In The News

Started by DoomRulz, Nov 30, 2012, 03:53:46 AM

In The News (Read 1,427,092 times)






Not trying to enter any discussion -- but it astounds me that in this day and age there are people that follow Trump and legitimately think he'd be a good leader. The very thought revolts me.



Weak PC America once again as trip to see Santa is cancelled by school principle because of one mothers complaints. What annoys me here is the school completely gave in and backed down to her complaints. Why is everybody so weak and pathetic these days, not in the least bit surprised its in California naturally ::) Well done to the other parents.




Quote from: Omegamorph on Dec 20, 2015, 01:38:30 PM
Not trying to enter any discussion -- but it astounds me that in this day and age there are people that follow Trump and legitimately think he'd be a good leader. The very thought revolts me.

My family loves Trump and it annoys me that they defend him to death when at the smallest flaws. I would rather live in Cuba or China then living in the US run by Trump.



Quote from: Hellspawn28 on Dec 20, 2015, 10:17:26 PM
Quote from: Omegamorph on Dec 20, 2015, 01:38:30 PM
Not trying to enter any discussion -- but it astounds me that in this day and age there are people that follow Trump and legitimately think he'd be a good leader. The very thought revolts me.

My family loves Trump and it annoys me that they defend him to death when at the smallest flaws. I would rather live in Cuba or China then living in the US run by Trump.
Your life must be a hell D:



Quote from: Magegg on Dec 21, 2015, 01:29:28 AM
Quote from: Hellspawn28 on Dec 20, 2015, 10:17:26 PM
Quote from: Omegamorph on Dec 20, 2015, 01:38:30 PM
Not trying to enter any discussion -- but it astounds me that in this day and age there are people that follow Trump and legitimately think he'd be a good leader. The very thought revolts me.

My family loves Trump and it annoys me that they defend him to death when at the smallest flaws. I would rather live in Cuba or China then living in the US run by Trump.
Your life must be a hell D:
That statement doesn't make much sense. If Trump gets the keys, the US would be ran like China or Cuba. Moving to either place then would be like pissing in the wind. Still, you have my sympathies.

Novak 1334

Novak 1334

Donald Trump. Worst Bond Villain.  EVER



Quote from: Hubbs on Dec 20, 2015, 04:28:08 AM
1. Yep, just like the media, anyone in protest is a Nazi  ::) And I'll say again, the only reason why Europe is leaning to the right now is because of the current migration crisis, no point trying to sweep it under the carpet or make yet more excuses, that is the situation.

No, they are ACTUAL neo-nazis! They come from nationalist and neo-nazi parties like Svergie-Democraterna, Svenskarnas Parti, National demokraterna etc. And again their demonstrations were TINY. The counter protesters were in the thousands, as well as demonstrations against the hostile treatment of refugees in Sweden and the rest of Europe.

In other words Hubbs you're dreaming. Check the actual sources!

Quote2. In general, the counter protests are the only protests that get media attention (because PC), they ignore the stream of protests against. You want evidence? most of this wasn't reported on major media/TV.

No, they get attention in the media Hubbs if you bothered to check. However, they were/are labeled as exactly what they are - right-wing populist muddled neo-nazi rallies. Kind of shows where you stand in this, Hubbs.

QuoteA.Thousands protest in Holland...

Yes, good old Netherlands! Well-known for having an intolerant stance to immigrants, especially Muslims. They've had a strong anti-immigrant stance since the 90s if not earlier than that. Nothing new.

B. Migrant rape in Finland, uproar...

B1. Finland protests...

Come on Hubbs, you're not even trying. Rape is rape. Serial rapists and such are not exclusive to refugees and immigrants, even though people like you like to perceive it that way. However, for some reason, rape is always more of a big deal when the rapist is of a different ethnic or religious background than the victim. As Finland is under right-wing rule right now intolerant behavior has indirectly been sanctioned and thus bunching all immigrants/refugees together and lashing out at them is seen as more or less acceptable.

There is never an outrage when the rapist is a white westerner. Doesn't get any media coverage and if it does the media usually focuses on that rapist's mental condition, upbringing etc. All of a sudden the rapist is seen as a human being, a complex and complicated entity that indeed committed a horrific crime. But when the rapist is a non-white, non-western person, he is seen as ravaging beast representing every immigrant and refugee in the country, including their cultures and religions, all bunched together. A western white rapist on the other hand is never seen as a representative of the western world and white people in general and as a whole.

C. Up to 70,000 march in Poland...

C1. EU flag burned in Poland...



Poland has always been very, VERY conservative, both religiously as well as nationally. The country is also ruled by the right-wing and a straight-up neo-nazi party is in their parliament. Poland is also known for being very homophobic and for their relentless gay-bashing. So, again - really great example, Hubbs.

