Prometheus Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, May 30, 2012, 05:46:52 AM

In short, what did you think of the film?

Loved it! (5/5)
143 (32.2%)
Good, but not great (4/5)
149 (33.6%)
It was okay, nothing good (3/5)
69 (15.5%)
Didn't care for it (2/5)
30 (6.8%)
It sucked (1/5)
27 (6.1%)
Hated it! (0/5)
26 (5.9%)

Total Members Voted: 441

Prometheus Fan Reviews (Read 323,902 times)



Alright so here I am, having just seen Prometheus I would obviously like to share my thoughts. This is a two-part review, the one you are about to see are my thoughts, and the one in spoiler tags is pretty much everything that happens in the movie.

Well Prometheus started off in an interesting way, I certainly wasn't expecting for the film to begin by showing us what the Engineers' look like right out of the gate. Apparently this Enginner has taken upon himself the responsibility of sacrificing himself in order to bring us into existence. The film's pace at the beginning was just off for me. We are introduced to Shaw and Holloway, but are them quickly thrust into outer space where we see the Ship Prometheus already having embarked on its quest to find the Engineers.

Character development was fine, but only for the characters that really mattered like Shaw, Holloway, Vickers, Janek, David, and Weyland himself.

Although the above list are great characters, the one I have a real problem with is Holloway. This man just looks like he wants a damn ego boost, and goes ahead and does some real stupid risks. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't remove my helmet that allows me to stay alive on this planet even though the scans are reading that there is a built in atmosphere. "They were terr-forming!" I don't give a damn Holloway, you don't do a stupid risk like that. So there's that, I don't want to say anymore about Holloway other than the fact that I have no idea just what in the hell Shaw sees in this guy.

Most of the characters, those that aren't important, are hardly given any character development, if at all. They are mostly there to serve their purpose, and then later on die when the script asks for them to die. This is most obvious when Fifield awakens as some sort of monster-man and proceeds to kill everything in sight.

I will just skip ahead to the ending, because this is something that I believe is all everyone's going to be talking about for a while. First of all, the whole bit with Shaw basically repeating similar lines that Ripley had at the end of Alien was unnecessary. In the end, this didn't ruin anything for me, but it could have done without it.

Now on to the last part of the ending, after Starbeast body-hugs the Last Engineer, we are treated to a scene that most of us were probably expecting, but only because when we heard the words "PREQUEL" we immediately thought..."oh, we know how this is going to end." But no, it doesn't end exactly like that, but it ends pretty much how we expected it to.

The Xenomorph body-bursts out of the Last Engineer and looks similar to, but still very different from the Alien we all know and love. It juts out it's mouth, which almost looked like a nod to the inner jaws that the rest of the Xenomorphs we have seen have at their disposal.

All in all, we get a film that in two hours succeeds in the story it wanted to tell. We have plenty of characters, less than half are given proper character development, and with their own agendas. The film is left very ambiguous throughout the entire thing. We don't know much about the black goo, or how it even produces life, but we can guess as to how it works. What was with the Engineers running for their lives? Why were they building biological weapons? Who were they for? (Humans couldn't have been the only reason why they were making these bio-weapons) What was with the wall mural of the enginner, and that wall scultpture-looking thing of what is undeniably a Xenomorph, possibly the one that shows up at the end of the film. Why does Starbeast exist for? To create the Xeno we see at the end of the movie? Was Starbeast an unforeseen by-product of the many experiments that must have taken place at this installation?

More questions begin to pop up, and these are just but a few that popped into my head, and many more that I don't want to bother typing up. I will admit that we are left with plenty of questions, because we still hardly know anything about these Engineers/Space Jockeys that many of us have been discussing about for years, and even decades.

The movie gets an 8 out 10 from me.

I really enjoyed this film, there are flaws here and there, but this is a film that I can say didn't suck at all. I have no problem with how this film started, or ended, the entire middle part was great, there was actual suspense happening, and we got to see a bunch of stuff that none of us ever though we would ever see, because a Prequel actually happening was more than likely never going to happen, but I think it was the only way to go.

