Arnie Cameo for Predators?

Started by Darkness, May 22, 2009, 07:16:43 PM

Arnie Cameo for Predators? (Read 15,774 times)



Personally, I just don't like Schwarzenegger.  I don't like him, at all.   He's not particularly good at acting, and always plays the same character role of someone who seems like an utter utter moron.  He just gets on my nerves really.  Don't just put him there for the sake of putting him there, it'll just worsen the film in my opinion.



Arnie shouldn't disgrace himself to show his face in this movie. It's going to be bollox beyond recognition



Awwwh this gets worse by the minute. Arnie should only be in a film that will directly relate to his character and the his story. Not just show up in the movie for no damn reason. This film is going to be bollock juggling at its best. That Script outline was worse then AVPR

Rudy M Alapag Jr

Rudy M Alapag Jr

what about his governership saving California? let's have different people playing different characters? with a different story?much like a reboot:like how the Preds came about to Earth?just my suggestion.



Christ I hope he does cameo!



  8)   i would think so also, Purebreedalien. i would like to see Arnie again in "Predators" like Mcg did with Arnie in TERMINATOR SALVATION even though u guys haven't seen T:SALVATION yet. But go see it, if u guys have the time. I don't want to spoil it for all of u. Happy PredHunting.



The concept of having Dutch in the film aswell as it being set in the 17th century both got mentioned, and all you focused on was Arnie's cameo?  They aint time travellers - amusing to see everyone moan about it though.

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