was AvP a rip off of Prometheus?

Started by bishoop, Oct 25, 2012, 10:36:10 PM

was AvP a rip off of Prometheus? (Read 24,167 times)


Thanks for the source link.

This convinces me that much more that he'll be kicking himself for not bothering to watch it, some day... I'm sure it would have come out a lot different if he had.



Quote2 - Both briefing scenes involve a discovery that points back to the origins of man kind

AvP wasn't.



What do you mean?

The structure that Weylands satelite detected was a pyramid that sebastian confirmed could be the first civilisation ever. How is that not alluding to the origins of man?



Origin of civilization, not the origin of human beings. Entirely different things.

"Points back to a significant development in the history of mankind/the Earth" would be more accurate, but also more vague.



I agree with what you are saying. Its just that in AVP it is said that the pyramid is the combination of different cultures and they acknowledge that these cultures should never have met or had any contact but ended up building similar structures.

This alludes to the ancient astranaught theory which is present in both AVP and Prometheus.



Prometheus tells us aliens created humans.  AvP tells us aliens helped us build.



heh check out the final question in the last few seconds:


Quote from: bishoop on Oct 26, 2012, 11:05:42 AM
complete list ;D
You're pretty nittpicky here. I haven't seen AvP1 in ages, so my memory is fuzzy, but I'll do my best.

-Foreshadowing opening set many years before events of film (AvP unrated cut only)

A thing that happens in shittons of movies, books, video games, etc. It's a plot device. Dunno what happens in the unrated version of AvP since I've never seen the unrated version. It's mighty important in Prometheus though, and I can't imagine it's all that important in AvP if it's not in the original cut of the movie.

-Scientists discover signs designed to lure humans to a hidden place where perverse alien-ish things will happen to them

A common trope in horror movies. These were done to completely different effects between AvP and Prometheus though. In AvP, they were lured for hunting, in Prometheus, the drawings were presumably a friendly invitation, though over the course of three thousand or so years, the Engineers changed their minds.

But without a lure, there would be no movie. Even Alien had a lure in the form of a distress beacon.

-Archaeological dig

I can probably give you that one.

-Group of scientists/mercs for mission to undisclosed destination funded by Weyland are assembled in the cargo hold of the ship by stern Company suit, and then briefed by Weyland about what they hope to find/how it could be a historic discovery for mankind, before archaeologists comment on the power point hieroglyphs seen in different ancient cultures around the world.

As someone mentioned before, that's mostly a boring way to infodump and not exactly uncommon.

-Dying Weyland founder, who has designs on immortality, accompanies the crew despite being in very bad health.

I'll give you that as well.

-The female protagonist talks about her fathers death.

Don't remember how the female hero's father died in AvP or if it had any significance, but it was very significant to Shaw and her reason for her scientific explorations. Death by ebola also conjures similar imagery to death by black goo.

-Giant pyramid like temple structure discovered.

As stated above, not uncommon. The two structures are vastly different in terms of...well, pretty much everything.

-Holographic projection of the structure is seen.

So because both movies had maps, one copied from the other? It would break continuity for there to not be holographic maps as the movie takes place far in the future.

-One of the mercs is challenged by the female protagonist regarding taking weapons to the site.

Different outcomes occur from this. We had weapons in AvP, which was an action movie and needed armed guards to slaughter, whereas the weapons weren't brought in Prometheus and Fefield and Milburn died because of it. It was a valid question in both movies as both scientists were under the impression that these were friendly scientific explorations. Bringing weapons didn't make much sense.

-Journey to the site in armoured tractor type vehicles

Really? Now this is just being nitpicky.

-Enter Giger-esque interior of structure searching with torches and find ancient language carved into walls and someone asks 'can you read this?'

This is also pretty nitpicky. It's also not uncommon when some ancient or alien structure is introduced to the characters.

-The depiction of a xenomorph on the wall.

Sure, but for completely different reasons. The Engineers seemed to worship the xenomorphs and were trying to weaponize them whereas the predators hunted them for ritualistic bloodsport.

-One of the team activates the structure - thus creating sequence of catastrophic events.

Without this, there would be no movie. It's like the phrase, "insert a gun in the first act and it needs to be fired by the third act" or somesuch. You introduce the structure, and the structure has to be activated. It's just the way of this particular plot.

-Team gets accidentally separated, the two that don't get along (science nerd and wannabe hard man) get cut off from main group, are attacked by face creatures and die horribly. (plus sim to the two who are cut off from the others in the sacrificial chamber are attacked by face creatures)

Predictable, and perhaps bad, storytelling. As soon as the characters break off, you know they'll wind up dying because that's how horror movies work. It's something to be expected of the genre. And in the case of Prometheus, the two get along once they decide to leave together. At least, Fifield somewhat respects Milburn for having the sense to get the hell out of there. Can't remember how these two characters work in AvP though.

-Discover 7ft+ ancient aliens who wear environmental face masks and create/breed alien life forms, were once worshiped as Gods by humans 

Eh. The two creatures differ on fundamental levels as do the reasons for their face masks. The fact that they are both large pretty much equates to "bigger is scarier." We don't actually know if the Engineers were breeding the xenomorphs, all we know is they had vials containing black goo that seemed to result in xenomorphs. The predators were breeding to fight; the Engineers were genetically altering.

-Alien in cryogenic sleep is awakened (queen/engineer)

Wouldn't be a monster movie without this happening at some point. A lot of your comparisons are really about the genres the movies are in and not "this copied this."

-Ancient aliens are hostile to humans - Weyland is killed by one

Wouldn't be a monster movie without this happening.

