More Predators Images

Started by Corporal Hicks, Mar 13, 2010, 06:03:24 PM

More Predators Images (Read 10,190 times)



so i think Fishborn will be some sort of "Predator Killer" cause in one of the shots he's got a helmet made out of predators mask and wearing predator's wrist computer strapped to his wrist. Plus the gun that he carrying is definitely not human technology.



I do not believe for a second that the photo of the insect is one of the Predator's "falcons" they keep mentioning. If it's labeled as such, it's wrong. This isn't what they're refering to.

Gnome Smasher

Gnome Smasher

There's an article about Predators on and from reading some of the article I believe that the concept art of that predator with the smaller head, gun, and ragady clothes is maybe a concept art of Laurence Fishburne's character.



Thats not a Predator.  Thats a Human with a Predator mask.



From the AOL SXSW write up:

As if to prove his point, Rodriguez screened just one more piece of footage, a scene in which the human warriors survive an attack only to face down another adversary – a decidedly human-sized Predator who skillfully gets the drop on the group. As the foe keeps him in his crosshairs, Brody's character asks, "what the f*ck are you?" To which the creature responds by removing his helmet and revealing none other than Laurence Fishburne. As the rest of the group looks on quizzically, Fishburne offers an introduction: "I'm the one that got away," he says. "The one you don't f*ck with."



I dont like any of the images of this really stupid movie. flying insects with wrist blades on their ass and a weird looking pred-dog. i really think this movie is gonna bomb and all of you fans who have high hopes for this movie will be disappointed but maybe some would like it especially the younger generations. We all had high hopes for the AVP movies and they were destroyed by fox and fox is doing it again with Predators.

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