D. Thousands protest in Dresden, Germany...

E. Berlin protests...

There has been plenty more, but I won't link to everything for fear of taking up too much space.

Again, Hubbs, neo-nazies, nationalists, conservatives and right-wing populists - European far-right agitators and extremists fueling the fires, becoming more and more organized and influential. You're really not making a good case for your cause here, good sir. Sure, you can blame E.U. for it as it isn't only the populist right that is pissed off when it comes to the European Union and the way it works, but focus on Hauge, corporate lobbyism, corrupt E.U. politics and such rather than on freaking refugees and immigrants that just want the best for their families.

3. I have already said quite clearly, I do not agree with this mass migration (including potential terrorists) of various people from all over the place (economic migrants) into Europe, I don't know why you're trying to apparently shame me, ain't working mate, try again.

But you ARE Hubbs. You're not fooling anyone here. Like I said - all your posts on these forums are about the alleged dangers and end of Western civilization, and white people, due to immigrants, Muslims, black people, feminists and PCness.

QuoteIs this offensive to you? people not wanting to be inundated with migrants in their city or town, do the native people of Europe not get a say in this? Or would that be simply racism by neo Nazi's to you, anyone who doesn't agree with mass migration is a Nazi huh. The people of Europe have every right to protest against this, you cannot enforce your opinions, demands and rules upon everybody and simply claim your right because of PC, the EU is doing that right now and look what's happening.

They're not protesting against "mass immigration" - they're protesting because life has become harder due to privatization and austerity, i.e. right-wing politics and corporate lobbyism. But as it is easier to confront/attack people with less power and influence than you (especially if they look and behave differently than you) compared to confronting/attacking people with more power than you, people tend to attack minorities and marginalized groups when times are hard (like Nazi Germany). Which is exactly what the far right wants as it directs the attention and discontent away from "class" (= socio-echonomics, privilege etc.) to "race" (= ethnicity, religion, culture etc.). It's nationalistic right-wing populism. We've seen it before.

QuoteWe have the right to oppose this, something liberals and SJW's seem to forget or want to ignore because it doesn't fit with their agenda.

Of course you do, just like the majority is protesting against your reactionary, far right agenda. Fear mongering, hate and intolerance is never justifiable no matter how shitty things are, because it only makes it worse.

QuoteBut wait, lets spin this around for a moment. Take any small country in the Middle East or Africa even, lets say that small country was suddenly inundated with hundreds of thousands of European people (refugees/economic migrants), because something happened in Europe or...just because. All clambering to enter the country any way they can, all wanting jobs, housing, medical care, child care, the works. All these Europeans flooding in, no controls, what do you think would happen? what do you think that countries people would think or do? In fact, would any other country in these regions even allow it? would they allow the slow migration of tonnes of Euro's into their country as we do, sorry, forced to by liberals. Just ponder on that for awhile, you know, the hypocrisy that this entire situation is.

Ok, in this spun around scenario, has the Middle-East and Africa dominated the world for a good 300+ years? Shaping the world to fit their economies, cultures and needs? If so - YES. Yes I would hold them up to the same standards, expecting them to make up for hundreds of years of colonialism, imperialism etc. I would call it deeply irresponsible of them if they decided to not open their borders to European immigrants and refugees.

If this scenario is taking place right here and now, in the real world, then I would say NO. No, because Africa in general and large parts of the Middle-East are both in disarray - plenty of conflicts, wars, famine and such. They really don't have the means to take care of people from the outside. European imperialism and colonialism caused many of their problems and is the reason to why those regions have been so chaotic ever since. Imagine Europeans flooding in again? You would have to be a nation of Ghandis to be welcoming in such a scenario. History has consequences.

QuoteThis is a quote from the latest season of South Park (season 19), the season focused on everything PC and destroyed it with a gusto. I think this sums up your general SJW outlook/perspective pretty well.

'All I know is that you've changed. Ever since you joined this PC thing, you just bully people and wait for people to say anything improper so that you can jump down their throats for whatever words he or she used.'

'"He or she" is an agenderphobic microaggression, Sharon. You are a bigot.'

There is PC and there is PC, Hubbs. Questioning reactionary intolerant bigoted assholes that meticulously are going after minorities and such is different than people that are trying to deny comedians from making good humored jokes about all kinds of people and subjects. Don't mix up the two. You can't hide between the anti-PC stance, we'll call you out. When you scream PC you sound more like the intolerant bigoted a-hole whereas when South Park deal with PCness they champion the comedian that wants to be able to joke about any topic, as long as it doesn't turn into inflammatory bigotry and hate speech that is.