So I just finished watching this movie about an hour ago (as of this review being typed). Now I am going to just give my thoughts on the film, I'll try and be as neutral as possible without going apeshit or anything, but that doesn't mean that I'll be doing a review where I don't say what happens in the film, because I will. As before, spoilers...but I believe that in the just talk thread it was already said that we can spoil away now, so here goes.

At the beginning of this film we are introduced to our first "Engineer." I would like to call this guy Prometheus based upon what I saw. I was too distracted by what was going on to actually view the surroundings, but I assume that he is on Earth. The Engineer drinks the black goo that we are shown throughout the film and starts to die, he does this all while falling down into the water which is where apparently life starts to take shape. Soon after this we are introduced to Holloway and Shaw. Shaw discovers a painting, the one we all have seen during the trailers and other pieces of footage. We are then immediately placed on the ship Prometheus with nothing in between this scene and the one before it. If you have seen the viral videos, then you can piece it all together, for those that haven't seen it, you aren't missing much since this is all pretty much explained later in the film.
We are then introduced to David 8. We see that he is looking into Shaw's dreams, and whether this was something that he had to do as ordered, or just out of curiosity...we don't know. Moving on we get to see a bit of David here, we are shown what he does, and most of the time he listens to videos on how to speak a certain language. Soon after, David begins to wake up everyone just as soon as he finds Vickers doing some push-ups because she is badass like that apparently, all while barely having left the stasis pod. We're introduced to most of the characters, but the only ones that are worth anything are Shaw, Holloway, David 8, Vickers, and Janek. These characters, and Weyland himself (who appears later in the movie) are the only ones that have any sort of character development. The rest are just there to die when the time arrives for them to do so.
Not long after this, some of the crew that includes David, Holloway, and Shaw, decided to venture forth into the unknown after discovering odd structures on the surface below them. They enter only for David to get curiosity get the better of him and unleash projected recordings of The Engineers running away from something. The crew follows these projections until they come across the end of the Projection where one of the Engineers falls dead on the floor, which leads them to the room with that giant head we have all seen. A storm starts to kick up, so the crew gets out of there. David looks around the room with the jars and takes one. Shaw takes the decapitated head of the fallen Engineer and takes off. We get a scene where the storm is causing much dismay to Shaw and Holloway only for David to come to the rescue.
Back in the ship Prometheus we are told that Fifield and Milburn are not back, and are apparently lost, which they are as the film later shows. David begins to examine the Jar that he took, while Shaw and Ford begin to do their own examination of the Engineers head, which turns out to not be an exoskeleton as Shaw believed. We then see the familiar face of the Engineer, much like the one from the beginning of the film. This head soon pops as soon as Ford does some prodding. A sample is taken, and we soon find out that its DNA matches our own.  David 8 then starts to take apart the jar and the black goo reappears once again, David then uses this in the drink of Holloway, which later turns out to be a most unfortunate thing.
Things aren't going well for Fifield and Milburn. They are lost, and begin losing their shit over a ping in one of Fifield's  "pups" that seems to be detecting a life form, which Janek later says was just a glitch. Milburn and Fifield eventually get their first look at one of the creatures that Prometheus presents to us. I can only assume that the Black Goo, mixed with any sort of liquid, eventually starts to take life of its own, possibly, I have no idea, then again I don't believe there was any sort of water around the this can be disregarded. Anyway, Milburn is thrilled to see this thing, and soon after he gets screwed by this thing, while Fifield, in an attempt to cut the damn thing off, is splashed with acid that messes with his face, and later on...somehow turns him into some sort of crazy primitive looking, super strong, bastard of a monster-man. Again, this probably has more to do with what happens in between this scene and his eventual reappearance, but who knows, something causes him to turn into a monster-man, and I don't think that the acid was it at all, although it possibly could have been all that was needed for this to happen.
So then we get the crew going back down into the Engineer dome looking thing, and they come across Milbrun who is now dead as can be. David takes it upon himself to go fix this "glitch" that one of Fifield's "pups" has been experiencing, which is an excuse for David 8 to discover more things to keep hidden away from the rest of the crew. He finds a chamber...similar to the one where the Space Jockey was in as seen in ALIEN. Apparently these Engineers where headed for Earth which we later find out was because they were going to wipe us out. David then comes across one of the Engineers who is still alive, which is great news for him and for Weyland, and terrible news for everyone else.  Holloway is showing signs of some sort of sickness, and Shaw yells for everyone to start getting the hell out of here. They do so, only for Vickers to kill Holloway as he asks for death. We then thrust into a scene where Shaw is apparently pregnant. She pleads to David 8 to take it out of her, but he gives some bullshit response that they can't do that. Shaw then takes it upon herself to remove the thing herself, and succeeds. As this happens Fifield returns and begins to kick the living crap out of the cannon fodder that this film brought. Fifield is killed and we are never sure as to why he became this monster-man.

