Favourite Predator Movie?

Started by Darkness, Nov 01, 2006, 08:09:10 AM

What's your favourite Predator movie?

Predator 1
609 (73.6%)
Predator 2
185 (22.3%)
29 (3.5%)
The Predator
3 (0.4%)
2 (0.2%)

Total Members Voted: 762

Favourite Predator Movie? (Read 366,312 times)



C'mon Skulls, rooting for you mate.

Voodoo Magic

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: Trash Queen on Feb 08, 2021, 01:06:04 PM
C'mon Skulls, rooting for you mate.

Indeed.  After The Predator, the franchise is thirsting for a Fury Road....






I just think it's potentially the most interesting angle we have had in a good minute.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: Pu$$yFace on Feb 08, 2021, 05:15:45 AM
You keep telling yourself that kiddo.   :P 

It very much is a retread or remake. 

It is in that era of films where they change a little bit of set dressing to a cinematic classic but ultimately deliver the same movie.  IE: Force Awakens. 

Not to mention as an aside, a lot key points to the film are nonsensical and stupid.

With that said it's still decent and miles better than The Predator

Not in the slightest. Predators is no-where near the repeat that The Force Awakens. It's an entirely different plot compared to Predator for a start. It has a jungle settings, and repeats several story beats - most notably Billy's turn IMHO. To call it a retreat or repeat of Predator is entirely incorrect. If you don't like the repeated beats - I loathe reused dialogue - that's fine, but it's not in any way shape or form a remake/retread of Predator.



Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Feb 10, 2021, 06:38:37 AM
Quote from: Pu$$yFace on Feb 08, 2021, 05:15:45 AM
You keep telling yourself that kiddo.   :P 

It very much is a retread or remake. 

It is in that era of films where they change a little bit of set dressing to a cinematic classic but ultimately deliver the same movie.  IE: Force Awakens. 

Not to mention as an aside, a lot key points to the film are nonsensical and stupid.

With that said it's still decent and miles better than The Predator

Not in the slightest. Predators is no-where near the repeat that The Force Awakens. It's an entirely different plot compared to Predator for a start. It has a jungle settings, and repeats several story beats - most notably Billy's turn IMHO. To call it a retreat or repeat of Predator is entirely incorrect. If you don't like the repeated beats - I loathe reused dialogue - that's fine, but it's not in any way shape or form a remake/retread of Predator.
No it's definitely the exact same movie broski.

The overwhelming majority agrees on this aspect. I'm not the first person to suggest it. I don't care if you really like the movie, I myself find it tolerable, but definitely inferior to the first two films and essentially a pointless movie.

It is what it is. So many reviews state that when watching it, it's so desperately tries to just be the original film, yet released in 2010, that its whole existence is pointless, and just makes you want to watch the original again.

They just rework certain things.  Some of the things they did work and added cool new elements, most of it makes no goddamn sense.

Including the very premise of abducting and then dumping into an alien planet hunting preserve, where humans can breathe and other alien species all breathe?!  They also abduct original predators? What?

At that point you've already hunted them and captured them, so why re-hunt them?

Where is the thrill of the hunt, in hostile settings (as established in previous films) hunting them in a game preserve where they know the elements and the ground?

Also using vastly superior technology?  And having three of them to hunt?  Against random groups of individuals who don't even have the strength of being a team like in the original film or the sequel?

They're not hunters in hostile territory. A kin to a human going to Africa to hunt lions in their element.

All it unintentionally does is defeat the purpose of making them big bad blood "super predators", they look ridiculously inferior to the two lone hunters in the first two films.

It actually makes them look like pussies by comparison.  Jungle and City Hunter went into hostile territory, surrounded by the big game they hunt, elite deadly game at that with own weapons and fought on their lonesome on their prey's turf.

That's what gives predator its dimension. As a character. It's like an alien samurai hunter. It has a moral code. While simultaneously also being utterly frightening.

Why is the alien planet just essentially a repeat of the South American jungle setting from the first film? It's shameless.  The only remote difference between that setting, is a few artifacts of alien technology, and one brief shot of multiple planets or moon is in the background.

No different than force awakens, creed, where they essentially remake the original film to bring the nostalgia feels, just with slight different window dressing.

Predator 2 didn't need to do that. It was actually a different movie.  It advanced and added new wrinkles to the mythology. Ones that kept in line to the traditional rules established without breaking them.  But broadened everything in an interesting way.

There's a difference between paying homage, and literally taking so much from the original material beat for beat, music for music, scene for scene, that it essentially becomes a soft remake.

