Prometheus Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, May 30, 2012, 05:46:52 AM

In short, what did you think of the film?

Loved it! (5/5)
143 (32.2%)
Good, but not great (4/5)
149 (33.6%)
It was okay, nothing good (3/5)
69 (15.5%)
Didn't care for it (2/5)
30 (6.8%)
It sucked (1/5)
27 (6.1%)
Hated it! (0/5)
26 (5.9%)

Total Members Voted: 441

Prometheus Fan Reviews (Read 323,911 times)



Gonna be honest, it was disappointing. Expect a review soon.


1.Ridley wants to scare the living sh*t out of the audience

I will start off with this, a more obvious aspect of the movie - the horror elements.

Prometheus is not scary. I will say that from the very beginning.
It has disturbing scenes, but I did not feel terrified, more like disturbed of what I was seeing. There was only one jump-scare moment that that was at the very end with the squidhugger.

There is a nice moment when zombie Fifield wakes up from that scary position and attacks. But the following fight is neither scary nor disturbing, mostly because I don't even know the names of the people being killed. And there isn't even any gore. The makeup was good, but it wasn't showed too much and that made the scene less interesting. In fact I was more curious about what was going to happen to zombie Fifield than the nameless redshirts being thrown around.

There was no dark corridor crawling, no dark corridors to begin with. And that is a trademark of the Alien franchise. Even the first AvP was darker than this.

However I did enjoy it as a whole, as the references and connections to the Alien franchise do make it more terrifying than it really is.

2.There is little sense of progression

Here I will have to go all-spoiler tags unfortunately.

Usually a movie changes sets as the story moves on. It gives a sense of progression alongside the new events that take place.
In Prometheus the story moves on, but there is little sense of progression mostly because the lack of scenery changes.
Allow me to elaborate:

So they are on the Prometheus when they land.
Then they go in the pyramid/ship for the first time and explore.
Then they are back on Prometheus with the severed head.
Then they go back in search for the lost crewmen.
Then they are back on Prometheus, where the infected guy gets incinerated.
Then they go back on the alien ship because Weyland says so.
Then we are inside the escape pod where the giant squidhugger shows the engineer some love.
Then Shaw goes back on the crashed ship and takes David with her.

There is way too much going back and forth in this movie and after the 2nd time they go on the engineer ship it becomes boring and uninteresting. At least in the other movies they picked a main set and stuck with it for 80% of the movie time, but here they instead chose to use the only two sets: Prometheus and Enginner ship and go back and forth, back and forth, baaack aaand fooorth...

3.What's up with all these holograms?

I honestly am becoming allergic to everything in the future having holograms and movies abusing this technology, which in my opinion is far more impractical than a normal display touch screen.

First of all we have talking holograms who teach David how to speak in ancient languages. Question: what is the purpose of having a hologram? Couldn't a simple voice interaction program be a lot more practical and less resource consuming?

Then we have the holographic Power Point Presentation (or the .HPPT file format). Again, wouldn't a simple projection on a wall be easier to understand? They're just floating pictures for God's sake!
Weyland in his home I can understand, because it is an interactive hologram. But a simple video would have sufficed here too.

Then we have every screen on board the ship as a hologram.
Holographic technology as it is depicted in most "new age" sci-fi movies is very confusing and apparently difficult to operate. Holographic screens have no background (it is transparent) making it harder to read and forcing the use of specific font colors in order to not get them confused. Because of that, you cannot project it while having a bright light (eg. a sun) in front since it becomes impossible to read.

The only practical application of a hologram in this movie is the mapping system with the floating balls with scanning lasers. That makes sense, because having a complete 3d virtual model of the scanned ship can be very, very useful.

Another hologram that bothered me was the pointless map room inside the engineer ship. Again, wouldn't a simple touch screen be more efficient and easy to operate rather than standing in the middle of the room and "grabbing" planets as they fly by?

I won't say that the holographic technology killed this movie for me, but it added too much unnecessary color and shiny stuff, in a movie that is supposed to be dark.