Shaw later finds out that Weyland is pretty much alive, and has been on the ship this whole time. We also find out that Vickers is his daughter. Weyland and the team prepare to leave once again and venture inside the chamber where the Last Engineer is holed up in. They open the chamber, and the Last Engineer pops out. David is decapitated by the Engineer and pretty much kills everyone except for Shaw who is running the hell out of there. The Last Engineer sets a course for Earth, Shaw tells Janek to stop this ship, Janek does so by sacrificing himself all while Vickers leaves by escape Pod. The ship comes crashing down, Shaw and Vickers begin to run, and Vickers ends up being killed by a section of the ship landing right on top of her. Shaw barely makes it out alive and heads for a section of the Prometheus that detached itself before it crashed right on the Engineer ship. She walks in, and finds out that her baby, the STARBEAST is huge as hell and wanting to comes out. David 8 is still alive and tells Shaw that The Last Engineer is coming after here, which it actually is because it's already right there a few feet away from her. It pounces on her and she pretty much unleashes hell by releasing Starbeast to attack The Last Engineer. Starbeast then proceeds to win the struggle that it and The Last Engineer become a part of. Shaw leaves, and David 8 tells her that there is more than one ship. So Shaw takes David 8, they leave the planet, and head for the Engineers' home planet to ask some questions about why they wanted to kill us after having created us.
The close of the film is pretty much The Last Engineer being body-bursted and out plops a Xenomorph, similar to the one we all know and love, but very much different.

So the movie ends, credits roll...and that's it.




 You have a very appropriate username.[/quote]

Yes i do its 7 years old now, its from back when i first discovered this site.... But what do you mean by that? u sounded like david lol.

surely its lacking on the tension and action A LOT, but the story, the dialogue and the characters are awesome.... even the ones that are cannon fodder have good actors for them, there are plot holes yes... well i wouldnt call them plot holes but there are stuff that makes u go HUH? but then u realize u can figure it out in your head and best of all u cant be sure for certain what happened for example when vickers says to the capitan "in my room 10 mins" u dont know what happened in there... for me shes like a replicant too, theres no one who actually says it outloud but if u think of her that way shes even cooler... well then all that said, i still think the climax sucks, u should have a jockey fight against the lovecraft squid and theres not much sense of a threat for the terror it tries to convey, also the creatures are very whatever the f**k and i still hate the engineers design the armor is cool but i still think they shouldnt look humanoid... i also hate that they made the jockey a jason voorhees in space alike, u should know his reasoning a bit to have him go apeshit and he should be more ALIEN... also found the temple and the ship kinda hokey cause i see what they were going for and i think they couldave made hr giger even more proud... but i guess it was all for the sake of making it seem more realistic... which is a thing i dont like in my movies, thats why i love sci fi and horror so much, but this second time around i can definetly see what the movie was going for... a more like scientific approach to it in a extent leaving the characters behind, still there are dialogue bits TINY ones that make noomi, charlize, micheal and idris have some good amount of depth... specially fassbender cause he has the most screentime and that was the right decision, not cause of the actor tho hes awesome in that role but because the movie is all about the inhuman aspect in humanity... that leading to the alien apocalipse they hint at the end which i found like forced, it was just for the sake of having some final threat in the movie and of course the threat being total annihiliation....
im still kinda sad we didnt have enough of the the alien temple\ship, the planet (which couldave been waaaaaaay cooler, enough suspense and of course the creatures, they were very much in the back seat like the rest of the crew.... and the proto alien... i dont like them implying how they were kinda created but in a way they also avoided it by making this new xeno... we still dunno what the xenos we know about are made of in a way... and damn the f**king dude who shot the screener cut right before it, i wanted to freeze frame and see how this mignola xeno really is...
I guess what really pissed me off yesterday was the lack of sci fi horror elements in it, and that very much like the avps i was just waiting to ppl start dying and having awesome creature effects, i was expecting much more of that stuff and what i got from that stuff is only so so and like i said the characters are very much in the background, but now i see that was the point of it. It was like when i saw Sunshine and i hated it the first time cause i was expecting some alien on board, or when i felt cheated in 2010 by not having a physical creature behind all the mystery.
from a 5 outta 10 the first time, this second viewing earned it a solid 8... if it had more terror and action it would be a 11 really. Its place in the alien saga? as good as any alien movie... has its cons and its pros... and it is definetly better than both avps from a story stand point but it lacks the spectacle of those two in terms of a creature feature kinda movie...
This is ridleys scott return to form and... shit u guys must think im insane for changing opinion like this overnight...
I would also like to thank all of u who made me take a look at the things i didnt care the first time around.
Im signing off... with a glad heart.

