Prometheus Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, May 30, 2012, 05:46:52 AM

In short, what did you think of the film?

Loved it! (5/5)
143 (32.2%)
Good, but not great (4/5)
149 (33.6%)
It was okay, nothing good (3/5)
69 (15.5%)
Didn't care for it (2/5)
30 (6.8%)
It sucked (1/5)
27 (6.1%)
Hated it! (0/5)
26 (5.9%)

Total Members Voted: 441

Prometheus Fan Reviews (Read 323,939 times)

Winkie Bear

Winkie Bear

Quote from: Kimo on Jun 01, 2012, 04:56:56 AM
Oh and another thing is that at the end of the film people were clapping... now i live in the UK and up north i never hear people clap infact this was my first time hearing people clap.

In my local (Chatham) there was some restrained clapping and whooping when the BBFC card came up, and stony silence at the end. No idea what anyone else thought (I was there alone, and most others were in big groups, mostly late teens and about three people my age - 40 - or older), but there was no clapping.



Quote from: ucdom on Jun 01, 2012, 05:01:54 AM
Quote from: Kimo on Jun 01, 2012, 04:56:56 AM
Oh and another thing is that at the end of the film people were clapping... now i live in the UK and up north i never hear people clap infact this was my first time hearing people clap.

In my local (Chatham) there was some restrained clapping and whooping when the BBFC card came up, and stony silence at the end. No idea what anyone else thought (I was there alone, and most others were in big groups, mostly late teens and about three people my age - 40 - or older), but there was no clapping.

Might be a area thing. i am from middlesbrough and had go to newcastle to watch it on the IMAX and its the first time i heard clapping at a end of a film. not everyone was clapping but a good few were. However people were going mad CLAPPING over the Spiderman trailer it looked pretty cool in 3D.



2 questions for those of you who have seen it:

How far into the film is Vickers's death? :'(
Is her death a result of being heroic and perhaps saving Shaw who had fallen?  Or does she just not manage to outrun the rolling derelict?

I'm not expecting very accurate answers and it would help if more than one person can answer me because then I have a better idea.

I'm so disappointed with the way such a badass character dies. >:( So I want to prepare myself for further disappointment if she's not in the film much.

Winkie Bear

Winkie Bear

Quote from: Vickers on Jun 01, 2012, 05:21:59 AM
2 questions for those of you who have seen it:

How far into the film is Vickers's death? :'(

Very close to the end - she's on screen a lot, but I'm not convinced her character is necessary. Charlize does a good job with what she's given though.

Is her death a result of being heroic and perhaps saving Shaw who had fallen?  Or does she just not manage to outrun the rolling derelict?

I'm not expecting very accurate answers and it would help if more than one person can answer me because then I have a better idea.

I'm so disappointed with the way such a badass character dies. >:( So I want to prepare myself for further disappointment if she's not in the film much.

Very close to the end - she's on screen a lot, but I'm not convinced her character is necessary. Charlize does a good job with what she's given though.

Nope, it's a gratuitous trip and squish.  She manages to escape the Prometheus in an escape pod, crash lands on the surface, only to be snuffed out moments later. What was the point? Why not give her a noble and heroic end commanding the Prometheus to the last?




Quote from: ucdom on Jun 01, 2012, 05:30:39 AM
Nope, it's a gratuitous trip and squish.  She manages to escape the Prometheus in an escape pod, crash lands on the surface, only to be snuffed out moments later. What was the point? Why not give her a noble and heroic end commanding the Prometheus to the last?
Because they needed that trailer shot. ::)

Winkie Bear

Winkie Bear

Quote from: Cvalda on Jun 01, 2012, 05:33:34 AM
Quote from: ucdom on Jun 01, 2012, 05:30:39 AM
Nope, it's a gratuitous trip and squish.  She manages to escape the Prometheus in an escape pod, crash lands on the surface, only to be snuffed out moments later. What was the point? Why not give her a noble and heroic end commanding the Prometheus to the last?
Because they needed that trailer shot. ::)

I only wish the movie was as thrilling as the trailers!  Ironically, the Daily Mash ran this article last week, which is rather prescient.