I am not one of those people who thinks that Prometheus should have retained the 100% retro technology from Alien.
However, in that movie Ridley tried to make technology plausible while looking both futuristic and practical for the 70's and even today.

4.Characters are stupid when the movie needs them to be

Sure, this is a common thing in movies, especially horror ones. There are only a few things I would like to point out, more obvious things.

So when the engineer wakes up and kills Weyland, someone takes a shot at it.
Why in every movie, characters wielding guns tend to aim at the body parts covered with armor, rather than exposed skin or organs?
In any event, this guy aims at the engineer's chest, covered with some sort of armor, while 3 shots in between his eyes would have been much more efficient. Aim for the head! Sure, it might not have killed it, but you wouldn't blame the poor guy for at least trying.
If the engineer was killed, then there was no need for the Prometheus to go all kamikaze on the Juggernaut.

Another obvious example of scheduled character stupidity was when Shaw and Vickers were running away from the spinning Juggernaut. It was a pointless scene, made specifically for 3D. But that is besides the point.

The ship was spinning like a coin, on the edge, so a simple running sideways would have saved them both. But instead they choose to run right in the direction of the spin. Vickers is caught and crushed under the weight of the ship. At the very last moment Shaw does the right thing and simply rolls to the right, completely avoiding the ship. See Vickers? It was that simple.

5.It doesn't know what it wants to be

Prometheus fells more like a mixed bag, as it doesn't appear to have a particular story or genre focus.

In theory, a story about Gods and the evolution of humankind can be combined with horror elements to make it a horror movie. But both of these aspects are not entire explored to their full potential. The original Alien was a bit less pretentious when it came to the ideas.
Bottom line, it was a story about a monster with sharp teeth. But the execution was brilliant!

In Prometheus it is exactly the opposite. We have a complex origin story about the human spcies, with both religious and historical events being mentioned and linked together, but the execution somehow lacked pacing, consistency and...a soul.

It can't be clearly defined, as the story is blurry at best, with no clear focus on any of these aspects.

I also found the last scene of Shaw and David taking off in an engineer ship a bit overwhelming.

Prometheus fells too pretentious in the ideas it tries to expose, which are quite complex, but not explored long enough to give a sense of accomplishment and understanding in the end.
I appreciate the relatively slow build-up instead of throwing us right in the action. That was good.

I do not want you to get the wrong idea out of this post, that I disliked the movie.
On the contrary, I enjoyed it and on a scale I would place it between Alien3 and Resurrection, definitely not AvP material here.
But there are some things that bothered me. It was not the "to be continued" ending, it was not the creature design. It was the fact that it had potential, but they did not take full advantage of it.

Kev Loaf

I agree. The ideas were there but they blew it. However, the film will earns lots of money no matter what so I guess as far as they are concerned they achieved their goal. Quick buck.



I call this film a missed opportunity. Or a stinking pile of s**t.
Depends on my mood and how eager I am to close my eyes on some major plot holes, bad dialogue, pointless character actions, the dumbest "scientists" ever seen in film (removing helmets inside the alien's temple???), characters with no emotions or care whatsoever, and TERRIBLE creature design...
On the other hand, a few really good ideas and beautiful visuals.


Quote from: maddriver on Jun 08, 2012, 10:03:45 AM

Why in every movie, characters wielding guns tend to aim at the body parts covered with armor, rather than exposed skin or organs?
In any event, this guy aims at the engineer's chest, covered with some sort of armor, while 3 shots in between his eyes would have been much more efficient. Aim for the head!

That was actually pretty spot on. People are trained to shoot for center mass, not the head. How was the merc supposed to know that the suit was armor? It's a lot easier to hit center mass than a head, especially when the target is moving.

Btw, why don't you complain about FTL drive and antigravity? THAT is really unrealistic.



