the second time the old EU was rebooted. Remember the Hish mythos? That supposedly rebooted the Yautja stuff.

Sure, but that stuff will always be there. A great deletion just means that people can get their ducks in a row. I guess back in the 80s, there really wasn't the continuity headache we have today. DC had a massive reboot in the mid-80s and have done twice or three times since, but with movie franchises (James Bond, Rocky, Rambo, Magnificent Seven, Star Wars, Terminator, Indiana Jones) there wasn't the scrutiny and immediacy of internet communication. Years went past between movies coming out, there was no real thought into "wider universes" where people were demanding that their shit tied together.

Things have moved on, I guess.

Quote from: Russ on Jan 03, 2015, 08:46:30 AM
I digress - I very much doubt if Predator 3 will be risk-taking film - like, we often read on here "I want a film in Yatjua language from the Predators point of view" - that won't happen. I will take a forfeit on that too - If it does, I'll go get a a back, sack and crack wax.

Quote from: RakaiThwei on Jan 03, 2015, 09:28:22 AM
Shane's movie is going to be an "inventive" sequel. Whatever "inventive" ideas are in mind.. I just hope it's something that isn't too radical like PREDATORS was. I mean I get that PREDATORS wanted to expand things a little bit but I felt that Rodriguez and company completely missed what Predator was all about. What I mean by that was the whole idea of a Hunter coming down to other planets to hunt dangerous game. The preserve planet idea is like.. taking toothed and declawed animals, and hunting them with military grade weaponry and completely defeating the purpose of a thrilling hunt which was what the first two movies were about. Also I felt that the Super Predators devalued the original concept of the creature.

Sure, but inventive could mean "set in the future with a female protagonist called Schaeffer." Or it could mean crash landed predator ship, Area 51, predator stalking marines like an alien would."

You nail it with "missing the point" though. There was literally no hope and no payoff for the human predators in RodAntal's movie. They were there, they were going to die eventually. That goes against the honourable hunt (like the end of P2 - "Take it..." and even AvP for that matter). But, I guess you can see why RodAntal made the decisions they did because they were adhering to the Hollywood adage: "Give me the same. Only different."

I don't agree with the SuperPreds - for me, they're just a different race. It's not too much of a stretch to think that a space-faring race would have different types of "person." But I know they're a sore point. Were they needed? No. But... "Give me the same. But different."

Quote from: RakaiThwei on Jan 03, 2015, 09:28:22 AM

Hollywood seems to be following a trend, and what works for Marvel and DC... may not entirely work for other franchises out there. You have to remember that Alien and Predator started off as two separate universes that had nothing to do with one another. Then the connections were made in comics-- something relatively obscure to the average joe blow movie go'er. The two movies were never part of the same universe until Predator 2 hinted it with the Xenomorph skull. Then people got talking. Then we got the AvP films... Whether or not you count them is up to an individual fan but the whole shared universe thing? Well.. what works for Marvel and DC, may not exactly work for Alien and Predator.

I mean the whole shared universe thing with Alien and Predator started off as a comic book. But right now, I am just preaching to the choir. But from how I am seeing it anyway, for Fox to take the approach of taking the old EU (as far as AvP's original shared universe concept is concerned) and tossing it out.. well, they're taking the original core and replacing it with a new core. In other words... You're replacing an old car engine, and replacing it with a different manufactured one. Does it run the same?

Also, Fox only distributed Star Wars when Lucasfilm owned the property. Disney now owns the IP one hundred percent.

Oh there is no doubt that Fox is not going to be stopping putting out Alien and Predator stuff. Sure there are a few dry years here and there but then they put out merchandise and new stuff. Every franchise does this. But personally, I.. am not really feeling too much of the new stuff since PREDATORS and while I did like Prometheus, including Predator with that seems... I don't know a word for it but I felt Predator needs to be left out of that Prometheus stuff.