It's not even a reboot. Batman Begins compared to Batman 89 is an entirely different movie. That is a reboot.  Same character, same mythology, yet totally different interpretation and new story.  IE rebooted.

Force Awakens, Creed, and several others like Predators are soft remakes.

Why watch such pointless franchise cash grabs, when you could just watch the more innovative and better quality original version?

Wasn't an out and out hard remakes likes a Nightmare on Elm Street 2010.  But it's definitely a remake.

It's not just tipping its hat and paying homage at certain points. Mind you, Predator 2, which came out three years after the original, didn't have as many shameless and groan inducing "homages"



Truth is somewhere in between



Quote from: Kradan on Feb 10, 2021, 06:44:39 PM
Truth is somewhere in between
Thus why I came up with a new term classifying it as "soft remake"



Quote from: Pu$$yFace on Feb 10, 2021, 06:39:39 PMThe overwhelming majority agrees on this aspect.

Have you personally questioned the overwhelming majority to confirm this?



Quote from: HuDaFuK on Feb 10, 2021, 10:12:18 PM
Quote from: Pu$$yFace on Feb 10, 2021, 06:39:39 PMThe overwhelming majority agrees on this aspect.

Have you personally questioned the overwhelming majority to confirm this?
Yes, I've taken polls.   ;D

No, all you have to do is watch several reviews on YouTube, they all basically echo the exact same sentiment

Voodoo Magic

Voodoo Magic

It has a culmative effect for many.

1. Instead of an Earth jungle, this time it's an alien planet that just looks like an Earth jungle!

2. Instead of fast-roping this time and the heroes are picked off one by one they're dropped in the jungle and picked off one by one!

3. Instead of Blain holding a comical mini-gun that doesnt belong in a jungle, it was a Russian soldier holding a comical mini-gun that doesn't belong in the jungle!

4.This time it's Mombassa slow tension sensing someone watching them in the trees as Isabelle comes to talk to him, instead of Billy sensing someone in the trees and Dutch comes to talk to him.

5. This time the guy in the group with an alterior motive is not C.I.A Dillon, but a serial killer!

6. This time it's not the South/Cental American Anna explaining more about the Predator to the heroes, but it's the South/Cental American Isabelle explaining more about the Predator to the heroes.

7.This time instead of one hero falling off a cliff into a lake to escape the Predator, many heroes fall off a cliff into a lake to escape the Predators!

8. This time instead of an almost spiritual Native American that stops running with his group to confront the Predator, it's an almost spiritual Japan Native that stops running with his group to confront the Predator!

9. This time instead of Billy taking off his shirt branding a knife to confront the Predator, Hanzo takes of his shirt branding a sword! And we see the fight!

10.This time the shirtless hero doesn't cover his body at the end of the movie with mud, but the shirtless hero covers his body at the end of the movie with alien mud!

Come on, kill me!!!

And much of this is repeated to the same musical score selections and beats.

Again, I think for many it has a culmative effect.

For some this doesn't bother and that's awesome and not an incorrect position. For others it builds up either consciously or subconsciously and irritates, and that sucks and is also not an incorrect position.

But regardless of how one feels about this retreading (not remaking), neither The Predator or Predator 2 feels like it's aping the 1987 original in aspects and receives subsequent backlash for it... even though both Predator 2 and The Predator contain some homages themselves. When there's smoke there's fire and simply put, I believe Predators needed a lot more of its own identity within its script, other than its premise.



A team of commandos sent on a mission find themselves stalked and killed by an intergalactic big game hunter out for the thrill of the hunt.

A police squad investigating gang crime finds itself stalked and killed by an intergalactic big game hunter out for the thrill of the hunt.

A group of killers from around the world are kidnapped and dropped on a game reserve to be stalked and hunted by intergalactic big game hunters trying to genetically modify themselves into super hunters.

If you go by the plots, Predator 2 is closer to the original than Predators (there's even the shifty government agent guy who sacrifices themselves to give the hero time to escape!). But Predator 2 dresses its 'derivative' (for want of a better word) plot with its own unique elements, whereas Predators dresses  its unique plot with a patchwork of scenes from Predator.

It's a little disingenuous to say Predators is a straight rehash of the original, but it's definitely presented as a Greatest Hits compilation.



There is nothing in the actual film predators that implies they're  genetically modifying themselves to be better hunters, for starters.  It's just presented as they're a different breed, clan or race within the Predator aliens.

The Predator is where they explicitly state they're genetically modifying themselves and the pinnacle is apparently retardation and autism.