I cant agree


1st. try to aim with a pump action shot gun from 10 meters
2nd. try to run aside from a rolling alien space ship when the only safe place is in its shadow because the parts of the prometheus are falling from everywhere
3rd. a hologram is much easier to interact with then a sound only
4th. the Fifield-Milburn part was horrific....not much how they died but how they ended up in that situation that lead to their death especially for Fifield who doesnt even want to stay in the pyramid right who doesnt even wanted to enter the pyramid at all who doesnt wanted to talk to Milburn....that was bulided up so well ;) the others besides Charlie's death well....


Quote from: maddriver on Jun 08, 2012, 10:03:45 AM
1.Ridley wants to scare the living sh*t out of the audience

I will start off with this, a more obvious aspect of the movie - the horror elements.

Prometheus is not scary. I will say that from the very beginning.
It has disturbing scenes, but I did not feel terrified, more like disturbed of what I was seeing. There was only one jump-scare moment that that was at the very end with the squidhugger.

There is a nice moment when zombie Fifield wakes up from that scary position and attacks. But the following fight is neither scary nor disturbing, mostly because I don't even know the names of the people being killed. And there isn't even any gore. The makeup was good, but it wasn't showed too much and that made the scene less interesting. In fact I was more curious about what was going to happen to zombie Fifield than the nameless redshirts being thrown around.

There was no dark corridor crawling, no dark corridors to begin with. And that is a trademark of the Alien franchise. Even the first AvP was darker than this.

However I did enjoy it as a whole, as the references and connections to the Alien franchise do make it more terrifying than it really is.

2.There is little sense of progression

Here I will have to go all-spoiler tags unfortunately.

Usually a movie changes sets as the story moves on. It gives a sense of progression alongside the new events that take place.
In Prometheus the story moves on, but there is little sense of progression mostly because the lack of scenery changes.
Allow me to elaborate:

So they are on the Prometheus when they land.
Then they go in the pyramid/ship for the first time and explore.
Then they are back on Prometheus with the severed head.
Then they go back in search for the lost crewmen.
Then they are back on Prometheus, where the infected guy gets incinerated.
Then they go back on the alien ship because Weyland says so.
Then we are inside the escape pod where the giant squidhugger shows the engineer some love.
Then Shaw goes back on the crashed ship and takes David with her.

There is way too much going back and forth in this movie and after the 2nd time they go on the engineer ship it becomes boring and uninteresting. At least in the other movies they picked a main set and stuck with it for 80% of the movie time, but here they instead chose to use the only two sets: Prometheus and Enginner ship and go back and forth, back and forth, baaack aaand fooorth...

3.What's up with all these holograms?

I honestly am becoming allergic to everything in the future having holograms and movies abusing this technology, which in my opinion is far more impractical than a normal display touch screen.

First of all we have talking holograms who teach David how to speak in ancient languages. Question: what is the purpose of having a hologram? Couldn't a simple voice interaction program be a lot more practical and less resource consuming?

Then we have the holographic Power Point Presentation (or the .HPPT file format). Again, wouldn't a simple projection on a wall be easier to understand? They're just floating pictures for God's sake!
Weyland in his home I can understand, because it is an interactive hologram. But a simple video would have sufficed here too.

Then we have every screen on board the ship as a hologram.
Holographic technology as it is depicted in most "new age" sci-fi movies is very confusing and apparently difficult to operate. Holographic screens have no background (it is transparent) making it harder to read and forcing the use of specific font colors in order to not get them confused. Because of that, you cannot project it while having a bright light (eg. a sun) in front since it becomes impossible to read.

The only practical application of a hologram in this movie is the mapping system with the floating balls with scanning lasers. That makes sense, because having a complete 3d virtual model of the scanned ship can be very, very useful.

Another hologram that bothered me was the pointless map room inside the engineer ship. Again, wouldn't a simple touch screen be more efficient and easy to operate rather than standing in the middle of the room and "grabbing" planets as they fly by?

I won't say that the holographic technology killed this movie for me, but it added too much unnecessary color and shiny stuff, in a movie that is supposed to be dark.