Quote from: ucdom on Jun 01, 2012, 05:30:39 AM
Quote from: Vickers on Jun 01, 2012, 05:21:59 AM
2 questions for those of you who have seen it:

How far into the film is Vickers's death? :'(

Very close to the end - she's on screen a lot, but I'm not convinced her character is necessary. Charlize does a good job with what she's given though.

Is her death a result of being heroic and perhaps saving Shaw who had fallen?  Or does she just not manage to outrun the rolling derelict?

I'm not expecting very accurate answers and it would help if more than one person can answer me because then I have a better idea.

I'm so disappointed with the way such a badass character dies. >:( So I want to prepare myself for further disappointment if she's not in the film much.

Very close to the end - she's on screen a lot, but I'm not convinced her character is necessary. Charlize does a good job with what she's given though.

Nope, it's a gratuitous trip and squish.  She manages to escape the Prometheus in an escape pod, crash lands on the surface, only to be snuffed out moments later. What was the point? Why not give her a noble and heroic end commanding the Prometheus to the last?


I agree.  They should have given her character a heroic end.  To have her use the escape pod only to die very shortly after, by being crushed, feels cheap.  Like something I would see in a sequel to Final Destination.  I'm happy to hear that she's in the film until very close to the end but gosh, what a way for a cool character to go.


Winkie Bear

Winkie Bear

I know, I feel that about the whole movie.   :(



Vickers is just another in a long line of

cool characters in Alien films to die suddenly and without much heroic bullshit going on. Shit, most of the marines in Aliens kick the bucket real fast in that first trip to the hive.

Shit happens. Just deal with it.



Within the context of how Vickers is portrayed in the film
a heroic end might not be the best way to go. If anything, I'd say it had been more fitting for her to bite the bullet in a showdown with Weyland himself or David... I have some ideas how this could have played out in context with the characters, but I'll sit on it for now...

PS Vickers - your new set is just LOL  ;D



Quote from: Eva on Jun 01, 2012, 07:35:33 AM
Within the context of how Vickers is portrayed in the film
a heroic end might not be the best way to go. If anything, I'd say it had been more fitting for her to bite the bullet in a showdown with Weyland himself or David... I have some ideas how this could have played out in context with the characters, but I'll sit on it for now...

PS Vickers - your new set is just LOL  ;D

I'm really curious to see how everything plays out in the movie.  I've read things regarding the ending - I know a few major plot details but I still haven't read everything.  So hopefully there's surprises yet. :P  I'm glad to see you enjoyed the film despite its flaws.  And I can't wait to see that opening scene either.

P.S. Thanks. ;D



I'll write a longer review after work today. I saw it at midnight last night and I'd give it 4/5. Catch you later.



Good things about the movie:

-Visually and aurally (the sound not the musical score) it was a stunning experience....truly breathtaking.....and the 3D, to my happy surprise, actually enhanced it....I didnt find it 'too dark' or 'a distraction' at all, as some other reviewers complained of (I didnt see it at an IMAX theatre either)

-On a big screen and in 3D, the exterior shots of the Prometheus ship itself were phenomenal, especially the shots during space travel

-Engineer and human tech were both beautiful and fascinating, as was the set design

-David and Shaw - 2 interesting characters that you cared about and were very well played

-Logan Marshall Green was nowhere near as bad nor as cringeworthy as the trailers and clips had me believe - the editing in those short clips makes his performance come across as far worse than it actually is


-The 1st half of the movie was far superior to the second IMO

Bad things about the movie:

-Superfluous and seemingly pointless roles of much of the cast, including major characters with star billing