I have hope for Shane's movie.. I love a lot of his work as well as Fred Dekker, who is penning the script. I loved Night of the Creeps, Monster Squad was hella great,  Ricochet was f**king great, and A Long Kiss Goodnight was interesting.. The only red flag about Dekker is the fact he wrote and directed Robocop 3.. and I love the Robocop franchise too but that movie killed his career and the Robocop franchise until it was resurrected with a reboot that came nineteen years later. Dekker even admitted it in an interview the folks over at Robocop Archive.

But I am cautiously optimistic.

I want this to be good.. I want this to be a movie I can like.. I truly do as my faith is in Shane, considering he did last minute rewrites with the first movie.

I had forgotten about Disney owning Star Wars! So I'm Fox, I may be thinking "I'm sitting on franchise gold. I'm going to capitalise like the boys down the road.

As you say, there's still a market for it and I'm very optimistic about the Shane Black film - he's a really good writer and director (more than a genre king). I have high hopes!



Since it's 2015, I hope we can expect some new info soon. I guess Fox will announce the movie for a 2017 release date for the 30th anniversary.

The Shuriken

Makes perfect sense. But man that is a ways off...if true, it will be a long painful wait for info. But at least then they have a lot of time to write a good script and get things just right.



Quote from: The Shuriken on Jan 03, 2015, 10:08:16 PM
Makes perfect sense. But man that is a ways off...if true, it will be a long painful wait for info. But at least then they have a lot of time to write a good script and get things just right.

Well Shane does have a couple more movies.. Unless he can double direct with Doc Samson and Nice Guys, along with the Predator movie. I mean sometimes movies can be announced and they can spend YEARS in development hell before moving on ahead. I mean the Legendary Godzilla movie was in talks since.. 2008 or 2009 and didn't come until years later.

But I am willing to bet that come July 2015, Shane will have a panel at San Diego Comic-Con. I mean this news generated enough buzz to get people talking so, I'm willing to bet we may hear something this year.

And Russ, I will get back to your post as soon as I think of something to respond it with.



2017 is pretty free with no major summer films coming out so far besides superhero films. 2016 is already pack enough.

Shinobi Wan Kenobi

Did anyone else hear the rumor that Lance Henriksen will have a role in this Predator sequel?

The Shuriken

Quote from: Shinobi Wan Kenobi on Jan 08, 2015, 09:31:22 PM
Did anyone else hear the rumor that Lance Henriksen will have a role in this Predator sequel?

News to me. Where did it originate from?



Quote from: Shinobi Wan Kenobi on Jan 08, 2015, 09:31:22 PM
Did anyone else hear the rumor that Lance Henriksen will have a role in this Predator sequel?

I haven't even so much as heard that rumor. But I wouldn't expect it to be a real thing.



 I hope the sequel will be announced way later , as there will be a painful wait .

Shinobi Wan Kenobi

Shinobi Wan Kenobi

Quote from: RakaiThwei on Jan 09, 2015, 01:54:31 AM
Quote from: Shinobi Wan Kenobi on Jan 08, 2015, 09:31:22 PM
Did anyone else hear the rumor that Lance Henriksen will have a role in this Predator sequel?

I haven't even so much as heard that rumor. But I wouldn't expect it to be a real thing.

Up until AVP,  Bill Paxton was the only actor to be in both sides of the franchise's movies (A L I E N S & P2) Henricksen followed that franchise involvement when he co starred in AVP ( after debuting  in A L I E N S) maybe Lance is aiming at being an AVP franchise teamplayer by also costarring in the next Pred Sequel....... I'm hoping it's true, Lance is one of  sci fi horror's greatest. He can do no wrong

Corporal Hicks

Where did you see it?

Shinobi Wan Kenobi

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jan 12, 2015, 03:47:57 PM
Where did you see it?

Just some comment in a Facebook Predator group. I asked the commenter where he got his info I but have yet to get a reply.

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