I am not one of those people who thinks that Prometheus should have retained the 100% retro technology from Alien.
However, in that movie Ridley tried to make technology plausible while looking both futuristic and practical for the 70's and even today.

4.Characters are stupid when the movie needs them to be

Sure, this is a common thing in movies, especially horror ones. There are only a few things I would like to point out, more obvious things.

So when the engineer wakes up and kills Weyland, someone takes a shot at it.
Why in every movie, characters wielding guns tend to aim at the body parts covered with armor, rather than exposed skin or organs?
In any event, this guy aims at the engineer's chest, covered with some sort of armor, while 3 shots in between his eyes would have been much more efficient. Aim for the head! Sure, it might not have killed it, but you wouldn't blame the poor guy for at least trying.
If the engineer was killed, then there was no need for the Prometheus to go all kamikaze on the Juggernaut.

Another obvious example of scheduled character stupidity was when Shaw and Vickers were running away from the spinning Juggernaut. It was a pointless scene, made specifically for 3D. But that is besides the point.

The ship was spinning like a coin, on the edge, so a simple running sideways would have saved them both. But instead they choose to run right in the direction of the spin. Vickers is caught and crushed under the weight of the ship. At the very last moment Shaw does the right thing and simply rolls to the right, completely avoiding the ship. See Vickers? It was that simple.

5.It doesn't know what it wants to be

Prometheus fells more like a mixed bag, as it doesn't appear to have a particular story or genre focus.

In theory, a story about Gods and the evolution of humankind can be combined with horror elements to make it a horror movie. But both of these aspects are not entire explored to their full potential. The original Alien was a bit less pretentious when it came to the ideas.
Bottom line, it was a story about a monster with sharp teeth. But the execution was brilliant!

In Prometheus it is exactly the opposite. We have a complex origin story about the human spcies, with both religious and historical events being mentioned and linked together, but the execution somehow lacked pacing, consistency and...a soul.

It can't be clearly defined, as the story is blurry at best, with no clear focus on any of these aspects.

I also found the last scene of Shaw and David taking off in an engineer ship a bit overwhelming.

Prometheus fells too pretentious in the ideas it tries to expose, which are quite complex, but not explored long enough to give a sense of accomplishment and understanding in the end.
I appreciate the relatively slow build-up instead of throwing us right in the action. That was good.

I do not want you to get the wrong idea out of this post, that I disliked the movie.
On the contrary, I enjoyed it and on a scale I would place it between Alien3 and Resurrection, definitely not AvP material here.
But there are some things that bothered me. It was not the "to be continued" ending, it was not the creature design. It was the fact that it had potential, but they did not take full advantage of it.

Alot of that is spot on! but one question

Shaw completely avoiding the ship?
Did the US get a slightly different version that the rest of us - In the one I saw Shaw very narrowly avoids having the same fate as Vickers


yup she almost died here too even after she rolled aside the ship fellt on her


QuoteThen we have the holographic Power Point Presentation (or the .HPPT file format). Again, wouldn't a simple projection on a wall be easier to understand? They're just floating pictures for God's sake!
Do you remember we are in a movie ? And a movie that uses the potential of 3D ? It's kind of funny to read so many commentaries where the fans forget that. In a futuristic setting, in a blockbuster, and, furthermore, in the most advanced starship produced (Prometheus), you can be sure you will have holograms.
The "pointless map room" in the Engineer ship is simply a great visual scene of the movie...




Quote from: LIG on Jun 08, 2012, 11:07:44 AM
Shaw completely avoiding the ship?
Did the US get a slightly different version that the rest of us - In the one I saw Shaw very narrowly avoids having the same fate as Vickers

She did avoid getting crushed right after Vickers was killed by rolling sideways. My point is that this is what they should have both tried to do from the beginning, instead of running in front of the rolling ship. The chances of survival won't be 100% in this case either, but at least there will be a chance.