-Truly gigantic plot holes

-Nonsensical and/or completely unbelievable actions, behaviour and reactions of many of the characters, given the extreme 'once in a lifetime' type situations they find themselves in......'scientists' being completely unscientific and acting like disinterested juveniles was a major standout for me

-The Engineers while being a highly evolved and technologically incredibly advanced race of beings, able to traverse light years at will,  manipulate DNA and seed life throughout the Universe, are yet portrayed as mindless, thuggish, homicidal morons - the bog standard, done to death Hollywood  'Aliens are gonna kill us all' cliche is alive and well in Prometheus

-'Mohawk mutant' was laughable and fulfilled all my negative 'redneck space mutant' pre-release expectations

-All creatures with the exception of the hammerpedes looked, how can I put this ?.............shit !

This movie absolutely needed a huge injection of Giger when it came to the creature designs

The octopus looked every bit as bad, cliched and comical as I thought it would, and another supposedly big creature reveal looked like something out of a cheesy comic horror movie  -half the audience actually laughed during this scene

-A 'birth' scene that smacked of a totally cynical, and in my mind pointless, attempt to try and 'trump' or 'outgross' the Kane chestburster scene in 'Alien'

-Extremely average and completely forgettable musical score

-Is in no way a 'standalone' movie as claimed when the ending is so blatantly a setup for a sequel

Overall I'd give the movie a 6/10 and I have no desire at all to see it again

If I was purely rating the 1st half of the movie up to the 'birth' scene then itd be a 9/10
The 2nd half was pretty much all downhill from there on as far as I'm concerned

A HEAVY hands on involvement by Giger, a decent scriptwriter...i.e. NOT Lindelof, and a more imaginative and accomplished composer than Streitenfeld could have lead to something far more interesting than this disappointing final result



So yeah, saw it at the mindnight screening in Leicester Square last night...

(some big spoilers herein, I guess *INCLUDING INCREDIBLY SPOILERY MS PAINT DIAGRAM!*)


It's the fourth best Alien film, after Alien 3 but over Resurrection.

I'm going to get the negatives over with first, 'cause I want some absolution from them!

It's a B-Movie in the way the originals never were. That's not to say that they didn't have B-movie origins, however enough was left unsaid and mysterious for them to transcend those origins. Prometheus cannot achieve this, as Ridley has adopted an entirely different approach to his direction. Where Alien played out like a documentary, everyone in Prometheus waits for their turn to speak, and often then trot out very rote sci-fi cliches. Kate Dickie in particular gives an outstandingly bad performance during the landing sequence which derails all the grandeur therein. Sean Harris too overdoes the old Cock-er-nee to ludicrous effect. He even makes Clive Mantle's "lawd luv a duck!" accent in Alien 3 sound passable! (However, as an Englishman I can't hear the problem with Idris Elba's accent that many talked about, so maybe that stuff is subjective) It's a real shame, because a bit of naturalism could have really upped the quality.

The score just drove me barmy. Non-stop bloody noise ALL THE WAY THROUGH. Again, all of the quiet tension of the originals is jettisoned for BAM! BAM! BAM! It's really disconcerting, and makes the film incredibly hard to reconcile with the others. One of the better moments comes when the flippin' score abruptly stops in the juggernaut cockpit. More of that and it'd be a lot better.

The plot itself has so many dead ends and holes you're left feeling that it must have been butchered in the edit. The whole thing feels ridiculously rushed from beginning to end, even at two hours. I wouldn't be surprised at all if there was a three hour version coming down the pike on blu-ray. We never see the snakes again after their attack on Milburn. A newborn alien creature is just left in a room and forgotten about until the plot requires it comes back. Fifield is a killer super zombie... because he is. Things just seem to happen, for no good reason. I'm loathe to blame the writers at this point, as I can't shake the feeling that some heavy editing has gone on. I don't think I've ever seen a Lindelof thing before, so I certainly have none of the hate for him that seem de rigeur. It felt chopped up, not badly plotted, although I could be totally wrong! In which case, hang your heads in shame spaihts and lindelof!