In Predators?  They already can kidnap people in total stealth in a foreign environment... to drop them off on an alien planet. What more would they need to do in order to modify?

Greatest hits compilation?  Retread?  All just synonyms for remake.

Soft remake, retread, whatever you wanna call it.  It has a distinct feeling of not being it's own movie.

Obviously the concept of predator should be similar as a franchise.  But the beat for beat aping in a multitude of scenes, music, characters, that's what makes it a soft remake or a retread.  Or whatever you want to call it to not step on toes of various posters feelings in here.

Predator 2 didn't do that at all.  Yes, the concept was faithful to the essence of the franchise but it was a different movie.  It was almost a crime drama mystery with sci fi horror mixed in.  The setting and characters are their interactions are totally different.

Predators mimics even aspects to character interactions.

The Predator doesn't do that at all either.  No matter how bad it is, you can at least say it's unique and it's own vision.

The first movie was a sci-fi horror action movie. As is predators.  Just in an "alien jungle" that somehow looks inexplicably and un-imaginatively just like an earthly jungle.

It's a pointless movie.  Same setting.  Same beats. I can't say that for Predator 2 and even Shane Black's turd parody The Predator.

I guess Ghostbusters 2016 isn't a "remake" either, using that lack of logic.



Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Feb 11, 2021, 12:07:44 AM
It has a culmative effect for many.

1. Instead of an Earth jungle, this time it's an alien planet that just looks like an Earth jungle!

2. Instead of fast-roping this time and the heroes are picked off one by one they're dropped in the jungle and picked off one by one!

3. Instead of Blain holding a comical mini-gun that doesnt belong in a jungle, it was a Russian soldier holding a comical mini-gun that doesn't belong in the jungle!

4.This time it's Mombassa slow tension sensing someone watching them in the trees as Isabelle comes to talk to him, instead of Billy sensing someone in the trees and Dutch comes to talk to him.

5. This time the guy in the group with an alterior motive is not C.I.A Dillon, but a serial killer!

6. This time it's not the South/Cental American Anna explaining more about the Predator to the heroes, but it's the South/Cental American Isabelle explaining more about the Predator to the heroes.

7.This time instead of one hero falling off a cliff into a lake to escape the Predator, many heroes fall off a cliff into a lake to escape the Predators!

8. This time instead of an almost spiritual Native American that stops running with his group to confront the Predator, it's an almost spiritual Japan Native that stops running with his group to confront the Predator!

9. This time instead of Billy taking off his shirt branding a knife to confront the Predator, Hanzo takes of his shirt branding a sword! And we see the fight!

10.This time the shirtless hero doesn't cover his body at the end of the movie with mud, but the shirtless hero covers his body at the end of the movie with alien mud!

Come on, kill me!!!

And much of this is repeated to the same musical score selections and beats.

Again, I think for many it has a culmative effect.

Exactly this. That is why I genuinely prefer The Predator over Predators, I think it's way more memorable, engaging and daring. Too daring ? Most definitely, but hey, I'll take that over a too strong deja vu feeling.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: SiL on Feb 11, 2021, 12:23:01 AM
It's a little disingenuous to say Predators is a straight rehash of the original, but it's definitely presented as a Greatest Hits compilation.

This. No-one is denying that Predators repeats beats from Predator. But it is in no way a remake of the original. Entirely different story structure and driving plot. Aliens is more a remake of Alien than Predators is of Predator. You wanna call it a soft reboot, I wont disagree with that. That was its purpose - to reboot interest in the franchise. But it isn't a remake/rehash. Never was, never will be.

Quote from: BigDaddyJohn on Feb 11, 2021, 11:12:18 AM
6. This time it's not the South/Cental American Anna explaining more about the Predator to the heroes, but it's the South/Cental American Isabelle explaining more about the Predator to the heroes.

She's Israeli.

Quote10.This time the shirtless hero doesn't cover his body at the end of the movie with mud, but the shirtless hero covers his body at the end of the movie with alien mud!

I forgive this one because Isabelle gives him this information. It makes sense within the context of the film.

QuoteAnd much of this is repeated to the same musical score selections and beats.

The Predator series has always heavily relied on repeated themes IMHO. I think this one is unfair to complain about.

QuoteAgain, I think for many it has a culmative effect.

Maybe, but the film isn't as full of repeated elements as you'd think from the way people talk about it being a remake. It's wholly incorrect to call it a remake or rehash. It simply isn't. There's far more unique elements to the film than there is repeated beats, and those repeats are more in the way of homage than anything significant plot-wise.

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