South Park does a better interpretation of the news than the damn new media does. They even give both sides and reach an understanding in the end. Kind of like how the Jedi and Sith are both evil, they just do it in different ways. :P



Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 21, 2015, 10:44:20 PM
South Park does a better interpretation of the news than the damn new media does. They even give both sides and reach an understanding in the end. Kind of like how the Jedi and Sith are both evil, they just do it in different ways. :P

Most satire/comedy shows do.



So did any one watch Miss Universe? I admit I only watched the end for the f**k up but doesn't anyone think they could have handled it better?



@Eagle: Dude, you've basically just labelled every Euro country I mentioned as far right wing filled, totally conservative or bottom line against all migrants/immigration. It wouldn't seem to matter what countries I mention, you'd just find an excuse to label them as right wing conservatives ::)

The fact you label HOLLAND as intolerant really shows how American you are. Holland is a highly multicultural country, very liberal, very welcoming of all. Hell you can buy weed in public coffe shops and basically have a red light district shopping area! You can't get much more liberal and open than that. The fact they have been protesting there shows how serious the migration problem has become (just like in Scandinavia).

Germany protests...all Nazi's right? because Germany, oh I get what you're saying. You're assuming any German people protesting are Nazi's because of their history, classy, way to discriminate against German people. I'm actually Jewish by the way, half German Jewish, am I a Nazi too? what about other German Jewish who might not agree with this situation?

As for the rape issue in Scandinavia, you're just ignoring the big specific problem they have with migrant rape going on there, just like their government is, no surprise. Its not even a secret anymore.

So anyway, according to you (an American in California), most countries in Europe are right wing, period, and anyone who protests against mass migration is a Nazi, period. Reading between the lines that's what you're saying, anything to do with migration and so called refugees is good, and protests in favour are great. Anything against it is bad, hate/fear mongering and intolerance, its literately that black and white to you.

So basically, if you ran a country, it would be with an ultra, far left wing iron fist that no one could argue against or question because that would be considered 'intolerance and hate/fear mongering'. This is the issue many have with (far) lefties, you're intentions are good, I fully admit that, but you absolutely cannot stand to be questioned, argued with or challenged on anything in your agenda. You refuse point blank to accept any other vision other than the one you have, even in the face of common sense, and just label/brand people as racists, sexists etc...(ironic really, because that's the exact behaviour of a bigot). Yes I admit the right do that too, but labelling someone an SJW is nowhere near as offensive and divisive as racist, sexist, misogynist etc...

Perfect example is immigration. Yes immigration is good, its needed, the UK has run fine with immigration for many many years and we haven't had any issues (as with all of Europe). But a sudden massive wave from a multitude of countries, all at once, many of which are fake, many of which offer the country nothing in terms of qualifications and skills, all wanting help when they arrive, over the period of a few years with the added issue of terrorism, is a big problem. It needs to be addressed and obviously cut back drastically, because its obviously gonna cause problems.

That isn't racist or fear mongering, that's just plain common sense, that kind of scenario can't just carry on willy nilly, no country would allow it. But many people on the left just don't understand that common sense, they just want to have complete open door policies, let anyone and everyone in because of human rights, they simply don't think about future consequences (especially with the terrorism concern) and usually refuse to see the situation any other way, because any other way is of course being 'racist'.

Another good example is the no borders across Europe Schengen agreement. During a time when potential terrorists are proven to be moving about to escape capture, supply each other and setup new targets...the EU thinks freedom of movement across Europe should still be upheld. Because of course...that isn't gonna cause any kind of problem now is it  ::)

(and South Park is mocking what has become a massive trend this year (#2015EverythingIsOffensive), their entire new series mocks the PC crowd. Sure it goes both ways but the majority of it mocks the PC crowd. Their first episode was huge because it upset the SJW crowd so much hehe)



Quote from: Hubbs on Dec 22, 2015, 05:32:26 AM
@Eagle: Dude, you've basically just labelled every Euro country I mentioned as far right wing filled, totally conservative or bottom line against all migrants/immigration. It wouldn't seem to matter what countries I mention, you'd just find an excuse to label them as right wing conservatives ::)

No, I don't read my previous replies, put one and one together. Don't try to wriggle out of this.

QuoteThe fact you label HOLLAND as intolerant really shows how American you are. Holland is a highly multicultural country, very liberal, very welcoming of all. Hell you can buy weed in public coffe shops and basically have a red light district shopping area! You can't get much more liberal and open than that. The fact they have been protesting there shows how serious the migration problem has become.

Don't mix up right-wing Libertarian with Liberal/left-wing just because both are liberal when it comes to weed, sex etc. You can be liberal when it comes to atheism, weed/drugs and sex/prostitution but still be Islamophobic. Even so, I'm not saying that Holland is an intolerant country. What I'm saying is that it has a lot of vocal Islamophobic personas.