It doesn't feel like a Ridley Scott film. It doesn't even feel like a Tony Scott film. All of that beautiful painterly framing is gone. It feels like someone doing the best impression of various Kubrick moments. It's really weird. Come back smoke machine, all is forgiven!

And the proto-xeno. Oh dear god, the proto-xeno. You know the adage that a picture speaks a thousand words? Well then:

Yep, that's him. A fleshy cross between the things from The Descent and a traffic cone. Whoo.

Despite my long belief that the film was better off ploughing it's own furrow, it really, REALLY misses the xenomorph and Giger. Ridley has thrown the baby out with the bathwater, really - in losing the best part of the franchise, he's lost the true otherworldliness. The controls on the Juggernaut are laughably badly designed. The whole thing is screaming for Giger to come along and make it beautiful. Odd. Sadly, I can't help but feel that if any sequels are forthcoming  they need the xenomorph back, but I know many will disagree. There's just nothing frightening here.

And there is no final eight minute "Oh yeah!" thing, that's just cobblers. There is what is essentailly a trailer for a sequel and the squishy grey bit of fan service above that would please no fan. Skills, Sir Rid, skills.

However, it has plenty of interesting moments. Despite her inglorious demise, Charlize Theron plays a blinder as Vickers - the vulnerability comes through well, and she's much more likeable really than Shaw, if only because she acts like a sensible human being in the main. If her motivation is "these people are idiots and my dad is an egomaniacal arse" then she does all you could with that. she has some lovely moments with Idris Elba, who is also grand. Harking back to Skerritt, but a different class of laid back. He feels like a character from an Alien movie. It's good to have him around. the rest of the cast are a bit interchangable, although it does seem is though LMG is playing a vainglorious idiot, rather than can't act, for the doubters. Some more time with all of them would have been welcomed. Seriously, it is easier to know the characters in Alien 3 than in this.

As everyone is saying, though, Michael Fassbender is wonderful. He is worth the entry price alone, and is a magnificent addition to the series. As a midpoint between Ash and Bishop the film comes to life whenever he is around. And the unanswered question of what he really says to the jockey is one of the film's more interesting questions. It is genuinely worth going to see the film just for David. If they'd done away with all the monsters and just had David vs. the humans. vs. the Jockey in some philosophical tug of war, it'd be a better film.

There are some lovely and surprising callbacks to Aliens as well as Alien - the LV designation for planets is in, as is the 'building better worlds' slogan. It feels good to be back in that world. To lesser effect there is even a variant on the classic, "Drake! We are leaving!". Hammy, but a nice acknowledgment of a world beyond just Scott's original.

Now, this all sounds like a real drubbing, but I did enjoy it. It's a good film, and it's an entertaining watch. It just can't live up to the classics it is following. I don't think anyone ever really thought it would, really. I'm really hoping for an extended cut, and I'm intrigued as to where the series could go from here. I'll go see it again next week at a more civilised hour and when I've let the dust settle and see how I feel then. But yeah, do go and see it, it is worth it, just don't expect a masterpiece. This is a flawed film, but much better than anything we've seen from the series since 1992.

As an afterword, my partner Donna really enjoyed it, and although she knows the first two Alien movies, is in no way fanatical about them. I think it probably does work better if you aren't so close to the source material. to fans I'm afraid it's following up the ceiling of the Cistine Chapel with an incredibly impressive photoshop of the Cistine Chapel. Both are objectively enjoyable, but only one is truly wonderful, y'know?

Short version: Very flawed, it feels mostly through editing choice and some dreadful scoring. However, not a bad film in and of itself. I enjoyed it and Fassbender is wonderful. The fourth best Alien movie after Alien 3.



Do we see young Shaw in flashbacks or holographic memory screens?  Also, where do we see Patrick Wilson?

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