After running for 20 or so seconds without think of simply turning left or right, Shawn trips and falls. With the ship closing in, she rolls to the right and avoids getting crushed. I repeat, she was able to avoid the ship by rolling sideways, while still on the ground. It is normal to assume that they could have done this while running too because you would get more speed and more control over the direction you're going.

Shawn was nearly crushed by the ship a few moments after she initially escaped. The ship tilts and starts to fall on a side. Shawn is simply standing there, looking at the massive ship slooowly tilting and then she decides to run again in a straight line, instead of moving sideways.
I found it implausible that a small rock could hold the entire weight of the Juggernaut, but Shaw had to survive because...script and all that :)



Still have no idea what to think.

Darth Vile

Darth Vile

Quote from: ThisBethesdaSea on Jun 08, 2012, 11:28:56 AM
Still have no idea what to think.

Embrace it... I bet you see it at least 3 times in the cinema...  :)

Quote from: maddriver on Jun 08, 2012, 11:18:02 AM

I found it implausible that a small rock could hold the entire weight of the Juggernaut
I don't think it did hold the entire weight... it just caused a fissure big enough for Shaw to escape.



Went to the midnight showing here in Orlando, FL.  I liked the movie for what it was.  A cool sci-fi outer space movie.  I have to say that FOX really blew it by showing WAY too much in the commercials and short features.  Most of what I seen in the commercials, really gave away a lot of the movie.

Was not impressed with the large squid creature.
Just didn't do it for me. 

Most of the character's deaths were
absolutely meaningless and lazy (from the writers of the script)

I just wish they would not have even attached the name 'Alien' to this.  Kinda bothers me that they did.  No reason to.

I really thought the character
Peter Weyland was stupid!  He seemed so fake and silly???  Just didn't seem believable at all to me.  Should have just used a really old actor for the part, and not made him to look like the sith lord.  I mean really?

The movie did seem very rushed to me in certain scenes.  Just kinda jumped and nothing else was discussed after Shaw
Has her squid baby.  Did anyone even know, or care?  Did she tell anyone?

Well, here's hoping that P2 will be the movie we wished this one would have been.....


Quote from: maddriver on Jun 08, 2012, 11:18:02 AM

Quote from: LIG on Jun 08, 2012, 11:07:44 AM
Shaw completely avoiding the ship?
Did the US get a slightly different version that the rest of us - In the one I saw Shaw very narrowly avoids having the same fate as Vickers

She did avoid getting crushed right after Vickers was killed by rolling sideways. My point is that this is what they should have both tried to do from the beginning, instead of running in front of the rolling ship. The chances of survival won't be 100% in this case either, but at least there will be a chance.

After running for 20 or so seconds without think of simply turning left or right, Shawn trips and falls. With the ship closing in, she rolls to the right and avoids getting crushed. I repeat, she was able to avoid the ship by rolling sideways, while still on the ground. It is normal to assume that they could have done this while running too because you would get more speed and more control over the direction you're going.

Shawn was nearly crushed by the ship a few moments after she initially escaped. The ship tilts and starts to fall on a side. Shawn is simply standing there, looking at the massive ship slooowly tilting and then she decides to run again in a straight line, instead of moving sideways.
I found it implausible that a small rock could hold the entire weight of the Juggernaut, but Shaw had to survive because...script and all that :)

Ah I see, got me all excited about another cut being avaliable you tease!

good point about the juggernaught, had'nt thought of that!



Quote from: LIG on Jun 08, 2012, 01:22:37 PM
Quote from: maddriver on Jun 08, 2012, 11:18:02 AM

Quote from: LIG on Jun 08, 2012, 11:07:44 AM
Shaw completely avoiding the ship?
Did the US get a slightly different version that the rest of us - In the one I saw Shaw very narrowly avoids having the same fate as Vickers

Ah I see, got me all excited about another cut being avaliable you tease!

good point about the juggernaught, had'nt thought of that!

So there are more cuts? Can you describe the scene as it was in the cut you saw?

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