QuoteGermany protests...all Nazi's right? because Germany, oh I get what you're saying. You're assuming any German people protesting are Nazi's because of their history, classy, way to discriminate against German people. I'm actually Jewish by the way, half German Jewish, am I a Nazi too? what about other German Jewish who might not agree with this situation?

What the hell are you talking about?

QuoteAs for the rape issue in Scandinavia, you're just ignoring the big specific problem they have with migrant rape going on there, just like their government is, no surprise. Its not even a secret anymore.

I checked their papers and it's not the big deal you make it sound like. Rape is rape. It's horrible no matter the perpetrator, but trying to turn rape into something only immigrants and refugees are capable of is just disingenuous and dishonest. False compassion to say the least.

QuoteSo anyway, according to you (an American in California), most countries in Europe are right wing, period, and anyone who protests against mass migration is a Nazi, period. Reading between the lines that's what you're saying, anything to do with migration and so called refugees is good, and protests in favour are great. Anything against it is bad, hate/fear mongering and intolerance, its literately that black and white to you.

No, not at all Hubbs. Feel free to read what I wrote again. The fact that the far right "movements" have become intercontinentally organized, backed up by far right political parties getting serious traction all over Europe, fueling the fires, it is all quite pretty obvious.

You can be critical about immigration without reverting to demonizing immigrants, bunching them all together, claming they're all a bunch of rapists, terrorists and whatnot.

QuoteSo basically, if you ran a country, it would be with an ultra, far left wing iron fist...

Not at all.

Quote...that no one could argue against or question because that would be considered 'intolerance and hate/fear mongering'. This is the issue many have with (far) lefties, you're intentions are good, I fully admit that, but you absolutely cannot stand to be questioned, argued with or challenged on anything in your agenda.

I would say exactly the same about far righties.

Again, what I'm against is when people choose to focus their wrath and discontent against people with less or no power rather than against people with more power and influence than you. When people rather fight each other than work together. Poor white people here in the U.S. have way, way more in common with poor black people, but for some reason a large swath of these poor white folks actively vote against their own interests and instead support the rich because in their minds they work harder than black people, who of course all live on welfare, and that one day they will be filthy rich through honest work, compared to black people who can't do anything honest except sucking the GOVT teet.

I see the same tendencies in Europe, although in a European way.

QuoteYou refuse point blank to accept any other vision other than the one you have, even in the face of common sense, and just label/brand people as racists, sexists etc...(ironic really, because that's the exact behaviour of a bigot). Yes I admit the right do that too, but labelling someone an SJW is nowhere near as offensive and divisive as racist, sexist, misogynist etc...

Well, if it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck...

Honestly, I don't throw around these terms as frivolously as it seems, but your posts have been oozing of intolerance and such. Just check your posting history Hubbs, it doesn't look good. I can tell though from this post that there is more to you than the one-sided posts you've been churning out so far.

QuotePerfect example is immigration. Yes immigration is good, its needed, the UK has run fine with immigration for many many years and we haven't had any issues (as with all of Europe). But a sudden massive wave from a multitude of countries, all at once, many of which are fake, many of which offer the country nothing in terms of qualifications and skills, all wanting help when they arrive, over the period of a few years with the added issue of terrorism, is a big problem. It needs to be addressed and obviously cut back drastically, because its obviously gonna cause problems.

...Just like the "native" population then, right? I'm sure there are tons of unqualified "useless" ethnic Europeans over there too, as well as a bunch of extremists/terrorists (right-wingers, anarchists, militant animal activists and militant "anti-fascists" rather than radicalized Islamists)... What do we do about them? More austerity and privatization maybe?

QuoteThat isn't racist or fear mongering, that's just plain common sense, that kind of scenario can't just carry on willy nilly, no country would allow it. But many people on the left just don't understand that common sense, they just want to have complete open door policies, let anyone and everyone in because of human rights, they simply don't think about future consequences (especially with the terrorism concern) and usually refuse to see the situation any other way, because any other way is of course being 'racist'.

No, it's not about letting everybody in. It's more complicated than that. It's about treating people the way you would like to be treated. How can we weed out terrorists from regular civilians in a humane way? How do we keep alienated individuals from becoming radicalized enough to join ISIS? How can we strengthen the communities and our society to prevent these things in an inclusive way and manner? Being tough and cold against people just because of their origin is not the right way - it only breathes more hostility on all sides.

QuoteAnother good example is the no borders across Europe Schengen agreement. During a time when potential terrorists are proven to be moving about to escape capture, supply each other and setup new targets...the EU thinks freedom of movement across Europe should still be upheld. Because of course...that isn't gonna cause any kind of problem now is it  ::)

I don't know enough about this part to comment on it. I have an hunch and my suspicions about why, but I'll keep it to myself until I've read up on it.

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