Btw is there a prometheus videogame? cause ive seen thumbnails of reviews of the movie and they look like a game FOR REAL. it isnt mass effect3 but ive seen these two tiny screens one on spill and other from ign...
SHIT! THERE IS!!! it was hard to find among space shooters and rpgs but THERE IS A GAME! and theyre arent rushing it in time for the movie? im gonna get that game it will give me all the action i need i hope... it will be a nice companion piece :}



7.5-8/10 for me.



Quote from: Blacklabel on Jun 09, 2012, 01:41:29 AM
Yep. I do hope some of the cut scenes will "plug in" the plot holes and problems people have...

Biggest problem for me? (And impossible to plug in with any cut scenes etc.) Shaw and Vickers not running to the sides to escape the Juggernaut... dude? what the hell? eh. (Shaw does eventually fall once.. looks up and notices she can run to the sides... does this and escapes the first big tumble, vickers dies. but then she just freezes when the ship does it's final tumble. :P)


Vickers final words were heartwrenching but, seriously, she couldn't orient her sprint to get away from the center of the Juggernaut's arm?  I just didn't get that.

The bigger crime though was the lack of any Vickers arc. She was a static character whose backstory was great but whose actions could have been absorbed by other characters.

Quote from: Blacklabel on Jun 09, 2012, 01:25:23 AM
That i can forgive... it was dark as hell... there were barely any recognizable features in the tunnels... plus.. the map Fifield's puppies were making was only available to Janek aboard the ship. The coordinates Fifield gives are numbers produced by his suit.. but they sure as hell werent making any difference while on that labyrinth... because he didnt have the map.

Being a geologist doesnt give you magic navigational powers.  :P (But, of course.. he could've radio'd the ship! They got his maps! eh!)

But getting out of the tunnels wouldnt do them any good anyway... what with the f**king sandstorm outside :P


The sandstorm developed after the two men broke away from the group. If David, Holloway, and Shaw could make it back, so could have Fifeld and Milburn. I don't know why they didn't get ship direction.



I just came back from seeing it. As a fan of the Alien series since I was a child, I must say this: I loved it.
I can't see why so many fans hate it. It's a beautifully designed film and it was entertaining. Did it have problems? Yes, but what movie doesn't? Does it answer all of the questions that it presented? No, but does it have to? Sometimes we discover one answer but it leads to more questions. Was it as good as Alien? Maybe not, but that doesn't mean it was terrible. I guess my only minor complaints are
the scientist trying to interact with the hammerpede and the aftermath of Shaw's baby. If I saw an alien creature rear up itself like a cobra, the last thing I would do is to try to touch it. But sometimes people get overzealous, curious, careless, thoughtless, bad judgement, or all of the above. As for the proto-hugger, we didn't anyone do anything about it. I guess they were to busy with Weyland's agenda. What about Shaw? The poor woman just lost her boyfriend and had something cut out of her! Does anyone care about her? No "hey there, are you okay? That must have sucked big time. Do you need medical attention?" But maybe their medical practices are far more advance than now and maybe Weyland and the others were too concerned with their mission to care. After all, David was the one responsible and he did it on purpose. This is Weyland Industries, as in Weyland-Yutani, a.k.a the evil company that considers crew expendable in order to get whatever it wants.   
Despite those minor complaints, I'd rate this movie at least 4-4.5/5.