-Female protagonist tries to save the survivors, and humanity itself, from the alien threat.

The hero in AvP wasn't saving humanity itself, just her small section of it. She could have died and the one predator would have blown the place to hell and that would have been that. The cycle would repeat sometime far in the future, but humanity was never in danger. Saving the survivors is a characteristic of the hero/protagonist, and it would be kinda odd if that wasn't there.

-Female protagonist is only human survivor to escape destruction - which prevents spread of the alien destruction on earth (Pyramid blowing up/Prometheus crashing into the Engineer's ship)

The fact that you have "human" in there is so you can get around the fact that David survives. And even though he's an android, he's still pretty human when you look at his interactions and motives.

-Main alien also survives destruction (queen/engineer) and attacks her before another alien intervenes saving the female protagonist (predator/giant face hugger)

Gotta have that last bout of tension before the movie ends. The xenomorph survives in Alien too. Once again, I'd chalk this up with being part of the genre and not "this copied this"

-Female protagonist escapes environment but ultimate fate is uncertain.

I'll give you that for now, but we are going to get a sequel to Prometheus. That should change this bulletpoint.

-Final chest burst scene & new look xeno emerges from an ancient alien. The final shot is of the chestburster screaming into the camera.

I'll give you that, but I feel Prometheus would have been missing something if that didn't occur.

Really, a lot of the problems you have are pretty much with the genre these movies are in and the plot structure these kinds of movies follow rather than deliberate copying. I'm guessing the two movies have similar TVTrope pages, but they wouldn't be the first to use those kinds of tropes and they won't be the last.


I'm gonna throw in a link to my list of references/homages in Prometheus to give some context on just how much of Prometheus was recycled from other films in the franchise. Hint, it's like 90% of the film.



Unless Paul W.S. Anderson time-travelled to 2012 before he began crafting AvP in 1994, er, no.  ::)

Three other 'coincidental' similarities no-one else has touched upon (that I can be bothered to verify, anyway); both at-the-end chestburst victims were played by Ian Whyte, real movie footage is watched ('Frankenstein vs The Wolfman' in AvP / 'Lawrence Of Arabia' in Prometheus) and the vessels used to reach the setting begin with the letter 'P' (Piper Maru *don't get me started on the black goo X Files thing!* in AvP / the eponymous Prometheus).

Mr. Scott's a hack these days.



Aww - resurrected almost in time for its one year anniversary.



Ridley Scott may have not seen AVP but Damon Lindeloff and Jon Spaihts sure as hell did.

THe biggest similarity for me (in that it stands out like a sore thumb) is the scene where SHaw asks the weyland employee why hes taking a gun on the expedition. THis is pretty much an exact duplicate of the AVP scene with Lex.

Of course there are other similarities but that one takes the cake in my opinion.



Quote from: Litshttam on Jan 20, 2014, 10:15:00 PM
Unless Paul W.S. Anderson time-travelled to 2012 before he began crafting AvP in 1994, er, no.  ::)

Three other 'coincidental' similarities no-one else has touched upon (that I can be bothered to verify, anyway); both at-the-end chestburst victims were played by Ian Whyte, real movie footage is watched ('Frankenstein vs The Wolfman' in AvP / 'Lawrence Of Arabia' in Prometheus) and the vessels used to reach the setting begin with the letter 'P' (Piper Maru *don't get me started on the black goo X Files thing!* in AvP / the eponymous Prometheus).

Mr. Scott's a hack these days.

Why? Because someone came along and took ideas that were all part of ALIEN's development and tacked them into a cheesy spin off franchise? Scott comes back and develops the ideas that he didn't have the time or budget for in 78, gives them more scope and gravitas than WSA ever could and he's a hack? Right.



At least Paul W.S Anderson wanted to do something as original as possible. I can't find many similiarties between AVP and the other alien films besides a few well placed subtle references. Even Predators seems to take a few Ideas from AVP: 3 predators, foot print detecting predator vision, hologram displayed by wrist computer, "The enemy of my enemy...", projectile wrist blades.

For a film that's supposedly so terrible, filmmakers really love ripping it off. ::)

I've watched both AVP and Prometheus back to back and there's no question about it: Prometheus was a big rip off of AVP. It's like a beat for beat remake; the more I think about it the more similarities I find.

- The first time we see the Prometheus, we're tricked into believing it's a planet but as the camera moves it's revealed to be a ship. This is just like the satellite at the beginning of AVP: we think it's an alien queen but than the camera moves and we see it's a satellite.

-The characters are in the pyramid looking at ancient bodies that have been chest bursted. Infact the whole movie is just the characters trying to figure out what happened 1000s of years ago just like in AVP.

- a storm occurs which causes one character to save the life of another. Lex saves Weyland/David saves Shaw.

- I can not be the only one who thought Ford could pass for Miller's sister. The resemblance is just scary.

If Paul W.S Anderson is a hack what does that make the guy who steals from him? A super hack?



Quote from: JPredator on Jan 21, 2014, 09:02:41 AM
Ridley Scott may have not seen AVP but Damon Lindeloff and Jon Spaihts sure as hell did.

Spaihts also borrowed beat-for-beat from Aliens Apocalypse: Destroying Angels. I actually feel bad for Ridley in a way, in that his big return to sci-fi wound up being basically a rehash of EU and crossover films he never bothered watching/reading. It's his own fault for not taking time to double-check (God knows he has no time for EU or the other films in the series), but I can't help but feel like he was taken for a ride by his writers.

I still liked Prometheus, though.

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