This is a movie with big ideas, great visuals, and terrific monsters, but there were script, editing, and pacing issues.



Just saw PROMETHEUS for the 2nd time in 24 hours. Taking my parents to see it tomorrow- in 3D.

This movie rocks. Deal with it.



Quote from: First Blood on Jun 09, 2012, 01:18:41 AM
Quote from: SiL on Jun 09, 2012, 12:59:48 AM
Quote from: Prime113 on Jun 08, 2012, 10:35:44 PM
Oh, yeah, another thing that you guys seemed to have a problem with, that I really didn't, was how "stupid" the people acted. Lets take
Milburn, for example. A lot of people thought it was retarded when he approached the snake. I really didn't. You have to remember, these guys are incredibly eccentric. And, with Milburn being a biologist, was overwhelmed at finding new life.
"Eccentric" doesn't mean "retarded". Any scientist, regardless of how "eccentric", would approach the situation with some level of caution, and considering the thing looks like a snake, any rational human being wouldn't go sticking their hand in its face, let alone a biologist.

My big issue with Prometheus' characters is that everything they do seems to happen because that's what their characters are supposed to do in this type of story, not because it actually seems like something the characters would do. We don't get enough set-up for anything they do to feel natural; they're acting because that's what their archetype has to do in this story.

Shit, even AvP got this right; Miller and Verheiden had the same dynamic as Milburn and Fifield, but at least Anderson had it come from the characters.

Not to mention a geologist who can't find his way out of a structure made of rock.

That was one of my main problems with the story. I half faced palm when Shaw said "Wheres Fifeld and Milburn?" I was like reeeaallly. Kind of a big cliche.  :laugh:



all u ppl who didnt like it give it a second shot and think of what david says to holloway when hes drunk...
"what were u expecting to see.... and what if they told u we made u just because we could?"
That sums up the whole movie experience for me for either the good and the bad and the so so things in it. its almost an inside joke to why or how the movie was made.



I don't want to say it but I'm so damn disappointed right now.  Saw it today and the only thing I'm excited is the sequel.  The sequel to Prometheus should have been that Prequel.  Oh, and F U C K U Lindelof!  Ridley Scott did his stunning visual directing but you can't shine a f**king turd of a script that you were given to play with.

El Diablo

El Diablo

Finally saw it in IMAX today.

I enjoyed it, though I can definitely see where a lot of people had issues. The writing is sloppy at times and it raises far more questions than it answers. I didn't like how a majority of the plot threads were left dangling as a set up for a sequel that may never happen. I don't really think that's fair to the audience who paid to see THIS film. That said, I found it to be highly entertaining and felt it delivered a few genuinely scary moments (though it seems like the violence was toned down in an attempt to get a softer rating). I think it's definitely stronger than Alien Resurrection or the AVP movies, and I can honestly say that as a fan of the series I walked out of the theater satisfied.

I think some of the negative reviews from the mainstream press and the fan base that I've absorbed over the last two weeks helped keep my expectations in check. I was very happy with the end result.

That Yellow Alien

That Yellow Alien

I thought overall it was an excellent film with great acting, special effects, and themes. My main complaints would be that there should have been at least one or two more scenes of the creature, and Guy Pierce as Weyland in all the makeup...ridiculous.



I just came back from the theatre...PROMETHEUS WAS FU**KING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D




No Cvalda review?



QuoteI didn't like how a majority of the plot threads were left dangling as a set up for a sequel that may never happen. I don't really think that's fair to the audience who paid to see THIS film.

Yet, it was OK when it happened in every other film but A3, why?  I loved the ending.  Even if there never is a sequel, I feel totally satisfied.  I love that it left me wanting more and to imagine what happened to them.

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